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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. And his last fight, according to these stats, was in August, 2021. I'm sure Ari put the kibosh on his MMA dream pretty fast so he could do something that could possibly earn money. He did win both of his fights, though.
  2. It may not count for much with the judges, but for the viewing public, I think most of us watch for the looks and runways. I cringe my way through many of the "acting" challenges (though I have a feeling the All Winners season may surprise me.) And I agree, stunning looks!
  3. Wow! If this is true, that means: 1. Erika was probably pressuring Tom for money for all her luxuries all the time and that MAY have contributed to his thievery. "Not so innocent." 2. Maybe she will learn from this and tone down her demands for the next guy. 3. Beware: Erika is on the prowl for SugarDaddy Number Next.
  4. I laughed hysterically when they were discussing the contractor! They always amuse me with their recaps and imitations of the Housewives. They do a great recap of Top Chef, too.
  5. Let's face it. We all would (as much as some of us wouldn't like to admit it. 😉)
  6. Oh, no! I have to leave this fun snarkfest and go watch sports with my husband. It’s a big night: NBA playoffs (Go, Warriors!) and soccer finals (Team Club América!) i had a blast!
  7. Ethiopian coffee is the bomb! It’s a whole ritual from roasting the beans to brewing it. So rich!
  8. Probably in it’s entirety. They will move away from his parents to a larger, trendier city, Miona will start her “modeling” career and end up as a professional wrestler…
  9. Of all the things she could find to complain about with those two!
  10. Thank goodness Nikki finally escaped from his clutches!
  11. I'm in complete agreement, but one after another of the ladies falls for him, in the face of upcoming drama and all! I'm trying to come up with some of Gary's assets to make sense of the senseless: 1. He's fun to be around and can be witty. 2. He is charming to the ladies, even though his attention is surface level. 3. He seems like a harmless fling, as long as you're not looking for a commitment (beyond a week or two!) 4. He presents himself as competent at his job, which can be a turn on for some women (but the other remaining men seem great at what they do, too.)
  12. I'm going to chime in, too, about "The Monster at the End of This Book." I must have read it at least 100 times to my sister when she was small. It was such fun to read! I guess that book made a lasting impression on many of us!
  13. And this time, Jinkx doesn't have to deal with Rolaskatox-ic. I can't wait to see what she brings to the competition. She has been my favorite since her season. Your comment reminded me of the "addition" of Raven. I fell for that whole thing! She looked stunning, though, and I loved the reveal!
  14. I prefer to call it "Gala-gate." It has more flair! 😉 With a garnish of rat feces!
  15. I subscribed to Paramount Plus just so I could watch this Winner's Season of All Stars. It was so great to see these legends return and they all brought their A Game. I also loved The Vivienne's entrance look, as well as Jaida's. The runway looks were amazing, but standouts for me were Shea, Raja, Yvie. I would not want to be in the judges' chairs for this season- too difficult! I really hope all the queens are having fun and loving every moment.
  16. I agree, but some people were responding to his statement about losing $1000 per day each time he goes to Brazil. I'm wondering if he is factoring in his sales, commissions and maybe expenses to go to Brazil. Plus, he could be rounding up for emphasis.
  17. I saw the video again yesterday, as well and noticed a couple of things. Someone referred to "Sutton's table" in the audio, clear as day. Also, I think that was Jennifer Tilly next to Sutton and her date- a good friend of Sutton. So, I'm pretty convinced Sutton purchased the table. Lisa and Harry were sitting there, based on the video evidence, provided by Lisa. We know Sutton donated about $77,000 to the event. The Hamlins are not on record as donating anything that year.
  18. Ha! I was thinking of the pea puree, too! I'm glad you brought it up!
  19. It's interesting to see that many posters don't care for LCK. I personally enjoy it and wish it were on the regular tv feed. I find it fast paced and fun, and we certainly got to see more of Tom's personality, especially this season (I found him curiously quiet on Top Chef, lately). But, for me the best part of LCK is that a chef can have another chance at redemption. This is especially helpful in this competition, which bases the elimination on the last meal cooked and not the whole body of the chef's work thus far. Any chef can have a bad day, forget a spice or leave an ingredient in the shopping cart, but at least there is still the possibility of reentering the competition, or at least cooking a decent meal for Tom. I feel badly when one of the top achieving chefs makes an error that sends them "home," but the blow is softened by LCK. I've even wished other competition shows would use a format like this so the contestants they cut could battle back into the competition. Just my 2 cents...
  20. Thank goodness they finally started catching some fish- they had me nervous for a while there. I'm sad to see Nick go...he is a very talented chef and I look forward to hearing more about him and his Mississippi culinary creations in the future. It sounded like his flavors were spot on, but the taco was dry and the fish cake didn't come together, due to his forgetting his binder. He can go home proud of his accomplishments and buy his mom a new Mercedes with all that cash he won! I'm still rooting for Damarr and Evelyn, but would be happy with a win by any of them. Buddha is so creative and Sarah is a fighter. I'm looking forward to the finale!
  21. Right before the new episode each week, there is an episode called Never Before Seen Scenes, I believe - which is repeating 57 minutes of last weeks episode and 3 minutes of extra scenes. I fast forward through the episode, keeping an eagle eye out for a pink label in the upper left corner, which shows which scenes haven't been aired yet. There are usually 2-4 extra scenes included, and I have found them interesting. A lot of them this season have been Gary flirting with Daisy.
  22. An online sleuth (forgot her name) shared the records from the EJ Aids Benefit Gala and it was explicitly stated, among all the other donors, that Sutton paid around $77,000 for the table. (I'm relying on my memory for that figure, but it's close to that.) Also, Lisa and Harry sat at Sutton's table, at her invitation. And, is Lisa's point that she goes to the gala every year without donating any money for her tickets? Not a winning look, either. It is a fundraiser, after all.
  23. As long as a designer label is marketing them for thousands, it's all good. 😉
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