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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. Hey Bunkies! I'm decked out in my best leathers, jacked up on blueberry coffee, and am ready to play Dungeons and Dragons snark with you!
  2. I've been listening to the Pink Shade Podcast. They do a very funny recap of LAL, including multiple references to "Turry." It was LOL.
  3. That was a very interesting episode. I thought the challenge was pretty tricky, although the chefs didn't overthink it, like I would have done, and made some very tasty dishes. There seemed to be a clear cut divide between the top chefs and the bottoms this week. The chefs receiving the harshest critiques all made several mistakes on their dishes. I was hoping that Damarr would get to stay and I think he probably did by the slightest margin. It's time to pull out those recipes you've been saving, Damarr- you are getting down to the wire. I will miss Jae and hope she does well in LCK.
  4. She said in one of her talking heads that she is not as trusting of him after this experience and who can blame her? What a terrible decision he made!
  5. Miona doesn't realize it now, but she will get way more attention (she strikes me as someone who craves attention, as does Jibri) in little ol' Rapid City than LA. Girls like her are a dime a dozen in the Los Angeles area and she is just one more Kardashian klone. If she stays in SD or some other small town, she could put herself on that pedestal so much easier...
  6. Well, bunkies, it's been great! I've got to go work that pole, my mom's new hubby is flat broke...
  7. Yolanda is saying all the things we've been saying in this group!
  8. I call scam on the new trend of pole dancing exercise for fitness. Arienne's breastesses are not firm!
  9. Rick's roomie has a whole wardrobe of skull shirts, skull sweaters, etc.
  10. What's really sad is how they are really, really high during their talking heads, which are usually filmed a little later. This is a contrast to how some of them are right after prison and it's really sad. For example, Martel seemed healthy at first, but can't even keep his eyes open in talking heads, same with Branwin and many others.
  11. Thank you, producers, for gifting us with a phone call from brother Indie.
  12. They are probably going to save Yolanda's scene for the last 15 seconds of the show. 😒
  13. Branwin could have taken these four months to connect with her daughter and continue to talk to Chazz long distance, but she decided to get married on her first day out. Stupid thinking.
  14. Her daughter has lived with her a total of 6 months in her life. They are virtual strangers and Braindim probably didn't influence her daughter much at all, despite them having the same careers.
  15. When I want roses and white picket fences, I check out the 23 year old prisoners, too.
  16. Yolanda: "Girl, please" Us: We've been saying that to her all this time!!!
  17. @Pepper Mostly, I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. Hopefully your typing fingers won't be affected, for all our sakes! 😉
  18. What a great episode! It had everything- amazing food, creativity, passion and soul! I had really hoped the judges would not send anyone home tonight due to the fact that they said there was no bad dish and the dishes were all so personal and inspired by beloved family members. I know I said it was Luke's time to go last week, but I was glad he left on a high note, having two good dishes this time. I was excited by his selection of a frikadeller, as that is one of my childhood favorites and only get to eat it once a year when I travel back home and visit my "second mom."
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