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Everything posted by CoolMom

  1. Is it covered under the FOIA? Because it's my understanding that minor records are sealed. I am NOT defending Josh at all but this is an issue that the records of that not only should have been sealed but should have already been destroyed. If I am wrong, ok but if not then those documents should have remained sealed because as noted above just because they are on TV and many people don't like them and their brand of "religion" (my Conservative Christian self included) doesn't mean they don't share the same rights as I do. In Arkansas, most juvenile records are automatically sealed. The primary exception is for delinquency adjudications in which the juvenile could have been tried as an adult. In such cases, the records remain available for law enforcement purposes for ten years after the final delinquency adjudication or adult criminal conviction. (Arkansas Statutes § 9-27-309.)
  2. I decided to come here and post because I cannot reply to all the stuff about this on Facebook in fear of "offending" an aunt whose boyfriend molested me when I was 10 years old. Then I came across this and I want to address it first. Those daughters (if it was the daughters) had NO CHOICE about their lives being lived out on television. Even now that they are grown they probably feel that have no choice based on the patriarchal life they have lead. These are not young women who lived the life that most girls live. They should have the same rights as any other victim of sexual assault. Just because they are on TV does not make them less of a victim. As a victim of molestation my heart breaks for those girls especially if it was the ones named. I was married 10 years before I told my husband about my molestation; it was on my time table when I was ready. If the victims are the ones named and they did not share this with their spouse yet, it makes me really sad that they are having to not only relive this in the media but also having to explain it to their husbands on SOMEONE ELSE'S time table.
  3. We bought a vacation home in the mountains a couple of years ago. Our realtor told us that she strongly recommended not buying the fixer that DH wanted. She said people just don't understand what they are getting themselves into. DH likes to work around the house and yard and I am sitting in an 1800 sq ft house on 3 acres that cost $50k. We have put $40k into it which includes new a/c, siding, kitchen, guest bath and refinishing wood floors. There's more work to be done: roof and carpet in two rooms not to mention the neglected yard. Our realtor said after her initial showing with my husband she realized that he was one of the few people who could pull off a long distance reno but we've done 90% of the work. We did get scammed on the a/c though but that was a lesson learned about trusting people to do work when you are not there. Anyway, the house is worth $135k now and still needs a new roof and a master bath update.
  4. I like Zach but John drives me crazy. My daughter and I think this could be a 30 minute show with just Zach building and just about nothing about the family downsizing. They are choosing this, I don't really care how they downsize and John talking to the kids just drives me batty.
  5. I think they said in the beginning of the episode that they wanted to be able to move it as they expand their business. Maybe they are planning to franchise and take the house as they go? But after I saw the completed house I thought there was no way that was moving from that space; there was a heck of a lot of "permanent" to the yard and the house.
  6. As soon as Cal started telling Skye the story of her birth my daughter said, "he got it wrong". I told her I missed what she caught because I thought it was close like two people telling the same story in their own way. But she insisted, then Cal said 1988 and Skye was all Oh I am 26 after thinking forever she's 25. DD said see he's not telling the truth. My husband said he thinks her mom is NOT her mom or at the very least they are not being honest about stuff.
  7. That video was just....strange. One day if Maddie is lucky (or not lucky) people are going to hear her name and say, "Was that the little girl in those really weird Sia videos"?
  8. Maybe less. I started watching because even with the momma drama, I thought the originals girls were cute, sweet and good dancers. I miss Brooke, Paige and Chloe because I thought the dynamic of the original girls was so good. I do not miss Cathy's little girl (was it Vivianne?) or any of the other parade of dancers that have come thorough the ALDC. I am so stinkin glad Asia is gone and will remember her but not for good reasons. I will remember JoJo because while she drove me crazy in the first few episodes (editing maybe), her personality and drive have grown on me.
  9. Oh, I had already forgotten about the "pact". I thought it was so funny when Holly walked out, Melissa and Jill followed her but the members of her "pact" stayed behind. One of them said, let them go they know her better or something along those lines. OMGosh so funny the first time the pact is tested the ladies fail Holly. This leads me to believe the pact may have been a producer thing and Holly being upset at the end wasn't.
  10. Holly is trying to teach her daughter how to handle adversity in a mature way. I loved the pep talk she gave Nia after that conversation, I am sure there have been a lot of conversations like that off camera and in their home. This is why I think Abby has an issue with Holly (which means Nia) because Abby has such anger at Holly when she says Holly is teaching her daughter to "be like her". The first time she said it in an LA episode the camera went to Nia who had a little grin on her face. My 14 year old said why does Abby think it's a bad thing for Nia to be like her mom, her mom is amazing. By the look on Nia's face (if that wasn't just editing) Nia agrees with my daughter, it's not a bad thing to be like her mom.
  11. I also love how Cathy goes on and on about Abby getting dancers from other studios. NONE of her studio dancers are on her team, they are all from different studios and she hires choreographers and slaps a "Candy Apples" label on the whole thing. I know Abby doesn't choreograph her dances but at least some of the girls are from her studio and I think for the most part so is the choreographer.
  12. I haven't watched the episode yet but scanned the replies just so I know what I am getting into. Anyway, the constant talk about Daphne being a felon and not getting into med school reminded me of an article I read a few years ago about a convicted murderer getting into law school. I wonder if Daphne's felony would really exclude her from ALL medical schools.
  13. I like this team as a whole. I think they are editing Hayley exactly the way we are seeing her and Blair the same but that doesn't mean that's who they are. The clip in the car from above showed two people getting to know each other and he seems a lot more reserved that she is. I do think Blair should have stopped are listened to Hayley in the last episode but I also think she should have just let it go after she told him once that she was right.
  14. I am wondering if Tim was there as a set up and that is why the whole conversation with Chip happened. We went back and listened again and it totally sounded like they knew they were making a piece that was not original and the editing was so so bad. I read an article that says Tim was the only contestant that Ellen recruited, maybe there was a reason for that. Tim just did not read as a person who had integrity issues but then again it's TV.
  15. I think that is what I am getting at; I don't think Bay would have been freaked out if it was Emmett and no one would have been saying and/or implying that Emmett had date raped her. It's a different standard for the same thing. Replace Tank with Emmett in the exact scene = no problem drunk sex with BF even if she could not remember. My issue is she feels bad that she cannot remember what happened which included sleeping with someone when she has a boyfriend so that equals Tank date raped her. I just don't agree with how they are painting it. In the Toby/Simone situation noted above, if Toby had been black out drunk would Simone have been labeled a rapist? I just don't think she would have. I know date rape happens, we have lived it in my extended family. But I think as a society we should not be so quick to always blame the guy and that is what this show is doing just perpetuating the guy is always the bad guy line. Because I agree with Tank at their age no one stops at every point during a sexual interaction and says "is this yes" or "do you consent"? I didn't and believe me at least once I woke up with the OMG did I really do that with him? reaction.
  16. I guess my issue is all the responsibility is given to the guy (Tank in this case) to KNOW the girl is "blacked out". Because they haven't said she is "knocked out", so I am assuming she was conscience during the act. Knocked out is far different from blacked out, it's all in the verbiage in this specific situation. How is he supposed to know that she won't remember it? If the tables were turned and Tank said he did not remember NO ONE would believe him. We are all about empowering females today, I just don't think it should be at the expense of the males. Women be empowered but accept responsibility for your actions. Why is she automatically the victim and he is a rapist? Because he remembers and she doesn't? Not remembering doesn't mean you did not give consent by your actions. If you really want to be empowered: don't get so drunk that you don't remember what you did or didn't do. Again, why is it up to another drunk person to figure out if you are too drunk to consent to something? They haven't said he was sober and had sex with her, that would be a WHOLE different story.
  17. I did note that the stars on the ceiling were clear in Tank's version and blurry in Bay's. But I saw that as their specific point of view: Tank felt they were both thinking clearly even though there was a lot of drinking involved. Bay on the other hand didn't. Both scenes showed her talking to Tank awake and aware. She invited him into the bed in both points of view. Here's a question: if the same exact situation had played out with Emmett, would Bay have felt the same way when she woke up? No she wouldn't have. . So then is it really rape or remorse?
  18. If my college student was living at home and did not come home from a party, embarrassing or not, I would go out to find her (or him). It was kind of inferred that they knew she was at Daphne's dorm but I would NOT be able to sleep not knowing where my child was or if they were ok. My daughter did note that I would have known something was wrong just by the tone of her voice.
  19. THIS so much. As a mother of 2 daughters AND a son I just cannot wrap my brain around the fact that both were drunk and because Tank was drunk and "remembered" (which I will use loosely) but Bay didn't then he somehow has the full responsibility. At what point are we going to hold females as accountable as the males. She should bear equal responsibility because he was NOT pouring drinks down her then tricking her into going in the room. In both scenarios she invited him into the bed. Which many young men would take as an opening to the next level. Right or wrong they cannot be compared to a 40 something couple giving consent because that 40 something couple has a lot more experience in life than two college age kids. Yes, kids because I have a kid Tank's age and they do not have the life skills I have a 45. One of the things Bay said to Daphne toward the end was along the lines of she woke up and just felt like something was wrong. Daphne clearly took that as you were raped. Whereas I took that as well you did just cheat on your boyfriend with your ex which could be what you are feeling. I watched this with my almost 14 yr old, it was certainly a PSA for THIS IS WHY YOU DO NOT DRINK at their age.
  20. I think people were coming to the filming for the girls NOT Abby or the Moms. Abby was just delusional enough to think it was about her. I think Holly's anger is real and you hit the nail on the head with it BUT I think calling the manager was set up for the show. Do we really think she got a call into an LA manager and her call returned right at the exact moment they would be sitting in the dressing room hashing things out? I don't it screams set up to me.
  21. Tank date raping her did not ring true to me because the night they met he is the one who "rescued" her from a situation that could have turned out the same. He has also been shown to be fine with NOT sleeping with Bay and even liking her so much that he quit his fraternity for her. So date rape by Tank doesn't set right in our house even with my teenager. I thought Emmett was picking the fight not Bay. Finally, when Regina walked into the professors office my teenager looked at me and said "JUST DON'T". I have a child in college and I would never in a million years talk to one of her professors unless she was so sick that she could not do it herself. Even then it would not be "well you don't know my child's story so you have to hear it so that you can teach her".
  22. Yes, they expect the other people to watch their children. We were at a resort pool once when another family allowed their 2 yr old to play in the pool unsupervised. I have 3 kids of my own to watch but I kept freaking out over that baby. I had to take my kids and leave because I was so distracted by her. When we left the mom got in the pool...idiot. Which brings me to the fact that these are possibly the same people who: Our neighbor has a second floor laundry room and just had a leak. She said she was reading a book and thought the washer didn't sound right. By the time she got upstairs and got the water off all of their floors were ruined, walls had to be repaired, etc. They were out of their house for over 2 months. I have no basement but I am happy the laundry room is on the first floor.
  23. I just took that as she was told off camera because it was not an important character to the viewer. As to getting her there they said she was what 94 yrs old, maybe she cannot or will not travel. My mother in-law is 86 and refuses to travel even 30 minutes to our house for the holiday's. I am 100% sure she would not come to the hospital if my DH was ill, she would just want to know what was going on. Strange but true. I could buy this as "real" for that reason. Again as far as Haddie, I think she was told off camera because taking the time to tell her on camera added nothing to the story. Honestly, since Haddie has been gone unless I am reading this forum, I rarely even think of her.
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