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Rabbit Hutch

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Everything posted by Rabbit Hutch

  1. Folks, I'm genuinely gobsmacked at this. 😕 Times are hard, and the world's facing an upcoming food shortage like we've not recently seen and yet there are morons still buying this? We're facing 1980s inflation and they're buying this garbage! Janelle's a top seller but look at her! Not fat-shaming but really, has she lost AN OUNCE since she began selling this junk? Not what I'd call a sterling endorsement for their products. She does however, have beautiful skin but Janelle always had great skin and so I don't think Plexus had anything to do with that. 🙄 Do they REALLY, as D-LIST celebs, have this kind of pull? People are dumber than I give them credit, then. I need to get in on this, and stop truckin, putting up with the fools on the road. Forget 401K, real estate, and stocks, sell a crappy pink drink, instead. Go on Disney vacation, overseas trips, and not have to put up with coworkers getting up in my grill. 🤫 Rant over.
  2. Yeah, our place is active, too. One intelligent entity downstairs and some residual activity going on upstairs. Over the years I've gotten used to it to the point that I tell it to enjoy the peace and quiet whenever i leave to go back on the road after hometime. 👻
  3. Oh I don't know, I tend to think its sincere. They have always seemed to have a base level of respect and likeability between them, except on one or two occasions. Too, now that Christine's out completely of rotation for Kootie's attention it makes it even easier. I can see their getting closer now that the kids are grown.
  4. Hello, my lil ray of sunshine 🌞 I'm not really into kiddos but I'd love to be an "auntie" to this one. She's so full of life and she's gonna be swinging for the fences when she gets older! I can just tell. 🥰 Good thing I'm not, though. I would spoil her R.O.T.T.E.N. 🙃 You have something special, Maddie. Enjoy her all you can.
  5. This in a nutshell. I don't believe she would be so accepting of Aubrey's transition, either. It wasn't long ago, (in the past couple of years, I believe) that she slipped and mumbled that odd phrase of hers that she uses when speaking of polygamy and potential bed-sharing amongst the wives, "I don't go weird." The phrase is so cringe-worthy in of itself from a grown woman! At the time I found it odd because her daughter was gay, and I had noticed that she refrained from saying it since her Mariah had come out. Still, deep down, I don't think she or Kootie approve of either of them. I just wish I could remember where or when I heard her say it.
  6. Alright, don't recall who said it first, but I second that Maddie's pregnant. Yes indeed.
  7. How you got that Robyn bit out without your throat going up in flames is beyond me, hun! Sounded exactly like the witch, too. 😛 I rag on these girls at times but that was a mighty fine "mom" tribute to someone who deserves a mighty fine "mom" tribute.
  8. All that blather when she could've just said GET OFF MY LAWN! 🙃
  9. As truckers we rent a box at the UPS store, also. We not only ensure we get our mail but also our packages. When we come in for hometime it's like Christmas due to all of the boxes! Boy, are they happy to see us, as we can be gone up to 3 months at a time. 😛
  10. What a sweet baby! Lil ray of sunshine 🌞!
  11. We recently got Discovery Plus and I gladly pay the extra $2/month so I don't have to watch the commercials. WORTH EVERY PENNY. 😉
  12. Absolutely! If it were me I'd stay as far away from bananas in any form until I was out of the public eye. Meri has no shame, a sense of irony, or self awareness.
  13. Wowzza, is that a dress or a nightie? That's it, I'm officially OLD. 😪
  14. Its what young'uns do. Wait til he starts playing some sort of ball. 😆
  15. When that scene occurred i felt embarrassed for him. So sad for the wives and kids.
  16. Good Lord, Meri. Put down the filter and pick up the phone and call a non-plyg, reputable therapist, STAT. You're beginning to resemble the girls of animae. That's NOT a good thing. 😒
  17. I don't know...maybe it's to help Christine successfully launch her new cooking show? That's somewhat jaded, but it seems to be sudden. However, I'm on board to see what happens.
  18. *Shrugs* Maybe they gave Christine this cooking show so she could finish out her portion of the Sister Wives contract? She's no longer one, so will she even be on the show? Agree with everyone downthread, a cooking show seems an odd choice, unless she became a master chef while waiting on Kootie to come visit her in Flagstaff. It's a puzzler.
  19. Watched Part 3 this morning. Robyn is beyond the pale with her comments regarding Christine and her work in she and Kootie's marriage. Her blowhard facial expressions made my blood boil. That WOMAN is a first class narcissist. I can't wait for yall to comment on her shenanigans during this episode, for you can make wisecracks far better than anything I can dream up, and Robyn served herself up on a platter for the Primetime crowd, tonight.
  20. Robyn sends me to the moon and back with her patronizing attitude towards the other wives, and she's been that way since the beginning. Always butting her big nose in, acting like she's the final word, deed, and thought in emotional intelligence. Like the wives' combined lived experiences with that dumbazz, Kootie, amounted to nothing BEFORE she arrived on the scene to set them straight. Give me a break! She sits there, mining her eye boogers while she drones on about how the wives should continue working toward some fantasy family ideal that's fomented inside her twisted brain. Meanwhile, there she is, dressed like some virginal 1980s bookkeeper, pretending she hasn't been divorced before, herself. Ugh, I can't stand the hypocrisy. Christine TRIED for DECADES, you idiot, and all she got for her trouble is wife #4. She doesn't OWE you anything, except maybe her middle finger, oh Queen of Darkness. Finally, I have a squicky feeling that the other wives have to give her money for living expenses every month. Stop using the other wives' labor and GET A JOB, Robyn, you bone-idle bum! While one may not agree with her methods, at least Christine, who doesn't have much work experience outside the home, has begun supporting herself. Sheesh, how I loathe that woman!
  21. Gee, Robyn, could you be any more arrogant? How do YOU know how hard Christine tried? Excuse me, oh Lady of the Marriage Moral Coda, but weren't you previously a divorcee? How hard did YOU try before leaving your first cookie stealer, er, husband? 🤔 No wonder Christine doesn't like her. She's worse than old HBIC Meri. 😒
  22. Good luck, hun. Everything will turn out just fine, try not not worry too much about it. 😊
  23. *Raises hand* Hillbilly representing here! May 31st (or last day of school) was the last time shoes were worn informally for me and my sibs. Barefoot all summer long and loving it! 🥳
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