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Everything posted by Mountainair

  1. I agree. I think a lot of us snuck alcohol from our parents before we were legally of age to do so but the fact that these idiots did it with cameras running just shows a total lack of respect for Lynne and Frank and shows me that they were always probably enablers and never disciplinarians. Well, from the looks of it they did their children a huge disservice. What absolute brats those girls were and what a sad excuse for parents they had. Jeanna is no better really. Her kids are straight up assholes and I agreed with Vicki. If my kids ever spoke to me they way Jeanna's did they would be smacked in the face.
  2. Yea. That was my main issue with Cameron's story line but if the quoted conversation is true than it seems like her husband and her are on the same page. The way she presented this story line on the show however makes it seems like her husband is older and ready for a baby, yesterday. She's right and honest with herself that having a baby changes your life and your waistline (at least for most people) so it's better to be honest about it from the get go. I definitely don't have the figure I had before I started having babies and I've accepted that. I'll wait until I'm done popping them out to worry much more about it though. Thanks to the poster that labeled Kathryn Cruella D'Ville in her mink coat get up. It must have been winter when they had the Wounded Warrior event. Running after Thomas like she did was just too embarrassing to watch. What a loser. Suck it up, realize you were a dumb ass to get knocked up by such a loser, lawyer up, get child support and custody agreements handled and move the fuck on with your life. I too thought Shep showed his ugly side last night and as a side by side comparison between him and Craig well, I thought Shep looked waaaaaay older than his 35 years last night. Homeboy was looking rough.
  3. For the sake of Josh and Anna's kids I hope some trusted friend or non Duggar family member came and secreted the kids away while all of this stews in the media. I imagine all the compounds are covered with reporters ready to exploite those babies. My children are the same age as theirs and I can't imagine what fear must be running through their little minds right now. My wish is that someone is at Disney World with those babies having a great time while their parents deal with this shit.
  4. Yea, where's Bin and his pontificating self now? Why isn't he on social media "preaching" like he normally does? I was really kind of shocked they decided to breed so quickly (I don't know why I was shocked). It's one thing to get married at 19 (I did it) but it's a completely other thing to start procreating at 19. We were in our mid to late 20s with secure jobs, owned our own home, had health insurance, etc. If I were Jessa and Bin right now I would literally be crying in the bathroom every day. Their whole world and sense of security literally just vanished in front of their eyes. I've always known the Duggars were frauds in some way or another and I'm truly horrified by this news however, if Jessa was a victim of said abuse I would think that would be even more reason for her to not get knocked up quickly especially when her husband and her rely on Duggar income to survive. She's married. Go out, get a job, move far away from your abuser and then start your family. The whole lot of them are just so brainwashed they can't even see past their noses. At least in Jill's case Derrick has a degree and a job outside of Duggarville. Besides the emotional trauma they all most be going through they are the most well equipped to "move on". What a mess for everyone involved.
  5. Derrick posted on Instagram today (I've noticed all the Duggar social media accounts have been quiet lately) a picture of Jim Bob holding Izzy for the first time. First of all, that baby looked to be about five months old, secondly, this is the first time he's held his grandson? Don't they live right down the street?
  6. Yes, what was up with the entrance she made? Talk about mature. She should have kept her ass at home. As much as I agree with everyone's dislike of Whitney I took his side on the very first episode (I think it was) when Kathryn was trying to play the "what will Kensie think" card regarding the commercial and Whitney piped up with a comment about all her previous antics being on film for the world to see. Kathryn can't act all butt hurt over Thomas's antics and play the "Kensie" card when she herself behaves like a drunken strumpet on a national televised TV show. Now, I'm not judging everyone that gets knocked up before marriage but in the case of Kathryn and Thomas it would have served her much better if he put a ring on it before she got knocked up.
  7. According to Landon's latest Instagram photo, a meme about "not giving a fuck", she hashtagged #bravo #reunion. So I assume they are filming a reunion as we type.
  8. Yea, Katherine and T-Rav are both toxic for each other and I have zero, zilch, nada, sympathy for either of their dumbasses. I feel sorry for Kensington having no relationship with a birth parent because it's obvious to me grandma and grandpa Calhoun are doing 85% (if not more) of the child rearing. Which, in the grand scheme of things is in the child's best interest because she doesn't need to be around such toxicity but damn! I just can't give any fucks about someone who purposely gets knocked up with someone like T-rav and then expects people to feel sorry for what she has to put up with. Bitch, please. You can't convince me either of them care about that baby any more than a photo op or a pawn in their relationship. I did chuckle when Cameron fell out of the chair and Craig said they would have to have a heart to heart the next day.
  9. My husbands family does that. I've obliged because well, I don't want to be the first to break the trend but everyone has the same middle initial. I can deal with that. I wouldn't agree to it if it was first name initials. My brother and I had all three of our names start with the same letter. I didn't follow that trend with my own. Just the middle initial.
  10. On the baby name vein I know I've mentioned somewhere here about my husbands cousins. Granted, it's not my kid so whatever floats your boat. I myself, accidentally named my own children names that happened to be on the top ten list, go figure. But anyway, husbands cousin had a dog first named Aiden, baby boy came next and they named him Hayden (I think I got the boy and the dog name right, I forget which is which) now baby boy number two is due shortly and they are going name him Kaelen, pronounced Key-Len. The -en trend has got to stop!
  11. Yea, I get the reason why but they should have an express exit line or something for people with 10 or fewer items. Usually the line doesn't move too slowly but I hate shopping and that doesn't help :) our SAMs did finally get self check out registers this year so that has come in handy except almost every time I get stuck behind someone that doesn't understand how to use it and I'd have been better off waiting in the regular check out line. It doesn't bother me when people don't let me jump in line if I have fewer items. It bugs me when people ask if they can jump in front of me because they have fewer items than I do. How do they know I didn't just let three people jump in front of me? I need to have my turn too. Also, I usually time my shopping trips for when the boys are in preschool so if I let everyone jump ahead of me that cuts into my time to get errands done without my kids. You wait your turn just like I waited my turn. People have offered to let me jump ahead in line particularly when I have my boys with me but I always graciously decline the offer. It's your turn, by all means, take your turn. ETA: that brings me to a related traffic pet peeves here people will stop the flow of traffic to let someone make a dangerous left turn out of somewhere. On coming traffic doesn't know you are being nice and trying to let someone out so situations can get dicey. Just follow the rules of the road people. So what if homeboy has to wait 10 hours to make the left. He could take a right, turn around somewhere up the road and then head in the intended direction.
  12. jOh, how cool! I wish we had a store like that around here! I was at SAMs Club a few months av and while waiting in line an employee came up and offered to scan my groceries while I waited. I didn't really understand what she meant or what the benefit was but she scanned my card and the groceries with a handheld machine. When it was my turn in line I just handed the cashier my card and all my purchases were already stored and I just had to pay. Easy Peasy! Now that brings me to a SAMs pet peeve that I have to wait in line to exit the store and have someone check my receipt. I have to wait behind people with pallets full of groceries while I usually only have a handful of items.Bugs the crap out of me!
  13. Right on red! Argh!!!! I love the right on red law. It serves a purpose. There is one intersection on my way to work, in the heart of downtown where traffic is a nightmare. You can turn right on a red light at this intersection but you'd be surprised how many people don't! They just sit there and wait for the light to turn green which on a normal day could take 20 minutes. Aldi: I get most of my groceries at Aldi and the rest I get at my local grocer. My one biggest pet peeve with Aldi and its one that is just a bit of personal snobbery on my part is that they just chunk your groceries in the cart. Sometime you get a good cashier but for the most part they don't make eye contact or talk they just scan, scan, scan because they are busy and under staffed. When my boys were little they wouldn't leave the front part open after transferring the groceries so I'm left with a cart of smushed food, a toddler and an infant with no where to go. But, the prices reflect the service so I get it.
  14. Yes! Between B and Sonja's non-stop talking over each other back and forth I was reminded of my five year old who Never! Stops! Talking! Ever!!!! A few scenes later B said that Sonja reminded her of a 4 year old so that made me LOL!
  15. I don't have much to offer that hasn't already been more eloquently stated but I saw on my facebook feed yesterday a link to a GoFundMe page where Patriot fans are trying to raise the million dollar fine for the team. I didn't click the link but if that's true the fans are even more idiotic than I previously thought and just proves that no matter what the Patriots do people will love them no matter what. The Patriots don't need the money. Either way, I'm glad Tom Baby got punished. It would serve them all right to not be allowed to play at all this year. I'm not going to sit and compare apples to oranges when it comes to who got what punishment for what crime but when the Team as a whole is caught cheating (more than once but I digress) they do ruin the integrity of the game. I hate cheaters. I'm a stickler for the rules, even when playing Candy Land with my five year old. Cheaters should be punished and not allowed to play the game.
  16. I'll admit to peeing outside, as an adult, but I was 9 months pregnant, all my bathrooms were occupied, it was pitch black dark outside and no cameras were rolling. I can hold my pee with the best of them and I've had two children. My husband on the other hand, drives me nuts, as soon as the mood strikes him we have to stop so he can pee. He can't even hold it for a minute. Whatever, on camera for my family to see, never! Wasn't it just last season that Sonja and Ramona were bitching about Kristen and her terrible hosting skills while in Colorado. Was it Colorado? I can't remember. They were just ragging on her and saying how they would have done this and this and had this and this available, etc. Let me get this straight. Everyone was supposed to pow wow in front of Lady Morgan's home inside the limo and then head to AC as a group. They were to meet at the limo at a certain time however the limo was not there and they were made to wait outside in the elements. Now, I am no Emily Post or Countess or Lady however in my first hand experience I have had family meet at my house to then caravan to a specific function. Technically all that needs to happen is everyone show up on time, sit in their cars until everyone arrives and then we leave. What if someone needs to pee? What if its too cold, too hot to sit outside, what if someone is running late? Personally, if I invite everyone only to my driveway I still clean the inside of my house top to bottom on the off chance that someone might need to enter. That is a good hostess. Always be prepared. I don't want to hear shit out of her mouth about how she is the only one who knows how to properly host.
  17. The husband got better as the movie progressed but to start out he was a bit of an asshole. Just walking away to answer work calls always, no matter who is talking, making empty promises to his daughter, showing up like three hours late to his anniversary party without calling. I thought he was rude and disrespectful to his wife and kids. You don't just turn that way overnight and you don't change back that quickly either. My husband is a small business owner and has his cell on him at all times but he knows there's a time and place, in the middle of an argument about said cell phone usage is not it. I thought the party at the end was sweet though and would probably forgive all transgressions if my spouse took dancing lessons for me :) I also like Candace Cameron Bure and will watch pretty much any made for TV movie she makes.
  18. Yea, I switched cable providers and no longer get the Hallmark movie channel. Bummer. I did watch Just the Way You Are last night with Candace Cameron Bure and it was lame. So lame that I watched part of it again today. I liked the supporting actress the most, Angela, was it? It was just dumb. If my husband acted like that I'd be a lot less willing to keep giving him second chances. Candace sure had to do a lot of sacrificing over the years for this jerk. Screw that asshole. Anyhow. The story moved at a decent pace and the supporting characters'story line kept me interested enough.
  19. Reason Kathryn didn't hear her: fucked up out of her mind perhaps? Drunk, high,tripping? I've said it before and I'll say it again. There's no reason she needs a nanny but I glad there is one considering how often both Kathryn and Thomas I'm sure get black out wasted.
  20. Unfortunately, it seems Shep may be avoiding the hurricane altogether. Catching bones on Andros Island with @ellsellsworth good times https://instagram.com/p/2cE030qI4S/
  21. I dressed up as Hermione two years ago. I had a Dracula cape that I used as a robe. I wore a black vest with button up shirt underneath and a shortish black skirt with tights and loafers. I actually own a Hogwarts scarf so I used that as a neck tie. I took a sand minute timer from a board game and tied string around it to serve as a time turner. I picked a stick out of the yard to serve as a wand. I took a brown paper bag and wrapped a hard cover book in it and wrote, Hogwarts: A History across the front and spine. My hair is naturally brown, curly and bushy like Hermiones. It was free and looked pretty rad!
  22. CooksDelight..... Is your trip this weekend?In an unprecedented turn of events, Charleston is expecting its first hurricane to hit this weekend. Hasn't happened since the fifties and hurricane season generally runs from September through November. Safe travels.... I'm sure Shep will be attending or hosting his very own hurricane party this weekend, if there isn't mandatory evacuations. ETA: link http://www.weather.com/news/weather/video/tropical-system-brewing-in-the-atlantic-could-be-upgraded Still a tropical storm at this point.
  23. Interesting. I like easy murder mystery books. I read one by Mary Kay Andrews a while back that sounds like this Halmark series, the book was called Deep Dish but I couldn't get into it mostly because of the food aspect. The heroine is a chef with a cooking show competing for air time with a fellow male chef who has is own series. No murder so maybe that's why it was lacking for me. Anyhow, I may have to give this a shot. If only for background noise. I mentioned jut the other day in another thread that I just started the Stephanie Plum series. I was looking for a series that was easy to read and the library had a pen abundance so I picked it up. I'm now on book six but now that I know the triangle continues for most of the series I don't know if I want to keep reading it.
  24. My oldest will start Kindergarten in the fall so I've not had to deal with drop off lines yet. The preschool both my boys go to is 1/2 day, very small. 30 kids total. Maybe. And there is this one mom who just had a baby and she refuses to leave the baby in the car to pick up her older son and will call the preschool teachers cell phone and have her run the kid out to her car. That's not the teachers job. It's obvious this lady can't cope yet with having two kids and how to juggle them but the school is so small, set up in such a way that you could leave the baby in the car for five seconds, run in and pick up older kid and never, ever take your eyes off the car. I'm not a proponent of leaving children in car by any means but when you are putting other people and parents in a position to take their eyes off their own children it bugs me. These are your kids, figure out how to pick one up with out me or another teacher having to babysit the other one. Or better yet, take the damn baby in with you if you are that concerned about leaving them in the car, literally steps away, all windows compleltey visible and it's not like something is going to come up where your kid is left in the car for too long, if that were to happen go get the kid. When my second was an infant I would roll down the windows, park right up front run in and get big brother. Literally, two minutes in and out and back on the road. No need to put anyone out. Now, I do see tons of people at the grocery store that drop off people at the front. No bad weather, no visible disability and it takes said person ten minutes to get out of the car thus blocking traffic flow. Park the car and walk or be ready to hop out real quick. Said people will also take forever to get out, then go to the trunk and rifle around for something, then talk to the driver, etc. park and walk. Publix just opened yesterday in my area and I went for the first time today. Very nice store. Someone took the items out of my cart and but them on the belt, someone bagged all my groceries and then someone escorted me to the car and loaded my trunk. I didn't even have the kids with me! It was a great experience however not close enough to warrant me being a reliable shopper there.
  25. Yea. See, I always get lambasted (not that you guys are per say) for this particular pet peeve of mine. I manage to check the price, watch my kids and bag my groceries at the same time. My store is also great about returns,which I've never had to do but I've witnessed other people doing. Obviously if there is a bag person there I let them do their job and do not interfere. Its when there is no bagger and the poor cashier is having to ring up all my items, ask me if its debit or credit, press a button on their keyboard to make my sale final and then proceed on bagging all the while what am aI doing? Twiddling my thumbs? The least you can do is chip in even if they tell you to stop helping. It's common curtesy to me and I would feel like a complete tool to watch my cashier have all my groceries stack up and not at least offer to chip in. If their is a bag person present obviously that is a different story and I'm hands off.
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