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Everything posted by fliptopbox

  1. I can't say I am optimistic either. With those 2 it will only be a matter of time. Something is bound to set one of em off.
  2. Have there been any real-time updates on Jenelle and Kaiser? I'd be curious to know if they've managed to kill him yet. She seems like the type who would "accidentally" leave a baby in a hot car.
  3. Wow. Could they be any more blameless towards Jenelle? Oh, some people don't know how to treat animals..? A girl of Jenelle's age who has a fucking child should know how to treat her dogs. Don't tell me she "doesn't know any better". That statement piece makes me hate MTV and the fact they keep that worthless trash on their payroll.
  4. Marcel got robbed. I also thought it funny that Marc finished early and made himself a drink. If that were Chopped it'd be a major no-no! They always point out that chefs who finish that early are usually neglecting something.
  5. Yep. For as many "friends" or contacts as Ben might have from the Aussie music industry, I am willing to bet not one of them showed up for this nonsense of a party. It probably wasn't even a real housewarming, it was probably cooked up by producers to have all the women in one spot for a night. Otherwise I'm sure Jackie and Ben's real friends (family too probably) would have been around. I mean surely they know other people outside this circle. God I hope so.
  6. I just couldn't with that vow renewal. I refuse to call it a wedding because you only get one of those per husband. Anything else is just a re-affirmation of the first ceremony, whether you liked it or not. It's nice Lynne and her husband seem to have such a strong bond....cos really, I'm not sure either one could do much better! Vanassa's breast cancer walk was nice. It's cool to see women like this be normal and be involved in a cause.
  7. I'm also kind of surprised since Hoyt mentioned being on the high school football team that there was no question of what did Jason do in high school? I mean if Hoyt remembered Sookie then obviously her brother would be (probably) close in age and....I dunno. This whole mind wipe thing makes me think too hard. But you'd think in his mementos he'd run into something involving Jason, since they were so close. I am assuming a glamour would not erase photos, or yearbooks, or any actual physical mementos of someone.
  8. I still don't get why they even kept Lettie Mae around at all as a character. Couldn't she have drank herself to death back in season 1? Possibly after her fake exorcism. Then none of this nonsense would even have had to happen.
  9. Right. All that Nev has that none of us probably do is a paid Spokeo account. Besides that, anyone with even a basic knowledge of the internet can Google names, numbers, and images. That kind of "detective work" isn't terribly impressive anymore.
  10. I must have missed something somewhere. How are we comparing Lenny to Adam Richman?
  11. Judging from the clips from next week it looks as though Bill will probably die and Sookie ends up with Eric after all. In on scene he flies off with someone in his arms, who appeared to be blonde. That can't be anyone but Sookie. Blah. Talk about a character I don't give a shit about....we had to redeem Lettie Mae after all this time? They felt that was an important storyline? Ugh. I'm just glad it's finally over. Ditto with the Violet shit. It also wouldn't surprise me if Jason and Hoyt swap ladies. Hoyt can have Jess and Jason can have Bridget. Seems they've been drooling over each other's women, so why not? I'm ready for this series to be over. Between the cowboy Yakuza guys and dragging pretty much all the minor characters back for a cameo is just getting so tiresome. Next week maybe those inbreds from Hotshot will be back!
  12. I still don't understand why they chose to keep her awake for the surgery. It takes 2 seconds to administer the drugs to knock a person out. That's barely enough time for a panic attack to even begin. Especially if the person was given "the cocktail" beforehand. In my eyes staying awake through a surgery would be a lot more panic inducing than being knocked unconscious. That just screamed irresponsible to me.
  13. Well now I know who won. I hate Lenny, and I never even bothered to watch those YouTube videos. He's gross enough to me without that aspect. I can't believe people voted for that downhome southern country boy schtick. It's a total act.
  14. I wonder that myself. They've already showed enough of basically the same old plotline that has gotten boring. In the beginning the reveals were (at least a little) shocking, but now they're mostly "meh". At this point I refuse to believe people in this day and age are willfully so stupid. They just want their 15 minutes.
  15. Sadly I think this is Ben's pathetic attempt to stay relevant as a celebrity. Silverchair is over. His new band Bento isn't doing anywhere near as well as Silverchair did. This is his only way to still be seen and noticed. I also am getting the vibe that he's just as much a drama whore as Jackie is. I was also trying to check out the general camera sweeps to see if I recognized anyone else famous or important at their party and I didn't. Granted I don't know a ton about Aussie celebs and rockstars, but you'd think if any had popped up onscreen they'd have tagged them so we knew who they were. So much for it being a gathering of the elite. Lastly, I have been to Mexican themed parties. This was not one. At all. Serving tequila does not make a party "Mexican".
  16. Moxon. If I remember right that was James VanDerBeek's character's last name in Varsity Blues. LMAO.
  17. Has anyone heard if this show's been renewed for a fourth season? Speculations, spoilers, and any insider info are welcome.
  18. I take Lithium and I'm not what you would consider seriously fucked up. I just can't take other types of psychiatric meds for various reasons, and believe me I have tried a lot of them. Doesn't mean I'm on my way to becoming a serial killer. I'm not sure I believe in indigo children. Hell, I'm not even sure I could tell you what one actually is, although I do suspect there's no actual indigo involved. Anyway, whether that kid needs meds or not at least they finally found a decent school for him where he seems to be doing well. Cos that aromatherapy incense shit surely wasn't going to help matters. I also felt really bad for the daughter. Chances are she's in for a boatload of therapy in her teens and twenties.
  19. I loved the gay dads from last night. Sure they're obnoxiously overprotective but I have a feeling as Simone gets older they will naturally begin to let go. Especially if they keep Nana around as the voice of reason.
  20. The more I see of her the more I dislike her. Especially with the ultra structured daily routine she has for her kids....that she doesn't even enforce. She has her army of nannies doing it. I hate when these women claim to be raising such wonderful kids when they're not actually raising their own children at all. They are paying others to do all the legwork. Then she has the nerve to tell each nanny they are not allowed to have their personal cell phone at her house. What if they have a personal emergency of their own? That's total bullshit. If I were her nanny I'd quit and tell all my nanny contacts how horrid she is as an employer.
  21. I don't understand why Lydia took her stepson shopping with her to that boutique. It felt soooooo awkward. You could tell he would rather be doing anything else.
  22. Jenelle is disgusting. I hope once she 'set those dogs free' they simply took off. Anything has to be better than the life they had living with Jenelle and Nathan. They're probably crated damn near 24/7 and that's no good life for a dog. Have we ever seen them being allowed in the house and being part of their family? Even once? If my life was spent in a garage all the time I'd probably fuck some shit up too. And it is NEVER ok to take your frustrations out on a dog like that. I have 3 dogs, and of course they drive me crazy sometimes. But I don't intimidate them or abuse them because of it. She should be barred from having pets, ever. I didn't see much else of this episode, I kinda woke up just in time for the animal abuse portion. And to hear Leah flip out a bit about money. I'll rewatch tomorrow for the full episode.
  23. Dear Vee, Farrah Fawcett called. She'd like her hairstyle back. Sincerely The 70's
  24. I agree with whoever said that if they had to work at communication after just two weeks then they're doomed. Completely incompatible. That is still waaaaaaaaayyy before a couple should be running out of things to say to each other. Monet and Vaughn are both better off to just cut and run. It's obvious neither of them really give a shit about each other...even though Monet is trying, but it's obviously a futile effort. Consider them a failure and just focus on the other two couples.
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