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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. I have no problem with the actress being on the show in a somewhat prominent role; she's attractive and does a good job with what she's given. My problem is with how the character is written -- the "I'm engaged" that came out of nowhere was bad enough last season. But this season they're writing her as too needy, seeking Piet out even when he's involved in a work group meeting when he doesn't respond to her calls and getting his co-worker involved too. Maybe she was supposed to leave at the end of last season but they liked her and decided to keep her around. I wish that they would write her as less of a train wreck though.
  2. The difference that I see between Carly with Michael and Esme/Ace is that Carly used Michael to worm herself into a position with the Quartermaines and with Jason while what I see with Esme is grasping on to a family and a place in the world, which includes a partnership with Spencer. Carly wanted to ttach herself to the Quartermaines because they had money and influence, if Esme were like that, she'd be accessing Ace's inheritance and living at the Metro Court instead of working at the Invader.
  3. Today's show in Canada (skip if you don't want spoilers) Yuri! And Terry too. It's been a while. Curtis receiving Trina's gift of basketball caps: "I still love the game even though I can't play." I did not miss his pity party at all. Portia as co-chief of staff? That's PCPD levels of incompetence. Chase to Gregory: As long at it made you feel better [it's okay that you didn't tell me about your ALS]. (And that's why Chase is the best guy in his age group.) Lois returns. Fun time with Olivia. Will Eddie remember who she is, and who he is?
  4. An interesting episode,.seeing it from different points of view, like Mags getting angry at June for brushing her off, and then seeing it fmrom June's POV that she did it because she was worried about Singh, and at the end June taking a defibrillator home in case Mags needs it. I'm glad that Mags did not remind Bash to apply for the fellowship -- she does too much caretaking of people and sheneeds to be able to distance herself from him. Nice twist of the threesome that first they thought the man was her father, then that he was her abuser and in the end they were siblings doing it for the eldest. I also liked Theo coming to the realization that he was remembering it wrong because he wanted to save the abused woman. Better than being over the head with psychological concepts in The Irrational. When Bash was wondering what he would do if he didn't get the fellowship, I was saying "Be a family doctor. Theo just told you that there aren't enough and you can just open up your office." Or find a family practice that you can join and learn. It also enabled him to met the doctor from Toronto who I'm guessing is going to help Bash get to Canada. I can understand Bash telling Amira to stay on the safe side of the wire. Parents desperate to get their child to safety are sending children younger than Amira alone to cross the border into the US. That's a brilliant idea. I hope that it doesn't end with Bash getting the fellowship because Mags is getting a new heart. This show isn't usually so obvious.
  5. Isn't the reason that he is broody is because an earlier girlfriend was killed? I don't understand what is attractive about her other than the physical. Maybe she's on the show to make the other 3 women look better.
  6. They were just looking for something to pin on Nina to shut her down. I thought that how Sam and Alexis handled it was appropriate, they sympathized and said that they would support Molly however she wanted. But Molly wanted extraordinary levels of attention. Who has a special luncheon with all the women in her family with the notable exception of Kristina to tell them that she selected a surrogate? As soon as the surrogate thought that she might be pregnant without even medical confirmation, Molly rushes to tell everyone, even grudgingly allowing Alexis to tell Kristina. Both Sam and Molly were mean to Kristina when she first presented her idea to help marginalized kids. Sam came round but it was the start of Molly treating Kristina as if she's horrible person, on earth to make Molly's life miserable. It's like Molly was secure in her position as the special child, the good girl who got everything that she wanted, and now that Kristina is getting her life in order with a steady job and the Corinthos-Davis foundation, Molly can't stand it, made especially worse because Kristina can have a biological child and Molly can't. How dare she. IIRC it was Sonny's idea to have Alexis do an expose on Judge Kim so I can see why he went to speak to her. Or maybe the show is going to swerve back to CarSon when Nina is found out and this is the writers' apology to Mo.
  7. How is it that Jasper was arrested and held for a long time when all he did was intervene when Simon was threatening Brand? Granted he had an unregistered shotgun (which he inherited and which his father wouldn't have registered) but he only shot at the ceiling, not at the man. This should have been a minor offence even in the UK. I am so disappointed in Brand. I liked her the first season but she was basically incompetent this season: having a relationship with a fellow office who reeked of being sketchy, not noticing that he is sneaking into her confidential computer. And promoting one of 2 juniors on the team to be the boss of the other rather than bringing in someone from outside while telling the other junior that he's inadequate to a leadership position yet. In this episode we learn that Dan figured out that there was a problem with Brand' boyfriend so he went to Rabbit instead of her and Rabbit sent him to Alf who was investigating he shady people. Dan went undercover to catch him, risking his life. The three of them deliberately kept both Donckers and Brand out of the loop because they didn't trust them, rightly especially in the case of Donckers who went against order not to tell Brand to tell her anyway. I'm also disappointed in Donckers who went against orders and told Brand, and who seems to be set to lord her promotion over Dan. He deserves better. It felt like Christine was promoting Donckers because she's a woman rather than because she's the better police officer. By the end of this episode, it's clear that Dan should have been the one to be promoted.
  8. Lucy: "Maxie is the sole support of three young children." Wait, what? Spinelli should be contributing to Georgie's support and Bailey should have inherited Peter's fortune. I'd be surprised if Britt didn't leave her nephew anything although that might be designated for college. Lucy, you;re giving up 51% of Deception. There is is no guarantee the new majority shareholder won't shut it down. Like no one has ever had that idea before. This Deceptor lawsuit is so stupid. Ex wife had an idea but she couldn't make it work; Deception did. Nice of Carly to authorize Diane to share any information on Judge Kim but 1. Diane is Alexis' friend and closer to her than Carly is to Diane and 2. Carly has no authority to hire Diane when Drew opposes it. So they're doing "ripped from the headlines", or rather from Pro Publica for the judge story. Kristina: "I am the queen of procrastination.*" I love how they continue to write Kristina as ADHD. "Michael is a brilliant businessman" The definition of Tell, not show. Sonny to Michael: You could have let Willow go to the wedding without you. (No, not Michael, he wouldn't let her go somewhere he couldn't control her.) *procrastivity: procrastinating a difficult task by doing smaller tasks to avoid a more difficult task e.g. "My house is never so clean as at a tax time." But Carly and by association Drew have to be the victims, no matter how bad the writing. It'd in the show's rules.
  9. I've newly come back to the show so I'm asking, Does Alex have any business experience? If he hasn't then jumping into the CEO positiom because Daddy gave him controlling interest seems like a stupid move. Yeah, let's not investigate but jump right into arresting a guy in a hospital bed because the man who lied to you and the woman who is out on parole and shot him told you to.
  10. I just can't help it -- the original expression is not "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts", it's "I am wary of Greeks even when bearing gifts". timeō Danaōs et dōna ferentēs
  11. Michael: "Things are going better with Nina. She's trying to respect our bounties." That's Michael, it's all about what other people will do for him, not what he needs to do for other people. Lots of talk about how the little girls, Donna and Avery, are going to enjoy being in the wedding, and Sonny wanting Wylie to be the ring bearer because he was for Michael and Willow's wedding and enjoyed it so much. Then at the end Michael and Willow talking that they don't want to go the a small wedding because then they can't hide. Not one thought about Wylie missing out. At least Carly was willing to let Donna go and have fun. Carly (sneering): What about that big wedding that Nina was always talking about? Sonny to Carly: "That favour you asked for Drew? I'm working on it." Carly: "Let's hope it comes in time to save Drew." No thank you? This is where Michael gets his entitlement from. Also Carly: "We have to get Drew out. Does Alexis understand that?" Yes Carly, I think that she understand that the father of her grandchild is in danger. Shallow: I like Kristina's shirt. Good for Valentin looking for a therapist for Charlotte but he is handling everything else badly. So is Nina, giving in to Charlotte like that when she knows that Charlotte is terrorizing Anna. Valentin, instead of going to Nina for help, who has never raised a child, you know who has raised a daughter and may know something about this? Anna. It's too bad that Gregory is going to die because he and Alexis have a nice chemistry. But at least we found out why he didn't tell Chase -- he didn't want Chase to look at him with pity. Better hurry and take Violet to Disneyland though before you can't.
  12. I just watched the first episode of Found, and I think that JLM really should have stayed with Greg Berlanti (who produced The Flash and produces Found). Martin is a good actor but this show's characters and their interactions really aren't interesting enough. Nor is the simplified psychology or the fact that only Alec can be the magician.. Even House spread the brilliance around.
  13. This is much better than I expected, maybe aided by the fact that I watched two episodes of The Irrational and that show really needs to learn from Found. I like Gabi and that she's determined to help those missing who don't get enough attention from the authorities (much like the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women). That resonates with me a lot. I also like that she has pulled together a team of traumatized, some who have addressed their trauma, some who are still dealing with it. I like that Lacey knows and understands Gabi and went to law school so she can help with her question. I like Zeke trying to overcome his agoraphobia. I also like the relationship between Gabi and Trent, one previous encounter and still trying to figure each other out (much better than the ex husband trying to get his wife back on The Irrational). One of the things in the first episode I really liked was Margaret looking around the foster home and a pause the movement as she noted things important to the case. It gave the audience clues so that we could play along too. It's also funny that Kelli Williams gets a chance to put in to practice the things her Lie To Me character learned.
  14. Thank goodness Sasha's ordeal is over. Good for Dante plotting with Cody, and Nurse Janice for telling the truth. Sonny to Gladys: "Stop whining. I told you to stop whining." I need a T-shirt with that on it. "Don't touch that luggage. That's Sasha's luggage, she paid for it." LOL I guess that's the end of both Gladys and Dr. M. Dante, you can't tell Sasha that she can go home now, she's still under psychiatric orders as is Cody. Today's show opens with gratuitous shirtless from Chase who took his shirt off but didn't put on a hospital gown to get his eyes flushed out from pepper spray. Three scenes later, shirtless Spencer in bed with Trina. Trina, shut up about poor, poor Curtis. Alexis taking Gregory to hot yoga was sweet. Even more impressive is how his hair remained perfect and dry. Chase has every right to be angry. I liked how he was answered Tracy while looking daggers at Finn. Charlotte reads Victor's letter (nice to get CS back to voice it). But she's an idiot if she believes Victor because at this point she knows how treacherous he was. I had to look up who Rory was.
  15. I think that's the most blatant "we've decided to break up this s good couple for no real reason and now we have to figure out how to justify the 180" I've ever seen.
  16. Based on how the surrogacy story has been going so far, I don't blame Lei one bit. It's also obvious how much the show plays favourites. Kate Mansel is not only getting two storyline, the surrogacy and the Corinthos0Davis House, she also appears to be getting a relationship. The show never gave Lexi that much presence.
  17. Doctors can get special or temporary privileges at another hospital. In the case of a psychiatric patient, it makes sense because you want to continue the therapy instead of having someone else do something different. The thing is thought, Montague shouldn't be treating Sashaed54 at all. He was court-appointed to do an assessment to see if she can get rid of the conservatorship. He should have done the assessment, written the report, handed it in and then disappeared. Treating Sasha is stepping beyond his role.
  18. I was excited for this because I liked both the Sharpe books and the series. But I've watched the first episode and it's so dark I can barely see who is in most of the scenes but then, it's hard to tell the characters apart even in the light, people speak in half sentences not explaining what they mean and Arthur doesn't wash the blood of the battle off his face as he takes the boy Derfel to Merlin and then goes off into exile (contrary to what the Gaul warrior says). I don't see how Uther keeps power because his decisions resemble King Lear's more than those of a good war lord. I really liked that shirtless Iain De Caestecker looks like a healthy normal person rather than a steroid popping body builder. I'll give it another chance, hoping someone will turn up the lights so i can see the scenes and that I'll start to like more characters than just Merlin and Arthur.
  19. It really was a very good return, all the main characters and many of the recurring ones. 17 seasons in and the show's still got it. Margaret, noisy and whispering to Brackenreid "I think they're saphists" was a hoot. They're done a good job rehabilitating her from the shrewish bitter person she was in early seasons. I wonder if Mrs. Fanshaw will the a season long villain. She has the feel of one but Sorcha Cusack lives in the UK (and is in her seventies).
  20. I really thought that the RA was lying about her mother to get Nicole to talk to CJ because that would show that she was learning from the professor. Disappointing that it was true, I guess only Alec is allowed to have the magic. Why didn't Gene just get a job at another paper and build his own reputation? He would have had all the connections he got from his time with CJ, The kind of psychopathic thinking that made him think that polonium poisoning was a better solution would have shown up long ago.
  21. I actually wouldn't mind Janice if she's not going to fall for Montague's b.s. this time. He told her that he was off Sasha's case so there was no reason for him to be at Ferncliffe any more, and that he is away at his GH office. So hopefully if it is Janice at the door, the penny will drop for her.
  22. Doctor?/nurse? to Sasha: "You were unfocused when you came in yesterday so you're not allowed to leave your room as punishment. (Me: that's the definition of a psychiatric problem. You don't punish people for having an illness.) That was an excellently adult conversation that Kevin and Laura had. I am going to miss the scab writers. Sam and later Sonny confronting Gladys was very satisfying. This is where MB hits the right 'tough guy' note, not when he's torturing Dex. How stupid is Janice? All hospital files are digital now. Valentin, Nina may have erased the footage but you must know that erasing doesn't necessarily remove the file. Valentin to Laura: "You ay flying [from Geneva] to London? Any chance you'll be stopping off in Port Charles?" (Me: Huh? Have ever seen a map of Europe? I get it that it's a nice turn of phrase but really???) Charlotte needs Laura. But she needs Kevin maybe more. I hope that it's Dante at Sasha's door and not Cody. Cody would be too cliche.
  23. He read in Donckers letter that their boss was supporting her for a promotion so he went to Brand and asked her if she would support him too since Rabbit had turned him down. Brand turned him down too saying that he didn't have enough experience when she supporting Donckers who only had 3 years of experience as a DS. I would be pissed off too. Memory is a very tricky thing. The Adlerians ask a beginning patient for their first memory, and after therapy ask about it again. The second time, if therapy has been helpful, is often different and richer. So I can easily believe that Jasper saw his mother with another man after his father's death but thinks that it was before. That said, most of what passes for therapy on this show is pretty bad. Why is a psychoanalyst doing Cognitive Behavior Therapy (and not surprsingly doing it badly)? Nice of the judge to tell Snares and the Dean that the depressed woman is going to get help. Snares was a hoot in this episode.
  24. Episode 4x01 "Crete" October 6, 2023
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