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Joan of Argh

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Everything posted by Joan of Argh

  1. Every time I watch this trainwreck I want to grab Robyn and drag her to the salon for a makeover. That fucking 1940's Joan Crawford hairdo needs to Go. Robyn has a severe jaw/face and that hair style only emphasizes it.
  2. I was thinking about this last night and her snotty "why" response and how it's only an hour. And as you said...Yes the show is only an hour or two....but that show covers several days or a week etc. So when a viewer watches the show and sees her crying on this day, and this day and this night and the following day and the next day of course they're going to think she must be VERY unhappy and needs to leave the situation she's in. She's such a bitch... Ugh!
  3. I found the scene with the two girls absolutely bizarre. The one girl was sort of clawing the air with her hands as she struggled to describe *GASP* a "mountain and trees" I didn't know if she was having a seizure, a brain freeze or needed to take a dump because her body language was so odd. Meanwhile the other one sat there like a stump. 😮 It was so awkward & manufactured all I could think was... "This is what living in a cult does to children."
  4. I didn't think it was possible but I'm shocked... Wtf?? Desk buddies? Fish, crap, stuffed toys, endless selfies?... What bank do these two nitwits work at? I honestly don't know what I'd do if I went to see a banker and they had all that stupid shit all over their desk area... It sure doesn't say "professional" Or "serious" Or anything else that would give me confidence. The only "business" conducted at that desk is "monkey business" 🙉
  5. Awwwww thanks! I just called it as I saw it. I still can't believe how they handled the situation and just let Ahmir walk away without confronting him about his comments and actions. 🙄
  6. The people stuck with this crap might starting untying those knots to make a noose. 😮
  7. I mean good grief how hard would it be?I I'm sure the recipe is SNARKALICIOUS 😂
  8. Has she ever given the actual smoothie recipe she uses or just this type of thing where she posts a pic of a bag of frozen fruit and leaves it up to her members to figure it out for themselves?
  9. It drives me nuts, her mom needs to back off and let her have a little privacy. The problem is Jeanette never met a camera she didn't love and backing off would mean less cam time for her... No way will she agree to that. 🙄
  10. Jazz seems more than happy to overlook all of Ahmir’s immature judgemental observations meanwhile she had a hissy fit at his mother. His mom is typical of a lot of people, Sure she's misinformed and judgemental but I didn't think she was horrible. Why is jazz so eager to overlook and ignore all the odd reactions and judgemental things that come out of Ahmir’s mouth yet she had no patience or willingness to do the same for his mom? Jazz acted like a myriad of other young women who end up in bad relationships, they let the guy get away with murder while demonizing all the women around him. That's where I thought Jeanette as the ADULT in the room really dropped the ball. I often get the feeling that Jeanette likes the idea of being the cool girlfriend instead of the mother. She should have said, "hang on a minute.. You say he's never liked or talked kindly of people like my daughter.. please elaborate." and she should have told Ahmir to leave the phone alone and that as a concerned mother she wants to hear what his mother has to say. But nope... Instead we get girlfriend Jeanette in her stupid teeny bopper clothes going right along with the hissy fit nonsense. 🙄
  11. That's exactly what I was thinking, being totally honest about the situation, warts and all means owning up to the fact that maybe some of the decisions Jeanette made weren't the best. Heaven forbid Jeanette having to admit that maybe some aspects should have been handled differently. At this point Jazz's results are what they are and hopefully she's happy with the end result once she's had any additional surgery that's necessary but Jeanette should be open and honest with the other moms so they can make the best decisions for their children. I'm hoping maybe when the cameras weren't recording Jeanette opened up and told them the whole story including any serious problems and complications.
  12. I agree, in fact I was having flashbacks to Jon Benet Ramsey and all the little pageant girls with their inch thick make-up, eyelashes and lacquered hair. 😲 A little make-up properly applied is so much nicer.
  13. I thought Jazz stomped into the conversation with Ahmir’s mom and heard what she wanted to hear. Ahmir’s mom said that Ahmir has never spoken well or accepting of gay people or people like Jazz... She even said she knew someone like jazz and when she mentioned that person to Ahmir he didn't react well.... She said he is LYING TO YOU... But of course Jazz being Jazz, impatient, immature, loud and bossy ignored all of that and turned the entire conversation into his mom being a bigot and then hung up on her. Amhirs mom knows her son better than Jazz and might have been warning her that he isn't who YOU think he is! MAYBE it's the truth, maybe he is only trying to be around jazz for the reality TV show aspect or some other reason. If that's the case it would explain his reaction to any info about her VAGINA and his lackluster attitude when she's so pushy about sexual contact....he isn't acting like a young man who is really attracted to her and can't wait to kiss her or anything else. Jazz and Jeanette totally ignored ALL of that and chose to focus on his mom being a horrible ignorant person. MAYBE it's Ahmir who is the horrible person and his own mother is trying to warn you. Some people are horrible and can be very mean, look at Meri Brown on "Sister Wives"... She was contacted and catfished by an evil person who thinks it's fun to do that type of thing. Of course admitting or even seriously considering the possibility that Ahmir isn't head over heels attracted to Jazz means Jazz and Jeanette accepting the idea that he isn't attracted to her at all and is just using her for his own purpose, whatever that might be.
  14. No one is allowed to disagree with Jazz! I guess amhirs mom didn't get the memo and forgot to bow down to queen nitwit on the phone. People there's an IGNORE button. 🙄
  15. Okay I'm calling bullshit on #41 because in #57 he admits that he doesn't know what day it is on any given day. In my experience the ONLY time in my life that I haven't known what day it was...was when (1) I was on extended vacation and it didn't matter what day it was.... OR (2) I was unemployed for a while and didn't need to know what day it was. Whenever I am working I always know what freaking day it is. I guess when you "work" for daddy and earn money from "working" on daddy's TV SHOW it isn't that important. 🙄
  16. They don't pay to have lips like hers... women pay for full puffy top lips... Jazz has a great big bottom lip and the top lip is thin. and yes the cud chewing takes the ugly factor to a whole new level. 😲 Her hygiene and manners are basically non-existent.
  17. You could see that the boyfriend was uncomfortable having a private conversation on the street with Jazz while she practically hollered VAGINA and every detail of the construction of her VAGINA!! Jeez get over yourself and try to take other people's feelings into consideration... Maybe he doesn't want to stand there with people walking by and this moron screaming about her VAGINA!!! 🙄
  18. And thank goodness she has long hair because those EARS!
  19. Omg Jazz spinning around making what she thinks are sexy, fun faces for the photo shoot. 😲 Those pics will need someone with a shitload of photoshop talent. That family has some crazy severe facial features, between Jazz's nose and the cyclops eyeballs of the grandmother and mother... Yikes!
  20. Exactly, they've suffered enough let's not add insult to injury by making them wear lulaRAGS! 😨
  21. THIS.... Maybe the guy was just looking for a happy and or enthusiastic response by telling her they were planning a visit to her B&B and instead he gets what seems to be an impatient brush-off.... Like "hey stupid..Look it up yourself" If I was that guy I'd change my travel plans. 😑
  22. I had the exact same thought... Like she was clearing the way for him in advance. It started out with her saying that "he probably wouldn't do it because he's too nice" BUT she actually wants him to so if it happens he's just being a great guy and giving her what she wants for her special day. 🙄 The Brown's have raised such submissive weak girls when it comes to the men or women they date/marry. I bet Robyn girls won't have cake smashing cuz old cinder block face won't allow it.... Gawd she's looking more and more like the alien in Predator.
  23. I found Aspyn's comments and actions during the cake testing sooooo disappointing. It seemed pretty obvious that all she cared about was pleasing Mitch and he sat there like a fat turd who couldn't care less about any of it. I felt like smacking her as she said that she hoped Mitch would shove cake in her face at the wedding. Blah! 😡
  24. I agree with your entire post but wanted to highlight the depression aspect which makes it even more obvious that she's in no position to be coaching anyone. I've watched this trainwreck since season 1 and IIRC there was a short period of time when Kootie seemed to prefer Janelle's company because he could talk business etc with her, they both worked outside the home and he seemed to value her opinion but then Robyn came along and with it the whole move to LV Janelle got her realtor license but it never really went anywhere and over the years I think she lost whatever attraction Kootie had for her. I think her self worth has gone down the shitter...whatever confidence she had flew the coop so now she's 50, overweight, unhealthy, doesn't really contribute in any meaningful way and has 3 younger more active wives to compete with.
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