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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. Congrats to Jinkx and Raja and all the stunning queens for bringing it this season. I started out the season with Jinkx and Raja as my favorites and every week I was amazed by all the talent everyone brought. It was great seeing my favorites do so well in so many challenges and runways, but everyone was competing at such a level that it was nearly impossible to decide on a top two each week. I'm overjoyed at the outcome and hope that ALL these gifted queens continue with their high level of excellence and success.
  2. I'm a little disappointed by Lesa's talking heads this week. I really liked her, but she's being very shady and not very nice. Maybe they were told to pick up the drama for ratings. Ayan is completely OTT with her fashions, but she does bring the comedy! This is the second time Sergio has said something completely ignorant about IVF and pregnancy. He really is a Himbo.
  3. I have to agree that Erika's playing up this part for the cameras. She wants a redemption season because her "victim" season last year fell flat. She has conveniently dropped all the lies she told about not speaking to Tom (yet, didn't apologize to Garcelle for coming unglued at her last season for mentioning the conversation where she admits to talking to him). I don't believe for a second that she bumped her head after the party. She is so adept at lying, she is giving me "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" vibes.
  4. I'm a little late to the party, thanks to a recent vacay, but Miona recently posted about her new makeup brushes that she is hawking. Trouble is, she bought the product from AliBaba, branded it with her name (AliBaba did that for her) and increased the price by 600%. She is following Yara's footsteps. (Despite all the online backlash, the general public must be buying this stuff for each successive 90 Day influencer to follow the same strategy.)
  5. Judging from the comments, there are quite a few of us in this group that loved punk. I was completely thrilled just hearing Sanjit naming some bands that I liked. I used to go to all the concerts and even spent some time backstage with The Clash, which was my favorite. No one who knew me casually as a mild mannered kindergarten teacher would have thought!
  6. I just read an article yesterday quoting Kyle as saying she would do anything to have Teddi back on the show. I KNEW the Faux Farce Five were trying to gang up on Sutton so she would leave. Same old sh**, different day.
  7. Get ready for a happy surprise, then, because I have a feeling she is coming back when Raygan gets her walking papers.
  8. I could see a promotion for Storm, but I don't think Mzi is ready to be bosun. I wonder if the producers would consider a demotion for Raygan- that could produce added drama if she had to work on the deck and take orders from one of her previous crew. Anything but Malia returning, please.
  9. Now this is something I would love to see!! πŸ˜‚
  10. I have a sinking feeling that they are setting up Raygan so that Malia can waltz in and save the day. This has been done before with Chef Ben taking over for an appalling chef- Mila? All the signs point to it.
  11. I really liked Natasha and felt she has many talents as a chief stew, but I'm not pleased with the way she is treating Dave. He had too much to drink and acted rude and jealous toward Jason, but seeing him cry himself to sleep was disturbing. I'm glad he apologized to Jason and Natasha the next day. I think he is In over his head. I can't believe Natasha's feelings for him are as strong.
  12. Most of the chefs on the different Below Deck shows really want to impress the guests. They strive to cook creatively and try to make it the best experience possible. Ryan is happy with mediocrity. His food seems to be well received by the guests and I'm guessing it is tasty, but he doesn't have the passion of Marcos, Rachel or even Ben. If he were on the Med, Sandy would be in his kitchen on the regular and telling him it's not 5 star cuisine. I hope he ups his game, but I don't have high expectations.
  13. Remember their last scene? He was angry and told the camera crew to stop filming. They may be personas non grata after that.
  14. I love the Flight of the Conchords! But, I don't think Asher is trying to be hilarious on purpose!
  15. I understand your point and all of these shenanigans do increase engagement on social media. I'm one of those viewers that is putting far too much importance on the title and prize. I would love to see it go to someone who has won a lot of the challenges and displayed excellence throughout the competition. I actually think all of the queens brought such a high level of talent and drag excellence this year and loved that we were able to enjoy them every week. My preference would be to split up the winnings to all- which is a ridiculous notion in a competition show. I just have to accept that the decision rests with Ru and hope that the queens are happy with their season and have increased opportunities.
  16. I can just picture the typical Beverly Hills Housewife gathering her family around her. "Oh, Gee! I bought another Birkin today- let's call the photographer and get a family portrait to memorialize this moment in time!"
  17. I was LOLing at their impersonation of Sutton, calling everything a mf'er. πŸ˜‚. I can only imagine how Miss Southern Hospitality and Manners is regretting that particular utterance. Don't get me wrong, Diana would have driven me to that and more, but it just strikes me as hilarious when Ronnie and Ben bring it up every time they recap Sutton!
  18. Yes! In the name of drama, this whole competition was rendered pointless. What a shame! To give out 3 stars for one performance (not even a runway to influence the decision) is invalidating all the other challenges that came before. I was so happy to watch this season until now. I'm always disappointed with All Stars because the winning/eliminations are not based on merit or how a particular queen did, but on a social game, and now on a whim. I'm still happy I was able to see these wonderful queens bring their A games this season, but again the ending is ruined for me.
  19. What really got me was fawning over the plastic license plate holder! πŸ˜‚
  20. I'm sure Sutton would have made a donation, but didn't want to upstage Diana's moment, as we already know how she would respond to that! πŸ˜‰ Here's my question: JLC was promoting her new nonprofit company, My Hand in Yours, which raises money for the Children's Hospital. Why would Kyle say that she was donating $25,000 to the "Kyle Richards and Jamie Lee Curtis Fund for Children's Hospital?" It sounds self-grandizing and seems like it would be far better of Kyle to say, "I'm making a donation to your new nonprofit to get the ball rolling," or something along those lines. Why start a new specific fund named after yourself and JLC, when she is introducing her nonprofit?
  21. Someone is trying to make an impression on their new reality show! Re: distinguishing the new cast- I posted a "cheat sheet" on the last episode's message board. πŸ˜‰
  22. Brooks asked for her opinion on boarding schools, but became offended when Sara offered an unsolicited opinion about her not tucking in her son, and saying she should spend more time with him. I think Sara is completely tone deaf when proffering her sage advice to any and every one, but Brooks went completely crazy on her, making herself look worse in the end. I felt bad for her lifelong friends getting yelled at, as well. It didn't make any sense to me that Brooks is now upset with Nina. She needs to deal with the Sara drama directly and leave Nina out of it. Why would you have everyone wear white to an engagement party in the desert in the first place? Yes, there is sand there. It will get everywhere and white doesn't seem to be the best color for frolicking in the sand, and especially not when the bride gets offended that others are trying to upstage her in their white dresses, which she told them to wear!
  23. The laxative comment is not only triggering to those with Eating Disorders, but I sincerely hope no one hears this and tries this "tip." It was very irresponsible of Bravo to air it. At least Crystal briefly addressed it in her talking head, but not enough was done to inform viewers of the potential harm of laxative abuse.
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