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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. Regarding their suitcases and unpacking for them: I can see a few extra clothing options for special nights and casual days, but 2 or 3 full suitcases does seem ridiculous, especially when asking the crew to unpack everything. It's even worse when the guests request that all their clothes be steamed or ironed, when they will be wearing only a fraction of them. They should be more specific and just ask about the items they will actually be wearing.
  2. The first thing I thought of when Storm was having radio issues is that production messed with his walkie talkie. Then, in the previews when the stabilizers went out again, I thought that the producers purposely found a boat with issues. More drama! I think I'm becoming too jaded to watch reality tv. 😉
  3. In light of his views on IVF, it's a good thing he didn't get a degree in biology or medicine!!
  4. Not to be defending Stanbury, but I believe she discussed on the show that she went to boarding schools at a very young age and it was not a good experience for her. I would be surprised if she sent her kids to boarding schools after that trauma.
  5. She shouldn't have any problem sexing up her hubby then, because she is high as a kite on opiates. Reminds me of Martel last season...
  6. Wow! Lots of spoilers on here. There is a spoiler cover if you all want to use it, just in case people want to be surprised. But, then, there may not be much to talk about if we are not guessing identities. The production value is really high- new set and fancy dance numbers, but I agree that it is missing the element of getting to know the contestants and seeing their transformations. I'll keep watching, but not sure it is meeting my expectations.
  7. I'm sure she gets the tea directly from bestie Kyle. And skews everything in favor of the FF5. But, it was interesting reading their take on what happened. It seems like the Housewives want us to believe they are all just acting on a tv show. Thank you, Slakkie, for listening to Teddi, so we don't have to! 😉
  8. "Diana's child bride" 😂😂😂. I'm going to have to start reading the Vulture recaps!
  9. If some of us in this forum question Rinna's sincerity, we are not being mean TO Rinna. She is not a member of the forum, bless her heart- too much reading. What Rinna did to all the other "friends," some of whom were also going through the grieving process, involved public, personal attacks. No one on the show is questioning Rinna's grief or mistreating her, even in light of how she is torturing Sutton. They seem to be rallying around her and comforting her in her time of need. I think she is getting far better than she has given.
  10. I thought the same thing! Since Kyle brought Jamie Lee Curtis over for a fundraising event, now Dorit has to have a fund raiser with a celebrity sponsor AND a celebrity guest entertainer! Checkmate.
  11. Yes, this was an enjoyable episode, apart from the ending, where Ayan must have misheard Stanbury. I haven't really enjoyed Stanbury on this show, but in this instance, I don't think she said anything to set off that outrage. I was waiting for someone to tell Ayan that she was being defensive over nothing. I can't believe Sergio is that much of a clinger! He actually shows up on the girls weekend?? (I personally would have done a Hen's weekend before the wedding and a honeymoon after, but still...)
  12. Did you notice how they were squealing about the "pigs in a blanket" appetizers because they were from a trendy restaurant? PLEASE!
  13. I think there are a wide range of homeless people, many who have fallen on hard times and really want to find a place to live, work and rebuild their lives. As sad as it seems, there are whole families that have lost their homes and are living in cars, hotels, and friends' sofas. I agree that getting them a stable home is the top priority, but assisting with dental work would improve their lives and health, as well. I love what you said about Rinna- she has now turned to vinegar! Please give her some time off to deal with her "greif."
  14. I'm just waiting for an episode that won't be someone or some people yelling and cursing at Sutton. I'm not even a big Sutton fan, but this is ridiculous.
  15. I have mixed feelings about Kyle. He seems like a fun guy and a good friend to Natasha, but he is very forward with the guests. I guess it works on a tv show, but some of the things he is doing/saying with the guests seem too familiar. If these guests were really paying top dollar, they may find some of his antics irritating.
  16. I would never call what Magda did a Marilyn Monroe impersonation. She should have just said it was a risqué dancer at the casino. Her makeup was horrible and the wig was a complete miss and mess. I'm sure she is a good dancer and yoga instructor, but this "entertainment" was not it. (And that is without mentioning the nipple showing!). Nothing about that scene seemed like a luxury yacht experience.
  17. Yes, Dave should feel ashamed of those texts and what he said to Natasha. However, why in the heck didn't she just let him know that her feelings have changed or she didn't feel the same as he felt about her. She avoided talking to him/answering his calls and texts and he spiraled. This doesn't excuse his behavior, but a lot of the messiness could have been avoided. On WWHL, Natasha is insisting they were never in a relationship. I think that may be her viewpoint, but I believe Dave was invested.
  18. So much manufactured drama this season: * Britt and Marcelino's entire storyline. * Chance remodeling the garage for Bobby. Pure fakery. * Lindsay trying to reboot her image. She wants us to believe that she sold drugs because she was raising her daughter and couldn't pay the light bill. What about the Lindsay that was demanding a fancy house with designer furniture last season? She had more demands than any of the other prisoners upon release. She's an opportunist and Daonte is her target. He will fall for anything, as long as he doesn't have to make out with a plastic torso anymore.
  19. I'm sure Chanel is borrowing the over the top gowns from her designer friend to show them off on tv, but she needs to wear something more appropriate for the occasion. We all from time to time over dress for an occasion, but this is ridiculous!
  20. I've been wondering the same thing. I'm thinking production is doing her dirty by only showing the back entrance of her house, which resembles a pool house. This is the only view we have seen of it this season. Production probably got fed up with her diva attitude (remember the screaming in the bathroom episode?)
  21. Actually, I do think the FF5 base their friendship on what fans and social media have to say--- that is their origin story. They were aghast that LVP would have shared info with a tabloid about one of their own despicable actions (I'm not saying who leaked the story, but they accused LVP), so they formed their alliance to always have each others' back and NEVER divulge anything remotely negative (on a "reality" tv show, no less). The biggest sins the other housewives could do is speak of those skeletons in the closets- a ruined reputation could mean a lost paycheck. That's why they punished Denise for (in their minds) "mom shaming," Sutton for questioning Erika, LVP for supposedly exposing Dorit, Sutton again for bringing up the Gala tickets. They will attack anyone who is not in their alliance, but protect their own messiness.
  22. That's a good guess. Teddi is desperate to return and that's why the Faux Farce Five are doubling up on their efforts to get rid of Sutton.
  23. Maybe she can trade a case or two and buy her own Gala ticket next year (make that about 20 cases- the wine probably sucks.)
  24. Having her name on the label will ensure most of us will never buy a bottle. Does she really think she is a beloved Housewife? I actually used to like her before she came on this show and displayed her true colors.
  25. I swear Raygan is someone production scooped up to portray a very inept bosun so there would be firing drama this year (shades of Mila's fiasco). I refuse to believe she was captain of anything larger than a bath time tugboat.
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