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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. Drew's daughter is Scout, Sam's child who lives with her and Dante. I don't think Sam knows yet that Drew has been attacked and is in the hospital. Jake, Drew's nephew, only seems to have found out by accident because he was at the hospital and overheard. When Drew was saved from his two year imprisonment by Victor, he said that he only survived by focusing on Scout every day so that he could hope to live through it and come back to her.. Now it's Scout who?
  2. Kudos to the writers for their well written detailing of narcissism?
  3. Sex day! Liz and Finn kiss in the shower in the open locker room where anyone can walk in; Sprina finally do the deed. Drew wakes up and needs to know how Wiley's tee-ball team is doing. But not one word about his own daughter. He really has been sucked into the Carlys vortex. I liked Nina's conversation with Sonny. It all got put out there is an open and adult manner. A big contrast to the Carly/Michael conversation which once again was blaming the whistleblower and the judge for Drew's beating. Michael and Carly want Alexis to run a hit piece on the judge. I hope that she's better than that. (This is such a US plotline. In other countries, judges are appointed, not elected.) Sonny wants to elope with Nina. So I guess the SEC truth will come out as they get back.
  4. If there aren't any recording devices in that police interview room or no one turns them on, the PCPD deserves all the contempt we throw at them. Lawyer/client conversations are privileged, Gladys/Montague ones aren't.
  5. He is only managing the estate since Nik is missing (and apparently soon to turn up because he doesn't want Spencer running things (smart guy)). Spencer has only his trust account for himself although that should be pretty healthy since he is living off of Laura and Kevin.* Even microscopic, I get the feeling that Portia is not going to be happy with the gift. * Is Esme banking her Invader wages minus the cost of the daycare? That should give her a nice next egg to move on, although the Cassadine estate should be paying Ace's costs.
  6. Who made Carly the queen of the hospital? She gets to be told information she shouldn't have, she gets to go into the ICU room where only family are allowed (and does Drew's family including his daughter even know what happened?), the nurses ask her what they can get for her, the deputy mayor and prison warden allow her into Drew's interrogation. And once again, the problem is the person who nearly got Drew killed is the one who tipped off the SEC, not the people who committed the crimes. Thanks Joss. Why isn't Dante insisting that Sasha needs a different doctor because Montague is under investigation? I am so sick of this storyline Just when I think it's finally over, it's back to Ferncliffe and Montague threatening her life. It's not just Sasha torture porn but torture porn for anyone who trusts their doctor. Spencer: "We are in the capital of the Western world." Spencer, you are in the capital of the western US, maybe. For someone who went to school in France and whose family comes from Russia and Greece, your viewpoint is strangely parochial. How does Spencer not know that the expensive caviar is black? That's a cheaper fish roe you ordered there, guy. Trina optimistically changed into lingerie for him. Good luck, girl. I think that the pink dress is wrong for Trina. I see the shiny, bright dress, not Trina in it. The 180 of Joss actually being nice to Ava is giving me whiplash. Probably to set up when the Carlys find out that Ava knew Nina's villainy.
  7. He's a good boyfriend, 100% supportive of what his domestic partner wants and does. If he ever leaves Molly, Carly can snap him up.
  8. I should have made it clearer that it was the show, a contrived reason to sideline the chief research assistant so that he could take the male newbie along to prof 'splain what he was doing. My eyes rolled so hard during those scenes -- my experience of being a research assistant consisted of photocopying (before journals were on line), making notes on articles, and running experiments. Never accompanying the prof to AA meetings.
  9. Acting and music would be two professions that zi thinks would have more experience with addiction than some others. (Doctors too have a high incidence.) Table of one here but I liked Eddie's song. Maybe.it's because I'm old and it brought back memories of that kind of music. Eddie "he dropped the Quarter" Maine dedicating that kind of song to Olivia + Brook Lynn wishing her mom were there made me think that she was going to show up at the end of the episode. Although I'm good with the cliffhanger being Sasha challenging Gladys to confess to the police. I thought that both the actresses did a good job with those scenes. I'm really tired of everyone putting down Scott. Plus, I think that Kin looked pretty fine today. She won't be any better than the previous Molly unless the writing gets better. I thought that the previous actress was okay enough but the writing for her was awful. It doesn't look like it's going to get any better since today TJ saw Kristina and moved to protect Molly. From what? From her sister congratulating her? I have no idea what the writers are trying to do with Tolly other than make the audience glad when there's something wrong with the baby. And they really shouldn't be encouraging that, there is enough meanness in the world without writing in more. That's what I thought, that Spencer was going to say that in his mixed up childhood he had missed the chicken pox vaccine and didn't want to infect anyone on the trip. It's interesting that this wasn't a scheme of Esme's as I expected it would be, but something from the daycare. The show is still not sure how to position the character.
  10. Same here. I think part of the problem is that they have to show the killer early on in the episode or else the audience feels cheated so it's too easy to guess. The first scene, I couldn't figure out what was going on (and I know Ariely's work). Didn't know who the man with the gun was, didn't know why he was taking the baby instead of the woman who would be a great deal easier to use as a hostage. Not a good opener. The only thing that it established for me was the connection with his ex. As TVLine put it, His insistence on bringing up obscure psychological concepts in every conversation is borderline obnoxious. On the whole, I'll watch again but I'm kind of meh on it. There are more things that I didn't like (such as dumping his experienced female research assistant for the newbie male who I was not impressed with at all). I liked his relationship with his sister although it's a big stretch that she just happens to be an expert hacker, but the relationship with his ex left me cold. I can see that this is going to be his main romantic relationship (he moved in with his sister rather than get an apartment because he wants to get back with his ex) but I didn't even see good friendship chemistry there much less enough romantic chemistry to hook me. I liked the blonde (couldn't tell if she was police or the DA, bad sign) but she's only listed for one episode. I don't hate it but it could be so much better than it was.
  11. Valentin to Charlotte: "[Anna] needs a place to live since her house burned down." He should have added "and her hotel room isn't safe". Even if he's not going to confront Charlotte Valentin's expression as Charlotte laid out the cards made me hope that there there is something creepy about Tarot cards in the Cassadine background. Anna to Sonny: You need to go see Carly. She's so scared for the man she loves, she needs your support." Really Anna? What about Michael and Joss and Willow and Olivia and Sam, the ex-wife of Drew and mother of his child who you haven't told what happening to him? Ava and Nina were the one who needed Sonny. Carly: "Drew is too smart to be sloppy." 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Those two really have no idea of who the other is. It took me a while to figure out how Marty is Charlotte's uncle (through Lulu and Laura). Jake: "It feels like everyone leaves. My dad died, Franco died, Cam went away to college.." No mention of Lucky who also left? Jake has more right to be told how Drew is because he's actually a relative. But he got it only second hand through Liz who was told They remembered Anna's blood cancer. Going by the scene with Liz and Jake, Liz doesn't really take her sons to church. Yeah, when the doctor came out to talk to Carly who has no legal reason to be told anything about Drew, I knew that he was going to be okay. Unfortunately. Sam's banking voice was hysterical.
  12. That was utterly cringe-worthy. Read the room, lady. He said it wasn't a good time to talk, sitting there deep in conversation with his co-workers, what makes you think that you should stay and try to convince him to like you again. I don't understand the love for the pathologist. He's okay but I find the new lady cop more interesting. She's one of those people trapped by their brains. I missed part of the middle of the episode -- did we get an explanation why as 12 year old kid would burn down the house of his two friends with them in it?
  13. So Kristina is not only manager at Charly's, she builing the Corinthos-Davis House, running the Board and doing fundraising (the latter is no easy feat). Molly who? Speaking of Molly, I didn't tell anyone beyond family that I was pregnant until past 5 months and sure that it was going to be okay. I'm just waiting for Tolly's pregnancy to hit the problem. I got the impression that Drew's beating was arranged by Cyrus. Why is Drew's doctor giving his medical details to Carly? She's not family. Oh, right, it's Carly. Valentin was a drip for her when he was with MS's Nina so I was glad when they broke up but he really seems to be making a botch of his relationship with Anna and Charlotte. She really is. This is what she did with Trina too, micromanaged and made decisions for her. And I think unfair to people who have ALS or are related to someone with ALS who can't look for any miracle in their lives. Interestingly, in the last scene with Anna, Sonny said that he's been examining his life and wonders if it's time for a change now. So we'll see. Although more likely that when Sonny finds out that Nina contacted the SEC, he'll go right back to Carly and his mob life.
  14. I thought that it was to show how good Liz and Finn are together; she makes an assumption and he goes along with it no questions asked. It wasn't a second opinion because the doctor is very good at diagnosing and everyone accepted the diagnosis without question. I also got the impression that Gregory is feeling guilty about having this illness and how it will affect his sons so he's going to let Finn do whatever he wants but that may just be me.
  15. I'm rather excited for it because it's based on the books of Dan Ariely and I've been a fan of his for a long time. I mean, it can't be worse than Lie To Me (based on the books of Paul Ekman), can it?
  16. It's the smugness of Molly and TJ that makes me want it to come out badly. Just like when I was hoping that Willow would die, this show makes me want to be a bad person. I'm hoping that Kristina can finally have a good relationship. It's interesting that when Kristina said that she was more than a waitress, she's also the manager, she didn't start talking about her foundation and all the good she's going to do. Another thing that sets her apart from Molly who would be telling strangers what a wonderful ADA she is.
  17. Alexis telling Molly that she did nothing wrong, she's perfect, that she's so smart sometimes she overthinks things, is what creates the monster that Molly is. I want this surrogate pregnancy to go badly so very much. However Alexis calling Gregory to cross off something on his bucket list was nice. TJ, there are a zillion books on how to be a good dad. Open them up and read. How does Trina type with those nails? Blaze's nails made sense. Curtis: "I don't want to betray [Trina's] trust" says Curtis heading to Portia to betray her trust. What an ass. The real problem with Spencer is that he's distracting Trina from doing her schoolwork, putting her in danger of not getting what she wants because of low marks. Good for Trina for kicking him out. I know that Nina is going to get blamed for Drew being beaten up even though Carly committed the crime and Drew was an idiot trying to get information for Sonny. Is there really no hospital between Pentonville and GH? What a pennyante area. Carly: "I hate that this judge is using Drew to further his career" says the woman who has not hesitated to use others to advance herself. Even now, she says that she can't give up Sonny because it would put her and her kids in danger. Remind me again, if this sentence is so terrible and out of line, why didn't Drew appeal it?
  18. Dante said that he was trying to get a subpoena for something (Sasha's bloodwork results?) but Sam just skipped to the front of the line by getting Willow to break HIPAA and look at them herself. As a woman of a certain age myself, I understand Diane's dilemma -- other than dying Gregory and felon Cyrus, there just aren't any available men in Port Charles. Scott has Liesl and I'm pretty sure Marshall is going to make a move on Stella. Alexis is unattached, as are vets Bobbie, Monica and Tracy. But even so, she's got to realize that Robert is just not that into her.
  19. This episode was so boring, it almost isn't worth commenting. Willow wants to help Sasha. But will she have to get Michael's permission first? Why is Willow looking all stealthy accessing Sasha's medical records. She's got access. I really like what Sam was wearing today. Everything about the deleted security footage is Zzzzz. Nina and Valentin are stupid to think that Anna wouldn't go looking for it or that Olivia wouldn't notice that it was deleted. Nina owns a hotel. Why is she taking Charlotte to Kelly's for breakfast? I'm sure that there is french toast on the menu at the Metro Court. They are really forcing Carly into everyone else's storylines. Eddie thinks that because he can't finish the song for tonight, his music career is over. He can't be that stupid. Robert leaves breakfast with Diane to give Anna a present. Is Diane finally realizing that she's about #7 on Robert's list of priorities after Holly, Anna, Robin, and the grandkids? And work of course.
  20. Yes. There's been no reason given that the doctor is bad or why Gregory should change, just that there are some patients complaints about him. (Paging Dr. House.) And Gregory has nothing against him, he's only agreed to let Finn look for other doctors so that Finn can feel like he's involved. I feel like that scene was to show how good Finn and Elizabeth are together but it infantalizes Finn and makes Elizabeth look bad. Tracy was really channelling Edward there. It's what he would do and then say he did it for her sake because she needed to be tougher. Valentin dumping Charlotte on Nina and then going to lie to Anna is really making a mess of it and will hopefully blow up in his face.
  21. Scott!!!! No Liesl but I'll take what I can get. Elizabeth is way, way out of line to make the decision not to book an appointment for Gregory with Dr. Bronson when he asked her to. Then Finn just takes her word instead of checking out Bronson for himself, and Gregory says okay, treating Finn like a child who needs to be . I 100% HATE that Gregory gave in. Boundaries, people, boundaries. Valentin is both out of line and stupid to leave Anna worrying about who trashed her hotel suite when he knows that it was Charlotte. Also stupid not to confront Charlotte right away when he saw her. The tarot cards are the most interesting thing about this. Why is Maxie's face grey?
  22. One of the reasons Spencer is hanging on to Ace is that he has nothing else of substance in his life. Trina has college and her job at Ava's and her dreams for her life in the future. Spencer has no job, no home of his own, no idea of what he wants in life, no business experience to handle the Cassadine fortune. All he has is his hatred of his father and his belief that both Nik and Esme are inadequate to taking care of Ace so he has to. Trina is not wrong to make the assumption that Ace and Esme are a package deal with Spencer.
  23. Which would lead to a court order to examine Montague's finances and voila! This is so stupid.
  24. Dante, way to get your fingerprints all over the bottle of pills that you want to prove is Montague's. Are Pikeman stupid? They know that the Feds are looking at Sonny very closely, why are they still pushing him to act for them? Dex shows signs of a brain. Valentin needs to confront Charlotte as soon as possible. Marshall: "Curtis built this club from the ground up." Huh? He bought an existing club and brought in an experienced mixologist. I don't get why Eddie and Marshall are saying that there are too few people to make performing enjoyable. One of the best concerts I ever attended was Harry Chapin sticking around (at Ontario Place) after almost all the audience had left and just playing things that he was working on to a small group of people.
  25. Can Frank really be so deaf as to bring Peter back? Nina and Valentin finding it out together do suggest that it's Charlotte. I liked the scene between Esme and Gregory. They both need some normal in their lives. Finn is a more ethical person than I am -- I would just have gone to my computer and looked up my father's hospital records. But I don't get what Liz's problem with Gregory's doctor is. He competent at diagnosis and treatment, other people are available to explain medical terminology and hold Gregory's hand. So today we found out that while Blair had the idea for whatever the Deceptor does, she couldn't make it work. Lucy gave it to her development people and they were the ones who made it work and did the testing on it. Blair and Tracy's case seems as flimsy as tissue paper, not to mention that Lucy didn't steal the idea, Martin did, so how can she be blamed? I mean, I once thought about making a car that can run on electricity, can I sue Elon Musk now? I have nothing to say about Hatman/Stella/Curtis. Zzzzzzz
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