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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. Jason to Carly: I have to protect you from the choices that you made. You have a child that you have to raise and who can't be raised by its father. Me: Is this 1997 or 2024? If any proof was needed that the characters of Jason and Carly are played out and need to be backburnered, it was there today. Also Jason: Your family became my family. Me: YES, BECAUSE YOU CHOSE CARLY OVER YOUR ACTUAL FAMILY. No medals for you Jason. Kristina saying that Natalia is the real victim in the situation is ridiculous. No matter how much the show tries to gaslight me, the person who did the crime is the bad guy not the person who revealed it. Charisma and chemistry are part of being a good actor, the ability to sell what the character is feeling and thinking and engage the viewer in it. I wasn't around for the custody battle over Avery, maybe he did better, but all I've seen CD do is like watching wallpaper past dry. Thanks. But even that doesn't make sense because Pikeman doesn't want to take over Sonny's territory as a mob boss, they want to use his warehouse facilities to do their own thing.
  2. Were we ever told why Valentin switched Sonny's meds or did thta get lost int he writer switch?
  3. Perez Hilton is notorious for outing closeted gay celebrities who want to remain closeted (Lance Bass coming out was partly attributed to Hilton's comments on him) so he seems like a very strange selection to do an interview on Blaze who was closeted until she was outed by her mother's candid recording. But I guess that Hilton agreed to be on the show so this is what we've got. Laura may have let her guard down with Valentin but she's had enough dealings with Cassadines that when he disappears with Charlotte and all Charlotte's social media disappears too, her spidey senses should be working overtime. Why doesn't Ace have a nanny? Laura is mayor, Kevin is a practising psychiatrist, if Carly who did nothing when Michael was young and Willow who appears occasionally doing media have multiple nannies for their children, Laura should have one too. Carly really does seem to feel that she is Jason's protector. So delusional. They really are ruining Wagger to prop Jason and Carly. A big mistake IMO because AH has potential to be a lead figure on the show and I think that Carly/Jason/Sonny are pretty much done in terms of stories and romances.
  4. If there was a picture in the dictionary beside 'filler episode' this would be it. There were some nice moments (Laura and Dante) but nothing moved an inch. Not even JE can made Gio worthwhile to me although she certainly tried. And in the end Carly and Jason reinforced their true devotin to each other. What a sap though to continue doing it for 30 years, giving up his chances for love, giving up his relationships with his sons, giving up his life in Port Charles because he felt responsible for Michael 30 years ago. This is the show's hero?
  5. My favourite moment of today's show was when Sonny told Natalia that Brook Lynn was going to front the record, as Natalia was thinking that the glory will be her own Looks like Sonny still has a brain cell left. Unfortunately it looks like L&B records will be making a comeback with a section for Gio's violin and Lois will be staying to stick her nose into even more people's business. I was grateful for the Lois/Carly convo as I was running late and could fast forward right through that. There are no words for this version of Anna other than to say I want the 1990s Anna back. Even going on the run with Valentin would have been more interesting. What a waste of AH/Jagger. He would have given the show a real energy but they've botched it making him the story support guy.
  6. Worse, Donna would still have her father and three adult half-siblings. Charlotte's mother is in a coma.
  7. He is only off his meds when it serves the plot. Maybe Villain Nina is now over, her place taken by Ava. Joss really is Carly's Mini Me.
  8. After Drew had sacrificed himself for her by taking the hit and going to jail over her insider trading.Lots of men falling on their swords for her and her stupid actions.
  9. I love that while Carly is Willow's go-to mother figure, she can't go to her about this problem. The adults today: Nina, Liz, Jake, Charlotte and Jason. Half marks for Willow and Michael. Nice evil manipulation by Brennan. I wonder if the actor has limited availability and by having him only interact with Carly, they can get all the scenes shot in a couple of days. It's also stringing the other person along and teasing them to continue the fantasy. Had we but world enough and time....
  10. Willow confessing to Nina that she kissed Drew is a swerve I did not expect, but good soap in the hands of CW. "I think you're giving [Drew] far. too much consideration here....And trust me, Drew definitely shares in some of the blame." Drew is willing to fire Nina from her job as editor of Crimson if Michael wants him to. He's gone from BM great to scum. Telling Willow that in another world they might have been together is stringing her along. Michael, Nina did not send Drew to prison, that was the judge and the law. Jason is almost human when they get him away from Carly and her children. Carly: "I could never be an intelligence agent, I'm too selfish." A moment of clarity from Carly. Also she's not smart enough. Trust this show to have Carly state her stupidity and Brennan to praise her like she's some kind of heroine.
  11. Jason is strangely protective of Anna, former WSB agent, going to suss out Valentin. But then I remembered that he's used to working with Carly who regularly screws everything up. She married Michael. it's insulting to the people who work in scrubs. Also, it's a whole lot easier to figure out what to put on in the morning when you have a uniform. I thought that I read that he was off the show now.
  12. Before Jason offered, I was thinking that the least he could do is pay for Jake's university and living expenses. Dismissing Franco's role in the boys' live was on point for anyone as deadbeat as Jason. Is Hudson going to university? Portia is someone else who needs a therapist because she is getting increasingly irrational. Meanwhile Trina, who was the one Heather actually went after, is looking at the situation logically and without much emotion. I wonder about the reason that they are writing such a contrast between Portia and Trina . I see that they are pretending that Marshall is still around. Mac/Felicia/Maxie/Cody/Sasha was a nice little storyline
  13. Chase, Violet is ten years old, or around there. She doesn't need you to go on part time work so that you can hang around with her and hold her hand because her father is away for a few months. I am so tired of this "the person who reports the crime/bigotry is worse than the people who commit them." Is this what they teach their children? I don't see how this interview Brook Lynn is setting up is going to help much. The people who are angry are the homophobes and people angry that Blaze hid her sexuality. While it may mollify some of the latter group, maybe, it won't do a thing for the former. Did the writers forget this? I wanted Jordan to tell Portia "You think you had your kid in a perilous situation? Let me tell you...."
  14. Sasha, who went to Maxie to come clean about knowing Cody's secret. It better not take that long. When PM was writing the Holly/Ross/Blake triangle on Guiding Light, the heat was between Ross and the daughter so that even though it was wrong, the audience rooted for them. Drew and Willow and a snoozefest. Why does everyone, except Ava, think that Sonny is automatically going to get full custody of Avery? He's still a mobster that the FBI is looking into, he still has multiple criminal conviction, and she is a gallery owner. If it weren't for the writing bias on the show, it would be win for Ava. Her feelings aren't wrong but her logic is. As a doctor she should know better. Joss = Carly Jr. Wylie = Michael Jr.
  15. There better be more to that Drew/Willow adultery than this because wow was that a tepid story. Maxie is looking great these days. What took so long? Did someone have it in for her? I hope that Portia doesn't consider herself a good Christian. Whitney is doing a good job with the material but wow I do not agree with Portia. And Heather isn't exactly Laura's relation Michael was always the inappropriately Golden Child. I bet Monica forgot all about Ned, not to mention Jake, Danny, and Scout. And even if Michael is in charge of the money, that doesn't give him the authority to move people onto the estate. Wouldn't the apartment over the garage be for the gardener or other staff?
  16. Was the line about handsome Canadian politicians in there because Cameron Matheson is Canadian? She is a true Carly. When is the Nina humiliation tour going to end? Because this is getting way too old. With Willow and Drew getting together, and Drew basically cheating on Nina even though it was supposed to be an enemies with benefits thing, the only friends she has left in Port Charles are Sasha, Valentin and Maxie occasionally. On the other hand, if I were married to Michael, I'd be thinking of cheating on him too.
  17. Was Lois always this obnoxious? She extremely rude to Lucy who is technically her boss, she acts like she is the arbiter of who gets to be welcomed in the Quartermaine house (for which she has no rights to any more), she forgives Sonny everything but attacked Nina when she barely knew her. She is an addition that I can do without, I can live with Natalia as long as she's a short term soap star hire, and hopefully ends in a "Who killed Natalia?" storyline. because I can't see any benefit to having her on the permanent canvas. But for me Lois has overstayed her welcome and I'm afraid that Natalia will too
  18. That gives Carly a legitimate tie for taking and keeping Avery with Ava off the canvas so I vote no. The baby hoarder has already taken enough children. Maxie had the line of the day on Tuesday when she said that she had underestimated Natalia's self-absorption. What an antipathetic character.
  19. I really don't understand Trina flipping on Ava so quickly -- she saw in person how awful Sonny was to her and she knows that Ava is desperate because she think that Sonny will take away Avery (and she's right in that). As even Portia said, Ava has been a very good friend to Trina so it just looks like terrible writing that Trina is turning on her now. No surprise with these writers though. She has framed it as that when talking to Sonny but what was on the tape was straight out bigotry and judgment (e.g. Kristina is a flake because she wants the easy part of having a baby but not the hard part; as I remember, being pregnant was no piece of cake). But then, Sonny tends not to think with with his head when around a woman he wants.
  20. These writers are genius as ripping defeat from the jaws of victory. I was all set with my popcorn to see Natalia rightfully raked over the coals (she is fast approaching my Carly levels of hate) but instead, the episode was all about Poor Natalia and Terrible Ava. They even doubled down on the "it's not what you did, it's who caught you doing it" with Carly doing her 'poor me' that the FBI are holding her words over Jason. The gaslighting also continues with Sonny being sympathetic to Natalia who blabbed her horrible homophobia to a hostile near stranger (if she was willing to talk like that to Ava, she would tell anyone) and vowing that Ava will never see Avery again. Way to do what's best for your child, Sonny, Some of the worst tropes of GH.
  21. When Jason told Carly that he can live with the bargain, she anguished "But what if I can't live with it?" Typical Carly, she pays lip service to the harm she's caused and then takes the saving so that she pays no consequences at all in the end. TJ was angry that Kristina is not taking them to her medical appointments. She had already stepped back from continuing at the foundation that she created and changed her diet but nothing is ever enough for TJ. T.J.'s entire focus (and Molly's to a lesser extent) has been on controlling Kristina rather than plans for the baby or setting up the nursery (it's due in less than 2 months) or arranging childcare. If I were Kristina, I'd be thinking of ways to keep him from full custody whether he breaks up with Molly or not.
  22. Kristina said "I want to make sure the baby stays with us" i.e. the David coven. It sounded as she was afraid that if TJ and Molly split up. TJ would get custody as the baby's biological parent. The court order states that Finn has to stay 500 yards away from Violet. How is Chase just allowed to let Finn into Violet's presence even if he does have temporary custody?
  23. Maybe Finn will kidnap Violet and go on the run with her, thus giving us a Violet-free summer (although the actress really is much better now that they are writing her age-appropriate). I didn't mind Sasha being concerned but Brook Lynn almost glomming on to Violet disturbed me. Kristina really can't catch a break. Everyone tells her that she is a flake but when she looks ahead to avoid a bad situation, Alexis accuses her of wanting Molly and TJ to break up. Given the way TJ is behaving, leaving him is the sensible thing to do.
  24. I was actually waiting for that especially as it was Sam's other child, Scout, who had to pay the price for Drew falling on his sword so that Donna and Joss could have their mommy. I cannot understand why the writers think that this impulsive woman who always needs men to save her from her bad decisions should be the show's heroine.
  25. Why has no one called Alexis, his sponsor, or Tracy to help talk to Finn? What did Curtis expect, visiting Heather? Did he think that she would be so overcome with guilt hearing his words that she would beg them to throw away the key? Portia and Curtis are awful people, holding themselves morally superior to everyone else and only concerned about their and their family's interests. Unfortunately the writers are now making Trina like them and ruining her too. Carly needs to see a therapist to deal with her over the top need for Jason to be there for her. Joss needs to tone things down. Gio may play the violin (moderately) well but she should respect hi working at the hotel to support himself. This over the top praise soiled Michael is is on it's way to spoil Wylie. I'm glad that they are finally writing her as somewhat age appropriate. Every time I've seen the actress on Will Trent, I've thought that it's a shame how badly Violet is written. They need to drop this storyline pronto because it isn't working for the audience. No one as far as I can see is moving from their initial position on it. Right now, it's annoying everyone. Earlier this week in Toronto, a man who set a woman on fire, a stranger on the public bus was found not criminally responsible due to psychosis. That's how our criminal system works no matter what Portia, Curtis or Diane say. Personally I'm hoping that there is one more hook for TJ left in Heather. Or a scene like the one in Airplane as everyone lines up to slap him. TJ is behaving utterly irrationally, especially since wasn't it Molly who wanted a baby now? Diane has always been a huge hypocrite. It was a pleasure seeing Alexis turn her own case against her.
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