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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. Episode 2x03 A cameo by series creator Nick Walker as the comedy club MC.
  2. I got the feeling that Gabi deliberately put her team together composed of people who had experienced their own traumas so that they would be better able to find missing people and to have sympathy for those who are missing and overlooked by law enforcement. Margaret for example taught herself to notice everything from being at the bus station and Lacey is in law school so that she can help Gabi with her work.
  3. The problem is that Spencer has nothing in his life other than his anger at his father, which makes him want to take care of Ace, and his relationship with Trina so he invests far too much time and energy into those two things. Now that they are back, Laura and maybe Kevin need to sit him down and come up with a life plan for him other than spending his trust fund. At the very least take some finance classes so that he can properly handle the Cassadine estate till Nik takes it back. Maxie is too young but Alexis is free at the moment when she's not helping Gregory cross things off his bucket list. So is Tracy since it looks like JE is sticking around for a while. Ava's relationship with Austin is a dud so she's available as well.
  4. My PBS station does interviews after the episode airs and I seem to remember that Nick Walker was in radio drama before Annika. That would explain the lack of IMDb credits.
  5. Episode 4x3: "Home" Robert Munch's "Love You Forever" always breaks my heart. Curse you, show. The backstory with Bash and Elliott is interesting, and true to this show's standards, realistic. I can understand why Elliott is angry at Bash after all that ash has done for him, and I understand why Bash feels the need to. Theo's apology tour .. lol. I don't like conflict so I don't enjoy Bash and Mags competing for the single fellowship position. I understand why they both want it, Bash for the stability and Mags because this is something that she's worked for all her life and refuses to give in because of her health problems.
  6. I couldn't figure out why Drew was asking Liz about her kids since he barely realizes that he has one of his own, And then I remembered BM's Drew and how involved with the kids he was. Yeah, like Aiden needs Drew to ask Carly if he can sell his good at her cafe. 1. Aiden should do it himself if he wants to have a business and 2. isn't he Carly's cousin on his own as Lucky's son? "Why do you think it's revenge rather than justice?" I'm really tired of Anna's hair shirt. Alexis really blew it being so ham-handed. This 'blackmail the judge into a lighter sentence' is such a stupid idea. She was right that she overdid it, Gregory is wrong, and the judge pulling Drew's file is lazy writing. I doubt that the judges that Pro Publica named are reconsidering their files. Once again, poor, poor Drew and Carly, such overpunishment. Laura and Kevin each delivering some home truths to the grandkids. LOL at Giant Baby being on the 99th percentile. Nice lampshading. Biggest disappointment of the episode -- Robert and Diane in what the show considered to be cute banter and deciding to give their relationship another try.
  7. I find Gabi keeping Sir locked in her basement disturbing, at the least very unhealthy on Gabi's part. The removal of books and cleanliness objects seems twisted even if he did try to manipulate her. There must be someone else she can talk to, this isn't Silence of The Lambs. Now that we know Margaret's story, we also know how deeply wounded she is. (Kudos to Kelli Williams for playing Margaret so broken), I'm wondering if any of Gabi's team is emotionally healthy.
  8. I agree that someone needs to be saying those things to Spencer, what are his life goals? what does he want to do next with his life? What does he want even now other than being charming to Trina and the occasional babysitting? After all, Esme holds a fulltime job while being a mom to Ace and now Laura and Kevin are back to help. But it shouldn't be Trina, his new girlfriend. It should be Laura or Alexis since Nik isn't there, or even Valentine if he didn't have his Charlotte problem. Or Stella. I'd even take Portia as much as I don't like her manipulation of Esme and her attitude to Spencer. Trina should be Spencer's partner, his equal, not his therapist or the adult in his life telling him to grow up.
  9. My favourite part of the episode was Laura and Valentin strategizing about Charlotte. I like to see people working together instead of at odds. And so my second favourite part was Alexis having Gregory along to interview the judge -- something that he didn't know he needed on his bucket list and showing him that he can still be valuable. Also I love gotchas. Finn is heading up into surgery. Why is an infectious disease specialist doing surgery? Audrey is still looking after Liz's sons when she goes away? Audrey must be in her 90s by now. I'm with Spencer on Nik and Esme. Ace doesn't need a father in his life who disappears just when he's needed. Spencer may not be his father but he is determined to stick around. I see what Trina is going but it's too soon for that conversation. There goes Portia, demanding that Jordan should have told her that Cyrus was released. A real Karen. Why did they decide to write Portia in a way that makes me dislike her, around Trina and Spencer, around Curtis, manipulating Esme, she's really not a nice person. That's typical Joss though; she says that she's okay with Dex working for Sonny but every time he gets close to a dangerous situation, she freaks out. It's what distinguishes her from Carly who gloried in the danger that Jason got into. I didn't see yesterday's show but I'm guessing that Curtis didn't offer to do what he could to please his wife even though he wasn't ready for that himself? What a guy. True love.
  10. I thought that they arrested the art student/forger. His Italian conspirator got away with one of the paintings. Is Brackenreid back to being the head of the station? Did I miss that at the end of the last episode. I thought Watts was flirting with the art gallery owner and wanted to cry "Don't do it! He's not nearly good enough for you!"
  11. I assume stabbing Cody, her breakdowns and the bad publicity. Lucy doesn't want Deception associated with that. But it would have been ethical to tell Sasha that they are dropping her before offering the job to someone else.
  12. Wasn't the artist the murderer? They may not have identified the real Mona Lisa but the audience did. There was a telegram from the Louvre identifying some writing on the back of the real one. It was blown into the wastepaper basket beside the desk. I guess the characters on the show are supposed to assume that the Italian took the real one and is selling it on the black market.
  13. I should have commented on last week's episode because I liked that one. This week's kidnapping was okay, except for the part where the FBI wear matching blue jackets with big FBI lettered on them so that the guy with the drone can easily identify who they are. Someone must have heard the complaints about Alec's scar because it was very prominent here. But it's the bad psychology that is going to rive me away. "He has zero sum bias." No one talks like that unless they're analyzing some research. It' s the worst kind of ingroup jargon talk. And Alec just skipping teaching the class and giving it to his new research assistant to teach. Research assistants don't teach, teaching assistants do and a class of 200 would have 2 or 3 teaching assistants. Giving it to the junior research assistant on a moment's notice was bad enough (were there notes that Alec left? or was he just supposed to wing it? A friend of mine has taught psychology at a university for 25 years and it takes her 20 hours to write a lecture from scratch, 10 if she's revising last year's lecture.) And then having him teach again when he bungled the first lecture so badly, this is completely unfair to the students who paid a lot of money for that course. This show doesn't hit the 'terrible' category but it's content to slide by with a 'D' on Martin's charm alone..
  14. Drew: Whoever turned us in to the SEC knew that they would twist what we did into something bad. (Drew, it was illegal. They don't have to twist it into something bad, it is bad.) Carly: "That man is walking around free while you're going back to Pentonville for insider trading that you lost money on." (As if that should absolve them of it. Well, you did something illegal but you didn't benefit from it so it's totes okay.) Add to that Michael saying that Nina used her influence with the SEC to make them go after Carly and Drew (!!!) and i have to give the show credit for knowing how to write narcissists. Of course it's Joss and Dex who save Ava. sigh Why is Mason still alive? He should have been gone long ago. Cyrus better take him out now for going against orders. Martin rolled on Nina after promising her that no one would know that she informed to the SEC; Lucy offered Sasha's job so someone else without telling Sasha that she was fired. They're a fitting pair yesterday.
  15. I think I may be heading to the barge too. Michael's smugness and his bullying Martin (who does he think he is, ordering Martin to his office?) was too much for me. I am not looking forward to Nina being castigated for yet another year. (I made the mistake of looking at GH twitter. Almost entirely people hoping that Nina gets ground into the muck.) Martin, you are a louse. You broke attorney-client privilege for that weasel? Good match for Lucy though who is offering Sasha's job to other people without telling Sasha first that she's been fired. Shut up Carly. You broke up with Sonny first, you don't get to say "it stinks" when he marries someone else. Willow, that pudding cup you're giving Wylie is full of unhealthy ingredients. Make a chocolate pudding yourself or get your nanny to do it. Or the Quartermaine cook. That's typical SLS. Sonny is a terrible person for what he does, except when Michael wants to use him to threaten other people. I like Josh Kelly's new look.
  16. Yes. But I would have waited till the end of my work day and picked up something special for dinner and a bottle of champagne, maybe invited Trina and Stella over to celebrate, instead of immediately running home to tell him and then going back to work. I can understand why she didn't tell Curtis about Trina but ironically that seems to have used up all her delayed gratification. Unfortunately SBu is currently over on Days of Our Lives in an actually rootable relationship with Carly #2 Tamara Braun.
  17. I hate that Spinelli is going to be the saviour of Ava. It should be the police. And how old is Spinelli's equipment? His hideaway looked like something from an 80s spy movie. Retcon that Cyrus was always the boss at Pastuck. Just forget that it was originally a woman and that Cyrus came into town looking to make a foothold in Port Charles because his influence was entirelyon the West Coast. The actress plays Portia as so giggly and silly, I can't take her seriously as a CoS. Running home because she has to tell Curtis immediately and in person? Is she 12? During the wedding it occurred to me that if I had face blindness, I wouldn't be able to tell Willow and Kristina apart. (A friend of mine does and she's dropped shows because she couldn't tell characters apart.) I really hate that Michael found out that it was Nina who called the SEC. I like Sonny and Nina together, hate Carly/Drew/Michael, and how did Michael's snitch find out anyway since Martin didn't tell? Boo on the writing. It should have been as @YaddaYadda said, that they think it's Valentin and he protects Nina. Never. No one holds a grudge like a Carly. It's about blame and responsibility. The Carlys must be blameless, at least in their own eyes (although to give Carly credit she herself acknowledges that it was her mistake) so they need someone to blame
  18. Joss getting angry that no one told her that Sonny and Nina were eloping was the funniest part of the episode. "This just doesn't make sense to me because they decide to elope and no body tells me.".... "I don't care... "..." I feel alone in this grudge now and I don't know what to do. I mean, I feel crazy." Who is looking after Amelia if her and Wylie's nanny is in Puerto Rico with Wylie and Donna since Pilar is taking care of sick Avery? monica? Also, why not bring Amelia? Babies love sandy beaches and warm water. The girl playing Donna is very cute. Willow giving Nina a present that Harmony, the woman who stole her from Nina, gave to Willow feels squicks. Why did Pilar go to Joss when Ava is missing instead of Sonny's organization? What can Joss do better than a mafia organization. Tell Brick. I like that we heard Nina leaving a message on her voicemail over Ava trying to break out. Yeah, I guessed that Ava was kidnapped to make Austin support Cyrus at the hearing. Is Wylie going to date Donna when they're older? They're not blood-relatied. Oh look, Michael will learn who told on Carly and Drew. Will he stop the wedding? It makes sense to me if it is. She escaped and saved herself but to do so she had to abandon her child to the Evil Cassadines. Now that Nik is so flawed and abandoning his own children, she sees it as a result at least partially of her own actions and she thinks that if she can just talk to Nikolas, maybe she can fixed what she caused to go wrong all those years ago.
  19. I can imagine that she wouldn't want that prom dress taking up room in her small dorm room closet.
  20. I have no problem with the actress being on the show in a somewhat prominent role; she's attractive and does a good job with what she's given. My problem is with how the character is written -- the "I'm engaged" that came out of nowhere was bad enough last season. But this season they're writing her as too needy, seeking Piet out even when he's involved in a work group meeting when he doesn't respond to her calls and getting his co-worker involved too. Maybe she was supposed to leave at the end of last season but they liked her and decided to keep her around. I wish that they would write her as less of a train wreck though.
  21. The difference that I see between Carly with Michael and Esme/Ace is that Carly used Michael to worm herself into a position with the Quartermaines and with Jason while what I see with Esme is grasping on to a family and a place in the world, which includes a partnership with Spencer. Carly wanted to ttach herself to the Quartermaines because they had money and influence, if Esme were like that, she'd be accessing Ace's inheritance and living at the Metro Court instead of working at the Invader.
  22. Today's show in Canada (skip if you don't want spoilers) Yuri! And Terry too. It's been a while. Curtis receiving Trina's gift of basketball caps: "I still love the game even though I can't play." I did not miss his pity party at all. Portia as co-chief of staff? That's PCPD levels of incompetence. Chase to Gregory: As long at it made you feel better [it's okay that you didn't tell me about your ALS]. (And that's why Chase is the best guy in his age group.) Lois returns. Fun time with Olivia. Will Eddie remember who she is, and who he is?
  23. An interesting episode,.seeing it from different points of view, like Mags getting angry at June for brushing her off, and then seeing it fmrom June's POV that she did it because she was worried about Singh, and at the end June taking a defibrillator home in case Mags needs it. I'm glad that Mags did not remind Bash to apply for the fellowship -- she does too much caretaking of people and sheneeds to be able to distance herself from him. Nice twist of the threesome that first they thought the man was her father, then that he was her abuser and in the end they were siblings doing it for the eldest. I also liked Theo coming to the realization that he was remembering it wrong because he wanted to save the abused woman. Better than being over the head with psychological concepts in The Irrational. When Bash was wondering what he would do if he didn't get the fellowship, I was saying "Be a family doctor. Theo just told you that there aren't enough and you can just open up your office." Or find a family practice that you can join and learn. It also enabled him to met the doctor from Toronto who I'm guessing is going to help Bash get to Canada. I can understand Bash telling Amira to stay on the safe side of the wire. Parents desperate to get their child to safety are sending children younger than Amira alone to cross the border into the US. That's a brilliant idea. I hope that it doesn't end with Bash getting the fellowship because Mags is getting a new heart. This show isn't usually so obvious.
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