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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. And since Janice suspected that it was caused by illegal drugs being smuggled in, her first move should have been for the Naloxone. It was a couple of years ago so long before Willow knew that Nina is her mother. Did Dex know that Brick planted fake Pikeman information?
  2. That's an interesting idea and I hope that you're right because I really don't want to see Sonny on trial again. But if it's the drive with the fake information, why would Sonny put on it the actual date when the Pikeman crates arrived? Molly really is a bitch. It's not like she's doing anything except hanging around the hospital while all the work is being done by TJ and the surrogate. But she can't think about Kristina's situation because it's too hard on her. Unfortunately it is up to Michael. Nina too Michael to court to get access to Wiley and the judge shut her right down (in the usual "Carly and the Corinthos wins all even if it doesn't make any sense").
  3. I was watching an NCIS rerun from 2016 and there was Darin Toonder (Dr. Montague) playing a sleazy press secretary to an influencer who was played by Hayley Erin (Kiki) which is weird because I don't think that they were ever on GH at the same time.
  4. Why wouldn't Sonny's guards continue to take care of his family? They work for money, not loyalty. Alexis and Olivia, Sonny's baby mamas, talking to Nina was kind of hilarious. The Cody actor really tried but why do I get the feeling that his lines were written by someone who never met someone in a manic stage. But the prison (why is he in prison) did give him a haircut. TJ to Molly: "[Kristina] doesn't know when to back off" he says to the woman who has no idea how to back off ever. Way to tell Valentin that you suspect him, Anna. Super spy work there. On screen, that's what we saw. In the fanwank version, Molly has always been the the 'good girl' and resentful of all the attention that Kristina got for her screw-ups. But will all that doing what she is supposed to do, in contrast to Kristina doing wrong, it's Kristina who can have a baby and Molly herself cannot. So she sees every effort that Kristina makes to help her as Kristina lording over her that she can have babies while Molly can't. And TJ, poor mutt, dos nothing but agree with her.
  5. I just can't with NuMolly. Her instant attack on Kristina, when Kristina is the one having empathy for Molly while dealing with her father's arrest, the Me! Me! Me! (honorary Carly?) and that little girl voice, between that and the Sasha torture porn, this was a bad episode to get through. It's nice to see Kristina and Nina supporting each other. It's obvious in terms of storyline but I wouldn't trust the show not to make it all about Carly and her kids again. Michael: "I'm still not over what he did to Mom." Seriously? She's the one who divorced him. Michael: "I told Dante I had nothing to do with this." LIAR. You told Dex to make the video that they're using to nail Sonny. He's not a good actor. But he's snagged a cushy job so I guess mediocrity does rise to the near top.
  6. I like the new characters, they both feel real-to-life to me. But why is the blonde doctor who cheated with van der Walk back? Her I could gladly do without.
  7. Is Pikeman a legit company or is it on the list of terrorist organizations? Because if it's the former, then there should be no problem with them moving product through Sonny's dock. I always thought of Pikeman like Blackwater -- everyone knows that they do awful things but they still get government contracts. Why would Sonny being arrested affect whether he is still protecting Drew? If Cyrus can run a whole criminal network from jail, surely Sonny still has enough status to be able to protect Drew. Ava's look of disgust when Mason told her what it would be like if he were in her bed in the morning was a thing of beauty. Maxie: "But we don't know what evidence Tracy actually has to prove that the design of the Deceptor was her idea and not your's and that she created it first." Finally, someone is thinking. And again, if Lucy can show that Deception developed the product, then it could be a case of parallel development. I second that, except that Molly isn't Sonny's child so no cost to him. At this point, between working at Charlies, the foundation helping LGBTQ kids and being pansexual, there is much more interesting storyline for Kristina than for Molly. Seconded. I know that there is a great deal of affection for TC but he never struck me as European nobility. And the recasts have even less of that and of Helen's 'look down her nose' class and arrogance.
  8. Yes, that was really low. Frank was much better in season 1 when Abby and i thought that they could repair the marriage. The idea of the kids staying in the house while the parents move back and forth (as opposed to the kids moving between the parents) has been around for a while (I know someone who was doing her dissertation on it n the 90s) because it's best for the kids. But it's harder on the parents so it doesn't happen that much. Yeah. Frank has a lot of insecurities and that translates into a pettiness that makes him act like a heel. Or he just is a heel.
  9. That since Yo Ling, he decided to make a study of the other members of the squad. John was struck that John Doe had been a member.
  10. If the real Dick van Dyke is anything like the character on my screen, I understand it. "John Doe" is charming and fun with a twinkle in his eye and he's still a good dancer. I know men in their 50s and 60s who aren't nearly as much fun. If he's learning that dialogue it looks like he's cognitively there too. For me, that's more important. I'm also a sucker for the name Joseph Bell as the real life Joseph Bell was the model for Sherlock Holmes.
  11. They didn't do too bad a job with the Dawn of Day set and I think they could do the same with the C-D foundation, mostly one room in a building and the occasional extra wandering in, and maybe a dayplayer or two with a storyline. I was mildly interested in the Corinthos-Davis foundation at first, unlike Molly's infertility issues which I really don't care about. But since they first started teasing the storyline, I've noticed more and more school boards saying that teachers have to inform parents if the kids want to change their name or pronouns. With good parents it's not a problem, they probably already know. But with some parents, it's not safe to be diverse and these actions are taking away the safety of the school. The story that these kids needs a safe place to be could be something that soaps used to do in the best way -- present a difficult topic with sympathy and grace and maybe educate the audience. That's why I want them to do a good job with the foundation and not just use it as a footnote. That makes sense. In my defence, that's exactly the kind of food (high sugar, strong food colouring) that parents of spectrum kids are told to stay away from.
  12. That's what it feels like. But why? What possibly gain could Valentin or Pikeman itself have from Sonny being arrested? Valentin would be better off making more money with his ELQ stock. I also got the feeling that the prison warden is in cahoots with Cyrus about some plan. Again, coming out of nowhere especially since she doesn't seem to be protecting Cyrus from getting beaten up. When Carly told Joss that she won't change Dex and he'll always be leaving her to do something dangerous, I thought that she was talking about her relationship with Jason, not Sonny. That dock worker certainly seemed to be doing all the compliments for the changes that Carly's made since she took over, none of which I have noticed. I guess it's the service in a blue blazer, no apron and hair flying all around that does it.
  13. I guess we won't see Joss volunteer for MSF/Doctors Without Borders since she thinks that people shouldn't put themselves into dangerous situations. Or maybe it's just danger situations for Sonny. Why are Willow and Michael taking Wylie out to dinner at the Metro Courtso late at night.?I hate that Nina has to ask Michael and Michael's permission for anything to do with Wylie. Why is Olivia so determined to force Eddie to remember? Just let it happen when it does. Nina: "Marika told me that you closed the pool" (I like that they do nods to the crew. Marika Kushel is the show's editor and assistant director.) The books behind Cyrus in the prison library were The Therapeutic Interactions and the ICD 9 (European version of the DSM). These books that should have been on the shelf of the psychiatrist who committed Cody and the fiction ones here. I don't like Georgie but the actress looks like she might be KW's granddaughter. I thought that it was piece of apple but that makes more sense. Heaven forbid that Leo ruins his appetite for all those carbs and dairy fat with a fruit or vegetable.
  14. So I guess they rehired temp Nicholas for a longer sting. So many anvils dropping today. Why are both Mason's boss and Selina so concerned about what Sonny is doing with Pikeman? Sonny is letting Pikeman move goods through his warehouses. It's a big nothingburger. Spencer being angry at Nik for prioritizing Ava needs to be dropped. It was petty back then and it's even worse now. Diane, just because Drew saved Liesl so that Willow could survive (because let's face it, if it wasn't for a Carly he wouldn't have lifted a finger) doesn't mean that the judge can't sentence him to send a message to other white collar criminals. "And that book was Kafka." Nice reference to to The Trial. Today's Robert/Diane convo was the best they've had. But I still hate them as a couple. If the Deceptor trial is 6 months away, Lucy should be able to ask the judge to unfreeze Deception's accounts so that the company can continue to function. It's ridiculous to ruin the company on the off-chance that they stole the Deceptor. Also, the judge's long hair was very distracting. At least put it in a ponytail. Joss/Dex today Zzzzzzzz. If anyone is interested in a real place for the criminally insane, John Kastner's film Out of Mind, Out of Sight shows the conditions in the Belleville psychiatric prison. It's horrifying.
  15. I'm hoping that it was just to confirm that it was the same thing so that she could go ahead with her suit.* But unless the other company had patented it, how can Tracy prove that two people didn't have the same idea one after the other? Especially since there should be progress notes on the development of the product. *(But with this show, I'm expecting the very stupid idea that Tracy stole the information just so that she could sue Lucy.) I had never heard of him before either but he sounds like an interesting guy.
  16. There is a huge hole in the Deceptor story as to whether Tracy thinks that she and her mysterious partner really do own the Deceptor or whether she adapted the files that Brook Lynn stole. If it's the latter, as soon as the trial starts, all Brook Lynn needs to do is admit that she stole the files and the people at Deception who worked on the development testify that this is the work that they themselves did. and show their interim data. Court case dropped and Tracy fined for malicious iuse of the court. It's so stupid. Is Volotino's where Sonny's office is an actual restaurant? How come we never see anyone eating there other than Sonny's family and workers? Nina is stupid to just give Gladys the money without doing anything to get the doctor. Why doesn't Dante send Gladys in with a wire, or someone undercover to pay off Montague? Gladys will be in trouble but Montague will be in more. LOL at the books on the bookshelf behind the psychiatrist interviewing Cody and Sam. My Long Trip Home, Sue Grafton's Q is for Quarry, Joe Blair By the Iowa Sea, is this a medical office or the fiction shelf in a library? But generally that was a pretty good interview for a TV show. (definitively better than what's on Chicago Med) What Cody was describing as "suicidal impulses" reminded me of Joseph Agassiz's book On Paranoia. He talks about how everyone has these thoughts but the difference is whether you act on them. In real life, it's not Sam's decision. The psychiatrist would commit Cody to a 72 hour evaluation at GH where he works, not at the hospital for the criminally insane where Sasha is.
  17. Trina's behaviour over Curtis is completely cringe-worthy. Curtis tell Portia that he can't function sexually. I blame @dubbel zout. Portia of course says that she'll stay with him. Carly and Michael recapping Drew/Austin/Sonny is an hour that I will never get back. Drew/Cyrus was saved only by JK. Michael: "Dex is on it. So am I." Me: then Sonny is really in trouble because neither of you are anywhere near capable. Gladys at last tells Nina why she needs the money for the doctor holding Sasha prisoner. I like these writers.
  18. I wonder who those people are. For myself, other than Molly being an awful person and Sprina losing their chemistry (which as @perkie1968 said may be due to NAC leaving), I think the writing has improved. What I hate now (e.g. entitled Curtis and Portia, the Carlys) was there before the strike, the current writers are taking their cues from Frank and the staff writers.
  19. Given how Curtis is reacting to his inability to box and other sports activities he used to do, I'm not sure I'd want to see his reaction to that.
  20. Joss looked down on Spencer when he worked at Kelly's but now that Carly owns it, she's happy to work there. Carly looked down on Kelly's but now that it's hers, the people are better than at the Metro Court. You have to give them points for looking at the best of things. On the other hand, Carly trying to get Diane to fiddle with the legal system for Drew without Drew knowing about it is very Carly. It's a hard competition on this show but Curtis gets the prize for being the biggest baby, pushing Portia away and not even telling her he's planning to move back in with her, and refusing information from a therapist because "a therapist doesn't know me." They did better later in the episode but it's a real contrast (unconscious?) with how Gregory is handling his diagnosis with acceptance rather than 'troubling deaf heaven with bootless cries.' As much as I disliked Carly expecting Joss to always be there for her, I HATE how Trina is taking the responsibility for the problems that Curtis and Portia are having. A second good point to Joss (is it upside down day?) for telling Trina that it's not her situation to fix. Robert asks Anna what she wants from him; she answers, a favour of course. TR is playing it as Robert is still very into of Anna while FH is playing that Anna has so moved on. Robert and Diane -- just give up on it, show Bad fit, not pleasant to watch. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  21. Looking for a scapegoat, and wanting to have his cake and eat it too (e.g. justifying his affair and also wanting to punish Abby while refusing to look at what he does to hurt his children). Abby has done a lot of work on herself since we first met her while Frank has wrapped himself in his self-righteousness and refused to. I think that Jerri did or maybe Eleanor did but the daughter was so angry, she didn't care. As far as she sees it, she's protecting her daughter by refusing to let her be in Jerri's company. She isn't in a place where she can forgive her parent. In real life, it can take years to get there even with a good therapist. I like the twist that it was Jerri's drinking that pushed her daughter away, not being transgender.
  22. Willow told Kristina that she was grateful to Liesl for donating so that she could live. I was shocked! When Willow talks to Carly or Michael, it's always how Drew saved her. That she could tell Kristina, who likes Nina, that she is grateful to Liesl gives me hope that she's not entirely brain dead. Rant: I'm really tired of female characters saying they want to do something because they want to help people. Willow told Liz that she wants to go back to work so that she can help people, Andrea seemed to endlessly say that she wants to be a surrogate to help Molly/a woman out. You never hear TJ say that he wants to be a doctor to help people even if he does. With the recast and this infertility story I think. Both Molly and and to some extent TJ are showing the characteristics of a Carly. Portia and Curtis have been ones for a while.
  23. This was a pretty boring episode for a Friday. Sonny and Nina talk endlessly about their wedding and other banalities, Molly invites Alexis and a very sycophantic Andrea to lunch to get Alexis' opinion; Kristina sees them and runs to the hospital to do some work for her foundation (respect from me, I would be in a dark room sobbing). She runs into Stepford Willow who tells her that everything will work out after the baby is born. Is that what it takes to get Molly to like you, agree with everything she says and tell her how wonderful she is? Tracy and Finn play their game, Brook Lynn rushes in and confronts Tracy about destroying Deception. Gregory tells Elizabeth about his ALS and says that Finn will need her.. Cody talks Sam into being his medical PoA and admit him to the hospital Sasha is at so that he can save her. They're both idiots.
  24. My memory is fuzzy, did Nik get her transferred from Pentonville to Spring Ridge?
  25. Carly: "He's seeing Ava. She's a magnet for trouble." Carly is such a bitch, especially when she doesn't need to be. Ironic? or planning? that Jordan handles Curtis better right now than Portia. Good for Rehab Patient, the first person to get anywhere near telling Curtis to get over himself. That's what he needs to hear. Trina is doing far too much parenting of Portia. It's not healthy. I loved Sam's top. (It's been a long time since I've been able to say that.) I thought that Alexis was in Pentonville too. There is a new set for Drew so that Carly can visit him in a nice place. Yeah. As much as I would like Sonny to be okay with Nina reporting Drew and Carly, it would be out of character for him. He's one of those people who think that it's okay if their tribe break the law. Is it a writing decision? Or just something the writers missed? Other than auditing one class at PCU and working at Kelly's when he needed the cash, Spencer has done nothing since he got back to Port Charles.
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