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Everything posted by Maren

  1. As a Matt Smith fan, that makes me happy. I'm glad to see other fandoms are appreciating him! I'm not big into GOT and the only character I had kind of liked got shafted in the end, but I will watch this for Matty.
  2. I agree with you, WildPlum, the nugget episode was really disappointing. I can't even rewatch it like I can the others because honestly, the guest actors were so bad. They usually do a good to great job on casting but this one was a loser all around. The story was a weak too but it might have been better with better actors but it was all around blah. I was very disappointed.
  3. Yea, that was exactly what I was thinking of lol. I enjoyed finding out some of the culture but honestly, it went on for way too long and had nothing to do with the plot. It was pointless "I didn't understand why they killed the girl at the motel. It was so long ago in episodes, that maybe I just don't remember the details, but what was that about?" Possibilities, my understanding was that she was scared to death. I don't think they killed her deliberately but it literally scared her to death. Like what almost happened to Bernadette when the witch lady came in. I didn't feel for "Father Tso" either. He killed too many innocent Navajo to buy his "I just want to save our people" crap. He was evil and out for himself. Plus, he raped Sally!
  4. Yea, that was kind of a letdown. They spent time so much time on things that didn't need that much time on, and then rushed the finale. Too much was dropped that they had hinted at earlier. And then it just went down in some big shoot out and that was it. And they totally let the dad of the girl off the hook when he had been TOLD that no one should go into the mines and he didn't tell anyone! It just fell kind of flat for all the intense build up they had over the first 5 episodes.
  5. Wordy mcword word!° I was soooo stressed that her ex was going to humiliate her or somehow cause her to humiliate herself but THANK GOODNESS this show isn't like that!! Instead, they had Molly get a win for herself, her self esteem and acknowledge her awesome team who does great work and stood by her! So loving this show!!
  6. I am sooooo glad that they cast a talented and charismatic young actress as Lucy! I've been super invested in Charles' relationship with her since his story! But, Lucy, tell Charles the whole truth!!! I laughed so hard at Mabel's look of confusion and borderline horror as she understood not a whit of what Lucy was saying! Lol! You could see her thinking to herself "is this how Charles and Oliver feel??" Oliver, you better have gone to your son!!! Man, that close call with the killer and Lucy was TENSE!! And now we know HOW Charles has been supporting himself all these years!! Lol.
  7. WOOT WOOT!! I was just coming to post that! Great to see! I hope they keep the show going as well as they have for the first 5 episodes. I'm really enjoying it!
  8. My favorite was Jack. He was settled and calm and always seemed a little bemused. I really liked how he really embraced the island and the life there. But most of all, I really REALLY loved that they NEVER did anything romantic or implied anything romantic with his Sergeant. I'm really tired of that trope on this show. 3 out of 4 have had this written for them. Humphrey's was the most annoying for me, but maybe that was because he was the one who borderline annoyed me anyways. He was way too bumbling. Neville is a little bumbling but his is more ailment related, which I have empathy for. He can't help his health problems.
  9. Aww, I like the new guy! He's settled and calm and not an azz. Not that Breen was, but I appreciate when new people come in and settle in fast and don't change the dynamic too much or rock the boat. This was a sad story. I guessed it was the crazy girl. The actress did a good job being sympathetic and batshite. I miss Mrs. Marlowe too. I really miss Jared tho even more! It's been forever since he's been on!! I am glad thar we are getting Frodo this season. He's so sweet but I really need that guy to catch a freaking break!! I'm now thinking Gina is not the woman Mike is dating. Thank goodness.
  10. Cute latest episode! I am so rooting for Molly and Arthur but I'm glad he was able to meet someone on his own. He is so freaking sweet!! And I am glad Molly realized the truth of her old "friends." What *blanks* they are. And I laughed out loud over the guys not knowing "Jurrasic Park" was a book before it was a movie! Arthur is honestly so freaking sweet. Again, great episode. Sweet and funny!
  11. I agree, mjc570, this is a perfect binge show.
  12. Man. That was a stressful episode! This is one of those shows I wish I knew the ending to cause its stressing me out lol. I want the bad guys to get caught and the good guys to all be ok. I'm really worried about the girl and her baby. Her mama be evil! And I guess Chee hadn't been swayed to Leaphorn's side. That was disappointing. They only have 2 episodes left, and the show does drag things out a little, so hopefully they will tie up all the stories!
  13. The show is back!! I am so glad that that guy they had Kristen flirting with last season, is gone (so far). That was NOT a good look for her! Its funny, I thought it was nice that they had toned down the Gina's Mike obsession, but when I saw the ending and the message on Mike's phone, I had this sudden fear that maybe she's toned down because they're dating...I hope not!! Her inappropriateness was way too much and it would feel like rewarding her borderline (and not so borderline) sexual harassment!
  14. Yes!! Awesome news!! Very excited to see Ohana continue and to get to watch the Higgins/Magnum relationship grow!! Hope Tim Kang is back and they keep Cade around too!!
  15. I am liking it so far. I like that it's a serious comedy. Not mean spirited and I really enjoy all the cast. I'm glad I tried it!
  16. I know. I'm kind of worried. I was hoping it would be announced today. Getting close to the end of the month...
  17. Oh man, I hadn't seen this!! Keeping my fingers crossed!!!
  18. Well that just stinks. And now Landon will NEVER get out of Purgatory!!
  19. AWESOME news!!! I'm actually ok with this format for this show, myself
  20. I was so shocked when I came online and saw it was announced already!! I totally expected to have some build up for the announcement itself. I even looked last night and nothing. And then BAM, here he is lol! I know nothing about him but I didn't know anything about Matt and he turned out AMAZING. I don't think I'll watch Sex Education tho. Not really interested in the show and sometimes, that can color your view of the new actor. My mom tried Peter Capaldi's show before he started in DW and it colored her impression of him and not in a good way. LOL.
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