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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. Well so far Dragon has been a two bit drug dealing bad guy for Diggle and Oliver's been focused on other members of Team Baddies (CJ and Anatoly, "grey" guy Slade). They might have a fight in the future but I hope he's *not* a big bad for Oliver given KA antics on twitter. Yeah that's why I'm side eying this right now. He's had plenty of opportunities to get his daughter back which don't involve selling out the team (I'd forgotten about the whining about Diggle as well) and he hasn't taken them. I guess like with the BMD the writers will go with "but he had no choice, he had to get his daughter back, poor, poor Rene!"
  2. The thing is he's been with the team a year and pushed back against Oliver in a fairly obnoxious manner for most of that time, so this is nothing new and he's not a very good vigilante on his own. I know Digg and Felicity pushed back almost immediately after joining but the team was much smaller and Oliver was obsessively focused on the list to the exclusion of anything else. If he wants to leave he can, it doesn't mean he has to betray them, there were other ways to get his daughter back that he flaked on. So WD will bug in this ep I think. And to say Felicity never disagrees with Oliver is absolute bunk considering the moaning from the Comics! fans that she's always bitching and yelling at Oliver, including being very hesitant to marry him.
  3. Are we sure he's gone forever though and not just pulling a Willa Holland? In that case someone like PB could fill in for a bit or KL might make sense. Just Please Please no BS.
  4. She'll always be at a friends house or maybe staying with Eliza for a while like most TV kids when their main storyline is done. It does seem like this is where the storyline is going and she will probably get powers sooner rather than later if they want to include her more. True, I just thought I'd put it out there as a theory being bandied about that's different from "she dies" or "she realises Karamel are TuwLuw" and go back with the Legion. I guess will have to see how Brainiac5 interacts with Kara.
  5. Ugh, horrible thought. Sara redeems BS and she rejoins Team Arrow as a good guy, unlikely but still. Especially as they spent the whole of the crossover going on about how doppelgangers are not the same. Even worse thought, she's redeemed and stays on LOT. Again I don't think it's likely since Arrow barely gives a toss about her. I hope it's Quentin for a bit if Leo and Constantine don't count, they were talking about trying to get PB on again during the summer.
  6. Quentin could work and could take over the older generation dynamic from Stein. I'd love it to be Nyssa but I doubt it. It doesn't have to mean the whole rest of the season does it, just who would you pick to come aboard? If so then WM is a probability as it wasn't clear what was going to happen to him and CL enjoyed CaptainCanary dynamic. I guess it depends if Constantine is supposed to be a surprise or not but I doubt he'll stick around. Please no Black Siren, I'd have to consider stopping watching and they already gave Sara closure with Spear!Laurel last season. She's fine being a 3rd string villain on Arrow and pitting the two together again would be pointless as Sara is so far beyond her as to be laughable.
  7. Murderous psychopaths in love, how pure. Right. TBH I don't think Overgirl was as in to him as him might have been trying to be into her. I'll be a bit generous and say that a lot of actors like to play different/evil versions of characters. E.g. It's the first time PB has had something different to do in years.
  8. So apparently there's a theory going round that Saturn Girl is manipulating Mon-El into married partly based on some tweets Amy Jackson made, none of this is spoiler but do you think its at all likely. I have no love of any Supergirl ships so I don't care either way but it's different, i'll give them that. http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/12/03/supergirl-mon-el-marriage-fake/
  9. Sara did a pretty good job with the Spear last season on LOT (still not sure how he managed to escape Black Flash) and she wasn't even a Speedster. Barry doesn't want to be a murderer fine, but he's got to live with the deaths of many more people on his conscious now. Last time Thawne escaped he set up shop on a Nazi world and became a Mengele.
  10. They basically want to do a Civil War storyline between the noobs and OTA, who seem on the same page (spying wise) and not (yet) interpersonal drama between O/F or OTA. Maybe we're meant to side with Team B, in which case they vastly underestimate how much I care, even if Rene betrays them to get his daughter back and Felicity is wrongy wrong wrong in an argument with Curtis. He could always stop being a vigilante and make sure he has a safe home and go to court dates. Maybe the "twist" is that Arrow now has it's on LOD ala LOT. There might be an Olicity twist but I think they'll save any drama or "she might be dying!" for 6B proper. Quentin dying at the hands of BS I can see happening but again, not until later in the season. Then again maybe they are holding back something terrible but I think they mainly think Civil War was a really cool movie.
  11. Yeah he's always been so respectful of her, calling her blondie and responding aggressively to her in the S6 premiere when there was absolutely no need. Even if this about his "betrayal" it's nothing new for him.
  12. Maybe they're referring to the semi spat between him and MG on SM and his offscreen "blowing up"?
  13. Another nice paragraph about LOT in one of the write ups for the crossover: http://theweek.com/articles/729712/real-justice-league-cw
  14. Floriana Lima maybe? Apparently she wasn't happy as a regular for 2 lines and episode on Supergirl. Or Maybe someone we haven't heard about yet, though the way the article is worded it seems like something we already know. Maybe someone else lost in the move to Vancouver that The Week interpreted differently? VG wanted to go back to Broadway but again that could be interpreted differently. Don't think it's anyone from Arrow unless its a secret.
  15. I don't think he really knew that much. I'm not sure Felicity ever told him she confronted Moira in her own house re her darkest secret and Moira never said so on screen. He knew Felicity knew she was shady but nothing much about potential personal animosity since he wasn't there to overhear her comments on the Funeral "despicable". He did give her Moira's right so even if he did know it was important enough for him to overlook it. Not many people have ever stood up to Moira so there might have been grudging respect there, especially as the last person she threatened like that on screen was Samantha who caved (she was a few years young than Felicity at that point). Oliver's never really said anything about his mother's involvement in that cover up either.
  16. Most of the MSFs have been fairly good to good episodes, just they obviously always have Big Shocking Twists, so the happier the Olicity reception the greater the shock of "betrayal" later on. I think BS was supposed to be a shocker for some people who got really angry that they were "tricked" it wasn't E1 LL. Not sure how I feel about Team Baddies. It worked really well on LOT but I'm not sure about here. At least it seems Dragon is neither baddie no1 or the most connected with Oliver. And as I've previously said can they please remember not to call BS just "Laurel" now, it's nonsensical after the Xover, she can be "evil!Laurel" if they like.
  17. I always get a weird kick out of the idea of a one handed MM scaling the house and hoisting himself through William's window in the middle of the night claiming it's ok because he's a friend of his mother's, Samantha you brought that on yourself somewhat. I suspect Donna and Oliver were all about the big celebrations considering what he said during the crossover. He was probably Skyping that Ivy Town lady about food and everything. I'm pretty sure its just a receptions that's as big as possible so we get the contrast when it all goes to crap - see original S4 proposal.
  18. Yeah it was Billy, Susan and then BS. I mean most of us assumed she was BS but a lot of fans thought it really was E1 LL back and threw a fit when they realised it was in January.
  19. Quentin's probably more comfortable giving Oliver a gift because he *isn't* marrying one of his daughters, although he probably would prefer that to LL being dead. Pretty much every MSF episode since S1 has ended in more or less a giant clusterfuck hasn't it? Do we know what prompts the B Team rebellion, I seem to have missed that. William seems like he's having fun with everyone and has bonded with Auntie Thea though. Guess she's "babysitting" William every time they aren't on screen this season instead of all those "conferences. At least the episode description and no one thinking Nazi Doppelgangers were themselves should scupper a BS redemption arc theory, at least for now.
  20. Probably but then Barry would probably feel the need to return show off by running Oliver and Felicity somewhere exotic or spectacular like the top of the Space Needle or something. Speaking of, it looked cool and comic booky but Amaya, Zari and Catlin learned to combined their powers in record time for people who'd only just met.
  21. Reddit would have done a virtual mass suicide for anything positive about Olicity these episodes anyway, they always seem to, the double wedding just gave them even more of an excuse and yeah I think they should have timed it differently but eh, it's happened. The only way they would have liked it is if XOliver or Fake!XOliver had executed Felicity in the stripped pyjamas/E1Felicity. Or declared his love of BS and run off to find her. I'm sure the showrunners knew about the projected response and did it anyway, why is anyone's guess. Probably because they welcome the media (pardon the pun) firestorm and publicity for the show and seem to enjoy trolling. Hey maybe even as an excuse to break Olicity up ala everyone's one sided response to the BMD but I don't think so at this point. I didn't mind the relative lack of focus on Barry, he's usually the complete centre of attention and I'm sure will be again next time, nice to let others have a turn including Iris finally having a big role in an Xover for once and I loved Alex being included in the main group, which is natural because it was focused on Kara's life. Even she and Sara had drama and the Jax/Stein stuff because of the dying. WA don't need relationship drama because they're already at the altar and no one is lying about a secret kid. Although Probably!Dawn will certainly become a thing at some point this season. Do we know for sure WestAllen aren't getting a celebration on Flash? Seems like there should be some follow up. One of my favourite parts is so many people saying they want to check out or recheck out LOT and DP is getting the praise he deserves for the role, which is awesome.
  22. Now we have two Rays, a Roy and two Rory's. I know they're comic names but that doesn't make it any less confusing.
  23. EBR specifically called out MG on twitter about his comments on "reverse sexism" after the AK story broke. I mean I doubt it was due the timelines for one thing, but he can be such a passive aggressive ass.
  24. Yes the vomit was the grossest part and at least give Dig the time to clean his teeth or pop a breath mint. Also it did seem like and unofficial Poly commitment ceremony, which was slightly eyebrow raising (and I'm sure someone's gonna write those fics). But its frustrating because Felicity was awesome 98% of this crossover and now she's once again the focus of so much backlash because the writers awkwardly jabbed it in there at the wrong moment. Either agree on a joint ceremony first or give them 10 seconds to finish. If it hadn't been filmed months ago I'd have said it was a passive aggressive jab over EBR's sexual harassment. I suppose with how legally unbinding the ceremony is likely to be WestAllen can still get a courthouse wedding without being interrupted in exactly the same play each time, which I guess was supposed to be the parallel.
  25. Yeah I think he wanted to work with Melissa, and the crossover last year was "Oliver doesn't trust Kara even though Barry vouched for her and she's willing to do him a favour by crossing the multiverse." This year he gets a storyline with another lead that he hasn't before and Barry/Kara have had quite a lot of crossover so far for characters who are on two different Earths, so everyone's reminded Arrow is still a big hitter. It's a very different character to play which most actors seem to enjoy. Nazis in Love is worrying,ALT! Oliver/Kara really isn't. Tommy being there, I want it but I don't want it. It's a shame CD got killed off and great that he's willing to return even though he has a successful show but I never wanted Tommy to become a Dark Archer. That will probably kill me the most (assuming its correct).
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