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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. Depends. If he truly just eats steak and eggs (and not much else), then yes. If he eats regular food when he is out and doesn't have to cook for himself, then probably no more than anyone else would.
  2. And she tried to skip out claiming she never said she was buying. Just then Eli and co. came by and we see she is Paulina's daughter.
  3. My thoughts when watching this were that if these people, all with varied degrees of emotional and commitment issues, WERE selected as the best they could find, why the hell would anyone watch a show made up of people who WEREN'T selected?? This one is bad enough. No way I am even looking at the new show. People here are always posting about how this one has issues or that one needs therapy, but, realistically, NO healthy person who is able to find their own match would ever go on this show, so it is attracting/selecting the very type of person who clearly needs help. And, knowing what I know from spoilers, the editing is amazing. It also seems that this season is the most obvious we have seen with actual discussions with the show runners, outside social media "leaks" and even the people involved speaking (like that leaked 'poor me, no one understands' from Paige or Chris' blasts on Jamie Otis).
  4. People keep saying that they are doing it for the paycheck. I really don't think they get paid that much. They are doing it because they don't want to have to pay for not keeping to the contract - that is a big fine. The meager money they get to do the show isn't enough to sacrifice your dignity or pride. Many are doing it for whatever social media fame they may get and maybe that will lead to money, but certainly not for people like Chris. And I can't imagine anyone interested in following Paige or Haley.
  5. It's not even on here for another 90 minutes, but I am getting all I need to know from you guys -thanks! I may try to watch the Jake/Haley scenes. I am not a Haley fan.
  6. The whole concept behind the Lifetime show UNReal showed exactly how they manipulate the participants. And, you're right, @Hip-to-be-Square, there is no thought of anything except drama, no matter how dirty they have to go.
  7. I don't think they will show Sarah as dead. I think she will somehow be shipped somewhere. As horrible as Kristen is, if she actually killed Sarah, that would do it for her. It's not like Sarah isn't a popular character (although annoying) and "deserved to die" like Charlie.
  8. And, Paige, we DID have empathy for you until you continued to go back again and again. Now, it's on you!
  9. First if all, there is no way that Chris BOUGHT a new Mercedes for Mercedes. Maybe leased one (through Vinnie?) and is letting her drive it to show what an amazing provider he is. If there is an actual baby, he will find that he needs a lot of money for other things and will trade it in, hopefully, before it is repossessed. I just want him to go away and show up for the Reunion and see how Kevin Frazier handles him.
  10. And I thought LAST week was painful to watch. This week was excruciating. I think I will skip the next 2 or 3. Nothing changes. The boring couple is still boring. Once Briana starts with the baby talk, I switch over to reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond. (Did she really say she dared him to pick her nose???) Re: Clara. If it is true that she has never felt any emotion during sex, even with someone she claims to love, I think she needs the most therapy of everyone. And I agree with others who mentioned a former sexual abuse in her past, as well as her behaving like a sex worker/porn star. I feel really sad for her. I am glad that Ryan is sticking to his principles and beliefs, though. IF they can work through this, they would both be love virgins and it might be wonderful for them. But, Clara needs a whole lot of therapy first, though (and not the Dr. Viv kind). By the way, did Ryan say anything at all during this show? I may have been watching Raymond. I have gone from liking Erik to being over him. He has to lecture and be the focus of every conversation, even telling Ginny what she she thinks and how he knows she wouldn't do this or that (he doesn't know anything! They just met!). She spoke a little, but mostly just ended up with her standard, "yeah," after his lengthy speeches. His demands and expectations are going to take their toll and she is not prepared, emotionally, for a real relationship. I just can't even try to watch Paige and Chris. At least she is starting to give him some grief and show that she is not buying his act. I give her credit for that, but I still think she might really want it to work. Hey, maybe Vinnie got Chris a good deal on the Mercedes? I wish that Haley would have told the truth. She kind of tried, but she could have just told Viv that it was never going to happen. Why would Viv assign them more physical activity (kissing) when she knows that Haley detests him - that is abuse to me. And, he just doesn't stop. She got back into their bed and he wants to start getting physical already. I get it - he likes her and they are married, but she doesn't want him. I hope they finalize it next week. Too bad they couldn't manage to do this as friends, but I see now that Jake just can't, even though he suggested it. She keeps giving him hope, so that's on her.
  11. Someone on another board suggested that "Sarah" may leave with Rex, but then somehow ditch him, but that gets Kristen out of town. Maybe by the time that Rex calls and tells everyone that Sarah dumped him, "Susan" will get tired of realizing that her ice cream isn't coming and people will realize that it was Kristen. I don't know where she will hide Sarah, maybe that deserted DiMera island, but Xander will find her at some point. The only thing it doesn't resolve is Brady. Maybe once Kristen is in hiding, she will call him and expect her to bring Rachel to her again. I hope he doesn't fall for it again.
  12. I think from something I saw in the previews, that it is Viv. I remember Clara talking about how she hasn't gotten anything from Ryan, and I think she was talking with Viv, which makes sense. Although, Clara shares that info with everyone!
  13. It's kind of the same thing - only one person can be sick at a time because they only have one hospital bed. Someone has to be discharged first.
  14. They don't need to "end it" early. Just agree that they will be friends. They can stay in the apartment (separate bedrooms), go to activities together, do their camera obligations and just take the pressure off.
  15. Was anyone surprised that Lani didn't ask Kristen to be Jules' godmother?????
  16. New rule in Salem - before anyone has sex with anyone else -every time- foreplay begins with seeing if you can pull your partner's face off.
  17. I saw that this week they are having a panel discussion lead by Kevin Frazier for the half-way mark. They haven't done that before, have they? I like him and it will be good to see something different.
  18. At least he didn't sing to her like Matt did to Amber a few seasons ago. That was excruciating and Amber loved it. The "song" Erik played was just some basic chord progression that everyone who takes Guitar 101 learns. Hardly a song.
  19. In some of the scenes in the matchmaking shows, they always show Dr Viv asking these questions. Some of the answers are really bizarre, but I don't remember if we actually see the clips from the people who are selected. That would make an interesting show. I would love to see the clips of the interviews of the people they selected after we have gotten to know them. Which they will NEVER show because then we would all see what we already know. These people were not selected for any reason other than drama and a wishful maybe it will work. And we also know that they lie, as evidenced by Jamie and Elizabeth both admitting to lying saying they want to have kids, when neither of them did- at the time. ETA: We also know they ask about pets because, in some cases, they match them just because they both like cats (or dogs).
  20. Jake even told her that - "Let's just agree to get through this as friends," but she keeps saying she wants to make it work. I am glad they had that conversation about her not being attracted to him because he just wasn't getting it and kept wondering. I do feel bad for him, but I am glad that the guys liked his house. People keep saying that Jake should date her friend instead, but I think the main reason Haley went on this show is that all her friends are married and she felt left out, so I doubt that her married friend would leave a relationship for Jake. I won't even watch when Paige and Chris are on. I saw a bit of them but when they decided to RESET, that was my final straw. (LOL - my final final straw!) I just wonder if Ginny has any kind of intelligence. All she says is, "yeah," to anything he says, while her face says the opposite. Maybe he doesn't give her enough time to talk while he keeps explaining life to her. She is very insecure, but seemed happy when he said he loves her. That is not going to be enough when he wants to have kids and can't get her off the booze. Sorry, Vincent and Brianna are boring. They will be fine without the production directed drama. I am interested in seeing next week with Dr. Viv and Clara coming right out saying that she wants sex and he won't give it to her. I don''t think anyone buys anything on this show. I believe they are all getting money for presents.
  21. Chris has said that he refused to do Unfiltered if Jamie Otis is the host. So, instead, it looks like Paige will be on all the time. I don't watch it, but it seems like every time I switch over to watch the show, she has been on. Poor victim Paige.
  22. OK, that was hysterical! Thanks for posting. I hope he does more. "Chin-afer" Anniston (Haley), "The blonde heifer and the butt", "the drunk and the pilot." I wish I could have seen one after he found out about the pregnant ex-fiancee.
  23. I am not sure who you are saying thinks it is ok for Chris to treat Paige the way he does. I haven't seen any posts where he is supported by anyone. He would find an excuse, no matter what, but I don't think people here believe him. Chris will find a way to justify to himself anything he wants. That's part of being a narcissist. He felt that he deserved to be with an incredibly beautiful woman, and was disappointed that he didn't get what he felt he deserved. Not to mention that he is decidedly unattractive, so to think he deserves someone who looks better than Paige continues with his delusions. I used the word "deserves" because he seems to feel entitled. I don't know if Paige thinks he is attractive or is just sticking with him because of her (flawed) beliefs, but she may have been disappointed in seeing him, as well.
  24. A big plus if he doesn't have keto-breath, which I have decided is her problem with Jake. I am just getting ready to start a keto program and I keep reading about all of these smelly side effects. If Jake really exists on mostly steak and eggs (and onions), he must have terrible breath and other body issues. Plus, we know he has gut/intestinal issues. That would be difficult to tell someone that is the reason you don't want to be together.
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