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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. For me there's the fairly reasonable "why isn't Clark here helping with Reign andthey should probably just mention he's off planet etc" and then there's the "next years crossover should have Superman in it, he should be the total star, recruit Batman, Green Arrow, Flash Elongated Man (WTF?) And Black Canary for Justice League and everyone else (including Kara) can have one line or not be there and on some boards that type of scenario gets suggested every week.
  2. Another Sonic Scream. Sigh, I suppose it's one of the easier and cheaper superpowers to show. Not sure what I think of the news that Mon El/Imra was originally an arranged but not forced marriage but now they do love each other. Clearly this is meant to pave the way for more Karamel with any cheating or Imra being evil or dying since CW will most likely be staying and she won't. That's good because I like her and the writers are hopefully and possibly avoiding these frustrating and sexist tropes. OTOH they have seemed like a genuine couple so far so... I would be interested in more Brainy and Kara friends or flirts though having no ship in the game here beyond "please remember it's Kara's story" certainly helps. It makes sense that Alex isn't over Maggie, though I had hoped she and Sara's later interaction in the X over had helped her gain some more perspective. It's very hard but life does move on. This might be a way of not having any Alex love interest until next season or to see if FL is willing do do a few more eps I guess.
  3. I'm glad Amy Pemberton is getting another chance to br on screen, she deserves it for doing so much to make Gideon into an actual character and I really enjoyed "the Doctor's Wife" vibe it had going last time, though I don't think Rio is in this one. I thought first of I, Robot because it's Sci Fi but it could be a big emotional Ava Sara/Ava episode so it's a tribute to I, Tonya or possibly both knowing this show. If they *do* want to make her a viable longterm/semi long term LI then she'll have to have a bit more than the Beebo ep I guess. Bit with this show I'm always willing to wait and see.
  4. Why would that mean BS was getting a redemption? At this point I wouldn't be surprised if it happened but there's nothing in that shot which suggests it.
  5. Especially as mixing and matching the bonding shows different dynamics and thus fleshes out the characters more and helps them belong quicker ala Roy, and forgive me for keeping mentioning the show, but LOT does this often and it works. Zari already has different relationships with several different characters, Amaya, Ray, Sara and Mick.
  6. Oh I don't know. Oliver always liked Anatoly more than Curtis, the have about 500% more history and Anatoly is just heartbroken over their breakup and much less hypocritically lashing out.
  7. And we're back to being obsessed with MM again, but yes if Dick Dragon isn't the big bad and Alena remains really Felicity's friend so much the better. Still want to know what that "kill 4% of the world" was/is about though. I really find it hard to believe Dragon cares, maybe it will be Athena's plan since Malcolm was batshit enough for that. Also que the 'anyone but Fefe' crowd claiming she and Oliver should have an enemies hook up or something. ETA: Yeah they're really pushing Tinah with this storyline, and I don't think it's having the right affect.
  8. It would be cool to have a female big bad but I wasn't happy with Talia's storyline and Nyssa sort of ended up a pawn in men's storylines, especially with having Oliver fight her battles for her. I hope Thea has more agency than last time she was in the LOAs Cross hairs and chooses to leave with Roy. I wonder if this character is another daughter of MM's or his lover or just someone else obsessed with him? I guess this also ups the chances of Barrowman coming back, at least for some flashbacks.
  9. In 604 when Felicity is at dinner with Oliver/on the mission with Alena. It wasn't a huge moment but it was there.
  10. great so we can have more whining about his marriage breaking up even though he begged to be a viligante and no one made him lie to his husband. Year Paul was a bit of a dick about how he sprang the divorce but he's now acting like OTA forced him to join and then betrayed him. He's way too desperate. And he was incredibly offended when Dig asked him to run comms when Felicity wasn't there, too below you after being part of the C Team in the field for 1 whole year dude? EFF off. I wish they had given Felicity/Dinah some scenes, women don't have to be instance friends but it would be nice to know they realise each other exists. Also I would have liked to see what Rene's problem with Felicity is, beyond RG being annoyed no one wanted to talk about him being the next Oliver but about the nasty 'Blondie' comments. He's only ever worked with Lance for me, not even Oliver because SA has never convinced me he gives a shit about any of these people, unlike other additions like Roy and Sara.
  11. Exactly, he's not saying "couldn't save my Laurel but I can save this one" etc. He's on the road to continuing himself this is his Laurel back from the dead. Unless the writers think they have said that and its just not coming across ala apparently thinking NopeTA have a reasonable point and their obnoxious comments are funny/flumox OTA into not being able to respond? Or as MG said since they write for LL not BS they've managed to forget she isn't simply a brainwashed E1LL. Totally agree with your point re Olicity as well. I don't think we're the exceptions re the toddlers but there are people supporting them or saying Tinah or Rene are justified. Fewer seem to think Curtis is, because its so obvious if OTA had included him in their gang he would have been more than happy to nanite the other two up and celebrate being officially OTA. Some others also think Quentin and BS is the best thing the show has ever done, but I guess a lot of those hope she'll rejoin Team Arrow and the show will reset to LL S1_or 4.
  12. Zari is so far a great example of how to introduce, write and cast a new character. She fits in well with the group but has a definite personality and her own issues. And because the LOT writers know how to write an ensemble even though she's had quite a bit of focus so far, it doesn't really feel at the expense of other characters. I hope they can keep that up.
  13. Joe Dinicol seems free but I bet they don't bring him back even for one ep. I think if they were going to have Helena on this season (which they claim to be trying to make happen every season) I think she'd have been in the ep with/instead of her cousin. I'd like to see Sara back to talk some sense into her dad but they pretend she doesn't exist until big cross over time, also be nice to see her reconnect with Felicity and Dig and wipe the floor with the noob toddlers. I think they've also been trying to get Mari back but that's for LOT.
  14. You mean like all the times he cheated on her, basically laughed in her face and could neither commit to moving in with her or have the courage to say he wasn't ready? Or how about the time he moped in her lap about getting her friend pregnant? The BMD would still have happened if the Oliver/Laurel/Tommy show was going on, it would just have been even worse because he actually cheated on her at the time. The only reason s she didn't have an opinion in S4 was because 1) they needed everyone to agree with Oliver to have any semblance of making the storyline work b) they knew they were killing her off in a couple of episodes anyway c) most of her non death none Sara storylines in S4 involved her just being in the background.
  15. To a certain extent I do get it for him, but like MM its getting beyond a joke because they need to keep the actor. I doubt they'll kill her off or get rid of Tinah so no joining the team as BC#5, she'll be stuck in a repetitive cycle of will/won't they redeem her, probably with bonus Because Comics people predicting that Oliver will fall madly in love with her any day right now. Its sad, I knew Lance would survive the explosion because of this storyline and I was glad, now I'm getting to the stage where I think it would serve him right if he died still trying to show her E1LLs baby pictures.
  16. Lucifer crossover? In all seriousness if Matt Ryan could find the time for it, that would be great.
  17. Well it was once as a solo crossover ( for a reason) after nearly a year. Flash also got Smart to ditch the Waverider for an episode in a tight time frame of S1 of LOT to come help Barry. So maybe it is they give zero effs about Wally, but Good News LOT will highly likely make much better use of him. However I would be surprised if there was no send off from them at all or even a "where the hell have you been?" " With a team who appreciate me!" This season, we know nothing about his arc apart from Rip being involved in it.
  18. He is getting his due now as Ray on LOT where many people really enjoy him and his wife is also fine as grown up Nora Darhk and seems to be getting some work outside of that as well.
  19. Again, beautiful super smart girl who found out his secret 11 episodes into her run =/= "underdog" she would only be considered that if you thought they were never going against comics canon. @BkWurm1 I actually have gone there and seen your well thought out lengthy posts and can't fathom why anyone would think there was one simple answer to the question. We like what we like but Because Comics is just as shallow an answer as SA is attractive or Self identification, especially with their relationship in the co ICS over the years, in the show and expecting Oliver to declare his love when LL became insta Canary and the issues yove pintedout with other LI.
  20. See I've never got that. I'm definitely not a supergenius, beautiful hacktivist. Yeah I'm a geek but that's about all we have in common. I just think the actors sizzle together and make sense as characters. Are they suggesting GB or MG self identity as Felicity or is it just pathetic fangirls? TBH I probably have more in common with Laurel, in that I'm a sometimes bitchy professional with ambition whose kinda rubbish at martial arts. I'm certain my nothing like my favourite characters Sara or Mick. I'm willing to bet most of them are not anything like their favs either and certainly few of their writers are. Unlike designed to be "self insert" characters ala Bella Swan Felicity does have a very defined personality and flaws, which is why a lot of people there hate her. ETA: my favourite character ever o tv is Aeryn Sun, anyone like to hazard a guess at how much I think I'm like her or how much I actually want her life?
  21. Yeah I agree, it was something that became more important retroactively, not just meeting her future husband but the entire introduction to the life she is currently leading. Great answer to reddits question. I rolled my eyes at "even Laurel" because even n in S1 and flashbacks it was never shown as a good relationship and if she wasn't DLL I don't think many people would question that. His and Sara's renewed relationship made more sense to me, even though I agree it was never going to be longterm and they're way better off where they currently are. Did they get many other good responses?
  22. Sand then they get there and find out it's also the Legend's thing and they are therefore sharing a beach with two of their exes and Mick Rory. Does MG not know other Caribbean islands exist?
  23. So .... Basically about what we've been guessing for weeks. Poor PB stuck in this plot, he's going to get himself killed for a "daughter" who is 99.99% gleeful murderer. It would make more senseif this was brainwashed E1 LL and we hadn't just had a crossover full of evil doppelgangers. Which again would be a billion times more likely if SA and KC ever seemed to be on set at the same time and Oliver gave any indication that he thought about BS any more than he wonders about that night's game. (He totally that nks about the game more than BS). Thea has been more concerned about a "redemption". If they were ever going to have them get back together it would have been in S4, before E1 LL died and she was face striking him. And its the icing on the shitty cake that was Lauriver if *can* end up with her doppelganger but never her. Now obviously who knows but really? And you say Olicity is a soap? I doubt they'll kill her off again but if she's redeemed to basically E1 LL all the same problems will still be there. Having said that, all it takes is cast departures and new show runners and who knows what fuckery might end up happening.
  24. That would be a billion times more likely if Oliver and BS had ever shared a scene together this season. Its much more likely to end up DD vs Quentin right now. Nothing currently indicates Oliver gives a shit about BS and he's the one who just shot his own Nazi doppelganger.
  25. Not exactly good, although I guess we don't know if streaming is going down as well or if the CW even cares when they renew much younger series with similar or worse ratings.
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