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Everything posted by Maren

  1. I love that Giancarlo is enamored of Baby Yoda too!! That just made me LOL. And that his daughters warned him not to hurt the baby LOL. I kind of hope they don't go the midichlorians route for what they want to harvest from Baby. I just never have been fond of that particular storyline.
  2. Curbside SUCKS!!! As someone who worked in a store when they first implemented a similar program I can say that our program like this was a nightmare and they didnt actually allow you any extra hours or extra people. You were supposed to acknowledge, pick, and scan in the order in a half an hour and run all the other basics of the store including customer service of people who are actually IN the store, usually with one manager and one cashier. Two cashiers if you were really lucky. The only thing that was far fetched was the whole "pot" or "retirement gift for my dad" thing, because it was always specific items people ordered. But it's a sitcom so I let it go LOL. I do enjoy when this show does these kind of real life retail headaches well. That's where the show can excel. It has been dropping the ball on the personal stories this season tho, sadly.
  3. The boys will be back next year!! http://www.reddwarf.co.uk/news/2019/10/18/red-dwarf-special-announced/
  4. Not the strongest episode this season so far but still funny!! I love Calvin, but he was so wrong for reading Dave's journal! Of course you're going to read something negative about yourself! Everyone has uncharitable thoughts about people in their lives, no matter how much they care about them! But it's typical sitcom plotline lol. Love Tina and Gemma forcing them to make up and Calvin rightfully knowing Tina can take him lol. I love Marty and Malcolm but they're both in the wrong. Both are pretty disparaging of each other. Though Malcolm, don't touch people's stuff! 😏
  5. Totally on board for Harry and Macy!! 😍👍
  6. I don't think there will be a problem with success or lack of. I think they'll stick with the formula of them helping out people who can't necessarily afford it. Even last season when Higgins wasn't part of the team, she was still into helping out people. That's usually how she got pulled in and one of the things that made her respect Magnum. But in between, they can mention cases they took on for money, without having to show those cases. And make the business a little more successful financially.
  7. Man, I am so bummed Ardal is leaving!!! First Duane, then Florence and now Jack?? Show isn't going to be the same at all. My favorite team was Jack, Duane, Florence and JP. And now they'll all be gone but JP. :-(
  8. Great episode!! I'm usually fine with the B stories but I have to admit, I skipped a lot of it the first time. I was tired and too tense from the A story lol. I'll have to watch that stuff in my rewatch. I really like the Higgins and Kumu bonding! I don't know whether Higgins is closed off because she was MI6, it was just the way she was raised or it was because of losing Richard, but it's nice seeing her try and come out and be part of the Ohana crew. Like being worried about Rick's chances of making the bar succeed or bonding with Kumu. I love the family they're all building together and I'm glad they're making it the reason Higgins is staying. The bonds you make! Obviously the Ivan thing is going to be a thing. But I'm confused because I didn't think it was a secret that Magnum was Robin's inspiration? I guess I missed something. I didn't think it was "Magnum gets interviewed by Today show" known but I thought it was easily known and yet it seemed like a tight kept secret, according to this episode. Weird. I can't imagine what Magnum would know this Ivan wants. I am sooooo glad they finally had Higgins say yes!! I love those two working together, so I'm happy it's official! I wonder what Robin wil say, with his MI6 source and his White Knight teaming up? LOL. And I totally don't blame Higgins wanting to be paid in actual MONEY! Maybe the business might be a little solvent now with her there LOL. All in all, great episode. And good introduction to the season mystery! Oh, and yay for Shamy's return!
  9. I just don't get it. Dabb is basically erasing what is arguably the first (or second) biggest theme of this show "free will" and undoing the entire show during it's FINAL SEASON and they're just letting him?!?!?!? Why isn't anyone putting their foot down about this? Ugh. It's just infuriating. And I totally agree, it's so disheartening that THIS is the person in charge of the show in it's final season.
  10. I'm just super glad Helen is alive!! I didn't really care about Georgia at all, so not sorry she's gone. But on the other hand, I wasn't interested in Max's home life stories, so Georgia being gone means he's a single dad, which means it will be just as much focus with her gone. Ah well. I hope this doesn't mean Bloom's addiction storyline will be front and center again. I was happy she was recovering.
  11. Wow. That's just... infuriating. Not surprising but incredibly infuriating. This show has been such a disappointment for years now and it looks like Dabb is going to keep up his streak. It's just so disappointing to see how this show is ending. It deserved better. WE deserved better :-/
  12. Yea, I agree, there's a lot about this episode I wasn't a fan of. And I really didn't like Amy being shamed for her increase in salary. That scene with the lady and the diapers was seriously annoying and not funny at all. Especially after seeing Amy struggle so hard this season financially. And I really didn't like the way Cheyenne in particular was behaving towards her. Cheyenne has become very grating this season. I did, however, find the part about Dina trying to break up Amy and Jonah funny, because of the way Jonah in particular handled it. That was hilarious. And I loved loved LOVED how supportive of Amy Jonah was. It was nice they didn't resort to manufactured angst over this promotion. Jonah is just genuinely happy for her and supportive. Sometimes Mateo can grate on me, but I actually thought him trying to just gaslight everyone into thinking he was floor supervisor was funny. I hope he gets caught on it, but it was still funny lol. I also liked post Marcus announcing his raise, and how Jonah was like "how the heck can you be broke???" Lol.
  13. I loved this episode!! Going down as one of my favorites!!!
  14. I loved Amy and Jonah sticking up for each other so much!! And her trying to comfort him in his frustration over the ignorance of climate change lol. It was great seeing them as a couple. I wasn't a big fan if Dina acting as if it was going to be rape-a-palooza or something because they were snowed in. That just seemed kind of stupid. I'm not a big fan of the Sandra, Carol, and Jerry story in this episode. Because I had really liked Sandra and Jerry and that whole coin flip was sooooo stupid and was just more "beat on Sandra" stuff that I'm beyond tired of. Not funny to me. But wasn't it a huge recon that Sandra was a virgin? Because I'm like 95% positive Sandra said in an earlier season she and Sal were having sex. It was after she'd said he was harassing her and Dina didn't want to hear it. I just can't remember which episode it was... Anyway, the raccoon is real!!! My second favorite part of the episode lol! Third was Garrett taking off after the customer came in. He didn't even wait to alert the rest of the store. He just booked it lol.
  15. I agree. New Higgins is my favorite part of the show. Perdita is awesome and believable to me! I'm glad that they are pairing Higgins up with Magnum regularly. And I am liking Rick and TC off on their own stories. It feels more natural and it makes Magnum look better by not always having them shoehorned into the mystery by him taking advantage of their friendships. Cuz honestly, that wasn't looking good on Magnum.
  16. Come ON!!! :-/ What do you want to bet that this isn't dropped like all of Dean's actual storylines?
  17. Well said, well said. Multiple likes, if I could!! That's pretty much what I've come to too. Could have used a pick up today, but show is a no go again. That really bugs me. I don't get why they never have Sam defend Dean. Every time it comes to it, Sam half-azzes it and basically acts like he agrees with whatever is said or thought about Dean. Dean. It's infuriating and frustrating and I'm tired of Show acting like Dean is an uncouth, murdering loser who has no value. Ugh, I really hope that blind item is Jensen.
  18. Ugh ugh UGH. I am so not interested in Dean being All About Sam AGAIN when he's back. Just get a cardboard cut out of Jensen and a recording of him saying a few Sam supportive phrases, because that's all they really need from him. It's not like Dean has a story of his own or anything. Then maybe Jensen can go off and do another role on a show that DOES want him! Win win!!
  19. "Dean doesn't matter." Jack's mantra or the writer's mantra, there is no difference. I feel so bad for Jensen. A new character he was excited to play, down the drain again. Less time than Demon!Dean AND it ended off screen?? Dayum. He did a brilliant job with what he had tonight, that scene was gold. Just wish he was given more than a shallowly written character and no direction or screentime to develop it, sigh. Says it all. Blech. And the spawn of evil is a whiny, annoying waste of screentime IMO, never more evident than tonight.
  20. Man, I can hope *insert praying smilie* I still want him for Marvel. And it's clear there's nothing here for him and will never be anything for him here with Dabb, Buck-Lemming, et al in charge. Hell, even Singer - as much as he supposedly loves Jensen - has no love for him! Too bad he never got around to calling I think it was David something? at "Game of Thrones" before that show ended!!
  21. Word to this whole post. I honestly don't see any role for Dean in this show anymore, other than as another cheerleader/sycophant for Sam. I'm not interested in seeing Dean prop up Sam or play Deansel in distress or stand around and deify Sam, and I really think that's all Dabb sees in Dean. He can't cut Dean because the show is over without Jensen, it just is no matter how much Dabb may resent it. But that doesn't stop him from doing his damndest to minimize him. It's depressing. Every subsequent showrunner has been worse for Dean. Just when you think it can't get worse, it does.
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