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Everything posted by FurBabyMama

  1. I am so angry at the surrogate conversation. She could have spent the last few years losing weight so she would be healthy enough to carry a baby herself. She is so friggin selfish I can’t even anymore. I just want to smack her. Your surrogate should not be a friend who is admitting that they don’t think they could feel like they could hand over a baby that they grew for 9 months just because she wants it. And I get it! It takes a special person to be a surrogate. And just wanting Heather to be “uncle Heather?” Hell no… first off wtf? Second, if you grew that child in your womb that’s a deep connection, especially for a friend. I just can’t.
  2. Why would anybody of any size want to wear a flesh covered bathing suit?
  3. I thought it was so interesting how she’s asking these other women their age, relationship status, and what they do. You could tell she was just hoping someone was older than her with no real career… instead she got women with actual jobs and real relationships who are all younger and more stylish than her.
  4. It’s all BS, Heather would never be allowed to be a surrogate, she said she had complications during a previous pregnancy, so I’m pretty sure that would disqualify someone from being a surrogate. She probably just said OK to get her to leave her alone.
  5. Please don’t hate me for this, but I wonder if her eating disorder is a manifestation of her possibly wondering if she’s made a mistake. She was so young when she started transitioning, can anyone really know at 5 what they want? My friends daughter at 5 wanted to be a firefighting kitty cat. She mentioned in a video wearing dress up heels at 14 months, but most kids do. Toys don’t have a gender. My 2.5 year old the other day wanted to have a bow in his hair like my niece, but im not rushing to say he’s transgender. He also likes stomping around in my shoes, and his dads shoes. I wonder if she now isn’t questioning if she’s been forced to this life and is now not fully sure she believes it anymore, so it’s manifesting as an eating disorder, since food is something she can control. I seriously hope she’s getting some massive psychotherapy from an excellent psychiatrist, not cousin Debbie.
  6. Why is Kalani still nursing toddlers all night long?? I’m all for breast feeding as long as you want, but those kids need to sleep at night, not be attached to the boob
  7. Why didn’t they wait until she lost weight before doing a reduction? With significant weight loss things shift around. And if this plastic surgeon was hoping to get free publicity, I can’t imagine anyone going to him. He just seemed so skeevy the way he talked. And I’m also surprised she didn’t stay overnight... my sister had gastric bypass and she spent a couple days in the hospital afterwards. andrei and Libby confuse me. I can’t tell who’s right who’s wrong. The farm dudes friend was rude but it seemed so scripted.
  8. I just caught the last few minutes of this last episode where she was meeting with the cardiologist... why did anyone think she needed open heart surgery? For a PFO? Look, I’m a pediatric cardiologist, PFOs are my bread and butter. We generally don’t do anything for them, but on occasion we do close them, but it’s done through a cath. So why did anyone tell her she might need open heart surgery? Or is that just made for tv drama?
  9. In Russian, a lot of people use the same word to drink to mean drinking something or taking medicine. Depends on the region. There’s a lot of random dialect things... like where my mom grew up, they would use “pesok “ for granulated sugar, but the literal translation is sand. The first time my dad came to my moms house and they asked if he wanted pesok in his tea, he thought they were crazy.
  10. I think she said she made a medovik? It’s basically super thin layers of honey cake with a sour cream frosting in between. You have to bake each layer separately, so it’s a time consuming and annoying process to roll out the dough, cut out the circle, bake it and repeat 10 times. And then you have to let it all chill together. Russian cakes tend to be more layers and flavors, different textures, etc. I feel like a lot of them also tend to be sweeter and richer than american style cakes. But the frostings are not as sweet. I looked into making a spartak cake once, which is one of my favorite cakes. I was exhausted just reading the recipe so I didn’t even start. My grandma used to make medovik from scratch, but because of how time consuming it is, she didn’t make it often, and my mom never had a desire to make it from scratch.
  11. I felt so bad for Yara when she did all that work making jovi the birthday cake just for him to say he didn’t like it. My family is Russian and Ukrainian, those cakes take a lot of effort to make, so much so that we never make them and just buy it ready made. But they’re delicious, though very different from American cakes. I don’t know how hers came out, but damnit, even if you don’t like it, you smile and tell your pregnant wife who you haven’t seen in months how amazing it is.
  12. Why is Stephanie holding her thumb over her face during that video chat??
  13. I only barely watched the show but a few things that bug... 1. I realize I hate reality shows showing us them learning about covid. It’s not fun staying home and it’s not fun watching other people stay at home and complain about covid 2. if kody is going between houses, then he’s exposing them anyway. 3. why is Robyn daughter still using a pacifier?
  14. My husband was insanely curious what it was that Mike and Natalie were grilling. And why did they not have any sort of side dish with whatever those things were? I am curious what happens in natalies situation. She doesn’t get married before the 90 days so has to go home but the borders in her home country are closed so she can’t get there... if she overstays her visa she won’t be eligible for another one, but it’s not really her fault if there’s no way for her to get into her country.
  15. Personally I don’t care they don’t show amy checking her glucose. TLC long ago abandoned being “The Learning Channel”. They’re producing entertainment, and I would sincerely hope that if someone is diabetic and pregnant, they would get their advice from their doctors and not take a narrative from a tv show. There’s plenty of things that people do that don’t make for interesting TV, which at the end of the day is what the producers are after.
  16. Sorry about your MiL, and yes everything carries a risk. Getting in your car and driving to the grocery store is also a risk, crossing the street is a risk. But we don’t always have that at the forefront of our minds. When it comes to medical procedures, we naturally worry more because it’s out of our normal daily life. But for certain procedures, the risk may be less than the risks we take in our daily lives without thinking about it.
  17. I just saw the ad with her talking about maybe needing heart surgery... I call BS. There’s a clip with her wearing a Holter monitor, so maybe she does have some sort of an arrhythmia. And she might need an ablation for it, but it’s not surgery. They go through the veins in your leg and use catheters to go the heart and burn the abnormal area. It’s really safe, and most people go home the same day. My guess is, if she needs anything, that’s what she would have. It’s seriously not that big of a deal.
  18. I haven’t watched this show in years... but they all really do seem to hate each other don’t they? I remember watching some really early seasons when they all lived in the same house and they talked about how nice it was and they’re one big happy family, the kids are like any other siblings, etc. Now they can’t even stand to be in the same car with each other. It’s sort of uncomfortable to watch.
  19. This show was not meant to be watched on the fancy big screen tv. Her lipstick looks like an 8 year old applied it. And that color is not doing her any favors. I did love Todd’s develope at the beginning of the episode.
  20. Whitney obsessing over whether chase “liked” her comment just seems so juvenile. She’s a woman in her mid 30s who is stuck in middle school. She’s only a year or 2 older than me, I couldn’t give a rats patootie if someone likes my comment congratulating them on a new baby. I have some ex boyfriends that I am friends with on Facebook. They had babies, they didn’t call me to tell me said baby was born because it’s not my business! What did she think was going to happen, that at the end of the 9 months there would be no baby? Of course a baby is going to be born!
  21. What was it that Ryan did that was so heinous anyway? I only half watch the show, but I don’t really recall him doing anything so terrible, maybe they’re not into the same scene but that doesn’t make him such a bad person. my son will whip his clothes off and stomp around when he’s angry but he’s 2... surely if she wanted to take her mic off she could have just taken the mic off? whitney loved the help she was getting from a good looking guy like Jessica’s boyfriend. She was probably pretending she’s some cute little girl who needs help from the strong handsome man. There’s nothing fabulous about having 4 people shove your way through a hike. When I was in high school, we were in the Dominican and took a trip to see some natural waterfalls. You had to hike through the forest, and then if you wanted to climb the waterfalls you first had to swim this lake and climb up some rocks, etc. My mother and my sister, recognizing they were not in great shape and not strong swimmers stayed back and swam in the shallow part of the lake while my dad and I went ahead. Whitney should have just stayed back with Ashley and let the others have fun. And maybe set a goal that when she gets in shape she will do it alone. and I know it’s been said but she is a horrible “friend” to buddy. He’s saying he’s struggling and to just say get over it is so wrong.
  22. After WLS, you’re supposed to wait a year before getting pregnant, so it is something that may affect timing of surgery
  23. I was only half watching because I just don’t care anymore... I think whitney wanted people to tell her she doesn’t need surgery, she’s perfect and fabulous just the way she is! The truth is I think she’s realizing she’s not as fabulous as she wants to believe, her weight is holding her back not just with dating but with everything really, but to admit it would go against her brand. I also looked at the original fat girl dancing video she posted that started this whole thing... she was significantly smaller than she is now and actually able to move. Now she can’t even sit down properly. Call me crazy but I’m actually really curious for what happens next week to cause her to angrily rip her shirt off and storm away. Is she not wearing a bra under her shirt??
  24. I feel like those messages she was reading were more from people who had seen the show. And why do her friends drive to her? If they’re all in Greensboro and she’s in charlotte, doesn’t it make sense for the one person who’s moved away to drive there.
  25. I still don’t understand why Julia is expected to do farm work... she didn’t ask to live there. She came to marry Brandon, not to be a farm hand. rebecca and Zied... why is Rebecca talking in such terrible English? And why is it if the love of your life is coming do you not even have a couch and a TV in the apartment? And of course he’s not going to be himself the first night, he had a long flight, then got interrogated by your child, and just wants to sleep. And honestly, what’s the big deal that she lived there with her ex husband? I get wanting a fresh start but when my sister and her ex divorced, she kept the apartment. Her current husband didn’t really care she lived there with someone else before, though they did move as soon as possible mostly because they wanted more space. natalie and Mike... if you want him eating healthy, then have dinner ready. And it’s a lot to expect someone who’s menu consists of burgers, beers and fries to all of a sudden start eating everything healthy. Which is why you start by making small changes initially, or figure out how to make healthy version of foods he likes. amira, I must have missed it but why was she actually detained? It sounds like a terrible experience but did she not have the right visa or something to go? my husband and I missed the first 5 minutes because my son insisted that mommy and daddy both put him to bed, my husband was more upset about missing the first 5 minutes than I would have expected.
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