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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I am still puzzled how the people get to post on SM. I really thought they had to go dark while filming. But, I guess not. I wonder if Alyssa will start her version of events on SM now. I would love to see some the comments she gets. I have a feeling she wouldn't get the "Poor you. You are such a good person and deserve so much better" comments she is expecting.
  2. Maybe they need to hire Jose from last season to run an activity where they all develop their white boards?
  3. It sounded like we wouldn't see Chris or Alyssa on the After party anymore. I am glad they let Chris come on, but I hope we are done with any sight of Alyssa. I really would like those women with the fake hair to be able to keep their hands off of it. If it needs that much constant attention, either lose the extensions or wash them or sit on your hands. I think Katina will say whatever she feels is the safest and never really says what she means. Other than Chris, and maybe Mark when he is not around Lindsey, this is the most unlikeable group yet.
  4. And that you tried your very hardest! My thoughts on last night. . . I was surprised to see Chris and Alyssa (dab dab I'm a good person; dab dab I tried my best), but it made sense. I would not mind checking on Chris from time to time and it seems that he does have true relationships with many of the gang. But, if that means we have to watch "the dabber" cry and lie again, no thanks. I really like Chris and am impressed with his handling of the mess he was given. It does help that production gives him the good guy edits. Other than Chris, I pretty much find NOTHING to like about any of the others still there. Both Jasmina and Katina are cold and stubborn and inflexible. It doesn't help that their husbands are horrible. Noi is an immature baby with a terrible voice and one of those brilliant conversationalists who just says, "yeah." Steve is trying to bring his single life into his marriage and she wants him to change. It's not going to happen. I understand where she is reacting from, but why would they select someone who was raised in a refugee camp and expect her childhood NOT to affect her adulthood? I am still over her, and I don't think they will make it. Even if they say yes at D-Day, I am guessing they will be done by the reunion. I did appreciate Lindsey's Mama Bear approach last week, but he doesn't want that and then, as they said at the wedding, she fights dirty. NOTHING that happens between them will ever be private and Mark doesn't (who would) want that. Clearly they run hot and cold, as seen in the previews for next week, where they are holding hands and skipping down the meadow. He is totally embarrassed by her, and no one would want that in a relationship. I vote NO for them. I agree that there are too many group activities and too many friends and families. Although, last night the friends seemed to be more realistic. I liked that Katina's friend told her the truth about O and challenged that she was OK with all his crudeness. That dance at the wedding was disgusting - it would be even if they knew each other, but for that to be his introduction to her family and life was beyond vulgar and classless.
  5. I am really tired of all the friends and family already. We have had too many shows with them sucking up time. So, tonight won't be my favorite, unless they show whatever drama they are going to show and then they have to pretend that everything is fine.
  6. I am sure it was she said no and he said OK. That's mutual.
  7. I still think that there was no way that the choice to not have sex is O's. He was ready from the minute he saw her. SHE is the one taking her time and I think, he was trying to cover for her by saying it was his choice. First, that makes her look worse - like she WANTS to be with him, and second, it is a lie. Has there ever been a season where hardly any of the couples actually have sex? I know there are a few couples, but it seems like, at this point, all we know for sure is Mark and Lindsey. Probably Steve and Noi (unless the first time she saw him naked, she called it "cute.")
  8. I read that Allie, for some reason, will be the one to deliver Ciara's baby. If they are following devil baby movies, they are always born in a very short time, but no one will know that. I read first that VK was let go and then I read another article that said that she will be leaving to maybe do a movie, but hopes to be back at some point. Probably trying to spin the fact that she was fired. I have no idea what the plan is for this baby, especially if Ciara is gone.
  9. When this whole stupid story started, I was working in an office. I had a radio that could play television channels. So, every day at 1:00, my intern and I closed the door and listed to Days. The first day "Roman" was on the show and started speaking, we looked at each other and exclaimed, "Tha'ts not Roman. That's Chris!!!" It was a very confusing time.
  10. It looked like Kurt's mother said that there were other exes that should remind him of Carolyn, which is really interesting that it seems to be a pattern with him. Hopefully, he will be able to break out of that, since it hasn't worked for him. And I don't like that he would rush right into a relationship that involves a child. I agree that it was totally unfair for just Carolyn's BFF to show up, who had obviously been briefed on her feelings for Kurt and what his assignment was to be. Kurt is an idiot if he picks her and I like that he is starting to realize that he learned absolutely nothing more about her. They both gave Breana as much of a shot as they could, but she was her own worst enemy, especially when they saw her with her family. She is just too insecure and it would be too exhausting to be in a relationship with her. But, yes, Martin adored her.
  11. If anyone says yes on Decision Day, I don't think any of them will still be together by the reunion. I have decided that Steve can do better than Noi and she needs to grow up and realize that life isn't Fantasy Land.
  12. You would think that men would like to be with Alyssa (for a short time) since she will never expect hem to sleep over since she won't share a bed.
  13. I am guessing that the producers did not give him that option. I think it was obvious to all parties that this was not going to work. I am glad they let Chris end it, though, to get back a little of his dignity that she took.
  14. In the previews for next week, Steve said that after he and Noi had a fight about something (maybe she still insists on those 3 kids) that he read that she made some comments about the relationship not working on SM. I thought they weren't allowed to post anything while they were taping?
  15. Maybe Steve and Jake from the past can host a party with Steve's lights and Jake's neon lights?
  16. There seems to be a problem with what they are saying and what we are seeing. Chris has NEVER been aggressive or rude, or whatever Alyssa seems to feel. Jasmine is finding things to complain about - I am glad that she said he does this when the cameras are not rolling. It does give more credibility to her statements. I think there is some new vocabulary that these women, especially Alyssa, are using to excuse their behavior. "Triggering," "feeling safe," etc. I think she uses that as a way to not have to be challenged about her outlandish behavior. So, now she says she has never been comfortable sharing a bed???? Even Cal had a hard time with that one. This time the producers have hired the most unlikeable group EVER. And I thought last season was the worst. Re: Noi - she is just way too immature to be married at this point. Her refusal to even think about changing her stance on 3 children was ridiculous. As Pastor Cal and others here have mentioned, she may not be able to have kids, and she is so stuck in fantasy land that it will be hard for Steve to have a real life. Re: Michael and Jas, I think Michael is the type to not tell the "whole truth" unless she had actually asked him, "Have you ever had a female roommate? More than one?" and then he would answer. But, because those questions were never asked, he didn't offer. They have no chance. They are both too quick to find fault in the other. Plus, they are both so solemn and , yes, boring. She was turned off at the wedding, just like Alyssa is using what she learned as her excuse to have checked out. I still don't like anything about Olajuwon and I don't think Katina will stay with him. She didn't own up to her honest feelings when they were talking to Cal. He is too much for her and she is not interested in playing his games and tests.
  17. I am petty sure that RSW is not leaving, but VK is, as well as Eli. I can't see why the recast rumor would be true about finding another Hope unless they plan to recast Ciara, but I don't think the Cin fans would take kindly to any recast.
  18. I still think that Mark has a problem setting boundaries with people. I am not sure if it is the same person or there are 2 different women - 1 the landlord and the other his "best friend", but I can see either/both of them being possessive of having Mark around all the time. Maybe to help with house stuff or things like that. And it doesn't have to be sexual. The BFF can be used to having him to go places with, like dinner or a movie. and the landlord likes to have him around. The fact that these women (or woman) texted him throughout their freaking honeymoon shows that Mark has some serious boundary issues. The BF sees his new wife as the ultimate competition and knows she will lose him. If I can remember what she looked like, she probably doesn't have her own dates and is experiencing a huge loss to her life. That said, if she is truly his friend, she needs to be supportive and let go. But, either way, Mark needs to speak up before Lindsey has to - and that won't be pretty!
  19. Why on earth would they bring Hope back NOW when her daughter is gone? And the rabid CIN fans would never accept a recast of Ciara. Yes, please let Lani follow Eli and go away. I am glad he has a new role, as he is very handsome and is a much better actor than his "wife." So, would they bring Hope back just to screw with Nicole and Rafe?
  20. He sure didn't when it came to Haley and Jake (who I definitely preferred). But, he has lost any bit of perspective and ability as an impartial journalist. I would love to see Keisha handle these shows now.
  21. I am watching the show now, so it's not over yet, but why does Steven like Breana? She is so mopey and insecure. I would have thought that he would have picked her for the big date if he truly wanted to spend time with her. I am sick of Carolyn and her entitled attitude. It is VERY important for Kurt to decide if he wants a future that will be more complicated simply because she does have an ex- and a child. And she shuts him down every time he tries to bring it up. I hope he sees that it will be difficult to ever let Kurt drive a conversation and she is very good at that manipulation and he is pretty weak.
  22. LOL - none? I am just curious who gets picked. I am assuming each guy gets to select one and then they will announce who the millionaire is?
  23. Does anyone know how much longer Alyssa and Chris will be on? Or are they over next week when they meet with Cal?
  24. He did say that - several times, and also on the Afterparty show. He told her that she was more than welcome to follow the process and move into the SHARED apartment, as he will be doing.
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