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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. Oh, i think they're back in play just for that reason and/or what happens to other characters in the finale and they need a will they/won't they cliffhanger better than last season's.
  2. Nah, we just got Wally AKA Kid Flash, who was such a "useless mask" on Flash they didn't even realise he was gone, and probably still don't, but they're doing okay by him. Also, yeah Nate. Just LOT has had a little more success writing for a team. Arrow isn't the only show to "suffer" in that regards see "Guardian" or "Ralph Dibney". Or Darhk, Damien, not a mask but an Arrow verse villain who won't flush. Sara's as connected to BS as Q is but has a crap ton of other stuff going on right now. No Siren on LOT, I don't want calls for the "real Canary" to take command, it would be almost as bad as calls for GA/BC even now.
  3. Constantine I can probably deal with, with BS semi fulltime time m sorry I'm out. Apart fron anything else there would be the constant calls for BC to become the bestest, most badass ever leader that ever lead, which is exactly what they gave Sara her own show to deal with, and don't tell me her fans would differentiate between BC/BS then. And whilst this is never a scientific gauge not a single person who writes LOT has seemed interested in BS's story this season. They have Wally to give some more time to and prob Constantine, two big characters already. I guess she might come but I hope the rehab is not taking any more characters for a few eps until everyone is on a better path...
  4. No, no ,no no! We're already going to be dealing with Full Time Constantine next season and Sara has already been dealing with enough awful crap from her past right now. As an Arrow fan I can understand the urge and the spoiler has spooked me a little re S4 LOT and BS, but really? They were barely good sisters in Arrow. BS would bog Sara down for a further season on Laurel on an entirely different show. She already died once for this character,
  5. Well it was predecticted yet I'm underwhelmed. Sigh QL is probably for the Great SCPD station in the sky. I do like her two lines with Oliver when they meet, so I hope they have something to let her know that he does support her, and knows she's doing good, though also some heartfelt Sara/Quentin and tiny bit of Dinah?.... Especially if Thea isn't there.
  6. I've been wondering about it on and off for a couple of weeks, though I don't think it's entirely likely. Just that the movement's slogans (and not much else lets face it) might be used to explain and justify Dig's sudden GA issues for a couple more eps as Rightous and then it's all ok, when that was never their problem, the issue has never come up and will never be mentioned again if it happens. The Gun ep was like middle school social studies copied and pasted of the first arguement about the gun debate they could find on the internet, probably the interns did just that, none of it was "organic" to the characters, even though the EPS were sincere in wanting to show a debate. To clarify.: I don't think it will or should be this but colour me not shocked if it becomes a Subtle Shocking part of it.
  7. The only way I might be able to accept it is something like if he used it as a talisman when he was recovering from his arm (both times recently) and now like Oliver with Laurel's picture the reality isn't living up to reality. And/or all the other times Oliver has let him down over the years are boiling over again because of it. Or that he took massive pride in being the leader, but that made more sense when it was an actual team, not just him and Felicity. Even then I don't think it's worth throwing punches over. I really hope they don't make it as juvenile and missing the point as the boobs tantrums. No alien dream world fantasies need apply and I truly hope this isn't the BLM episode in disguise.
  8. Seriously, I just don't get it. He's never cared about a costume before, let alone being GA, this is making even less sense than the Civil War storyline. John has never cared about recognition before, if that's what it is and he should know Oliver has given it up and come back to it several times before. Plus whilst I can sort of see why Oliver, Sara and Thea though the hallucination was their best life, why the hell would Dig, with no Lyla, JJ or team mates? Oliver/Susan even made more sense because at least we knew which head Oliver was thinking with and why.
  9. I agree Wally should get a centric episode on this show. However Zari joined in 3.03 and got her first truly centric episode in 3.11. She also got quite a bit to do in many other including her self named entry. I do think this is an issue of timing to a large extent. Wally joined the team in 3.13 (officially) with only until 3.18 until the finale with lots of plots still to move forward. I think he is staying around so he should most likely get one next season. I do wonder when the LOT producers knew they had to include him, because he did come in at a slightly awkward moment where they couldn't give him much build up, though I expect he will get a bit more focus as we move towards the finale and his powers will be used to good effect for the team. Regardless, I think they've handled him well so far, even though he only has a few minutes an ep, I already like him a lot more than on Flash and the character and the actor are doing different things.
  10. I think she'll probably be very good in I, Ava. She's always been a good actress but was hampered by Icebot Ava for all of her 3A appearances, which didn't show off her more natural skills, although she probably could have played some scenes differently (or been directed to) given the speedster like turn around. I'm not sure I'd want her around too much if she and Sara don't reconcile (that's pretty hard even when you have reason *and* long friend history after a break up) but maybe popping up. I guess we'll have more of a guess after the next ep, since trying to parse Sara's "Oliver circa Arrow S3" exact speech is really difficult right now.
  11. Hmm, I'm still not sold on AvaLance as a couple but JM really did get me a bit in that break up scene and with some of the funnier scenes earlier. I just wish the show had started it slightly earlier in the season so it didn't feel like they went from -10 - 60 in a less than 3 week relationship, even if previous one episode wonders also got smitten very quickly.
  12. I could see that happening and live with it. The only slight concerns I have is that I've come across a few people in a couple of different places who say MG is forcing every other character to kiss Sara's ass because she's his character and all other characters are being sidelined. Which is very incorrect because Sara was created long before MG became showrunner of Arrow, it ignores the existence of day to day LOT show runner PK, most characters have had good wins this season and their own centrics at least once. Sara herself has been in more B and C plots than last season and ones that use her heavily end up with her sister's killer being resurrected and two having Mallus inside her, causing her to freak out about what she's capable of and dump her new girlfriend. I'm just a bit concerned that "sacrificing" Constantine integrity he'll fit in better will end with more blaming of Sara for ruining this huge iconic DC character (or Sara as MG's proxy I guess). LOT has the least toxic, least divided fanbase in the Arrowverse right now, I'd hate to see that change. I guess we'll wait and see. I wonder if the show offered MR a contract to make an S4 even more attractive or if they wanted to keep using him as a guest and he said if he was going to keep popping up he'd like a contract to make it worth it. It's possible Constantine won't be in every episode or always on the ship with the team.
  13. If it happens I guess at the end of the ep for the cliffhanger. Him hallucinating in prison would be very this time S5 like. Or maybe he's just too beat up to perform and has to recuperate for a few EPs.
  14. Oliver arrested? I find that more likely than Felicity being so. And that gives them the excuse for the villain heavy ep. I suppose they could be taking a break following events or possibility pretending to do so for reasons but I think Oliver in prison is more likely with all the emphasis on DDDragon corrupting everyone in SC. Maybe Jean's there for his case not René's in 621 but Rene feels guilty and is helping?
  15. True and i hope it's a good storyline. I do like Teryl Rothery and OTA together will be nice, but Rene, boo. And I don't want there to be any "we both love our kids, let's hug it out" bonding, when Rene should have known that from the first and certainly after a while when Oliver kept trying to be reasonable etc. Plus being petty I don't want RG to have any more "Rene is exactly like Oliver" ammunition like he tried to go with last year, because he really isnt.
  16. The person found out she played two characters on the show, but doesn't actually watch so didn't know if a quick google search had been labelled wrong/the difference? Don't know I'm coming up blank otherwise, because there are plenty of other actors going. Are JH or CL going, maybe some confusion there? But it looks like a quickly made graphic.
  17. Once as BC once as BS would be my guess, though the difference isnt there (she's not wearing Siren's clothes) Or maybe the graphics person is a really big KC fan? Or just an incompetent rush job and they didn't realise.
  18. Sara literally just did this, would they do the same beats so soon? Why, yes, yes they would. Especially if CL is guest staring in some capacity. Of course saying that to your new GF is a bit different then saying it to your wife and son who's mother died less than 1 year ago. It's just frustrating because I don't like DDDragon as the big mastermind and I don't think he's earned that in the same way CJ could have (or Anatoly). Add to that Oliver has just been giving emotionally healthy advice to Thea for the first time in forever.
  19. I think the writers would have to be interested in sorting out the mess that is the Caitlin/Killer Frost connection once and for all for her to apologise and/or integrate/separate them and they don't seem to be at the moment.
  20. Given that Oliver was the Fuhrer and Felicity is Jewish, I certainly *hope* they wouldn't be together in that scenario. Kara/Mon- El could be but I guess she would already be married to naziOliver when he arrived on EarthX. I don't think Snowbarry was ever seriously on the cards. Sure, they kinda brought up the possibility now and then for a while, but it went less far than most accidental romantic chemistry on TV shows. If they were going to do it, S2 would have been the time and they wrote in "classic temp love interest" Patty instead. It's possible DP was promoting it because she'd been told it might happen when she signed on for the show and it does keep fans talking about her and Caitlin and "proves" her worth to the show, not that anyone was giving her their blessing to tease it. It probably was a back up for a while but by the time bland Jay happened in S2 it wasn't going ahead. Despite everything, WA were married at the start of S4, which is early for a show hoping to run 8-10 seasons. I think with WestAllen it was always planned to be endgame, unless they had zero chemistry or something happened with the actors. I do think the nature of the pairing "destined" and everything does make some writers lazy about them "oh they're awesome and destined, no need to bother writing towards them yet" unlike the need to course correct in Arrow or other character's pairings/friendships etc, they're a done deal so we can relax and then they throw out other characters talking about how awesome they are without putting the screentime in. That and some of AK may not have been particularly enamoured with them. Well given that Wally is a regular on another show now, I really don't think they're interested in his story on Flash, let alone having him date Barry's ex.
  21. Frog eating clones for the win! Followed by amnesia, return of arranged fiancée and planetary invasion. ;)
  22. There's no reason that EBR not filming much (apparently) means anything happened to her (or she's not talking to Oliver or whatever). It might, but 619 is a Team Villain ep and 620 seems to be NTA and villain heavy meaning she an she Digg and Oliver are likely in the bunker scenes or more domestic scenes at home. Hopefully any problems don't last beyond the episode, it's always hard to tell how seriously to take the ep descriptions. I'd like the old friend to be Anatoly but I'd take Sara (don't think it likely since she's likely to be having a big role in the LOT final but its possible). I'd definitely take Tommy.
  23. Yes, but Sara's nearest Felicity equivalent is ........Ray ;)......That does not compute for them (and really truly please don't close that circle writers.)
  24. I truly don't know what to feel about this news. I enjoy Matt Rayan and Constantine and I love Legends, but he's such a big character and I really prefer less occult stuff on this show..... I don't think anyone else has to leave necessarily (doesn't mean they won't since no one thought Jax would leave) They've replaced "a skinny, snarky Brit in a trench coat" with another one since AD doesn't seem interested in a full season and with Wally replacing Jax they now have a full crew, MG talked about filling two chairs at one point. Still wont be surprised if someone else exits but I hope it's none of the original three. Ava better not be Sara's exit, that's my big thing. I also can't help but wonder if she'd taken off a bit better that they might have offered JM a regular role. We'll see what happens... At least this is quasi confirmation that LOT is likely to be renewed, along with the rest (but this was probably the most in doubt) And I guess Congrats to Matt Ryan on keeping the character going for the 3rd/4th/5th time, impressive.
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