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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. I liked that today there were lots of different stories playing out. Probably because I'm not interested in any of them so variety is good. Ned recently had a traumatic brain injury so I can understand that they don't want him alone in a hotel room. But jeez, someone listen to Alexis and let him live in his safe fantasy. Someone other than Nina who wants him to stay amnesiac. She has such great style. Hypocrisy is a fundamental part of being a Carly. That would be so easy and make sense. I think that the writers have forgotten that Charlotte exists. So, so stupid. And it really takes away any power kickass Ava has and anything interesting about Austin. Why should Ava know anything of Sonny's business ? Why should Mason's boss care? What makes Austin think that getting rid of Pilar would enable Ava to search Sonny's apartment? And why would Mysterious Boss think that kidnapping Sonny's daughter is a good idea?
  2. Well done! It took me till the DNA tests came back negative. So far so good for me. I like the jazz connection, still not sure about Ridley himself. It took me a while to figure out where I had seen the medical examiner before.
  3. I was impressed by how hard Morse fought Thursday to get Strange off the case and safe. That's really being the best man when the bloke got the girl you want. I like 'Endeavour' and I really liked 'Lewis' (until I found out what Fox is like and that soured the series for me) but I could never get into the original Morse. He was too unsympathetic a character for me. Her brother told her to go after what she really wants and not just settle. It felt to me like she wanted to check out if she had a chance or if Morse really was a lost cause. Ah! Thank you. I wondered if she was pregnant. Good for her for being back to work so soon.
  4. Michael: "[Carly's] willing to go to war for Drew." Yes, everything except doing the jailtime herself. Anna insists that Valentin spends his last night before going away with his daughter. Anna >>>>>>>Carly. And yet, Anna's hair shirt is annoying. This talking of her needing to helo people, is she going to become the new Equalizer? Esme and Spencer have an adult conversation about getting along wifh each together. How unusual for this show. Spencer and Trina telling Esme how to take care of her baby with bad parenting advice, not so good. I HATE Spencer and Trina plotting to take Ace away from his mother. TA is back in 5" heels. Hats off to her for managing it so well. Spencer to Trina: Do you want advice or do you want me to just listen? 😍 Eddie tells Michael not to let work consume him. 😂😂😂😂😂 Chase and Michael: Ned's all right now that he has had a drink of water. (What medical school did you two attend?) Robert/Diane is awful. So, so awful. Please end the teasing. I do like her dress though. So hopefully we never get Carly/Sonny again. Unless he dies in her arms to feed the CarSon fans.
  5. He would never. Drewfuss thinks that Carly is a precious flower that needs to be protected from any slight wind. Carly didn't get off scot free (that would be Michael). Carly has to pay a fine that is apparently hefty enough that Drew has to sell off Scout's heritage of Aurora to pay it. Since Carly got the house in the divorce from Sonny, why doesn't she just sell it back to him with the stipulation that she can live there until Donna grows up and pay the fine with that? It's got to be worth at least $2 - 3 million. Michael and Joss constantly saying "Sonny/Nina tore our family apart is a good example of 'if you say something enough times, you believe it to be true.
  6. Sorry,, I should have said Global TV in Canada. Hopefully it will be available in the US around the same time.
  7. The new season of Departure starts Monday August 7th.
  8. I am conflicted about this series. There are a lot of things that I like, but there are others that bother me enough to take the joy out of it. I wanted more Pike and more Number One in this episode. Noonien-Singh was my least favourite character last season and at the end of it, I was hoping that she would be gone, at least for a few episodes. I will miss last year's chief engineer a lot but I do like Pelia. Spock in TOS was the first crush my tween self had on a TV character and I was a Spock/Christine shipper. But this emo character is not the Spock i liked and SNW sold me on T'Pring last season. Hands off Nurse Chappel, you know the guy is taken. And especially stop making him an emotional mess. (Didn't TOS Spock control his emotions through meditation and strength of will? What is this neural block nonsense?)
  9. The Vulcan prosecutor said that it was a question of the law, not emotion. But the law against genetic alteration was based on emotion, the fear of those modified. A better episode than last week but other Treks have had better courtroom scenes. The resolution about asylum was done well but I wanted someone to bring in a discussion of whether it was acceptable for the Federation to let species join only if they end their cultural practices, some necessary to survive on toxic planets, and pretend to be as humans.
  10. I can only hope. But if Ned is no longer working at ELQ, Nepotism Michael will get his job. Am I supposed to be worried that Ned is going to recognize Nina as remember that she was the one who told the SEC? Because Drew and Carly did the crime so it's not going to get Drew out of Pentonvill.
  11. Martin and Lucy are really sweet together, when he's not running a scam. There isn't a younger generation relationship that comes anywhere near it. As gratifying as it is to have retribution to one of the Carlys, they picked the least of the offenders. Drew is really an idiot. Or a masochist taking on Carly's burden all on himself. Zeke: "I agree with you, your honor, no one is above the law. The days of privilege superseding accountability are rightly numbered." What world is Zeke living in? It's not GH's. And not mine. What kind of pennyante company is Aurora that Drew needs to sell it all to pay Carly's fine? Is Aurora like a shadow that grows and shrinks as it's needed? Surely if Drew needs to 'save' Carly, he can take a loan out on Aurora. The nurse-whose-name-I-can't-remember committed medical malpractice giving Ned that injection. He wasn't upset enough to merit it, she could have talked him down. Brook Lynn: If there is someone else to blame [about telling the SEC[], why wouldn't they come forward? Me: How did AS not choke on those words? Just look at everyone yelling at Ned, why would anyone else come forward? Kevin: "And I think we've just had a window as to why he might want to remain Eddie Maine." 😀😀 But Kevin, it's not uncharted territory, there is lots in the literature about people choosing an alter to avoid things in their real life. Nina, FFS stop pushing. You'll get farther.
  12. Ugh. That's probably why there was the conversation with Lucy and Maxie that she's not ready for a new relationship. That's really stupid in terms of the psychiatrist because have a relationship with a patience will lose him his license so I have no doubt that the show would go there. How is that going to get Sofia to her maternity leave? I hate this torture porn of Sasha. Gladys said that she needs time to transfer the money because she can't do too much at once so I think that there is some money left. They had her wearing flat deck shoes which makes sense in terms of where she is but TA is so tiny compared to NAC, they really should have left her in high heels.
  13. Nope, creepy as well as unethical because he should have recused himself from the case since he knew Gladys. Is he going to blackmail Gladys now to put in a bad report? He also gives me Ken Jennings vibes so that's creepy too.
  14. The best: Tracy suggesting that Ned is using the Eddie Mayne persona to escape from his real life of being accused of turning Carly and Drew into the SEC and the ELQ mess. It makes perfect sense and if this were a better show, I'd love to see that explored. Michael: "If it wasn't for you and Drew, Willow wouldn't be here." WTEverlastingF???? If it wasn't for Nina and Obrecht, she wouldn't be there. and she wouldn't nearly have died if Carly had told Nina that she was Willow's mother earlier. Thank you judge for pointing out that intent is the issue, not whether they made any money or did it to help family. Sam has to be the most incompetent PI ever although Curtis gives her a run for her money. Who leaves their microphone in a magazine and goes to talk to their sister when they're on a job? Ms Wu: I am confident that a cater waiter will come forward and say that he found the bracelet on the ground and assumed that it was yours and put it in your pocket. (Ms. Wu is an advantage.) Molly's fertility issues Zzzzzzz Not looking forward to Gregory romancing Tracy if that is where they are going.
  15. Sam I don't think that Gladys is a bigger criminal mastermind than Cody and Spinelli, although that's not saying much. Why can't Cody just tell Sam about the gambling losses? Oh, so Sam and Cody can kiss Spinelli's ass to help them. Still, the fitness app was a nice idea. Sam thinks that by putting on a large hat and sunglasses, she will be unrecognizable in a place she goes to regularly? Sam, just tell Kristina you're working. Lucy, has no one told you that espresso coffee has less caffeine than regular coffee beans? Curtis, you weren't separated from Portia when you kissed Jordan, you were having a hissy fit. Why is Portia yelling at Jordan? Oh, right, because she can't yell at Curtis and she can't admit that her responsibility. At least Jordan got the chance to say it. Trina: "Out of my three parents, only one has kept their marriage vow: my dad Marcus Taggart." Oooh, burn. Portia should be encouraging Jordan to sleep with Zeke -- it will keep her away from Curtis. I once took a makeup course when I was young. They taught that you put on the foundation to wipe away your own features, and then you start creating the face from scratch. That's what I think about when I see nu-Molly's makeup. It's especially noticeable in scenes with Dr. Navarro who doesn't look like she's ready for a photo shoot. You can't always get what you want. but sometimes you can get what you need. With an egg donor. Probably that. How will Kristina handle it when Molly starts over-regulating the child with her DNA? It would drive me crazy.
  16. It would be a good storyline if Molly got counselling about what makes a healthy surrogate and how not to impose your demands on other people. (Also if she's vegan, she will need supplements. I wonder if this was one of the reasons that Lexi didn't like how the show was doing it. Star Trek:TNG did it too. Alpha personalities won out over mere rank. On GH, I can see Carly at the top. Tracy at the head of the Quartermaines.
  17. It look me a while to figure out that that's why she insisted on getting the gold-wrapped sweeties, so that she would be protected from an accidental poisoning. But yeah, it didn't make sense to keep such a dangerous allergy from her co-workers. More evidence that Morse is not the guy you should be having a relationship with. To quote Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing, he is too costly for everyday wear. I don't feel bad for Morse or Joan, they've both knuckleheads about their relationship to each other, alternately longing and pushing each other away. If Joan has decided that she's going to accept Strange, something that I can understand of a woman in the sixties, without speaking to Morse first, so be it. I do feel bad for Strange though. I hope that he never realizes that he was the 'settle for' option for Joan.
  18. It would be a pleasant surprise if instead of yelling at Jordan, Portia calmly and reasonably asked her what was going on from her end. Child hoarder. I liked Zeke telling Trina not to get too close to Curtis.
  19. Why would the SEC let Carly off the hook entirely? She was the one who bought the stocks to get rich. "I don't know how we would explain to our six year old daughter that you''re not only leaving her again but this time it's your choice." The Good Writer got to do Sam's dialogue today. Too bad it didn't progress enough to Sam pointing out that Drew is choosing Carly over his daughter. At least Nina got to say it later that it should be Carly in jail, not Drew. I guess CM is on break to do another of his Hallmark movies. LOL at Dante rushing to do the dishes and get out of the room. Portia's marriage ZZZzzzzzzzzzz Ditto TJ and Molly's fertility problems. I could get behind Taggart as the new police commissioner. Hopefully this means he'll be sticking around. I think the writers are following the fans' logic. There is a group of people who believe that "it's not a crime if my side does it and I think that it's justified" The highest rated episode of The Sopranos was College, where Tony strangled someone in the witness protection plan because he turned evidence again him.
  20. I liked Cordelia (?) pointing out that both Abby and Frank are stalling at the divorce and asking Abby what she wanted. I'm glad that she chose divorce because for all the feelings between them, Frank can't be trusted (e.g., going back to Felicity as Abby is preparing to move in, "Your mother's decision"). I thought that Karolinka was working as a phone sex worker. A girl's gotta make money somehow if her husband is keeping her locked in the trailer. With the temp who is afraid to say anything, all I could think of was "How cheap to keep from having to pay the actor for a speaking part." Between that and the Knorr placements, it looks like they're really trying to make the budget balance Yes to all that. Maggie was hurt but it was mean not to let Lucy know that she wouldn't be home. And yeah, that friend looks like someone seeking to move in and take Lucy's place.
  21. And Tracy for me, because there are so few people that she loves. Austin and Tracy measuring swords would be fun. It's such a waste in terms of storytelling. It's like they used Austin's association for a plot point and then dropped Austin from the family entirely. When Drew Cane and Michael Corinthos are the scions of the Quartermaine family and its leading figures, the family tree is in trouble.
  22. When TJ, the Everywhere Intern, listed the symptoms of traumatic brain injury, he included mood changes or mood swings so presumably that the 'jerk' in Eddie.
  23. Portia gets points for calling out Curtis on his "I demand honesty and you lied to me for 20 years" and for thinking that this is a permanent 'get out of jail free' card for the rest of their relationship. According to imdb, we've been seeing her since 2018, just not enough to actually notice her. Such a stupid idea by Austin. Ava could have said that she was looking for a pen to make a note on her magazine.
  24. When Laura told Austin that she was going to Chechnya to look for Nik, it took me a while to remember why I should care. Horrible pacing. You keep your fidget spinner, Leo. It's important for us neurodiverse. I really liked the fidget spinner dropping but still being okay, Tracy better use that as a parallel to Ned for Leo. Tracy gingerly patting Olivia's shoulder to comfort her was funny. If I were Ned, I'd pretend to be Eddie Mayne too to get away from Olivia and every other member of his family who didn't believe him right away. "Your mom gets it, she's just trying to keep your boundaries." Then why does she keep pushing, Curtis? I really, really don't care about Portia and Curtis' marriage. They've made me care about Jordan and I thought thought I'd do that since the original actress left the role. Trina should have applied for a fellowship last November. February at the latest. I will never understand 'all for my side, nothing for yours' people but it makes sense that they are the ones who are attracted to Carly and her mini-me children. Me? I'm finally able to tolerate Sonny, sometimes even enjoy him.
  25. You've answered your own question in a way -- if they acknowledged how much therapy Willow needs, she wouldn't be the perfect wife for Michael and he and Carly would be at fault for not noticing how much trouble Willow is in. We can't have that happen. They really do write themselves into a box with their 'the Carlys can do no wrong.'
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