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Rabbit Hutch

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Everything posted by Rabbit Hutch

  1. Janelle will come through just fine. She seemed lit up from the inside during portions of this season, and I can actually see her pressing on with these silly MLMs, making money from her hustle. If TLC gives she and Christine their own show, even if it's only for a few episodes, it will help her financially. Maybe there will be a Property Brothers special, "A Forever Home for Janelle". Now thats something I would watch! 🤗
  2. I believe Meri when she says she's right where she wants to be. She will stay until the last dime is made from this sorry fiasco. This show is the foundation of her Lulano revenue stream and without it her lifestyle will fall like a house of cards. Meri is nothing without the show, and she knows it. As far as Kootie, I honestly believe Meri has finally seen the light. Something about her body language, her tone of voice, and her verbiage regarding Kootie and their relationship has changed this season. Too, it may be seeing how Christine and Janelle left alerted her that she's next. Maybe she now believes Kootie when he says he's about done with polygamy. I also denote some contempt for him bubbling up from her insides when she talks about him. Yeah I think she's done. 😏
  3. Listening to Kootie's delusional rants and observing how proudly he admits to engaging in "creative" machinations in attempting to get over on both Christine and Janelle, it's apparent there was a bold new influence on Kootie and his twisted worldview this season. I believe he's spent some quality time alone in his closet with his laptop searching through the internet, visiting websites created for men who believe they have been deceived or wronged by their wives in one form or another. They now have the right to act any way they like, and treat their wives like crap. These type of men are butt-hurt and bitter. He also probably meets these like-minded misogynists at places he frequents for work. In other words, he was a prime candidate for the internet version of the He-Man, Woman Haters Club. He certainly is acting like a 10-year old.
  4. Geez Louise, Kootie has horrible table manners. Working a lemon wedge with his fork til it cries "uncle", spitting ?seeds? into his bare hand and palming them onto a plate, and forking some sort of appetizer and shoveling half of it into his gaping mouth before returning the uneaten portion back to the platter. Guess there is no time for proper table training in polygamy. 🤢🤮🥴
  5. Meri, your vibe manifests your tribe. Is that why you're still a "tribe of one" as far as your family is concerned? 😏
  6. Oh Lawdy Lawdy! Well, Robyn does require a huge amount of moisture for all of her salty tears, so there's none left in all of Flagstaff, especially for her Thanksgiving Day masterpiece. 😉 But, I KID Queen of Darkness! I don't wanna be turned into a Precious Moments whatnot. 😳
  7. If Janelle and Meri aren't careful Robyn is gonna end up owning 90% of CP. Boy, I sure hope Janelle has lawyered up in the past year. Of all of the wives, she deserves the financial stability the most, after giving both her inheritance and her 401K to this family. 😒
  8. As much as I loathe and despise Robyn, I agree with you. It's Robyn's house, she's the host, and though it would be charitable of Robyn to let Meri cook the turkey, she's fully in her own wheelhouse to want to so, herself. Now, there's two words I never thought I would see in close proximity to each other, "Robyn" and "charitable". ☺
  9. I think Janelle's going, going, gone! If it's not in the news yet, it'll probably be announced soon. Her body language is definitely displaying cues of weariness and being fed up with it all, along with a noticeable uptick in impatience with Kody. BTW, Michelle seems to have a thing for drinking and cocktails. Didn't she donate a kidney in the past? Of course, maybe she doesn't actually drink the stuff, but I could've sworn that there's a pic from her wedding of her drinking from a flask. 🤷‍♀️ I just wondered how hard it can be on one's system to process alcohol with just one kideny?
  10. I wonder if Maddie's whiplash-inducing changes in school choices is due to being torn between Janelle's way of mothering, and Christine’s. Maddie grew up with a mom who worked full time away from home, and Christine, a mom who worked full time at home to care for all of the kids. Maybe Maddie would prefer to stay home and take care of her kids, a la Christine, but doesn't want to let her own mom down, or to be more like her. She certainly loves being pregnant and having children, not that there's any wrong with that. Just noticing what looks like to be a trend. 😉
  11. One time we were driving overnight in Wyoming to drop off a customer load for earl y morning delivery when we came upon about 25 head of cattle loitering in the middle of the highway. They had somehow escaped and were on their way to where I don't know. 🤫 We've had cattle, horse, deer, elk, caribou, bear, foxes, bobcat, pronghorn, and a moose challenge us to our road rights when we're out West. When were in Florida it's the wild boar. I spend my time during these night forays with my eyes darting back and forth across to the sides of the road, looking for eyeshine. 👀 We avoid driving late at night if we can avoid it.
  12. Janelle, hun, if calling FEDEX to send you a package tests your capabilities to deal with the real world at your age, then you'd NEVER MAKE IT as a hot trucker mama!!! Sheesh, woman! 😝 OTOH, you looked quite lovely at Logan's wedding. 😉
  13. What lovely pictures of this family! Maddie looks beautiful. 🙂
  14. I've also seen that in my studies of sociopaths and psychopaths. Some say the affected have a lesser blink rate. I'm not a psychologist so do your own research. In my opinion, he definitely has narcissistic tendencies, for days and days!!!
  15. Well, Turtle Power, I say damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead! The more time goes by the more you'll be able to do and hopefully by this time next year all of that pain you're now going through will be a distant memory, and you'll have your new hip. Then you can show all of those young whippersnappers what's what! 👩‍🦽👩‍🦯🚶‍♀️🏃‍♀️ You know we're all cheering you on. Git on after it! 🙋‍♀️
  16. Before I got into trucking I really enjoyed astronomy as a hobbie. I would love to live in a town such as Flagstaff, with its nod to lower light pollution. 🌌 Now, at night I enjoy seeing the back of my eyelids in a relatively quiet parking spot. 😴
  17. At this point I honestly think Meri is just in this for the paycheck. She says all of this crap about family, but Meri is all about Meri, and that horrible child of hers. Always has been. I remember when the family still lived in Vegas she was whining about being lonely when a solution came up that she could become more involved with the younger kids. She stated point-blank she was not gonna help the other mothers finish raising their kids. And yet, she's mad at Christine for leaving the fambly? Please, Meri! Catfish or no, you dumped your share of the responsibility for this family years ago. It's so far behind you that you can't even see it in your rear-view mirror. That's why many of the older kids will have nothing to do with you, truth be told. What a hypocrite.
  18. Let me add my thanks too, @ginger90. It's nice to see photos of their wedding. I thought Michelle looked lovely in her wedding gown, and Logan is so handsome. I really appreciate all of your hard work. 👏🙂
  19. Does anyone know where they held their ceremony? It seems to be a pretty place.
  20. Maybe Meri didn't go because Logan and Michelle didn't have a filter booth located at their reception for those ego-damaging, yet truthful, wedding photos? Because clodhopper footwear and Lulano rags weren't allowed? Or the bananas were actually located in the Bananas Foster, and not um, er, displayed provocatively upon one's person? (It's a wedding and Imma trying to keep it classy.) I'm outta ideas...🤷‍♀️
  21. Ok, guys, after watching today's eppie I truly believe that Kody has officially lost his mind. Every episode he goes deeper into the dark side, and it's a little scary to watch. Is he putting us on, or is he for realz? 👀
  22. OMG...did Maddie inherit Kootie's hairline? 🥵
  23. I watched this show for years and it's like an old friend. Agree about Shari, no personality and seems ro bring very little to the show.
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