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Everything posted by Mountainair

  1. Is anybody surprised Blair and Jeff (that is his name, right?) didn't make it. They were doomed from the start.
  2. Are there any other Fashion Police type shows on other networks? I've never seen any which is the only reason I watch E at all. So, if they put a Kardishian on in place of Kelly I'm definitely out! I wasn't a huge Joan fan and do find myself enjoying Kathy. Kelly can sometimes add an insightful quip regarding fashion but mostly I find her constant giggling annoying. I won't absolutely miss her but I thought she played the "straight man" type role well. I mean you have the outlandish persona with Kathy (Joan), the gay fashionista persona with Brad, the not a jokester, straight, serious gal with Kelly and then Guliana brings her rubbing noses on the red carpet, interviews with celebrities, first hand encounters persona. I just don't know.....
  3. I try and do my shopping while the kids are in preschool but sometimes I have no choice. I co sign on those big honking carts with the race cars. I used one once and that was it. I do like the idea about the bagels. Unfortunately, my shopping experience consists of three stores. SAMs Club for the bulky items, Aldi for the canned goods, misc., and my local grocery store chain for fresh produce, misc. my kids have really upped their behavior game in the local grocery store since we discovered the Free Popcorn for kids 12 and under kiosk! I wish every store had something similar! I try not to judge other parents in the store but yes, not actively trying to reign in your child when they are mis behaving in public causes me to be judgy. Shopping is a hassle and a chore but kids need to learn how to behave.period.
  4. Yea. I hate doctors, hospitals, etc.. But my babies were both born in the hospital with my mother (a nurse) by my side the entire time. I trust her, not the others. I was HUGE like Jill with my first, I had Gestational Diabetes as well. They were going to induce me on my due date for fear that my baby was too big. Luckily, aim went into labor on my own, and gave birth to a 7 and a half pound baby. All those people thinking I'd have a 10 pounder (my husband was 10lbs 2 oz at birth) were way off. In our pool here I went with a due date of one day early and a 8 lb baby. Where I live people are big into home births. I have a Facebook friend who had a home birth go terribly wrong. Ambulance was called, baby rushed to NICU where she stayed for one week before being able to come home. Had she given birth in a hospital she would have been able to go home like usual. So, while I dislike doctors and hospitals I understand their importance and would never risk a home birth. Too many variables.
  5. Score one for this momma! My five year old ate all his dinner tonight. Pan braised pork chops, quinoa and kale, and Brussel sprouts! My brother let me know this morning that he was coming to visit for a few days starting tomorrow! We've been iced in all week so the kids and I spent today cleaning the house, tomorrow we will go get groceries. Brrr! I don't get to see my brother often and after this visit it will be at least two more years before I see him again so, the boys are super excited and its a great excuse to spend more on groceries. I've been craving a good burger so we will grill burgers tomorrow night. Any body have any favorites? I'd like to make a flavored mayo as a side, have pickles, onion, tomato and grilled mushrooms on the side as well as some bacon. I love a good burger. Mr. Mountain went to IHOP once years ago and they had a burger with an egg on top and every where he goes he asks for an egg and no one does it for him. So, I'll probably have an egg available for him tomorrow. I'll do a side salad and fries. Saturday I procured a babysitter for the night (my BIL) and we will take my brother out for dinner downtown, grab some beers without the kiddos. I think Sunday I will do a big pot of chili to last the whole day with some crusty bread on the side.
  6. I know right.... Except.... My husband can build a house from nothing, build cabinets, remodel whole houses, he is great at it, owns his own company which allows me to be a stay at home mom but my house, pufft!!! Half finished projects, a disaster area, a place I don't often invite people over to. You know, the shoe makers kids and all that....... It's nice in theory. We have been repainting our bright red kitchen to a nice shade of green for the past few months, cabinets included. Ran out of paint and now we are tearing out walls and turning the master bedroom into the kitchen to give us an open floor plan and the kitchen into the master bedroom. It's nuts I tell ya!
  7. We don't do Valentine's in my house. I think we celebrated once or twice in high school but over the past 15 years V Day is one holiday I was fine giving up. The boys were in preschool this morning and I had to go to the office to do some work. Mr. Mountain didn't have a job on the books so for a rare treat we went out for breakfast. Usually, I eat nothing for breakfast or if I am hungry Mr. Mountain will run to Dunkin Donughts and pick up something and bring it to the office. We decided to try out a local joint called Biscuit Head that gets rave reviews. Usually we have the kids with us and don't go out much so this was a nice "breakfast date". The food was super yummy but I wish we had ordered different things so I could try something else. We both ordered the Asheville Benedict which is an open faced biscuit topped with charred scallion cream cheese, fresh tomatoes, 2 poached eggs, hollandaise and a tossed kale salad. OMG, to die for yummy! I'm still full from breakfast but have left over salad from last nights dinner that I'll eat and I'll scrounge something up out of other left overs for the kids and hubby for tonight. We are finally getting snow (and ice) here. We've been in a snow drought so I'm anticipating no school tomorrow and lots of hot cocoa and sledding :) The kids are beyond excited!
  8. Ok, can I whine for a moment? Dinner ended up being for 14 people, no reservation. The wait wasn't long but the restaurant said they don't make reservations on Holiday weekends. What kind of sense does that make? If there is anytime to make a reservation it is on a holiday weekend. This was the first time bowling for my kids (2 and 5) and they had the time of their lives! The negative, we bowled one game, paid for dinner for three people (my two year old loves salad and filled up on the free salad) and I'm out $130.00 bucks. Not to mention a $25.00 gift for my SIL on top of that. Why does everything have to cost so much! Gah! All in all it was a fun night and I have leftovers for dinner tomorrow!
  9. Celebrating my SIL's bday tonight with the family at Olive Garden followed by bowling. 12 of us in all. Two five year olds and two two year olds. Wish us luck! My BIL said he made reservations, I hope he did!
  10. What do you do? Well first, yea, you never hit someone else's kid but I grew up in the late 80s/90s and I remember being paddled at school for mis behaving, my parents spanked me and gave my grandparents permission to do the same. I tend to fall under the same rule of thumb when it comes to my own children albeit a little more "with the times". I've popped my kid in the mouth twice his whole life for being a smart ass to me and I've popped my kids on the hand or butt for deliberately disobeying me. When I say "popped" I don't mean "beat the shit out of" either. Another kid in my home acting like Hugo? Well, if the parents are there I take the kid directly to the parent and "tattle". Tell the parent exactly what happened in a tone of voice which conveys disaproval. If the behavior continues, well, the party is over. I'll be a bitch. I don't care. If the parent isn't in my home and their kid is over for a play date, the kid gets time out. If that doesn't work the kids has to sit at the table with me and do busy work (coloring, workbook pages, etc). If that doesn't work I call the parent and their ass best be at my house to get their kid ASAP. So far I haven't had to deal with my kids having unruly friends and my other mommy friends have similar parenting styles to my own so their kids just don't behave that way. I think I voiced this strongly enough up thread but I just can't with parents that don't discipline their children and then act all butt hurt when someone else does. Yes, physical violence is wrong but for fucksake, look at the situation here and realize that your a shitty ass parent. No need for a lawsuit. Perhaps this a time for some self evaluation and therapy for the whole damn family. And a note to self that you refrain from get togethers with the dude that slapped your kid.
  11. Nothing else was on, so I watched this. I've always had a girl crush on Thandie Newton so I sympathized with her a lot here. Her husband needs to grow the hell up and stop lusting after girls his kids' age. Speaking of his kids, were they in the house while he and Aisha were screwing on the kitchen table? That's all I could think of during that scene. Overall, there was nothing fun about this show. Nothing that produced a smile at all. It was all depressing. I watch the Walking Dead religiously and even in that show, surrounded by death and zombies there is something to smile about each episode. Some glimmer of hope. Not here. I have no clue who is who and who is related to who. The breastfeeding mom squicked me out majorly. For one, if I still breastfed my pre pubescent kid I'll be damned if I'm ever going to show my face in public with my child. Nope. I'm just going to stay at home all the time and breastfeed my kid so people wont judge me. I'm not even going to get into how nasty and ridiculous the whole thing is. Whatever. If that's what you do. Fine. Do it at home. Also, if I know my kid can't behave again, I'm not taking him anywhere. His ass stays home. Just the whole lack of self awareness bugs me to the point of not being able to watch this show. I see it every day. I live in hippie dippie city, USA and witness crap like this on a daily basis. Special snowflakes, don't yell at my kid, my kid is perfect, I'll breastfeed as long as I want, only organic, only gluten free, blah, blah, blah. I don't think I can stand to watch the entitlement on my tv screen as well as my real life. I can't hate on Hugo though because none of his behavior is his choice. It's all his parents stupid fault and someone needed to slap him. Should have been his parents but obviously they don't give a shit about his well being and livelihood. Gah! I have a 5 year old and a 2 year old and would be upset if someone slapped them like Hugo was but I also raise my kids in such a way that no adult would ever have reason to hit them.
  12. Oh my gosh! I would die of boredom if I had to go to the hospital and wait for someone to give birth. How long was everyone there for? Standard protocol lately around here is to induce after one week past due date. I was induced (a week before due date) with my second child and I was miserable. With my first I labored at home for the first 12 hours then went to the hospital. I have a high threshold for pain and don't hold people to my own standard but I was surprised to see that Whitney opted for the epi. so early. Based off of footage we saw I assumed she had been laboring for quite a while when she got it when in reality she was only in labor a few hours. Whatever, to each their own but there is no way in hell she could have had a successful home birth if she only made it five hours before needing pain meds. Child birth is painful. I had epi's with both my boys albeit, at the last possible minute I was allowed to do so. Bradley though was a cute baby and most babies aren't cute just minutes after birth. I also wondered about all those people in the room. I had my mom and husband in the birthing room but no one was allowed to visit me until I had been moved to my recovery room which took a few hours as I had to be able to stand on my own and empty my bladder on my own before I could be moved. On a different note, I've been having baby fever lately and this episode did nothing to stifle that :)
  13. I like Ed Shereen the most of those nominees so I wish he had taken it. Kanye. Ugh! I was hoping to miss him.
  14. Oh good. So the nine o clock hour all I will be missing is a performance by Kanye West and Madonna. Zzzzzz. Can't believe Happy is still winning. Wasn't that song last year? Sam smith, yea, not what I pictured him looking or sounding like based off of his radio voice. He seems like such a sweet guy though and I liked his interview with Seacrest on the red carpet.
  15. Not only was Maddonna hideously dressed she gave the most awkward and rude interview ever with Ryan Seacrest. I liked Taylor Swifts green dress and purple shoes! I don't listen to a ton of mainstream music but I like to stay in the loop of pop culture and most times I have watched the Grammys I am introduced to a new artist I really like that I had never heard of before. Plus, I love LL Cool J. I'm here until Walking Dead starts :)
  16. I bought a big salad at SAMs yesterday which has lasted me four meals now. For the kids and hubby I just made a digorno pizza for dinner. I've been busy cleaning and cooking for tomorrow though. We are having some new friends over for dinner. Im making pork loin which is currently marinating in the fridge in my Grandpas super secret marinade. Not sure if I want to bake it or grill it tomorrow. It's actually supposed to be nice out. To go with that I have fettuccine Alfredo with homemade sauce, spinach orzo salad, succotash and garlic bread. For desert I made Hershey Bar chocolate cake. They have three kids, two that go to preschool with our boys so it should be a fun night!
  17. Watching the NFL honors right now, tuned in late. Forgive my ignorance but is this recorded ahead of time? How much so? Tomorrows game, eh? I long ago stopped hosting or attending Super Bowl parties because I was tired of all the work that went into it just to end up missing the entire game chatting or filling up the food table. Lucky me, pre game hours my in laws want to have the 5 year old over for a while and DH has to work which leaves me and the two year old home all day to hang out. I've got my munchies all lined up but the downside is that these are two teams I could care less about. If the Seahawks hadn't just won last year maybe although I would like to see them win two years in a row. The biggest advantage the Hawks have going for them is that they aren't the friggin Patriots. That and I'm from North Carolina. I grew up 30 minutes from NC State and currently reside in Asheville, home of the Tourists, both teams that Wilson played for. I will watch, sort of, which makes me wish I was hosting a party this year. Between the two teams and the half time entertainment (though, I gotta say, the Missy Eliott rumor has me intrigued, I will always vote for a great marching band performance over anything else) tomorrow is just another excuse to eat food and watch football.
  18. My sincerest apologies for posting here. I didn't even think to check the miscellaneous news and I heard my local news report and went with that. Feel free to delete my posts above.
  19. Me too, around 3pm eastern time. The 6 o clock news just came on with that as the leading story. I'll edit my original post since I can't seem to find anything online to support the claims.
  20. Well, according to my local news station Bobby Christina was found unresponsive in the bath tub and rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead. Shockingly similar to her mother Whitney Houston. What a shame! Edit: the local news reported her death however I can't find any claims online to substantiate this. My bad. That's what I get for believing the local news I guess.
  21. Seriously? I have a list a mile long of things I can criticize Josh and Anna for but the parking spot thing doesn't even register on my radar. It's such a non issue! I've been pregnant twice and have used the pregnant lady parking spots. Usually only if the weather was bad and I was hugely pregnant. Even now I park in the back of the lot and relish the opportunity to get some extra steps in. My local grocerer has a few parents with children spots up front and again I only use it when I know I'm going to be quick (I only need a few things) and I have both the kids with me or if the weather is bad. It's the only time I get to use a special spot damnit and the store provided me one, I'm going to use it (within reason and with curtesy to others who may need it more). I don't see the issue.
  22. I think tonight is going to be chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese for the family. I'll eat a salad or salmon, haven't decided yet. Naturally I'm looking forward to my "cheat day" which will be Sunday so I can munch on some yummy stuff whilst watching football. I'm the only person in my family who follows football so all the munchies will be soley for me :) chicken wings, spinach artichoke dip and then something for the whole family will be a sausage stuffed loaf. It usese ground beef, Italian sausage, chopped tomato, green pepper chunky tomato sauce and cheese. You hollow out a French loaf and stuff it with those ingredients, wrap in foil and bake in the oven. Of course, the caveat to all of this is that I am expecting a major stomach bug to hit me any day now so none of this food may come to fruition. The two year old had it Tuesday night, last night the five year old got it and is still going strong. It's either me or DH (who has to work all weekend) next. I hate the impending doom of vomit. Maybe it will pass me by?
  23. Damn. The memorial tribute had me all kinds of teary. I say it every year but damn we sure lost some good ones this year. I'm glad modern family didn't win best comedy even though OITNB is not on my radar and the actress that won for the lead gave a great speech I thought.
  24. Yes, that would've made me sooooooo mad! I hold grudges too so, yea, no one ever better do that to me. :/ when no one ate my food the other the night at least it was because I was serving my kids, not grown assed adults! Going off diet for dinner tonight. I've been eating fish and chicken all week and by the end of the week I am seriously craving beef! Tonight I'm making French dips. The roast has been in the crock pot all day smelling devine! Can't wait for dinner!
  25. Still making two dinners. I even declined joining a meal train at preschool for a new mom because frankly, cooking two dinners, two lunches and my kids breakfast every day is enough. I'm done cooking. Any way, tonight I made kielbasa, Mac and cheese and salad and no one even ate it! One of my favorite meals, I didn't take a bite but no one else did either. Last night, I made another favorite, breakfast. I didn't even eat a piece of bacon :( I had salmon, asaparagus and quinoa. Tonight I added some grilled chicken to the salad for my dinner. I've really fallen in love with fresh artichokes! So yummy! I've been eating at least three a week for lunch!
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