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Joan of Argh

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Everything posted by Joan of Argh

  1. Kyanknight are you the lady who is or was living plyg lifestyle? Nice to have someone here who's actually been there done that and can explain the ups and downs ❤
  2. I like her bubbly nature but I wish Christine would tone it back and try acting/talking like an adult. She always tries way too hard and says stupid shit like "angels singingK* instead of just saying that in her opinion the property was lovely and the view was amazing. I think she would get on my nerves if I had to be around her for more than a day or two. And Janelle sounded like a complete moron with her..."I might crack open the cheque book and buy the place right now, the others can just accept it" then a few minutes later they're at the other property and she's all ready to buy that one...... Jeez Janelle maybe wait until you see all the properties and figure out which one Robyn wants before you start cracking open the Brown family vault.
  3. I really hate the way Aspyn is copying Christine during the couch interviews. All the over the top eye bugging, laughing and mouth gaping open in total astonishment at everything Mitch says. It's not cute and looks/sounds fake and childish IMO she looked like a damn fool smashing the cake into Mitch's face. I'm not a Mitch fan but I have to say he carried himself well and was a perfect gentleman even though his wife acted like a jackass.
  4. Janelle probably had a pizza stashed in her hat
  5. Christine needs to keep her stupid mouth shut and they all need to go to hell... Wtf with Christine turning up her nose and saying how they don't go "weird" Or whatever the word was....Yet they all ride the same dick as Kootie runs between the houses to service their twats and she has the audacity to criticize others lifestyles and call them weird!?!?!?!!!!!
  6. Nope her wart was there... he was sitting next to Christine.
  7. This! I couldn't believe how bad the fit was... Did she go with no alterations and wear it straight off the rack?? It was a mess front and back... Just awful.
  8. I didn't like that dress on Aspyn... Don't wear a backless dress if you're chubby That type of dress looks best on slim girls with toned back and arms. Her back fat was muffin topping over the edge of the fabric. 😲 Plus she acted like a prima donna with her endless fussing, bossing, snapping at people and giving orders.
  9. I totally thought Hannah punked Meri with that gawd awful mess of a hat... It was horrible and looked nothing like the hat Meri tried on in Seattle. I laughed so hard at Meri as she pouted and made an ass of herself.... Jeeez suck it up and STFU it's not about you... In fact I think they all would have preferred if she stayed home.
  10. Oh wow, sounds a lot like me but I wound up back in Vancouver area. Was born in New Westminster, grew up in Surrey.. Then moved to Calgary for the oil boom back in the late 70's and 80's... Met my hubby there (he was from Montreal originally).. our son was born in Calgary and shortly after that I wanted to be closer to family so back to BC and settled for a few years in Coquitlam.... Eventually we bought land and built a custom home in Maple Ridge which we love ❤ I love Toronto and we go there almost every year to visit family and friends. 👍
  11. Meri always looks like a scowling frump.
  12. I live in BC.... love it...the mountain and ocean views are to die for. They might even make angels sing 😀
  13. I think they all deserve each other... They've all played games and screwed each other over with sneaky ulterior motives and in my opinion Meri is the queen of that tactic.... She brought Robyn into the family as a big fuck you to Janelle and Christine. Christine was pregnant and having to deal with that shit but Meri didn't care cause she was jealous, pissy and Kootie was fed up with her...they weren't getting along and Meri couldn't have kids so why not make others miserable too. Meri is such a selfish ass clown with her big pouty gopher face. I'm glad Robyn took control, gets along fine with Janelle and Christine and has decided to fuck over Meri with various schemes.... Maybe she's hoping to drive Meri off and Janelle and Christine are more than happy to help her.
  14. My friend calls them "Kootie and the Blowjob Fish" 😛
  15. She's very superficial and shallow... Always needing the biggest, fanciest house with as many, bedrooms, bathrooms, elevators, wet bars, water features she can get even though she's an empty nester... It's all about a showy display when it comes to Meri. she better hope that the B&B is a huge success because TLC and LulaRAGS won't be around forever.
  16. I love these type of silly quirky stories.. I guess because it sounds like something I would have done. 😁 I like him already since his bio says he's a defender of stray animals. 👍
  17. They just can't be normal can they.... Maybe a toddler would make snow angels in in that "dusting" of snow but adults usually wait for an actual snowfall so your boots etc aren't grinding into dirt. They're constantly doing stupid shit to prove how extremely HAPPY they are and how awesome their plig lifestyle is!!!!!
  18. Thanks to both answers and I'm heading over to check out the property info! ❤
  19. Good question... I'm also trying to figure out which property they bought. Did they buy the mosquito pond or a different one?
  20. Can't say that I do... Please elaborate. 😉
  21. In season 1 Maddie proudly proclaimed that she was going to be a MECHANIC If things go the way they usually do with the Brown's she might get her wish and wind up tinkering with a broken down jalopy before she can go buy disposable diapers for her growing brood of snot nosed brats.
  22. I thought all the wives wear the cladaugh rings as the symbol of marriage to each other?... Meri, Janelle and Christine went shopping together and chose Robyn's ring. They chose the cheapest one they could find. 😂 And as far as the Meri and Mariah thing I agree with you... How do you forgive someone for something they refuse to admit doing?..... Even Christy admitted what SHE did, she was separated from her husband, lonely, looking for love and struck up a relationship with Sam. Meri acts like she wasn't doing anything and this person broke into her virtual house and victimized her somehow without her having anything to do with it.... I've yet to hear Meri admit to her part in the whole thing or how inappropriate her actions were... She's still riding around on her moral high horse looking down her nose at people. Meri goes around with sleeves over sleeves and hemlines to the floor because she's soooooo modest and such a godly woman... And even after all that we know she continues to go around all bundled up and acting morally superior. 🙄 I can't stand Mariah but it must have been terribly embarrassing for her when the whole catfish situation was exposed for the public to see and hear, all the pictures of her mom with bananas and the sex talk etc. ... When I was a teenager my best friends mother got caught having an affair with a man who lived down the street, the entire neighborhood was buzzing with gossip and she found it very difficult to continue at school or even go to the corner store because people would whisper, her mother was labeled a slut and the gory details continued to trickle out until my friend considered suicide, her father finally took her and moved away because she couldn't function. I'm still friends with her and have stayed in touch..and even though it happened 25+ years ago it still hurts and when the Meri thing happened (she watches sister wives) She said how it brought back all those embarrassing memories and how hard it was to try and live through it. Mariah learned how to be a stubborn, judgemental hypocrite from her mother (and father)... Meri is reaping what she sowed.
  23. I don't know about the age but maybe that's why Jazz wants to rent it with her older sister?
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