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Joan of Argh

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Everything posted by Joan of Argh

  1. Not sure what problems you have but for most people it's not healthy to leave bad teeth unattended because it can lead to serious heart valve damage.
  2. I tried to react to your post with a heart but I keep getting this message. Is anyone else having this problem? It's only happening with Meowwwww's post no one else's.
  3. Maybe he was worried that they'd have another psycho like Mariah. 😲
  4. Yes I understand that... My point was I think Robyn would be more than happy if Christine printed out something... Robyn would probably say it was more important etc etc than an actual legal marriage certificate. I wish someone would suggest that each wife have a chance to be the LEGAL WIFE and see how Robyn reacts. Robyn always insists that legal wife means nothing but I bet she'd quickly come up with some excuse if called on her BS
  5. Does Maddie live in Greenville NC? I think that's where Whitney from Big, Fat, Fabulous life lives... Janelle would have an enormous buddy to Strife with at the waffle shack. 😂
  6. Wtf is Gwendolyn wearing? I guess she didn't want to wear lulaRAGS so she put that gawd awful top on and to make sure everyone's eyeballs focus on her gut she wore jeans that tie in a bow. Mitch with his big belly and the girls in lulaRAGS, torn Jean jacket, unflattering eye glasses...Looks like poor white trash.
  7. Wow! I've never seen the things you are seeing. I like them both and see a lot of compromising which is good. Their kids seem fine... No one in the family seem "slow" to me.... Quite to the contrary. There's zero evidence that anyone is getting "physical"
  8. I'm just happy that Jeanette and Greg kept it real and Jazz's big surprise was nothing more than a hot air balloon ride. Perfect.... a ridiculous gas bag with underpants on her head.... floating away in a bag of gas. I bet her siblings are praying that they won't have to hear Jazz yelling about her VAGINA at every family outing. I hope TLC follows up with a show for Noelle, she's a much nicer and more intelligent young woman who deserves her surgery. ❤
  9. I'm hoping that the reality show house flipper couple in Vegas will buy them and go in and tell us how much work needs to be done and how cheap crappy they are. 😂
  10. I still can't believe anyone would want to have sex with Fibber McGee..... He's Paige's little prize and she's so worried about sharing him... UGH! I have to wonder how many just want him for the TV exposure and accompanying pay check. Same as Kootie... I think a lot of his fans just want the celebrity... Even if it's bottom of the barrel D lister.
  11. Ohhhh sorry I thought it was Pudge and Sludge or something... I didn't notice it was a poster here. My bad. 😉
  12. The arch was very nice but I'd hardly GUSH like Christine about him being an amazing "finishing carpenter" unless he's gone to trade school and is in fact a finishing carpenter. My brother's made tons of similar projects for his house and yard that look exactly like that and he isn't a finishing carpenter or cabinet maker. He has the basic tools for such projects, no formal training and just follows plans you can download online... He made a playhouse for his kids, trellises, arbors, benches, picnic tables and other garden projects that look great. Christine always goes so overboard with her breathless gushing over things... *Angels singingK* 🙄
  13. In the preview for the new episode Aspyn says something like "her parents are running away from something and she doesn't know what it is." To me this is so odd because by the time I was a married adult like Aspyn my parents discussed any major changes for the family with me and my adult siblings. We never would have been left to wonder wtf was going on. The other thing is.... by the time I was 16 or so I could easily pick up on any major changes (maybe not every detail) just by taking note of different things that were said... I can understand Truely or Solomon not knowing but Aspyn Or her similarly aged siblings don't have a clue?? 🙄 So either she's just reading her lines for the next episode OR the Brown's are secretive as fuck even with their own kids OR she's too much of a dullard to connect the dots when she hears things. Anyone else have an opinion?
  14. I think Robyn would encourage it... She'd love to have the others think that a piece of paper they printed up themselves was just the same or important as an actual marriage licence
  15. And even if that's how you live wouldn't a normal person take 2 seconds and toss them out of photo range? Nope, just leave the shit tossed here and there while you go online to pontificate and coach others. 🙄 I'm hesitant to ask what that stain is on the couch because I'm afraid it's sweaty ass juice... and not from the dogs.
  16. Who is that and why do they have block heads? 😂 I'm old and confused.... lol
  17. I really hope Meri reads here because she'd get some honest feedback and look so much better if she'd follow the advice instead of getting her back up. I'm not a huge Meri fan but I'm more than happy to admit when she looks nice.
  18. I like hats and need to try on before I decide... Sometimes I see one on the rack and love it....then I try it on and hate it. Meri should have told Hannah to make her one that was the same as what she tried on in Seattle. I think Meri's hairstyle is way too messy casual for a fancy hat like that... I think she'd look better with something more like Robyn's hat.
  19. It reminds me of my sister in law... Her family are jehovah witness and they were all selling Artex fabric paint stuff years ago then that ended and they all hopped on the vitamin bandwagon... Can't recall the name of the vitamins but my brothers house was full of them, special containers for dispensing them and powders that you add to water and drink... Etc, etc. My sister in law isn't a JW..... But her family pushes all this junk on her and she didn't know how to say No.... Once the cupboards were full and then the pantry started to fill up my brother stepped in and said ENOUGH!! I think my sister in law was secretly relieved that she didn't have to be the bad cop. 😉
  20. Sorry KYANIGHT I can't seem to lose your quote box... My tablet reacts strangely on this site and has a particular problem with quotes. Okay I don't know much about this LulaRoe crap so I need to ask... Is it marketed as "modest" clothing for religious people or something?.... I'm trying to figure out why it was such a big hit when you can buy leggings and tops literally everywhere. What made theirs so special?. 🤔
  21. Yep finally a top that fits properly and it's a nice color and print for blue jeans. I think she thinks that she looks skinnier in tight clothing and she's soooooo wrong about that. This is one of the first pics where she doesn't look like a tub.
  22. Lololol!!!!! when I cropped it I purposely left Janelle in the pic with her big gappy toothed grin. She's loving Meri standing there in that gawd awful hat looking like an idiot for TV. 😂
  23. What I can't figure out is why Hannah made a hat for Meri that was so different than the one she tried on and liked in Seattle. Why not just make another hat like that one or bring that hat for her? Instead Hannah makes one with big flowers that looked a bit like fried eggs from a distance... Creamy with yellowish center.
  24. Omg,.... so I guess that philosophy includes..... if taking showers and washing your hair doesn't make you happy... Don't do it... Just walk around looking sweaty, greasy, pimply in some wrinkled ugly clothing and you're GOOD! 🤓
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