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Everything posted by fliptopbox

  1. Well of course the docs are gonna be on their best professional behavior while being filmed. When the cameras are gone who knows how well they actually treat the patients. I wouldn't be surprised if these docs don't even regularly do their own follow ups, and get PA's to do it, unless something serious comes along. I would trust Yelp way more than a 'reality' show.
  2. Dr. 90210 always kind of creeped me out. He always seemed like he was seriously overcompensating for something. I wonder if he's still a surgeon. Too bad I don't remember his name or care enough to Google him. :)
  3. The main thing I'm starting to wonder about this show is are the patients getting all this cosmetic surgery for free? Or are they paying Dr. Dubrow and Dr. Nassif and then being paid by E! for appearing on the show? Anyone have any idea how this works? I'm wondering what the real appeal is to appear on a reality show about plastic surgery. Then again, I have absolutely zero desire to ever be on tv.
  4. What I didn't understand was why Caprice was shown in a hospital gown with the surrogate's baby when clearly she was not the one to give birth. That was weird. And add me to the crew of people who wonder if she was able to breastfeed surrogate baby before the other was born. I don't have children so I have no idea how that works. As far as baby shower-gate, I am on Caroline's side. Even though it's considered bad form to plan your own baby shower I think it's still more acceptable than being a super control freak and dictating your expectations to friends who you've asked to do it...after you already rejected one offer. The rest of them came off just fine. Except Annabelle, who felt like an afterthought. Although she always did anyway with her McQueen stuff and horses. I don't think she really interacted with or even liked any of the other women on the show.
  5. Or it was just an opportunity for David Spade to have a cameo? I always liked him. Are he and Selita a thing? Maybe that explains the "random" phone call.
  6. I would think that legally Elizabeth would not be able to actively participate in the investigation...or at least the actual arrest and apprehension of Carter's kidnapper. It's a conflict of interest. I get that she wants justice, but I think she should also focus on trying to bond with Carter. Thirteen years gone is a lot of time. If she misses this opportunity while Carter is still a teen living in her home she may very well lose it and not get it back.
  7. Even though that's the kind of thing we'd want to know about Eric's past I'm sure that isn't what we'll get. We'll probably get more lame lovelorn Sylvie bullshit.
  8. Whoever it was who mentioned that scene between Bill and Sookie with Bill up in the tree....you are correct. Bill did look like total shit. For a vamp who supposedly cannot age he's not doing a very convincing job. I think the funniest thing about it though was if I'm correct Bill himself (aka Stephen Moyer) directed the episode. Even though I could kinda care less about Eric's character, I do wish he'd go back to being more badass. At least that was interesting. He's lame and boring now and if that's how they're gonna portray him this season I'd rather they just kill him off and be done with it. Kill Violet too. Now.
  9. I don't think fat people are evil. But anyone (fat or not) who uses someone else's pictures to purposely deceive or manipulate someone into a relationship is an asshole. I don't care what their past is like. Or the excuse they use. Nobody wants to be romantically involved with a liar. I am just surprised there is still so much fat people hatred in general, because obesity and general fatness is more prevalent in society than it has ever been. Sooooo many people are fat. I see them everywhere.
  10. Any piercing stretched out that large cannot be undone without surgery. What I wonder is wouldn't they be uncomfortable to sleep on? I mean I have gauges in my ears as well, but nowhere near that size. Mine still look like normal stud earrings, except they're a 4G.
  11. And again we had an insecure (former) fat girl catfish. Yawn. If there ends up being another season I may not watch. It's almost always "Surprise! I'm a fatty!!!" and that's getting really old. Give us more Kidd Cole-style catfish! I want serious psychos....not insecure losers.
  12. Random observation. I caught the twin sister saying Carter was living in York, PA. That's where I live. York definitely does not have a park with a merry go round....it would have long ago been destroyed because people here suck ass. But hey.. way to do some research about the place the main character supposedly hails from. Way to go MTV.
  13. Exactly. With her convictions there's no way any legit hospital or surgi-center would ever give her a job. Too much liability. Even without convictions any whiff of a drug issue and they want nothing to do with you, especially if part of your job could involve being around narcotics. She'd be a moron to waste her money.
  14. For as unfortunate as most of these women look, how the hell are they winning beauty pageants? None of them seem to be anything special. All that stands out is that every last one of them has had too many plastic surgeries. Although I must say the nurse anesthetist was kind of impressive, as it seems that most of the other women just happened to marry rich and therefore never pursued their own career. Speaking of marrying rich, did anyone catch Dr. Diamante (the smurf's husband)??? He looks like he's got a serious case of Downs. Or something. But then again she's no prize either. I plan on watching the premiere, and deciding on this show from there.
  15. I was just thinking about that Face on the Milk Carton series. This show reminds me of that sooooo much. I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out that the book series was the inspiration for the show. Anyway, I'm curious to see how similar it ends up being.
  16. You guys do realize Kimber used to be a man, right? That's why she's had so many plastic surgeries. Nose girl annoyed the hell out of me, and what was with the hooker outfit at the end to meet up with a couple friends and her mother?! Creepy!
  17. Abe could always work at Walmart. They'll hire just about anyone. I'm sure Punxy has one, and I'm also sure that Abe could handle pushing carts around or stocking some shelves. I can't say I'd trust him with money though. I don't get why all these people keep acting like they just can't let go of being Amish. They've already left. They're done! Why keep trying to jump in and out of the community when it suits them? Real Amish communities would never put up with that crap.
  18. The gym rat guy was a huge dickhead...and I have the feeling that even if his gf weren't overweight he'd find something to nitpick and obsess about. Right now it's just that she's fat. Once she loses the weight (if she ever does) it will be something else. Guys like that are just never happy. The other couple were depressing, at least at first. I'm glad the woman decided to really start making an effort to lose weight and be healthier. No one really wants to be the guy who has to put his wife's shoes on cos she's too damn big to do it herself. I'd be curious to see an update on those two after maybe a year or so.
  19. I just found the whole Sylvie thing ridiculous. Out of a thousand years it took Eric til the 1980's to find "the love of his life"? And he didn't turn her immediately? Please. He could have had anyone he wanted, and I am sure he did. Many times over. I don't see what is supposed to be so wonderful about Sylvie, she didn't even seem all that smart or engaging. Another pointless flashback. And I dunno if anyone else feels this way, but it feels like this season so far has been kind of a huge fuck-fest for everyone. Not that I am against sex in any way, but they're just really trying to shoehorn in the sex scenes anywhere and everywhere. It's getting kind of annoying. I like sex scenes if they add to the story....but gratuitous nudity just cos the writers think everyone only wants to see Eric and Jason shirtless is dumb. If I just wanna see good looking naked people fucking I'll go watch some porn.
  20. Yeah the whole Sylvie thing was pretty stupid, I thought. If she was the love of Eric's life like somehow we're supposed to believe, why did he not turn her? He certainly could have. Eric isn't the kind of vamp to hang onto a human for very long, unless they're somehow useful. I don't get it. But at least he made the right choice when confronted by the True Blood yakuza.
  21. I actually enjoyed this episode. It wasn't great, but I thought it was better than the previous two this season. Now they just have to kill all the angry villagers and maybe Violet. I knew Alcide's number was up the minute Sookie started talking about him to Bill. At least we won't have anymore werewolf drama. Hopefully.
  22. This After Dead book seems like the only other one of the series that I would consider buying. I know there's no way I'll ever read the whole series (nor do I really want to, the first 2 were boring) so a book of short little vignettes about what each character is up to after the fact would be right up my alley. But I can understand why her die hard fans would be pissy over it.
  23. Even without divulging the source, you still can't say specifics? That's kinda crap. Why mention it at all? And...duh. It IS the last season. Obviously some main characters are gonna die. In fact, I kind of hope they all do. Or we'll be treated to some bullshit ending where the entire series was one of Sookie's fucked up dreams.
  24. I'm guessing Adalyn isn't using her fairy powers at will yet because she probably doesn't know how to. She might look like a teen or young adult, but she's only what, like a year old or something? Possibly less. She probably just has no idea what the hell she's doing. It's not like these fairy moms stick around to show the kids the ropes and our resident halfling Sookie isn't exactly reliable.
  25. Add me to the crew of people who wonder why these townspeople don't just up and leave. It's not like they'd even have to leave forever, just leave long enough for the HepV vamps to move on. It's already established they're nomadic. If all the humans disappeared the sick vamps would have no choice. But that would make far too much sense. I just don't understand why all of these characters are so stuck on staying in a podunk town like Bon Temps forever. The only one who would probably be screwed regardless of location is Sookie....with that fairy blood of hers no matter where she was vamps would be attracted to her like crazy. Adalyn too, I guess.
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