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Everything posted by Desperado

  1. Martin betrayed Nina like a spineless coward, I wouldn’t trust him at all and neither should Esmé. Scotty? Slim pickings, really.
  2. I would say it’s good news for the show, but they’re not the ones who re-hired SB so I’ll just watch from the sidelines and see.
  3. Same. I’m starving for escapism and I get “they’re going to put me in Hospital” instead. I think Laura could’ve done a much better job of raking Spencer over the coals though. She was much too nice. It doesn’t matter what Esmé remembers, she is Ace’s mother. Nik has a more checkered past, is on the run from the police, doesn’t have any legal rights to the child, and is a terrible parent to boot. Irrationally, I’m also side eying Cyrus for betraying Esmé confidence and sending her back into the arms of her psychopath mother. I muted Drew and hated to see smirking Carly. I watched the last 25 min of the show and it was so rage inducing that I’ll have to cut down even more.
  4. Anyone else think Drew and Anna were heading for a one night stand, or is it just me? I liked Esmé going to Cyrus and her exasperation at his only making a phone call and request to pray. 🤣
  5. I moved back to watching only the last 30 minutes and I’m about to cut down to watching twice a week, if that. I hate that we’re back to Sonny’s world, I hate that Nina is crawling to Sonny, begging him to keep her. I love JK so I hate that Cyrus is about to get killed (if not by Dex, someone else, there’s just too much writing on the wall). And although I enjoyed the Trina/Esmé convo, I hate that Spencer handed Ace to his screw up of a “no paternity test father”. I would’ve understood Spencer running away with Ace, but not this hand over. I had hopes for a renewed Nik, but he’s still just a selfish a bastard he was before being hit on the head by Ava. Speaking of my beloved Ava, the fact that she’s more than ready to get back with him + toddler makes me want to vomit. It’s too bad, because this board was so active during the hommage episodes to JZ.
  6. I thought I was the only one seeing sparks. 😂 I will always have a soft spot for JK but Cyrus is no prize, even compared to Sonny.
  7. I really enjoyed watching CW and JK work together. I was hoping Dex would walk in on them and Nina would go, what’s up with the scrubs? I kept getting distracted by how orange the Nik and Spencer characters looked next to the baby (adorable, as always). Their convo just felt too little, too late for me. I’ve checked out of the storyline. Will be interested in tomorrow’s Trina/Esmé confrontation though.
  8. From Port Charles (NY) to Amsterdam (Netherlands) to Ontario (Canada) and back to Post Charles in a day (with a bleeding wound on ones head!). How gullible are we supposed to be? Is this a dream sequence? The actor playing Lucas looks SO uncomfortable. Oh my, that ending. I forgive you everything, show!! 😭😭👏🏻👏🏻
  9. Shade of Epiphany dying saving someone in a car accident. Unnecessary.
  10. I can’t imagine how hard it must’ve been for the actors who knew JZ for decades to get through these scenes. I heard Lynn Herring’s voice catch and Kin Shriner seemed to have a terrible time of it, but Scott’s eulogy (and Laura’s/GF’s) were still well done. When I saw the coffin come in, I broke down and cried. As others have said, I really wish there would’ve been more flashbacks, especially for new viewers who couldn’t relate and have hospital folks there, WTH? I’m glad there will be another day for testimonials and hopefully, flashbacks. Having the actress who played BJ come in as a journalist to gather them is lovely. I’m fine with the Amsterdam plot if it gives KW some good scenes, but I fear it’ll just amount to a way of getting Jason back on screen.
  11. I think the delay is due to JJY’s illness as we hope for the best possible outcome. I agree that Bobbie’s death is used to prop up the Mafia clan and I hate it. I hope for much better at the funeral. If Jason pops up there though, I will be beyond angry for JZ. Lucy and Scotty reminiscing without flashbacks and with a ridiculous ending (destroy them Tracy!!) had no impact whatsoever. After Sonny getting bail because the old guy he beat up was “a convicted felon”, Esmé better get the royal treatment for a B&E.
  12. I always appreciate coming here to see if I missed anything good. I see I haven’t. Thank you for mentioning the issues with the site. I’m using an old ipad and I thought I would have to leave for not being able to upgrade (it’s running on the last iOSversion offered). I hate how it freezes on me and then reloads against my will. Wanted to try my laptop, but I wouldn’t come here often then, as it’s cumbersome.
  13. IIRC, both TB and SJB Carlys won and lost on a regular basis (even Sonny did). It’s only when LW’s Carly came on board that she became Teflon Carly, never paying for her mistakes and becoming the Shero of Port Charles. 🤮
  14. Yes, I couldn’t believe we didn’t get at least a cameo by Vanessa Marcil.
  15. I would prefer Carly/Jason to her reuniting with Sonny because they’re more insufferable as a team and they could too easily gang up on Nina. I don’t think the Jason character would care beyond keeping her away from his people. He also usually tampers down Carly and she can make him come alive a bit more. (Do I sound delusional?) I think I’m more pissed at the old mobster Sonny being back than Jason’s return because the show will again be unwatchable for me.
  16. I hate that the character will be exactly the same (telegraphed by the leather jacket) and the actor still looks unhappy, orange, and bloated.
  17. LW looks fabulous on that pic. The other two look like they would rather be anywhere else but there.
  18. 10 seconds of the iconic Genie Francis wasn’t enough. I was hoping she would at least have quipped “I haven’t fit in my L&L wedding dress since 1982”. Jane Elliott was fabulous, as always. Kin Shriner wastes a lot of people’s time. I have no words for that ending.
  19. Why was the background music so loud, I could barely hear John Stamos. Same here, quite annoying.
  20. Just realized tonight is the Primetime Special. Will try to wipe away today’s ep from my mind to enjoy the walk down memory lane, but will keep my finger on the mute button, JIC.
  21. I don’t need to see another round of Nik kidnapping Esmé. Sonny is acting like a mobster who’s wife cheated on him with his best friend, not like someone who found out she reported a crime he was in no way involved with. Beating a guy to a pulp, even if it’s Cyrus, IN CHURCH, is a crime he should pay dearly for, but won’t. I see we’re back to Mafia General just in time for a return. I muted most of the Carly/Nina/Drew convo, hearing C. say N. should’ve known her mom had passed was enough for me. I see it got much worse. Bobbie’s passing will be all about Sonny and Carly. Yuck. I had hopes for this show. Emphasis on had.
  22. I would’ve preferred Olivia, whom I can’t even stand, but they had to have the SEC crap hit the fan at the same time.
  23. Called it. Have to say, of all the people harping about reporting a crime being worse than the crime, I can see how Sonny as a mobster, would see “the ratting” as a non-negotiable offense. Love Nina’s black dress, not so much Ava’s fuchsia coat and lipstick. I really appreciated the JZ flashbacks and having LH, GF, and KS reminisce together. I wish I could’ve watched LW more, but CM was insufferable. I would love to see Nina helping Carly through her grief and not have them at each other’s throats for a change, sadly I see a Sonny/Carly reunion instead. 🤮 Willow waking up to Michael’s deceit was wonderful though.
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