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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. And it's not as if five minutes ago Anna herself hadn't been bewailing that she deserved people hating her because she had been consorting with bad people as a double agent....
  2. Surprisingly, a number of interesting thngs on today's show. Martyn and Cyrus, a couple of experienced actors playing off each other as Martyn is sceptical that Cyrus is giving all his money away. And the look Cyrus gave Austin as he was wheeled away which makes you doubt everything he said to Marty. They said that Mason's boss is a woman otherwise it could be Cyrus. Anna and Valentin talk about Valentin's relationship with Pikeman and tying together a number of loose strings, although Anna assuming that therefor she was the target of the shooting was too much. Olivia refusing to have Eddie locked up and Olivia and Eddie growing closer, Not great but better than the months of bickering between Olivia and Ned. Cody gets Brook Lynn to help him break into Sasha's room. Tracy desperate to help Ned (and going about it all wrong). You're wrong Gregory, if someone is suffering a psychotic break, you can take away his agency. The meta of the Ferncliffe nurse played by Josh Swickard's wife fangirling over Chase's singing. On the down side, why are they writing Finn like a fourth grader with a crush? Mason's Best Before date passed over a year ago, if there ever was one.
  3. Ridley doesn't care as long as he gets what he wants. Another reason the character is not endearing himself to me.
  4. As God is her witness, Carly is too busy getting back everything that she lost. I guess that includes being Olivia's only friend now. This is typical for Diane though, she can't accept that she's not the be-all and end-all. It's like she's determined to make Robert accept that she, not Holly, should be his first choice. Someone needs to tell her that making a man get rid of a long-term prized possession is not the way to his heart.
  5. I wondered how long Bonnie's labour was lasting because those puppies had to be six weeks old at least. I appreciate that they had to wrap up Will's story for a happy ending but it was too fast for me. One moment he's abandoning everyone including his pregnant wife, the young boy who just asked to call him 'Dad"and Dickens, popping pills, getting beat up and rejecting Geordie who came to help him, and then suddenly he's back to a loving person who is instantly off pills and so All In with the baby that he ignores the nurse who tells him that he can't come into the delivery room. Two seasons of Elliott being the chief at the station was 1 1/2 season too long. The sudden physical violence seemed out of character though. Larry redeemed himself at the end. I liked his explanation of why he liked Elliott, because Geordie and Will (?) always treated him like he was incompetent. I loved the quick scene at the end with Kathy and Geordie heading off to work and Mrs. C. in her flowered apron taking charge of the children, all three girls in the dresses and the boy's shirt in the same flowered fabric as the apron. Ernie saying that his mother sounded like a dinosaur was funny too. I hope that he's not. He's a great senior detective but not so good at being a boss. He always gave Will too much leeway, and he was impatient with Larry.
  6. After Abby threw up in court, and whatever else she did, Frank got emergency sole custody of the kids so any time that Abby spends with them is at Frank's discretion. If/when Abby takes it back to court, the judge can order a change. I am no fan of Frank but I can understand why he would be upset. 14 year old Sofia drank her grandmother's alcohol, got roaring drunk and went out to a strange party. Meanwhile Nico who is 8? ran away across the big dangerous city at night and no one noticed that he was gone. Both the kids put themselves in danger and Abby didn't know it.
  7. If you're going to introduce a new song, and in this case a bunch of new songs, either the song or the singer has to be top-notch. In this case, both were only so-so. "Open the Door" seemed to me to be the best of his singing but there is a reason why Eve singing "What'll I do?" keeps replaying in my head while I can't get through Ripley's songs fast enough. And the ending was so cheesey. After 5 7/8ths episodes of him unable to move on from his dead wife and daughter, suddenly he's finished the boat,seeing a therapist and taking on his jazz club partner on the way to a new relationship? Didn't Cal confess to someone (Ridley? Jack?) that he had set the fire? Plus he was dead so there wouldn't be a need for a trial. There really should have been consequences for Ridley taking the drive but this show really gives Ridley a free pass for just about everything. You should be doing better, show.
  8. S3: E01 The Tempest Archie Panjabi, Kris Holden-Ried, Eric McCormack, Jake Weber, Mark Rendall Patrick Sabongui, Susan Coyne, Cindy Sampson, Thomas Craig
  9. Finally Anna goes to talk to Robert about the WSB. Another good thing the strike writers are doing. I hope this thing that they are teasing, the problems at the WSB and Pikeman, turns out to be something. Enough of the mob stuff, let's mine another area especially if they tie Selena Wu to it. I'll even take Mason's boss in there. I like it that Olivia isn't actively hating Nina. At the moment, that will all change of course. And Sonny working on taking down Mason et al. Valentin wanting to reinvent the Cassadine clan. Four good things that have changed with the strike. I'm not thrilled with teasing Spencer/Esme but I accept that I'm not going to like everything in a soap. If I were Sam, I would be pointing out to Gladys that her constant talking about Scout not touching "couture" clothing just emphasizes how low class she is. Don't the people who pay money to be able to use the Metro Court pool get angry when they can't go in because it's used for swimming lessons for Avery and Scout? I've been in a psychiatric locked ward with violent patients, they don't wear restraints. Let's drop the psychiatrist and this whole Sasha torture porn story. Valentine visiting Spencer for Laura reminded me that Spencer, in spite of his name, is half Cassadine while Charlotte is half Cassadine, half Spencer.
  10. The accent is all wrong. It sounds vaguely Italian rather than Furlan's Croatian. (That could be helped with a good coach.)
  11. If Nina is the devil, Carly is an angel. If Nina has a justification, Carly is a bitch for her vindictiveness. They really need to have this Mason/mysterious Big Bad be relevant somehow but if the BB is Pikeman, why would they demand that Ava and now Betty snoop around Sonny's apartment looking for information on themselves?
  12. The writing for Austin is terrible. RoHo is so much better than what he's getting. Just end this boring Mason business. Meanwhile Laura and Kevin are search for Nik in Greece and find nothing. But the sets are pretty. Nice scenes today for Finn/Liz shippers. Is orange the new in colour? Maxie's living room was full of it, so are her clothes, Trina wears it a lot (it looks good on her) now Willow is wearing it and she's knitting orange wool. Do Michael and Joss need to be told that it was Sonny's decision not to look at where Mike may have come from? They sound like Nina had him tied up and locked away. I much prefer Kristina talking about her youth project than the fertility story. Kristina: "Michael may not be my dad's biological son but when it comes to holding a grudge, they are exactly the same." I disagree, Sonny will sometimes let go. Michael is like Carly who will take the grudge to the grave and beyond. Willow wants to go back to nursing when the doctors let her. Michael wants her to spend the time focusing on their family first. #KeepingWillowStepford. Yes. Failure to immediately kneel at the shrine of Joss will not be forgiven. Even if it's by someone who has no idea who she is. How dare Sonny not tell Betty about h.
  13. I'm still stuck on the practicalities of this. Where is this money going to come from? TJ especially has about $100,000 i=- $250,000 in student loans to pay off. I'm sure that Molly is working long hours trying to establish her career. Medical residents work 60 - 80 hours a week in Canada where they have a union, probably more in the US, and TJ is just starting his second year of residency. Who is going to take care of this infant or will it grow up in daycare? Molly's about 25 and TJ not much older. They've got 10 years to establish themselves and have the time to give to a child before it becomes latish. It doesn't make sense to do this now. They want TJ's genes. <shrug>
  14. So Curtis turned away from the light so that he could be there for his new-found daughter, and now he's refusing to see her. If I'm going to have to listen Curtis whine for the next seven weeks, I'm going to wish that bullet had been better placed. He realty is a big baby. I loved Kristina's "Okay Joss, you keep being a bitch" attitude to her. Joss: "Esme, if you have something to ask about me, ask me and not Spencer." [Esme asks] "That's none of your business." [Ace fusses. I applaud Ace.] Joss talking about what Esme did to Cameron is rich considering what she herself did to him. Kristina bringing flowers enters Molly's apartment without knocking and interrupts, then feels terrible about it. Is there someone who can assess Kristina for ADHD? Woman leaves, TJ asks Molly what she thinks, Molly immediately castigates Kristina instead of talking about the interview. No mention of the cost of surrogacy? Both Molly and TJ should be paying off student loans and close to eating ramen noodles for dinner. Ava: "It's too bad your help came with aside of Mason." LOL. Ava's blouse would be better in another colour. She's not a spring colours person. Cody, you don't have to lift the whole hay bay. It does come apart, you know. These writers are really trying to fix Ned/Olivia. Today was even tolerable.
  15. A problem with the last episode for me, and for much of this season, is that the show is off-balance. There's too much time spent on angst, Will's about killing the man and about Bonnie, Leonard's about the half-way house, Geordie's about retiring, and not enough about the mystery. It's become more soap opera than detective show.
  16. Cyrus is fun. Martin's scepticism and Laura's guiding light are some much needed humour today. And .... we're back to Carly propping again. Today it's Maxie, Sam and Sonny. Kevin sighting! I've missed you. I like that he's concerned that visiting Cassadine Island will bring up bad stuff for Laura. I'm here for that. Laura is reading a German newspaper. I guess Cyrillic would be too weird. Scout, I'm sorry that you went all the way to Pentonville and couldn't see your father because your mother didn't phone ahead. And also that Sam spent so much time sympathizing with Carly losing Drew when their love is so new and exciting instead of castigating her for screwing up and causing you to lose your father for 3 years. Why is Tracy so obsessed with the Deceptor? If it's because Martin stole it from ex wife #3, there's nothing more to learn from Deception. The Leo/Eddie/Olivia scenes were tolerable thanks to Leo.
  17. I've seen a couple of her romance movies (which she also wrote and produced). Not a bad actress if they give her decent writing.
  18. Season 2, Episode 10 All Happy FamiliesI I'm really going to miss Cordelia (Abby's lawyer). She's awesome. So Frank refuses to take spousal support out of the divorce settlement, probably thinking that Abby working in the big personal liability firm will make more money than he will and she'll have to support him. The rat. It seems to me that Daniel is a lot like Frank -- both think that they are better lawyers than they really are, both resent Abby's successes, both capable of getting nasty if they think they aren't being treated with the respect they deserve. I wonder if that's intentional or it's how the creator of the show views male lawyers. The "nesting" parenting option was interesting. I remember a friend doing research on it decades ago and how it's the best for the children. I'm glad if it's part of divorces now but it is harder on the parents as they have to each have an alternate place to live. There was a lot of redeeming of Harry's heart in this episode, from being willing to step back and be blamed for Lucy's sake, his recitation of what he did for Abby when others told him not to, and even his refusal to fire "Cecile". Not surprised at all at what Maggie did, her completely cutting Lucy out especially when Lucy took care of Harmony ("Melody" hee) shows a vindictiveness. As bad a Frank is, at least he showed some regret at the end that his marriage was over. Maggie couldn't get rid of Lucy fast enough. When Daniel was listing off the people that he could fire, he said "Andy Mikita" but Jerri overruled him. That made me smile because the real Andy Mikita is one of the producers of this show and directed this episode. I remembered the name because he was an assistant director on Stargate SG1 and then moved up to directing episodes of that, Travellers, Motive and Virgin River. Wow. It's so perfect for the show.
  19. I think that I heard the Superintendent saying that she would have to be checked out since she was so close to Martyn and he is a dirty cop so they needed to suspend her while they investigated her. What makes no sense to me is that they took her off the murder team when she was the one who figured it all out.
  20. Drew has now saved 2 lives in a month. That's better than most of the doctors at GH. Maybe he should go into medicine next. Today on A Christmas Carol, we have Cyrus playing Jacob Marley and Laura playing a ghost. I did like the parallel between Trish's brother Teddy and Cyrus, both rejected by their parents while young men and both getting into trouble. TJ seems to be turning into his uncle Curtis. He brings takeout home to his invalid wife and she says "You're spoiling me." And he's ready for a baby Right Now in spite of just starting his second year of residency where he would hardly have time off to be home and help. Does he expect Molly to do it all herself? How are they going to afford it if Molly is off work? But at least Kristina being their surrogate is off the table. Pointless scenes today: Gregory/Alexis (nice therapy session but yawn) and Sonny/Anna/Dante. I don't care. She really has nothing other than being in other people's storylines. Mostly to their detriment. Is she going to save the day for Ava and Sonny now? Maybe if they stopped making her AMAZING! she would have some more story to tell without needing to be in everyone else's. Also, Carly was such a bitch to Ava. If Mason's mysterious boss weren't interested in what Sonny was doing, it wouldn't matter what Ava was up to. I really like that it's no longer that Carly's children are the only amazing ones and everyone else's is a screw-up e.g. Kristina. Yes x 1000.
  21. Yes, many drugs can if you take enough of them. Tylenol is particularly dangerous to the liver. For antidepressants, you have to build it up in your system gradually and the side effects in the 1960s were not fun. Will popping pills like candy is bad. (And yet I don't feel sorry for him.).
  22. It's looking like the biggest problem with this show is the character of Ridley.
  23. Kristina to Michael: "You're the smartest person I know." Oh sweetie.... Even in this episode, Alexis is showing how much smarter she is than Michael. It looks like neither Michael nor Kristina knows how the board of a non-profit works, or maybe it's the writers. He just took on a large time committment. Drew is much better away from Carly. Still badly written, but better. Why does Anna assume that the person is trying to kill her because she was a double agent and not because of something that she did as a WSB agent? I hope that they don't kill off Cyrus, he's one of the more interesting parts of the show.
  24. Did Will do anything this episode to help solve the case other than realize that there is a town of the same name in Scotland? It's almost not worth having him on the case. He couldn't even pray with Alfie. Why was there a bottle of pills in Will's desk drawer? Were they his or did he take them from someone? She couldn't have hid it because this was the era when all finances were in the husband's name. He would have been getting the bank statements that showed her cashing her bigger cheque, and certainly he would have seen when they had to file taxes. Geordie really needs to start his own investigation agency with Miss Scott.
  25. At least the tape of Martyn was 5 - 10 years old and he wasn't cheating on Rachita with a minor. Why did the boss (Superintendent?) kick Rachita off the team at the end of the episode? Maybe she was a token hire but she did solve the case. That was just stupid and uncalled for. The Bhangra dancing in the pub was the best part of the show. I hope that season 2 is better.
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