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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. Magda seems to be quite the hypocrite. I'm sure she's not going to remain faithful to her long distance boyfriend, especially with several crew members already drooling over her. Jamie didn't need to disrespect Tumi and Britini just because he was shut down in his pursuit of Magda. Hopefully, his attitude toward other crew members improve.
  2. Wow! This just goes to prove how well-known and famous Diana is. Even the creator of SpongeBob Squarepants has been inspired by her! ๐Ÿ˜‰
  3. I'm wondering if Sandy also misunderstood the term A/C. She made a comment about hoping for cooler weather or some kind of cool weather front (sorry, I don't remember the direct quote.)
  4. The first scene with the yacht rocking from side to side seemed really dangerous. It was seriously de-stablized. I would be afraid of it tipping over. On WWHL, Sandy said that it was not uncommon for the stabilizers to malfunction. On the episode, she mentioned that it was dangerous to crew and guests, due to the rocking, so I guess tipping over is not really an issue. I wonder if the chef burned himself while grabbing hot pots and pans. I noticed his hand was bandaged.
  5. Yes, and I was very unhappy when I saw Tasha wearing glasses in her cabin. NOW, how will I tell them apart?
  6. I don't like how Raygan is "leading" her crew- she is being portrayed as lazy and ineffective. That said, she did absolutely nothing to warrant that guest's criticism. She merely answered his questions matter of factly. Perhaps she should have been fawning all over him, since these guests are paying lots of money for the charter, but her actions did not deserve his ire.
  7. This must be a reference to a different episode. I didn't see any of those meals prepared. This episode, chef prepared some gigantic Alaskan crab legs and tomahawk steaks. I find his attitude bad, but I am going to reserve judgement on his cooking for the time being. His dinner appetizers looked high end. He doesn't seem to want to please the guests or prove himself (like the way Marcos did). I think they cast Magda because she is a model. She may believe that the only requirement for a stew on a superyacht is good looks, but I think she will find out it is a lot of hard work and good service. She was having trouble carrying provisions and almost fell. Hope she can step up to the plate!
  8. I can understand that because it takes a while to get to know the housewives. I had the trickiest time telling Lisa and Meredith apart on RHSLC until I honed in on some specific features they each had in particular. Here's what I have noted with these ladies: (some of this is "tongue in cheek" ๐Ÿ˜‰) Caroline Stanbury: white, teeth, bitchy (hopefully it's just prewedding jitters) Caroline Brooks: confident, 1 son, bad wigs Chanel Ayan: skinny, model, OTT fashions Lesa: the youngest, fashion designer, mom of 3 boys Nena: cultured, likes crystals and fries, deep voice Sara: Emirate, social warrior, plumped lips
  9. I agree with everything you said. Sandy wants to rehab her image and she is going to appear to be more of a team player this season. I will watch to see what disasters she will be dealt. It's starting out with being short of deckhands the first day and Sandy having to pitch in. Now the stabilizers aren't working. The previews look crazy! I'm here for it!
  10. On WWHL, Caroline B said that Adam's father went to boarding school and she was considering it, but has since decided against it. She said that Stanbury's experience with boarding school was helpful in making her decision. She also clarified why she went off on Sara and her friends. She said she asked for Sara's opinion on "boarding school" specifically and should have kept her opinions to herself about tucking in her child at bedtime. I think Sara does come across as judgmental and "holier than thou," but she made some good points at Brooks' dinner, in my opinion. Brooks just came off as crazy, but I guess she can blame that on being a mama bear (although the others weren't criticizing her child, they were advocating for him.)
  11. I believe it is due to all the lip filler. I've seen Rinna do it often, too, though nobody compares to Diana. I have read a little about it online and with some lip procedures, the inner part that is usually kept moist inside the mouth is now exposed and feels dry all the time. I'm no expert, but this is my take.
  12. I didn't watch LOL, so I have not seen Caroline Stanbury before this, but I am surprised at her downward trajectory on this series. I was disgusted at how she humiliated Sergio at the event last episode, simply for chatting with her coworkers. And, this episode, she is showing her true colors by saying she won't raise their child because she's already done that. She doesn't want to sit with Sergio's family more than once and didn't want to get married in the first place. Either she's acting for the show, or she is a vile person and Sergio needs to run far and run fast! On the other hand, my esteem for Chanel is growing. Yes, she is over the top, but her love for her family is genuine and that says a lot about a person. She's probably turning it up for the show, but she is entertaining to watch!
  13. I am so glad that Jinkx is slaying it, with her many talents AND runways! I couldn't handle it if she didn't get a spot in the finale, after all her wins and top placements. I really loved the roasts and runway looks. I thought Yvie and Raja both were deserving of being in the top, as well as Shea, who has been doing very well consistently, but hasn't been chosen to be in the top two, except the first episode. Oh, and I liked The Viv's roast and runway look, too. (Oh, my! I guess I liked them all!) I'm glad Trinity was able to redeem herself with a hilarious roast, but I wasn't overwhelmed with her runway look. It was very colorful and exuberant, but I thought it looked kind of -dare I say- cheap? Vegas-y is a word I would use. Monet's dress was gorgeous, though I liked both hers and Jaida's best in the light- the colors were stunning! Twists are a'coming! Who knows what will happen next?!
  14. I completely agree that the Faux Farce 5 have an agenda to bring down the popular housewives, out of jealousy and to keep their status. This was so apparent with LVP and Denise and now we see them excusing Erika and their coven while calling out Garcelle and Sutton on every behavior. The FF5 have reduced this show to a gang up, making "Mean Girls" look meek, in comparison. Despite Kyle being the OG of this particular series, I am referring to Garcelle as the queen of RHBH. She has the talent, integrity and class to wear the crown! I'm hoping Garcelle, Sutton, Crystal and now Sheree will enjoy their best lives on the show and ignore the others. #WaterOffADucksBack
  15. Remember several seasons ago, she wore a hat in almost every scene? I wondered, at the time, if she was covering some treatments for hair loss. Some people can experience hair loss from wearing tight ponytails and similar styles (traction alopecia). It was pure speculation on my part, though.
  16. Wow! This show just gets better and better! I loved the runway reveals. Each queen had something beautiful, unique and special about their pieces. I was in awe of most of them, though I favored Jinkx because of the beautiful art references. I would love to know how the viral videos were received by the general public on social media. It would be interesting to see what kind of engagement each queen received after several months.
  17. You can say that, again! I work with middle schoolers and many of the girls are wearing those long and thick false eyelashes to class. It seems so crazy to me. They probably have gorgeous lashes under those things. I'll just wait, with my skimpy eyelashes and sensitivity for lash glue, for this trend to pass...
  18. If you are still interested, Garcelle has a copy she may be willing to part with! ๐Ÿ˜‚
  19. I liked Andy's comment: just because she's not here, doesn't mean we are not going to talk about her. She was the topic of many questions and answers. If she had shown up, she could have provided her viewpoint or defended herself. But, I'm sure she didn't want to face the music.
  20. I really appreciate this forum- everyone's comments and opinions are respected, even when people disagree. I expressed a similar feeling about Gary coming on too strong in the workplace and that may be problematic in the future or in a different, non reality show setting, in the reddit sub and I was downvoted to oblivion. I'm not anti-Gary at all, but I found a few of his scenes cringeworthy (I'm aware that we see an edited version). He is better than last season, but I would love to see him slow his roll.
  21. I love your post! I think Trinity wanted to block someone that has some stars that hasn't been blocked yet. She's smart to play the game strategically because if the queens go after Jinkx relentlessly, fans will be upset. If Jinkx doesn't make it to the final 4 due to blocking, it will be seen as unfair, with the talent she has displayed in the challenges. If she does make it to the final four, I agree that a laugh-off would be the way to go! ๐Ÿ˜‰
  22. Stanbury was definitely over served at the party. She showed her true colors when Sergio was talking to Ayan and Lesa, even though he was trying to mend fences. I couldn't believe her comment to Lesa- it demeans her husband and shows how low she can go.
  23. Sutton needs to watch her back from all angles (except Garcelle) because I don't trust any of those women. I can understand why she wants to make nice with Crystal and Erika since it can be tiring to be in the cross-hairs week after week, but they've both shown how fake their "friendships" are with her. Diana has it out for her and I see more of the same continuing. Dorit, Rinna, and Kyle are not to be trusted, either. They've all had issues with Sutton and just support their clique.
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