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Everything posted by Ottis

  1. Not if she is my SO's family. Because no matter who you married, if you weren't born into that family, you aren't truly a family member. Sigh.
  2. Financially speaking, it actually would have been smarter to refi the house 4 years ago when rates were 2.5% (or lower for 15-year loans). And then keeping his mortgage at that very low rate (not paying it off) and instead using the insurance money to invest in an index fund would have almost guaranteed a better return than paying off the house. Then he could pay it off later when he wanted. For a family that constantly complains about being cursed and making bad decisions, they consistently handle poor news badly. Mark is continuing the tradition. The insults from the guy behind Dan were more intelligent than anything the Connors do.
  3. Well, the only person who achieved something ... wasn't a Connor. Who moved forward? Besides Louise. They didn't get around to protecting their insurance policy, Becky intentionally crossed the line and had her truck stolen and Ben somehow thinks owning a hardware magazine will mean something? The least the writers could have done was to have him want to buy a failing local newspaper, because he believes in freedom of the press, local news and beating the big news corporations. A random trade magazine made no sense. I'm not sure what you were watching ... see above. Ben actually said in this ep that Dan owned 10% of the store.
  4. Correct - and I had no idea who she was before this episode, but whenever there is a skit and one of the main characters is played by someone I don't recognize I assume it is the musical guest. Then she did her first song and that confirmed it.
  5. Ugh. Skipped the Trump opening, not even caricatures of Trump are funny. The version SNL shows is more sane than the real one. Jake sings. Is this going to be a loud, shouty show? It feels like it. Cookies was another annoying, one-joke skit that lasted forever with too much shouting. Yep. Scooby had promise but it fizzled before becoming clever (and interestingly, the audience didn’t seem to know who was playing Daphne). Whatever that Moulan Rouge skit was supposed to be was so dull I FF’d it after the guys came out. Cycler hits the daily double for yet another annoying, shouty sketch (I knew it). The audience seemed confused. Temu was the first sketch that showed some life, with some subtle humor that kept building. It also spoke to what many of us suspect. That said, can we please bury the cliched “wait, what?” line? Only made it to WU so far. More maybe if it warrants it. ADD: Some good lines in WU. The guys broke up too much at the end to understand some of the jokes, which is too bad. Also, am I the only person who didn’t realize Meghan Markel was Black until she said a while back that the royal family discriminated against her? I’ve not had any issues with Southwest.
  6. This show has a bit of Sons of Anarchy, and a lot of Lilyhammer and a tiny bit of The Cosby Show (because Stallone, like Cosby, is always right in the end). In a way it's a shame. They threw in too much (much like SOA did), they didn't need the motorcycle gang. Focusing on the ATF/FBI and the contact between ATF woman and Stallone, plus the "stranger in a strange land" aspect, would have been enough for season one. I don't really understand why so many women are attracted to Stallone's character. Or why the people whose business and livelihoods he moves in on seem to love him so much vs run right to the FBI. Or why Manfredi keeps thinking his 25yo schemes will fly. But I try not to think too much about those things. Not quite done with the season and trying not to read a lot of these posts, yet. Late add: The dialogue on this show is so lazy. Dwight’s big speech in the bar is “get scared and ‘burn up’” or “go through it and come out on the other side stronger.” Both nonsensical. I like Grace a lot, and the bartender. They need a better show. And OMG what a terrible use of “In the Air Tonight.” Kiddies, if you want to see a good one, look up Miami Vice. That was an all-time classic.
  7. During the rap diss skit, I kept wondering what would happen today if they reversed it and had Black people talking cluelessly about something “only White people understand.” The B&W writer film was the longest set up ever for a joke that made no sense, given the portrayed era. may as well had a Wookie show up. Dua Lipa tried but her timing was consistently bad. She’s not a comedienne so no reason to expect differently. It did cause many of her punchlines to thud. Her parents seemed nice, and like the kind of parents still shocked at their daughter’s career and degree of success. Kind of cool. They sent her to London when she was 15? Wow, that takes guts. Penne vodka was spot on. I’ve only made it to WU. Will add more if it is worth it.
  8. Agree. I just found this show, 3 year later, and had to quickly stop reading the first post. Should be spoiler protected, in the age of streaming people find shows years later. That said, I am on ep 6 and the introduction of and the very odd rescue attempt by the mom and grandma is hugely annoying. Why? Also, I love Kelly Macdonald in everything she is in. Also, Abbott is also a great character. ADD: Just finished the series. Ultimately, what a giant mess they all were caught up in. I liked the show a lot, and felt it ended with a whimper. And man, I wish I could meet women like Mrs. Weitzmann! So I assume there was never a second series?
  9. I'm about ready to call bullshit on this entire project, and I've only finished 5 episodes. In the fifth one, Donny goes on about how panicked and nervous he was not hearing anything from Martha ... then gets a call from his mom on a Sunday night and ... doesn't answer. Now, someone with half a brain might imagine that silence from Martha might translate into her going after others. I mean, he just described himself as panicked, right? Not panicked enough to answer the phone. Just like he isn't motivated enough to write a timeline for the police. Or smart enough to change his dad's cell number. I mean, Martha was the one at fault, but Donny had no brain. And then he goes to meet her. Really, at any point she could tell police that HE was harassing HER. he leaves himself open for it. OMG. Even as I type this I am watching ep 6, that is exactly what is happening. What an idiot. So if you are an idiot, why should I care what then happens to you?
  10. I don’t understand. You mean viewers? Even if the HH have already chosen one of the houses, it might also be true that a different house would have been better. What locations do you always skip over? We skip past Chicago, all of California and NY/NJ. Those places are usually super expensive and not very interesting. We like watching shows about places we have never been, even small towns. And yeah, the 30-somethings buying 750k houses that are their forever homes because they have “worked so hard” are a hoot. They have no clue.
  11. Mostly to avoid a lawsuit. I mean, of course he would say the TV character is so different as to be unrecognizable, even if it is exactly like the real person. I know nothing about the real life story. I am 3 eps in and find myself frustrated by Donny, who seems to make poor choices at every turn - not only with Martha, but with the woman he dated and even his ex. If you make enough poor choices, things go wrong. Not sure what the point of BR is. It's not a study in psychology. It's not a story of a powerless victim. It's just a story that I can't imagine going anywhere except jail or death. ADD: Watched a bit more. Donny is supposed to be 30 years younger than Darrien? I thought they were almost the same age!
  12. The moment Hartis said in the kitchen she was having trouble finishing hamburgers I knew it would end at ADHD. This family always has an excuse. They *were* funnier in cowboy hats.
  13. Agree, or at least a closure of that series angle before opening a different one. It's time, IMO. I only watch a show or two every 18-24 months but have tuned in more this season because it felt like we might be near the end. And as I've posted, it is amazing how many plot angles are just repeats of repeats from prior years. Not a lot new to say, and everyone has moved on.
  14. Dang it, this is what happens when the actor playing Hank played Agent Cooper in Twin Peaks! Yes, Hank in Fallout, thank you for catching that.
  15. OK, this made me laugh. Thank you. Me, too. Though my expectations were low. Now we just need some narrative development beyond, "Hey look, it's like the game!" Given I have tried to watch Rebel Moon 3 times and have made it 15 minutes into Part 1 and was alternately bored and eye rolling, Fallout *has* to be better. I was shocked to see a Rebel Moon Part 2 dropped. Yes, and that's a key point. Despite the horrors of the Great War, and all the knowledge he had of it, Coop went ahead and nuked another city to protect V-T. So he is a True Believer, not a victim or bystander.
  16. And yet somehow a number of them survived for a long time after the bombs fell, which makes me wonder how (beyond the cryo beds). You could well be right. The show is pretty and has some moments of humor or narrative clarity, but it isn't consistent and has no direction so far except getting characters from point A to B. I have found that many viewers today are fine with that, and some honestly don't understand when you try to explain narrative direction and themes. I see this a lot in sci fi, where characters act in inconsistent ways ("but it's funny!") or there is no consistent internal logic ("what do you mean?"). This is the only character where I see the beginnings of meaningful development, going from disillusioned and bitter to caring about something. Maybe. Lucy is going the other way, but that's less character development than simple survival. I view those morons as analogous to corporate life. You get people at the top who don't deserve to be there but who are ambitious and think they got there on their own (instead of being someone else's cannon fodder pawns). Everyone else suffers for it, but to the person truly at the top, that doesn't matter.
  17. [Two years later ...] I thought I heard Konstantin say something to the effect of Kenny was about to be framed for treason and Konstantin offered him a way out that involved joining the bad guys, and Kenny chose to leap off the roof rather than pick either option. If that's true, that would be a nice fit with the world Caroline inhabits and allowed her son to join. Yes, it was. It smelled like a writer trying to be clever and different. Not only that, but the more we learned about the 12, the less scary they were. A bunch of failed 70s radicals? Were doing what, exactly, by assassinating various people? I read reviews of the final season after watching it. What the showrunner thought was depicted was laughable. There was nothing, nothing at all, that positioned Eve as ready to "reclaim her life" before the boat scene. She was still following V, she was still using violence, she was still lying and faking her way through life (as a minister at a wedding?). I'm not sure what Eve reclaimed. What I heard was a scream of frustration. Or maybe that was just me. I would have preferred that.
  18. They will replace the 12 with another, and another? Isn’t he a founding member? How would Caroline know what would happen?
  19. I didn’t know that was supposed to be Konstantine until he laughed. I guessed young Caroline right off. The 12 is becoming less impressive by the episode. And Eve is like a pretend assassin. The charm has worn off.
  20. South Park is wonderful when it is at its best. And surprisingly insightful. The show is slowly rounding into form, now that Clown Jesus is dead.
  21. Been binging all seasons. This ep was weird. Different tone, characters acting different. Really don’t like imaginary Jesus, not because religion but it’s just silly.
  22. I was so confused by this. I kept thinking it had to be someone else’s phone.
  23. Coming in years later… as I start season 3, what you describe seems to be the point of the show. We’re mostly waiting to seen if Eve breaks bad.
  24. Given what's currently going on IRL in terms of conflict, it's hard to fault the show's perspective about war and humanity's long-term future. If I understand this ep correctly, the baddie corporations provoked a global war so that its vaults and vault experiments would be the only side to survive ... eventually. That's a colossal, horrible solution. And I'm not sure I understand it. if corporations are constructed to make money, how would they make money by destroying the world and then turning lose a relative handful of survivors? Corporations aren't about winning. They are about profit. There were scientists, sure, and part of the deal was mankind could perfect progress over long periods of time, but scientists don't run corporations. It feels like we are missing a piece, maybe a military with the philosophy that all other factions should die, who takes over a corporate vault project. Or causes it to move forward unexpectedly. Maximus is the dumbest character on the show. Frontally attacking someone in the knight armor, which you know inside and out? Maybe pull the fusion core? Pretty much all of his decisions in the show were poor ones, though he showed an ethical side. Still, he seems way older than a squire should be. Overall, I enjoyed the show even as it was continuously depressing. The production values were excellent. And the overarching message was starting to come together, though not quite there. Anyone know how the show is doing in terms of viewers? Not a lot of comments here, yet.
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