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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. I suppose it's possible, if just to show how different things are on EX, but if so I doubt they'll spend much time on it in an already crowded crossover. I hope Oliver and Kara have good scenes, it was frustrating last year that he ordered their biggest chance at defence to stand down because he was freaked out about aliens. Dumbass. I also expect the obligatory "Felicity and Kara look alike" especially wearing similar dresses.
  2. At first I thought the invites were "all current Team Arrow" and "all current Legends" but from the photos it doesn't seem to be that way. I wonder if Dig turned it down to protect Star City because he and Lyla are closer to Barry than say Mick (although yeah it could be in honour of Snart). I guess if Thea is awake in ep 7 then she'll be around to start bonding with him and being the one giving him ice cream, if not then he's stuck with Raisa making him tidy his room. A lot of kids don't go to weddings, especially if they're not in the same city (and their parents are intending to party) and maybe Oliver thinks its too soon to go back to Central where he and his Mom lived for most of his life? He would get a big thrill out of attending the Flash's wedding though. And I guess if Oliver packed a bow for the Church he was worried because he knew crossover shit was about to rain down and left him safe.
  3. Hee. Hey Joe (a bit weirdly especially since Barry was living with him) shipped it from day one, this is his dream come true.
  4. Yeah, although we can't be sure if they actually thought the optics of that through and did it on purpose or if they just needed the two non combat non costumed LIs to be captured together for plot and no body realised that meant Nazis experiementing on a black and Jewish woman. Or maybe they did and they're really leaning into the Nazi theme ala the Ray's pink triangle.
  5. Well Aunt Thea should be awake and recovering by then and she's not going to CC, so I guess ice cream and babysitting duties will fall to the "Cool Aunt" for her offscreen storyline.
  6. Heh. Mick seems to have brought his Heatwave Gun and I assume Ray has ATOM in a pocket somewhere. Usually you'd think Sara would always be prepared, though she's good at improvising with whatever's at hand.
  7. I guess Oliver's mind automatically goes to the dirtiest meaning of the phrase when Felicity is talking? I'm sure if it was Dig asking he wouldn't have made that face and taken it more at face value. It seems William may have walked in on a lot of canoodling between 6.03-4. Considering he's one day going to have to learn that his Dad got his Mom pregnant during a ONS when he was cheating on his then longterm girlfriend, not to mention the Gambit story and everything else I guess its a good thing he's unfazed by his Dad having a visible sex life. I have no idea about the layout of the apartment. In fact I am going to assume they really are living in converted City Hall empty offices.
  8. Plus even before the twitter furor he had almost no chance of being the best villain of the season when ME's debut was so well received and acted. Slade had Rose Wilson as his daughter in the comics. I guess she happens when they run out of Mysons 2.0 storylines.
  9. They seem to think/guess Olicity fans are hoping that Dinah/Diggle will get together so that there won't ben GA/NuBC. I'm a fan of both Olicity and Dig/Lyla and am more worried about Dig/Tinah than Oliver/Tinah, the only way the second pairing would happen is if Felicity was off the show and they went full on GA/Any!BC whereas they've shown a lot of Dig/Dinah scenes this season and whilst I don't think they're meant to be romantic JH doe seem to do her best to make everything SEXY! when she has screen time, and not just with Dig. She did it last season as well but it wasn't as annoying then for whatever reason.
  10. Zari/Sara conflict is fine. They've set it up okay so far with Sara mentioning "do dead sisters count?". She spent a lot of S2 going after DD before he could kill LL and ended up with a heavenly/Spear version of LL telling her it was ok, so after the "we messed up time and LL is ok with what happened" Sara lets it go only to be plunged into another dark space *even though Rip was right there with them*. I like Zari so far and Sara is my favourite in the entire verse so I'm not going to complain if they have an argument that's not about a man, though I do wish they'd have interacted a bit more so far.
  11. Yeah I picked up on it because I waited to watch the episode given the setting, the current issues coming out in Hollywood and specific Arrowverse issues. So I was aware but I also loved it and didn't think it was much different from any other episode. Sara always leads and kicks ass, Amaya and Zari also were their usual selves, especially with Zari's apparently ongoing issues of wanting to change history for the better. The men were also not made buffoons, Jax and Stein were fairly successfully featured as playing each other and no one blamed anyone else for Helen's curse. Helen and Hetty were also played well. Both the actors playing Eleanor/Nora and Kuasa have been featured before and were well done with emotional ties to the cast. I even loved DD, whilst I only liked him last season. He was delightful in his scenes. Hollywood agent is a perfect role for him and he seems to be focused on Sara as a biggest threat, because it's just natural that he would be. Don't even have to #feminism. The worst thing about this episode is that apparently originally they wanted people to think Sara was dead, which thankfully CL pointed out was incredibly stupid once again.
  12. Yeah because the only way to have this show be dark and gritty is by fridging yet another female character. That would also be especially advisable during a season when the Arrowverse shows are having to answer questions about the treatment of women BTS on the shows. It's not like Chase wasn't dark or gritty because he tortured Oliver and not Felicity. Not liking KAs "saving Arrow" stuff before he's even debuted on the show as well.
  13. Oh for sure, if that actually does happen she's very much better off out of it and she must have thought about potential issues and consequences before writing it. And yes MG seems to have a lot of fingers in pies this pilot season. I'm really considering giving the Arrowverse a break for a few weeks until we know more of what's what. It's leaving a toxic taste in my mouth, and that's a shame given that I've enjoyed a lot of all the shows this season. But I wasn't going to watch "Promises Kept" ASAP so that's given me another incentive. I really was looking forward to LOT's Helen Hunt, but now given some of the subject matter, maybe not. I still think Stein is dead, even though LOT has set up a gentler out for him. It's tragic, gives VG a death scene which a lot of actors love and LOT a piece of the emotional pay off of the crossover, assuming none of that changes now. Speaking of which, does anyone think they'll change the crossover? I guess not unless one of the actors is caught in the sludge but I'd think they'll want to sort this out one way or the other before they start they're promotional push in about a week's time
  14. I feel like the above tweet cannot be said enough, this is far from the first time he's started digging himself into a hole and written his own narrative as the victim whilst not getting the point. It doesn't make me think he cares about providing a safe work environment for his shows. His fellow show runner was accused of horrible behaviour by a lot of people and his response entirely misses the point. If he felt the need to comment at all it should have been sometime bland in support of a safe work place until this is all sorted out. But mostly he should have stayed off SM. It's behaviour like this that makes me worried about EBRs career and character for having directly called him out. He's always the victim in his narrative.
  15. Yeah I don't want her career to suffer, especially with the accusations that some actors were threatened with being fired or given shitty storylines if they spoke up before. And more selfishly I don't want her character to get killed off, or destroyed because of this in a season where things are going well for her.
  16. Brave, especially with MGs tweets above. I hope she doesn't suffer any backlash from him or others over this.
  17. I don't think they should or will shut down all four shows for good over this, at least if there isn't a lot of even worse revelations to come, that's half the CWs line up right there but it definitely seems like there needs to be a drastic change of culture BTS.
  18. Hell, LOT immediately after it had Sara kicking ass as always, and further Amaya/Zari bonding which looks like it's going to be season long theme and not a gimmick, and Zari has been on the show 3 episodes not over 3 years unlike Iris and Caitlin. Felicity and Alena going on a mission together without Oliver (and not because he didn't want to be there) was a better take on "#feminism" than The Flash's answer to it.
  19. I think MB is a charismatic actor and he and SA have very good chemistry most of the time and yes it will give them breathing room on "Diggle as GA" and all associated plots. But I'm only mildly looking forward to "Myson 2.0" mostly because I thought 1.0 was crappy until very recently and even then I wish it was different. But Slade also had another son, Grant if LOT "Star City 2046" is anything to go by, does he exist in this timeline? I don't think they've said anything on screen but it's more than obvious. Perhaps Felicity might have a bonding/angry scene will William in 6.06 to establish whatever event they're going to in 6.07. Equally likely he'll continue to be mothered by Raisa in Offscreenville until then.
  20. I've never read Supergirl comics but Brainiac 5 is one of her "canonical" love interests. I don't think Mon-El is but that doesn't mean anything except if they've exchanged Shadow Lass for Saturn Girl as his LI we might be in for a back half of a love quadrangle, because whilst I would be okay with it, I don't see them giving up on Karamel so soon. Should be good, especially if the bachelor party is in the drunk tank whilst the ladies save the day. I have enjoyed a slightly more prominent place for Iris this season but it does slightly annoy me that so much of it is around wedding planning.
  21. Thanks for that. Well I wasn't at all looking forward to Kara being in a love triangle with a married man/otherwise taken man, so bonus, but a potential love quadrangle isn't something I want to see for any of them either, which might well end up happening since Chris Wood is still a regular. I like JR though so I'll guess I'll have to wait and see how it plays out.
  22. Well never say never, this is Arrow after all. If Donna and Quentin had worked out he'd have been Oliver's step father in law after having potentially been his bio-father in law. Twice. I feel Lance needs to accept Laurel's death and BS before he should think about dating another woman named Dinah who carries the "legacy" and look of his two daughters and who is engaging in a lot of battles with the doppelganger of his beloved daughter. Like it's not the healthiest relationship proposition ever. S7 maybe? Yeah I mean Hartley Sawyer did a good job as Dibney but looks absolutely nothing like SA in any way beyond them both being white men I guess. But maybe they wanted to set up another "Iris is attracted to Oliver" joke before the crossover.
  23. Ray said in 2.01 (I think) when he and Sara were arguing about Laurel that he had thought about going back and saving Anna but he knew it was against the rules. I do think she's something of a dropped plot point that they would have explored in further detail if they'd got the solo ATOM spin off instead, however I like this whole explanation: He has explained he prefers to look on the bright side and this is a man who chose to try to keep his spirits up by pretending a Soviet Gulag was a bit like Scout Camp, but was clearly terrified and in pain during/after being tortured there. It's just part of his coping mechanism. We've seem his life has not been rainbows and puppies but its what he does much like Oliver (or even Rip) often broods in his guilt and mission or versions of Sara like to work out or take off for places unknown, Ray tries to channel the positive, it helps that like Kara and Barry (well sometimes these days) he's got a naturally more positive outlook.
  24. Yeah she also abandoned their dessert to run around and help with something she feels guilty about so she should get that impulse, even if Oliver rebonding with Slade is not the safest idea in the world. I'm assuming EBR will have very little time in this ep due to filming for The Flash anyway so there's probably not time for a big argument about it. And anything they say about it in ep 6 will be with the fallout of what happened not "this isn't a good idea" (I'm assuming.) Noah taking the fall for her could definitely work and make sense for the character as we last saw him.
  25. Yeah I get why some people want a redemption arc, but since I personally wasn't a fan of the character, it's not a story I want to spend time with and I don't think KC will have improved any as a "good doer" character I don't think it's worth doing, especially because also being BS means she'll probably still do the smirking everywhere. And what the hell point of bringing her back as BS would there be in the first place if she was being redeemed? And when a lot of people say they want her redeemed, they mean "redeemed and happily with Oliver" which, again no thank you since I think the actors would still generate anti chemistry and because storywise, not only both Lance sisters but a Lance sister doppelganger Ollie? Yuk. I can't see to get any screenshots or anything but think toddler tantrum with complete internet misogyny about FeFe and Friends and she and Oliver switching places (for one damn episode), blah blah cakes. It is funny some of the time but I don't want it to get to the point where their spew becomes so loud it gets so loud media sites start reporting on it again. It's fine if you don't like a character but yeesch.
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