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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. Welcome ZACKARY please feel free to post whatever respectful opinions you would like to share. I'm not a big fan of Dinah either although I'm surprised if Vincent bites it soon. Oh well Please post your thoughts on this forum going forward, even if you have a different option on anything. ☺
  2. Lance should decide to take a holiday with his actually alive and much more awesome daughter and her team. It would do him wonders. I guess they have to give him something to do and PB is heartbreaking but this was so predictable and nonsensical at the same time It worked wonders for LOT last season so I can see why MG thought it would be cool, but with CJ (and their best actor) falling victim to their TWISTS!! its devolving into "who cares?" right now. Anatoly is the only one I give a damn about left and whilst DN could act as Uber Big Bad, I don't think they're going their and I'm like him and Oliver to come to more of a truce. They should do (and it's possible they will once Uber Big Bad has been revealed) and Legion of Doom style episode where the villains all learn the value of teamwork and trusting each other. It would be more interesting than putting OTA and NopeTA back together.
  3. That's kind of what I've been assuming since Team "bad guys" are going to be left a lot lacking in comparison to the LOD over on Legends both last season's and this. I suppose they could try to pretend Dick Dragon is just playing stupid but I'm not sure I'd believe KA in that role. Some one who can play a Keyzer Soze, convincing the world he didn't exist, but also needs to be someone for Oliver to fight with. Unless they plan on having Felicity go out in a blaze of glory fighting Alena or something. Talia might work for that and it would fit with Nyssa coming back. But whilst I like Lexa Doig a lot her Talia wasn't the best.
  4. Thanks for that @tv echo Wouldn't it be a bit difficult for EBR to do theatre whilst still on Arrow, it seems a lot more work than filming an indie or something during the hiatus and at weekends etc?
  5. And yet they are the ones who did the "dumping" hilarious. I do hope Felicity is pointing out how stupid it is to set up shop in Helix's old lair, surely they should have thought of that given how insanely upset they were about not being given the heads up they were compromised, by the dude who's old place you are now playing in, the one place you know he knows about. Felicity is not the one that has need to worry about. Sigh.
  6. Yeah I think a lot of us thought that. In hindsight it was probably much more about the WB/DC mandate that the show have another BC, because I don't think they were planning on it otherwise and I didn't like KC as LL but having those be "revealed" as her character's last words was cruel because it was "We're getting rid of *you* not your character" (Because Masks are interchangeable, you know). SA generally does what he's told as far as talking up storylines goes and it was JH's big thing when coming onto the show "I'm the BLACK CANARY!" in terms of promotion and she obviously wanted her character to be seen as indispensable etc. I didn't really mind the character in S5 but the way they used her then and especially now proves you can to have a GA show without BC and in fact it might be better for the character to be a recurring guest star ala Helena, because none of them apart from Sara have come close to being his equal in fighting. Interesting about contracts guaranteeing certain promotion, thanks. Can't say it's making me like certain characters any better though. I guess they're becoming more recognisable faces as actors though, which is what they want.
  7. I do find the Arrow writers and CW writers reaction to all things Felicity /EBR baffling, even if they are trying to big up the nooks. It was especially weird with Tinah tagged as OTA during a storyline where they are specifically OTA V NoTA, even if it was automated tagging. And to not retweet SA'S entirely correct praise for an awesome speech you guys wrote that is deservedly getting praise from almost anyone? I don't think they hate Felicity or Emily but it's strange. The only thing I can think of is the obsession with masks and being afraid of the because comics reaction online (and then writing a heavily pro Olicity season). Then again it also does make me paranoid about stuff behind the scenes, so I really hope there are no problems. Going by the writing recently I'd have said they hated the boobs bit I don't think that's the case either. Is JH the daughter of a WB exec? Personally I think they're past the point of making JH as BC happen any more than she currently is and I don't think her argument with Oliver next week is going to have people saying "clearly she should co lead the team, become the lead after SA leaves or headline a BOP spin off!" As for TV site polls I now find it hilarious (and sad because it shows how pathetic they are) that everyone knew exactly who "someone else" is code for and that she's winning by miles because they sure didn't mean Pike and hrs the only other one not to be mentioned by name. It's particularly transparent because Thea and Lance's civic heroics are specifically labelled whereas the lady giving the speech of the entire series is not.
  8. No bias there then, clearly. ? Someone else WTF? No one has to vote for Felicity or think she's them MVP/hero here, but not even to give her a category whilst even "Thea and Lance's" bureaucratic efforts are acknowledged.....
  9. Exactly if he leaves over that it will Bethe most contrived shit since BMD. If its that much of an issue they can job share or began work towards making Spartan just as iconic. Whilst I'm sure it will come up again it didn't seem to be a huge deal anyway. I agree I think reviewer is seeing her through a little woman lenses and yes lot of fanboys turned on her when her storyline was apart or in disagreement to Oliver. "How dare this non comic character become upity and a longterm love interest!" ? Iris is getting the same treatment in places for daring to say "we are the Flash" and organising the team.
  10. Yeah Oliver's still like the most famous person in the city and ep 4 showed they were something of a celebrity couple in Star City so I guess it made both the legit local news and the gossip channels/columns.
  11. Yeah I guess it was a bit "well she's staying in her box" but eh, I thought she was as much Overwatch as ever, just with added trying to be a good stepmother. I think the sky would fall in if there wasn't at least some qualification from CBM about her role. She and Oliver were obviously on the same page completely this ep which was great and the boobs were being more "whiney" with way less justification than she ever was (and CBM and I have completely different opinions about how "annoying" it is when they disagree). It will be interesting to see his review after Oliver and Tinah's supposedly big bust up next week, could be it's ok for BC to go against Oliver, even if whining has been NopeTA's speciality recently.
  12. Yeah they've also made mistakes as Felicity so eloquently put it this episode and Oliver last episode, but they've continually apologised and put saving the city ahead of everything else only for the whiny toddlers to continue their tantrums when it was Rene who sold the team out in the first place and the other two are complete hypocrites. Not to mention William was more mature and proactive this episode.
  13. I really hope Iris isn't pregnant this early. There's no need to rush, we know they have kids and they and Bart etc can be used via time travel etc. The show will run for several more seasons and if she's pregnant now then she'll only have mommy plots for years. Plus the storyline with Cecile would make Iris getting powers via pregnancy right now redundant. Who knows though, maybe being a mother is the only thing they can think of to do with her, which would be a shame.
  14. Seriously you know you're scraping the bottom of your fandom barrel there. Though I really do hope they retire the 'joke' because it really isn't funny, though I guess it does get KL extra attention. That said I'm looking forward to Nyssa coming back, hopefully it will be less annoying and pointless than Pike's return.
  15. Felicity's monologue to William with the fight montage was probably one of my favourite things ever in the series, beautifully written, acted and shot. See guys you can do it and be awesome and creative. Is Reddit having a meltdown again, I haven't been over there?
  16. William was actually much more useful and mature than team whiny asses. He listened to and accepted Oliver's heartfelt apology and jumped up to rescue his bus without help and kept his head in a crisis. NopeTA seemed more motivated by bitching and winning against Oliver and OTA than anything. I have to belive we are supposed to dislike them right now.
  17. Oh I hated that article. Yeah Felicity was the rudest person of the crossover and she should beg forgiveness, right. I wouldn't want The Flash writers to pen such a letter ( and its unlikely EBR is going back to the Flash this season to deliver it in person) and The Arrow writers have never given a shit. I'd have way preferred it to go down differently but it's over and both couples have other things to worry about. It definitely wasn't her best timing but people still resenting it would probably have disliked a double wedding even if she'd waited 30 seconds and/or Iris had asked them to join her and Barry.
  18. As long as it isn't Felicity or Diggle... I have no faith its one of the noobs I guess if Thea really is exiting he could have been wishing WH/CH good luck. Show runners visit for other things than to tell people they're being let go though, don't they? He could also have popped in after potential LOT business.
  19. I'd be ok with it ending after S7. It feels a bit like wrapping up at the moment. But I've said that before and a show has gone another few years, I guess as long as it's profitable they'll want to continue even if some of the cast don't re sign. I think that's what NTA are about, seeing if they can carry it on if SA leaves or to use as leverage in negotiations. I thought that was why WD was being pushed so much or partly why RG got so annoyed with people always wanting to talk about Felicity. An actual or pseudo WD and pack spin off or DD doing a BOP. I don't think there's any chance of it leaving the CW unless they cancel it and DC thinks they can get a few more seasons on their new streaming services and even then I think that would be unlikely and wouldn't lead to better writers IMO
  20. It's possibly an attempt to keep it lowkey to stave off complaints about talking over the show, wahwahwah, although that's futile anyway. Also since they're married now and happy for the moment that the writers feel they've "ticked that box". And as you say so far it has come up as a plot point due to their marriage/William. Let's face it when they start going on about how awesome their life together is we'll start to worry ala you could tell exactly when they started gearing up for LLs death in S4.
  21. Thing is, there was no attempt to be reasonable by Team Toddlers. Every time OTA tried to reach out they threw their toys out of the pram in the snotiest way no looking to put their ideas across or ( but then they'd have to have any apart from thinking Helix was a super awesome base, which it is not). And DD was an *undercover* cop she should know organisations sometimes have to do surveillance on their own employees or team members when they know there are internal security breeches. And people who walk out of bunkers in a snit aren't going to find out a different breach has happened 2 minutes after its discovered. Because they weren't there and the ones that were rightly don't trust them before they've checked it out. Meanwhile at least two of them kept dangerous secrets for months and haven't really bothered to try and explain. I'd think the writers wanted us to hate them, but since this is Arrow we'll probably have Symapthy 101 for them ASAP as they process the reviews from last week. Susan actually got more support initially because she was "one of them" to a lot of entertainment "reporters" who still covered Arrow.
  22. Oh yeah I hated in on Arrow but I completely love him on LOT, especially once they got rid of his Kendra subplot. God help me there were a few times in some S5 episodes where I was close to suggesting Felicity should look Ray up again and join the Waverider because he'd be better for her than robot!Oliver.
  23. Me thinks he's a bit confused about what "fanmade" means. Even if you want to argue Olicity got together because of fan popularity, which we know isn't true, isn't Veronica/Archie/Betty a "comic canon" love triangle? And for GOT the book hasn't even come out yet and the Jon/Dany scenes were filmed long before any fans saw them together. The thing is, "fanmade" isn't an insult, it implies so popular demand for a couple forced producers to change their plans and if other couples had worked better they wouldn't have had to.
  24. That was the most unnecessary reading of that line possible. Why so hostile Rick? Felicity's comment was completely innocuous and I did wonder if RG's personal feelings played into it, like maybe he never got over people's questions in how he treated Felicity when all he wanted to talk about was how Wild Dong was the new Oliver.
  25. Yeah that was funny. Maybe they both deflect rumours about Clark=Superman by "joking" about it. I could see her in S4, although if she's cast for matching TH then Cat Grant spent all of S1 bitching about a much younger woman (esp CW casting) and JDT played "her kid sister" not that Cat or Lucy are going to factor into potential future casting decisions. I can see why they gave it to Alex because they needed to break Alex and Maggie up and that is one thing it is impossible to compromise on, even though it was very cliche. That said Alex's life is completely unsuited for a kid right now and like Oliver she should think seriously about her job if she's going to be a single mother. That said, that's one of the reasons people think she'll be Ruby's guardian next season. Kid will probably know everything by the season's end, is part Kryptonian so maybe powers and old enough to be passed to Uncle James in a crisis. Plus you know, when you can't think of another plotline, give a female character a kid/ or longing for a kid but infertility.
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