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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. They let her back when she said that she just took it so that she could work on their social media accounts. Now they know that she stole it to give to Tracy.
  2. It's Drew, who thinks that Carly is the most marvellous creation and needs to be protected from any ill wind or consequence of her own actions.
  3. Today was a pretty good episode. Anna confronted Valentin, Spencer asked Alexis to look over the Cassadine legal documents, and Blair shows up. (Also we learn that she never filed paperwork for the Deceptor.) It's amusing that Blair is helping Tracy because she's tired of paying alimony to Martin. That's what greed gets you. If Valentin was on a plane the night of Anna's fire, he couldn't have set it. Doesn't that let him off the hook for burning her home? Valentin, maybe not touch the crime scene. No one hoards grudges like Carly. It's not enough to help Sonny, she has to lay into Ava as well. If I never hear about Joss and Dex's sex life again, it will be too soon. Ditto Nik's ranting about the Cassadine family. Spencer: "I feel the same way about Ace that Esme does." Puhleeze. Esme is Ace's mother, there is no way you feel the same way she does. People tend to believe what doctors tell them, especially those who don't have a science background. The court-appointed psychiatrist tells Sasha that she needs to take these pills to get better, it's not surprising that she does what she is told. Pills in pill bottles, probably not. But doctors do give patients drugs after appointments. Drug reps drop off lots of samples for the doctors to get the patients for free in the hope that they will write a prescription the drugs later. So while it's unusual for a doctor to give a patient pills in a bottle, it's quite normal to be given pills by the doctor during an appointment. And let's face it, Sasha's not that bright. In terms of story, it's the only way that Dr. Evil could make sure that Sasha would be taking these pills because if he gave her a prescription for them, the pharmacist would probably catch that they could cause hallucinations and mania.
  4. I know Canadian law rather than American but once the psychiatrist put Cody into Ferncliffe on an involuntary hold, it's up to a psychiatrist and not Sam to let Cody out. Sam can make medical decisions for Cody but they would have to convince the psychiatrist that Cody really isn't suicidal before Cody could leave. Sasha is not allowed to leave so Cody (and Sam and Dante) are aiding and abetting her crime of leaving. They did do development and testing though. That's the information that Brook Lynn stole for Tracy. Again it doesn't make sense. Tracy and (presumably) ex wife #3 could have sued Deception just for marketing the Deceptor if someone else held the patent. The fact that there is development data is a point in Deception's favour, not Tracy's.
  5. For a minute, I thought that the Warden was the Pautuck Big Bad and I almost apologized for thinking poorly of the show but by the end of the episode it looks like it's still Cyrus. Boo. I couldn't figure out why Dante was apologizing to Sasha for Gladys till I realized that Gladys is his Corinthos relative. How stupid is Spencer to take Trina away first year of classes? That's the most important week of the year other than exam week. Also, Trina needs that piece of paper to get the job that she wants. Sheesh. Isn't Dante going to be in trouble for aiding Cody committing the crime of busting Sasha out and breaking out himself? Joss, you really need that study group for organic chem. It's a killer. Oh the irony of both Joss and Trina in university while one of their guys is a mobster and the other is a layabout. The writers really are desperate to keep Carly and Drew relevant. She told Sonny but I don't think that Austin knows that. But agreed that the writers have no idea who or what Austin is.
  6. Isn't it the responsibility of the patent office to check if a patent has already been filed before granting a new one? If Lucy started research and manufacture on the Deceptor without first checking if someone else had got it first, she deserves everything she gets.
  7. Sonny was in custody for 72 hours -- why the hell did Carly tell Donna anything at all? "Daddy is busy tonight and has to change the date of your sleepover" would have been fine. No wonder the Carlys overshare with Wylie. How could Lucy give up 75% of Deception? Don't Maxie and Sasha own some Deception stock too? Tracy saying that her deal with Lucy is dependent on Lucy giving up the ELQ voting right makes me think that Tracy's case isn't as strong as she wants everyone to think that it is. Jordan asking if Cody kidnapped Sasha to get revenge on being stabbed is just crazy when he refused to press any charges at all. Georgie lost me during the Austin/Maxie/Spinelli triangle. On a show full of obnoxious children, she was the worst since young Spencer, although fully encouraged by Spinelli. Maxie put Georgie in her own room to separate them and IIRC gave her ice cream too. As the older child with a brother younger than me with the same age difference as Georgie and James, I would have been in a whole lot of trouble if I hid my brother's things and fought with him as Georgie did with James (and we shared a room too). Unless Martin told Lucy how to build it and it was already patented by ex #3, Deception didn't steal it. From what we've been told, Martin gave Lucy an idea and Deception did the development and testing themselves. And if ex wife's company had it first, why isn't it on the market yet? This plot is so stupid but it's always nice to see Jane Elliott.
  8. Many of these are things that we would expect (Curtis continues to work on his recovery and tries to accept his new reality. Will he and Portia find their way back to each other? Ned’s past collides with his future. Can his marriage to Olivia survive?) Looks like Nik won't be found any time soon. Shocker. Except not. The surrogacy road for Molly and TJ has complications, and fallout for the Davis girls. Why do they hate Alexis? (Carly and Alexis will work together to save Drew before he’s done in.)
  9. It really does. They should have opened the cases there in the warehouse to see what they are instead of transporting them and opening them a day later.
  10. This is an interesting thread from a striking writer explaining how the unions and guilds work
  11. So two stories are moving on hopefully to be wrapped up -- Sasha tortured by Dr, M, and Michael hating Sonny (at least until it's shown that Nina told the SEC)* and both of those things are way past time to end. I have to admit though, Duell did a good job with those scenes. I like the relationship of Dante and Sam -- he knows that she can do shady things but that's all right with him. I also like Charlotte and Jake working together to make a graphic novel, so much better than "You're cute, let's get together". Yes, she bullied his brother but she was 9 years old at the time, I don't think that we should have to be responsible all our lives for what we did when we were 9. Also I most blame Michelle Stafford's Nina for giving Charlotte that entitlement. Nice try Willow but someone needs to give Violet much more of a setdown than that. * It just occurred to me that Carly must have had someone buy the Aurora shares for her, I can't see her knowledgeable enough to make that kind of purchase. In that case, whoever made the purchase for her should have asked questions about why suddenly such a large purchase of stock. And way past the time he should have been in bed and asleep.
  12. S3.E6 ∙ What Lies Beneath I thought that was a pretty good ending. I'm still sad that Annie's brother died but overall it was a pretty solid story and satisfactory conclusion. Glad that Arlo didn't do it after all.
  13. S3.E5 ∙ Shot Across The Bow Since Eric McCormack is the 'best known guest star', I keep waiting for him to be revealed as the villain.
  14. S3.E3 ∙ Stowaway S3.E4 ∙ Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
  15. The crates contained coffee, not illegal arms, so there is nothing to refile. He's a "coffee importer". Of course, this only works if Sonny never accepts another shipment from Pikeman again. The feds will have their eyes on him now.
  16. 3 things I particularly liked about this episode: Professor T and the nurse colluding to make him less irritable since he is stuck on bed (I wouldn't mind the nurse making a reappearance; Dan helping Donkers' father. That's the good way to make a real romantic relationship rather than "here are two pretty people, let's put them together: The finger touching between Tempest and Brand on the roof. An awkward relationship as any of his is bound to be.
  17. Maybe because Tajh Bellow is 28 years old while Tanisha Harper is only 37. If it were real life, Jordan would be approaching those years of invisibility for a woman.
  18. Liz: "I think Carly's sabotage days are behind her." Wrong Liz, wrong. Curtis to Molly and TJ; 'i can't think of two better people to become parents than you two." Me: Just about anyone else would be better. Talk about premature celebrating. Interesting how the show has flipped Molly and Kristina. Now Kristina is the one wearing suits and going to meetings and Molly is all about relationships and being able to have a cocktail. They've ruined Spencer/Trina for me. After her anger at Spencer, I felt nothing when he gave her the gift. Nice bit of business from KA touching Nina on her way out of the courtroom. I like what they are doing with Kristina and Nina. Jake and Charlotte's date is a nice use of the younger set. The look on Dex's face as Sonny explained to him why the charges were dropped makes me think that he didn't get it even then.
  19. Is it just me or does the solution of an incel guy killing other men so that he could have the woman to himself seem like a cheap way to solve the case? The movie the pathologist referred to was Crime Without Passion starring Claude Rains and a 15 year old Margo.
  20. It's the same thing that she does with Trina, blaming everything on another person, in Trina's case Spencer, in Curtis' Anna. As if she can keep the people she owns safe by projecting all the evil onto another person and keeping that person away. Trina would be a lot safer if Joss and her mob family were the ones kept away from her, not Spencer.
  21. Yo Ling's real name was Joseph Bell. He wanted to desert so when his fellow soldier Timother Robichaux was injured, begging for help, and they both thought that he would die, Yo Ling switched their dog tags, took Robichaux's and ran away. Robichaux survived but had no memory and since his dog tags read "Joseph Bell", that's who everyone thought he was. Vivian was so much fun and just the right amount of blowing things up. Babies rarely come that quickly.
  22. I did not miss Curtis one bit. Now that I think about it, it was very nice not seeing or hearing about him. Even less did I miss Portia and her need to control the people close to her, or Anna and her hair shirt. Is anyone surprised that black T-shirt Jason Jr. now thinks of Sonny as a father figure and doesn't want him to go to jail? Shockingly, for me the best parts of the episode were Eddie recording and Leo's reactions, and Cody breaking Sasha out of the prison hospital. Or maybe that's a comment on the rest of the episode.
  23. I get that Alexis misses her sister but she needed to come down hard on Molly after Molly saw Kristina at Alexis' office and turned around to walk back out. In no way is what Kristina and Molly doing anywhere near equal and Molly is the one who is causing the problems. Plus I bet Molly just showed up there to have Alexis (molly)coddle her some more. Doesn't she ever go to work? She's not the one carrying the maybe fertilized cell. Speaking of bitches, Carly acting like it's all Nina's problem when three of her own children (plus Avery) are in danger if another mob goes after Sonny's close people, and Carly Jr. reacting to hearing Spencer talk about calming Ace down with Esme. They're just awful people.
  24. And since Janice suspected that it was caused by illegal drugs being smuggled in, her first move should have been for the Naloxone. It was a couple of years ago so long before Willow knew that Nina is her mother. Did Dex know that Brick planted fake Pikeman information?
  25. That's an interesting idea and I hope that you're right because I really don't want to see Sonny on trial again. But if it's the drive with the fake information, why would Sonny put on it the actual date when the Pikeman crates arrived? Molly really is a bitch. It's not like she's doing anything except hanging around the hospital while all the work is being done by TJ and the surrogate. But she can't think about Kristina's situation because it's too hard on her. Unfortunately it is up to Michael. Nina too Michael to court to get access to Wiley and the judge shut her right down (in the usual "Carly and the Corinthos wins all even if it doesn't make any sense").
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