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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. My first thought was that Virginia was wearing a costume from a tap recital (I have one!), but looked cute. While I do believe a LOT of what we see is definitely scripted and edited, I still think there are the same issues they have always had. Virginia even said they were still learning to communicate and Erik just acts like there were never any problems. I know they are still together, and Erik's mom says she's happy, but there was no smile or look of joy on her face at all. I am sure Virginia is enjoying her nights when Erik is working. I don't believe her when she said she doesn't party that much. While a lot of that was producer shenanigans, it was based in reality. Otherwise, they were totally boring. As were Brianna and Vincent. I didn't like her new hair cut, but she is really sweet and they seem very happy, and both are making compromises. I hope they stay happy, and I believe they will. Clara and Ryan are in love and having sex and that is all she wanted. Go forth and stay together. I am looking forward to seeing the Jake/Haley clip next week. I HOPE he gives it back to her and that smug grin comes off her face and I hope that Kevin Frazier won't buy any of her phony tears and, "I tried my hardest" crap. I agree with those who said that Lifetime should not have given Chris and/or Paige any screen time, but I know people are tuning in to see them. I will tune out if they are back next week. WTH was she wearing? She was using one hand to keep the top up and the girls in and the other hand to keep that slit that went all the way up closed. She looked horrible! She is obviously very proud of her body, but I wish she could find something that would flatter it. And I agree that ANY time he will call her, she will be welcoming. I don't know if he and Mercedes are still together, but that wouldn't matter to Paige. And I had to laugh at those HORRIBLE matching suits that Chris and the other Pastor were wearing. It's bad enough they found 1, but 2????? And, while it was EXACTLY what was scripted to happen, I didn't like how Kevin just kept telling Chris to stop and just sat there. He didn't make any move to stop the filming or even ask the other pastor to stop. In that way, they didn't even try to make it look like it was real. Chris (and Paige) played their assigned parts as they have been doing. I don't know if Paige realizes that she is just as disliked as Chris is - no easy feat. I usually enjoy the Reunion shows, but this one was just incredibly boring. Maybe because the season seemed so long and dragged out so there was nothing new? Maybe because these really have been basically boring couples so there was no big drama to reveal? There just was no energy at all and I missed it. And to have the Reunion be in two parts is also pushing it. We get it - the women are all sisters and that was the best thing to come out of the show. LOL - I wonder if Haley will be a bridesmaid at the renewal ceremonies?
  2. Well, we saw that Kristen is going to use Chloe's location as a bargaining tool, which is lame. Agree to Kristen - find Chloe and then lock Kristen up. I wonder if Kristen will even mention Sarah also being her handiwork as additional bargaining material.
  3. I saw an article with discussion that after D Day, Chris and Paige attempted to reconcile and get counseling to be together. Ultimately, it didn't work (surprise), but, as many suspected, they did leave together and almost moved in together. I assume it will be on tonight's show. They BOTH disgust me. Chris stated that the reason it didn't work was because of him and that he was not equipped to be with such a wonderful woman. Paige said she believed that they were NOT meant to be together.
  4. Yeah, maybe they can call Rex and see how he and Sarah are doing?????
  5. What else do they really have? I don't think they have a real relationship.
  6. Maybe she was in a group with others? And if not, is she not allowed to dance with anyone other than Erik? (LOL - maybe he was at the bar getting her next drink?)
  7. I thought it was a nice way to wrap things up. But, seriously, I have no idea why Jane Levy was nominated as Best Actress in all of network TV. She really isn't very good at acting and her singing is better than Mary Steenbergen's and that is all. She is really cute, and maybe it is just the character that is so unlikeable, but I am glad everyone got their happy endings (including Emily's happy pills!). I always liked Max and I am glad that Simon got a promotion to what makes his heart happy. I also thought that the quickest solution to the law suit would be to acquire the company. And Zoey and Mitch dancing was lovely. And, I also agree that Max was singing to Zoey at the airport.
  8. I read somewhere that her illness will have to do with the headaches she has been having for a while. Is Kayla a brain surgeon?
  9. Did anyone happen to see the preview of the Reunion show last night on Lifetime? Suffice it to say that Kevin Frazier was yelling at Chris, who, believe it or not, was walking away. I know - how unlike him. It looks like it will be way too much Chris and Paige for me, but I'll watch.
  10. Dear Lord, Kristen is STILL out trying to negotiate???? Make it STOP. Hoping that Brady and Kristen at a crossroads is on a train track and they are both taken out.
  11. Was his Subway still open then? Maybe he took some sandwiches. Or maybe he had Mercedes bake some cupcakes?
  12. I guess good for them if they want to cash in, but I have heard enough of Bri's baby voice and Ginny's fast talking and Erik's self-important talk, as well as Vinnie's pouty face.
  13. What a mess. Let's see. . . Haley looked nicer than she has ever looked, but was obviously dressed to go out and party as a single lady. I do feel bad for Jake. He deserved much better than her sour puss on the few times they spent together. I resent the fact that we had to spend half of the show on Chris and the equally awful Paige. She is either too dumb to be unsupervised or a willing participant. I just don't think she is that good of an actress. I would be happy to never see her again, but, of course, she is going to get her Eeyore time on the reunion show(s), as well. I wonder if they were wearing one of those step trackers so every time one or the other walked out, they get points. Ridiculous. I also think that the producers were going to pretend that this was all shot on one day, which is why they had to wear the same hideous clothes for Day 2. But, then Viv had to announce how SHE demanded they stop after Chris and Paige and come back the next day. I couldn't believe that they allowed C/P to take 6 hours of their time filming that crap. I wonder how they explained that to the two remaining couples. Was the after-party at Jake's house? And, whoever said that Paige was all giddy because she believed that Chris came to the party to see her, was right. I am willing to bet they got together that night - because, you know, they were technically still married. I did not like Vinnie saying that Briana was rude. She is better than he deserves and I hope he appreciates her. Any bets on how often either Chris or Paige walk out of the Reunion special next week? I wonder if they pulled the same crap and that is why the reunion is also in 2 parts. I just don't see Kevin Frazier going after Chris to try to get him to come back. He has too much class. Really really bad season.
  14. It just started here and just seeing those first few minutes with Paige and Chris made me realize how glad I have been that I have not had to see them lately. I am just as disgusted at Paige and her constant second guessing her decision as I am with him. NOT a fan with the black hose with Viv's dress. Bumble bee?
  15. That's actually a really good idea. Gwen will need an organ and of course, the only match will be Abby. (Or they could go to Gabi since she seems to be the universal donor.) But, I think that will have to wait since I think Kate has the next illness SL.
  16. So, what do you all think about that spoilerish post above that says that Paulina is really Lani's mother? How would that work with Abe being her father? So Lani and Chanel would be half-sisters instead of cousins. All I know is that if this gives Lani more storylines, I say NO.
  17. You forgot the sudden availability of facial masks of everyone in Salem that magically turns the wearer into that person, regardless of weight, height, build, or sex.
  18. Thanks for the recap. Those of us who watched that mid-season show with Kevin Frazier and a few social media people saw the scene at D Day with Chris and Paige, which I think is what you are referring to.
  19. LOL - I wonder who refuses to decide - NOT! That is so phoney. I saw I in the latest TV guide that the following week is the Reunion - Part 1. So they must be dragging that out, too, but that one I will watch. Especially if Kevin Frazier gets to interview Chris!
  20. I skipped this one, and apparently, so did most of the posters on this thread. See you next week! ETA - I looked for a recap, but I guess they don't review filler eps. What was the consensus? Did anyone think couples would stay together and did they talk about Paige and Chris? Thanks.
  21. It looks like tonight is a 1-hour MAFS special and then a bunch of Unmatchables. Not for me. Next week is Decision Day - I will wait for that. I am most looking forward to the Reunion.
  22. I just read the comments and decided not to. I am not sorry. I don't know if I will watch tomorrow, either. Just fake drama about them leaving for Decision Day.
  23. I am really disappointed with this season, as many of you have also said. My problem is that I just don't like Zoey. That makes it impossible fro hope she gets her real love and a happy life. It is great that she is now in therapy and I hope it helps. I hope he tells her she is nowhere near ready to be in any relationship until she deals with her inner issues. That said, I really like Max and I hope he comes back (I am sure he will). And if Zoey is Simon's boss, there is no way she could remain in that position of authority - they should have had him transferred to another supervisor a long time ago. Sad to see how few posts there are this season and I would not be surprised to see this as the last season. Too bad - it really started strong.
  24. Why is Sami catching on to Kristen's masquerade? She already knows about Susan. Maybe she figures it's "Kate" too. And Brady in ANOTHER accident? Is that all they know how to do with him? On the positive side, at least the Chloe debacle will be over pretty quickly. It sounds like a pretty Sami heavy week of shows. No thanks, but thanks, @TenaciousWarrior for the spoilers. You, too, @brisbydog.
  25. Haley specifically said that she is VERY picky, makes her decisions quickly, and then shuts down. I still think that the only reason she wanted to be married is that all of her friends are and she was tired of not having a partner for activities and weddings. She does not appear to be a warm or kind person. Of course, we did not see her before her last relationship, which she is still dealing with (and why she shouldn't have been selected for the show).
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