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Joan of Argh

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Everything posted by Joan of Argh

  1. I don’t know but I’d love it if it was NACHOS! 😂
  2. Christine and David are married!!!! https://people.com/sister-wives-christine-brown-married-david-woolley-sexy-elegant-wedding-photos-exclusive-8348339
  3. Same here, they’re not chaining the wimmen folk to the stove and saying “You better cook for us or we’re evicting you!” Theyre saying Felicia, Cirie etc are good cooks and they’ve been doing most if not all the cooking (by their own choice) which is nice because they all like to eat good food. I love cooking and would probably do a lot of cooking if I was in that house plus I’m picky about cleanliness and food preparation so I’d prefer cooking it myself than having some guy cook who doesn’t wash his hands after visiting the bathroom like we’ve seen in past seasons. 🤮
  4. Her smile always looks fake to me, give her a little hair spike and she’s a spitting image for Ed Grimley
  5. I think Jared just asked Cam like a favour to protect Cirie because she’s older and he was working with her… then Cam is all “absolutely bro no worries!” It’s like Cirie is a 95 yr old granny with a cane trying to across a busy street and the bros are Boy Scouts!
  6. I’m getting so sick of Janelles turmoil about leaving Kody and how she wants a sign from god…. Good grief the man shit on your kids, he made Gabe cry and he didn’t even contact Savannah for Xmas but all the while openly flaunted his close relationships with Robyn’s spawn, ear piercings, minibikes… ugh! Janelle needs to SNAP OUT OF IT!!!! 🤬
  7. Brianna and aROARa were riding the minibikes and it might have been Da’yun riding the 4 wheel ATV in the background. Princess Mullet and King Sol sound like 4 yr olds. Sobbyn really knows how to infantilize her kids and keep them in a bubble, aROARa is heading straight for old spinster land , she better look for an exit or she’ll be living with Mommy Dearest forever!
  8. I think at this point it’s no longer 1/5 of the assets, Christine cashed out and left the mess in her rear view mirror. At this point it’s just Janelle, Meri, Robyn and Kody I don’t think people are lined up to buy Coyote Pass with its Poop Pond and the prairie dog plague soil.
  9. Exactly and that’s not just us saying it was stupid, Janelle herself in the video goes on about buying the RV being a big mistake and a failure and how she beats herself up for making such a stupid decision. Her only saving grace is hopes that somehow she’ll get Caleb and Maddie to haul it around in the summer months with her and the grandkids onboard so she’ll get some use out of it that way, is Caleb going to fly out from SC and drive it across country and what vehicle are they going to pull it with, does Caleb own a truck large enough to pull that behemoth or is Janelle going to buy or rent a truck? The whole thing is ridiculous, if she wanted to live out on the land she should have bought a mobile home or some kind of tiny house that she could sell after her garage house was built, which was probably another dream because there’s no services on that property and as Sandy said she probably wouldn’t be able to get permits to build that garage/house casita on the property.
  10. With Jared making Cam promise to protect Cirie and now as you said “Cam being productions pet” I’m still thinking that it’s all just rigging to help Cirie so I don’t want her to win.
  11. Also saw this while reading the transcript of Alex being cross examined by the prosecutor, he mentions talking with Maggie about Paul’s feet and apparently he had high blood pressure too! That kid needed a serious intervention!
  12. I think you could be right, I googled and this came up. That would also explain why he was so adamantly refusing to see a doctor about it, he knew the doctor would tell him to quit drinking and then Maggie would be all over him about boozing and that’s the last thing he wanted.
  13. Just watched an episode of “Blown Away” and look who’s a judge…. GinaMaries “Nick”
  14. They lost the family dog unexpectedly?!!?? they “hault” construction on their house… and to think she’s home schooling her kids and doesn’t know how to spell HALT
  15. Yes it was a full size hammer and real nail and Lilah was holding the nail with one hand and swinging the hammer with her other hand , the nail went flying a couple times and I was on the edge of my seat waiting for her to slam her fingers, I had to stop watching because I was too anxious and worried that she’d break a finger…. meanwhile Tori is laughing in the background cheering Lilah on. 🙄
  16. I was also confused about the balls when he fumbled the first one I thought.. well that’s over.. another week at least of asshole Jared and Cirie clutching him to her bosom as she screams and celebrates!!! 🤮
  17. Yup the classic problem of choosing between a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich! 🫤
  18. I’m not sure, Tori is posting pics of a new home theater room and I’m not sure if it’s upstairs in their house or if it’s the loft area above the new shop, maybe Ginger knows.
  19. Apparently 50% of marriages nowadays end in divorce but if you follow their advice, buy their books and journals you’ll have a long happy marriage. They love the word “intentional” they dated intentional, love intentional, have sex intentionally blah, blah, blah… they are “beating 50%” 🙄
  20. You hit the nail on the head! 👍🏻 Just the other day I was trying to figure out how Jeremy contributes financially to their household and I couldn’t come up with a single thing! They live a very high end lifestyle for a young couple with 3 children, they regularly go on vacations, they have a main home AND a recreational home, they have several vehicles including a new Mercedes Benz van, Jeremy has toys, motorcycle, tractor, vintage jeep etc, they’re remodeling a good portion of their home and Jeremy isn’t doing it, they have a engineer/architect in charge with a crew and finishing carpenter building custom kitchen cabinets…. I could go on and on and from what I can tell Auj is the breadwinner and paying for everything! Plus she does all the cooking, baking bread etc PLUS popping out kids and everything else! I have no idea what someone as ambitious and motivated as Auj sees in a wet blanket lazy toad like Jeremy. 🥴
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