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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. Next season on a special episode of Borgen as form international alliances to deal with the WSB bombing the island. Episode 1: putting the WSB on the list of terrorist organizations and cut ties and funding. I think that only Carly and Drew's assets were frozen. Michael told the SEC that he had no knowledge of what they were doing. I can't remember -- was Ruby a Carly propper too or did she share Luke's opinion of her? If they gave me that, I would be fine with months of a strike. Ugh, it just occurred to me that if there is a delay because of the strike, Willow is going to languish pink-cheeked on her death bed for months.
  2. Helena! Even if she is a hallucination, the parts of the episode with Helena and Tracy are a delight, even if there was far to much Carly. And Laura proves herself totally badass. Victor is doing the villain thing but for my money, Carly was crueller. Nina did a kind thing, offering to pay Carly's bill but Carly just twisted the knife in deeper and deeper, telling her how beautiful the wedding was, what a terrible person Nelle is, how she was the one to bring Michael and Willow together, and how Drew is going to be the one to save Willow by bringing Obrecht back, ignoring that it was Nina who encouraged Liesl to get tested. Also there was no call to tell Ava "it was a lovely wedding for everyone who was invited." Carly is really horrible. Carly, you know that Drew is not in Maui and the SEC can do nothing if they find Drew in another country. There ar legal issues like extradition that take time. Obrecht, grab a shovel and knock Victor out and give Valentin the antidote. What is it about Curtis? As soon as Trina gets close to him, she becomes as helpless as Portia. Good old GH -- why isn't there an oncologist treating Willow instead of First Year Resident TJ? I love Tracy and her X-rated The Miller's Tale for Wylie. The WSB stuff is very stupid. Blowing up the island would cause the virus to spread even if it's under concrete. Does no one at the WSB ever watch sci fi?
  3. If AI can take on the job of a therapist, I wouldn't bet on technical writing being safe either. (The Rorschack for example has been computer analyzed for years.) Another problem is that ChatGPT writes its scripts from things already written. So if you're going to use ChatGPT to write scripts, you'll get a mash-up of everything that has bee done instead of original ideas. The grammar may be correct (Hi, Michael!) but the ideas will be old and used. In terms of the writers strike in general, the first tweet I read yesterday was from a writer who said that when he was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer a few years ago, he was told that the cost of treatment was over $750,000. Then the hospital person said "Oh, you have the good insurance, it will be $1,000". The writer said that this insurance plan had been "hard-won" (presumably from the previous strike) and he wouldn't have been able to afford the treatment otherwise. Several other writers posted on the thread with their own health insurance stories. As well as the ChatGPT, there is also the streaming issue as the production companies want to limit writers' residuals and essentially turn script writing into a gig economy. The world is moving ahead so fast that it's hard to keep up with these issues before its moved on to the next. So while I have a lot of fun coming to this board and snarking and I will miss that, I am A-OK with a strike that takes as long as it needs to get TV and film writers a decent life.
  4. That's how disinterested I've become with Ruby. Maybe Elena can get a new associate whose mental age matches her appearance.
  5. Didn't we already know that his nickname was "Trashcan"? Good episode, wrapping things up just enough. Ormewood turns out to be a good guy and even Campano comes through. I'm glad that they got a season 2, but I want more now.
  6. The only three people who know about it are Michael, Joss and Dex and they are all in favour of Sonny going to jail for the rest of his life. Yesterday everyone, including Ned, was shocked that the SEC would accuse Carly of insider trading because she's such a good person. So while it's not new information, the juxtaposition is very annoying. I will be shocked if that is anything but a fake cliff-hanger. She's going to wake up, say that it was the exhaustion of the day and support Michael 100%. I guess we're supposed to take it as Michael being encouraging but what it really is is controlling. He doesn't give her the space to deal with her reality and to make plans, and he doesn't respect her enough to know what she needs. It's gross. Liz needed to go in to check on Anna and Robert was trying to keep her out of the room because Anna had left and Scott was in there knocked out. Every lame reason he gave for her not going in (Anna's sleeping, she's very deep asleep) Liz countered (I'll do it quietly, if she's really that physically depressed that I need to check her out in case anything is wrong).
  7. Given the number of flashbacks in today's episode, it looks like they've already started to eke out scripts. But flashbacks aside, how can a sweeps period episode be so boring. The cuts for Millowtonin to Joss/Dex tells me what the show thinks of both star-crossed lovers, and how very much i disagree. How about Liesl use those four to test the antidote? As ridiculous as Victor is (and his Malthusian crisis) is, the only parts of the show worth watching are him with Liesl and Valentine, and Liz being smarter than Robert plans for in getting to Holly. Taggart should be saving Trina, not Curtis. Or at least with Curtis. Shut up Willow working to get Michael and Sonny back together while rejecting your own family. And SHUT UP Michael with how evil Sonny is when you had zero problems with it when he was with your mother. The hypocrisy of everyone saying that it's okay that poor Carly broke the law, she was just being a loving mother, but SONNY MUST BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE.
  8. The nominees for Supporting Actor show how hard it is to make a good decision. NAC is a young actor in a main role making his mark with some good scenes amidst some misses, JL is an experienced actor who did amazing work as two very different identical twins, and RG is a senior actor who came in and created a somewhat interesting character with fewer scenes than the other two. The three demands are so different, how can you compare them?
  9. Why can't the WSB learn that Victor is planning to take out half the world? Isn't it their role to stop that sort of thing? This show has done some stupid things but sidelining Robert to babysit Scott while wounded Anna and civilian Holly go after Victor may just take the cake. On the other hand, Laura's plan isn't a genius idea either. Do they really think that Victor won't recognize Drew??? "If it wasn't Ned, then who would have went to the SEC?" That was so jarring. Wasn't Michael educated at expensive schools? "You didn't incite or entice Drew or Carly to do anything. If there was insider trading they made that decision themselves. All you did was report it." I love Martin and his correct grammar. They are really piling on the guilt for Nina. For someone who is dying, Willow not only looks very healthy, she's up and around the house a lot. "I think the most important thing right now is to bring Liesl home safe and sound so that she can be a bone marrow donor for Willow..." Yes Michael, for body parts. And let's forget about Spencer and the baby. He is such a horrible person, the supposed show leading man. I hate how much Willow is working to reconcile Michael and Sonny while rejecting her own mother and family. If Ned puts ELQ ahead of everything else as a Quartermaine, does that mean Michael is acknowledging that the attempted merger was a bad idea? I thought Brick was smart -- why didn't he check the warehouse for bugs and cameras? It doesn't look like she's in the ICU any more given the number of visitors she has. Bombing the island would make the airbourne virus spread farther and faster. Surely the WSB isn't that stupid
  10. I thought that he was getting some extra income through a 'bed and breakfast type arrangement. Lucille making these quasi-permanent life arrangements without telling her husbandl much less consulting him seems like more than depression and out of character for her.
  11. Airdate May 2, 2023. Stars Bebe Wood, Betsy Brandt, Natalie Brown, Skylar Gaertner
  12. Young migrants from Africa at increased risk of developing psychosis Schizophrenia and Migration: A Meta-Analysis and Review Effects of country of origin and wave of immigration on prevalence of schizophrenia among first and second-generation immigrants: A 30-year retrospective study (2022)
  13. I know that Michael was CEO of ELQ in the past and was gifted the CEO of Aurora because Sam was too lazy to do anything herself. (I was hoping that Alexis would get the job.) But the idea that Michael should be CEO just because he is a Quartermaine is absurd to me. He doesn't have the education, too uninformed to know what insider trading is temperamentally he is too short-sighted, too arrogant,. I know that there are businessmen like that but as a viewer, the show is gaslighting me that Michael should be running ELQ. Has he ever been shown to make a far-thinking business deal? Sidelining the very experienced Ned because he was too old to know modern media was phenomenally stupid. Right now, ELQ supposedly is in trouble but he's doing nothing to help fix things, more interested in his revenge against Sonny than the company. I can't see the Edward that I remember, who put business over family, be in favour of taking the company away from Valentin who successfully built up ELQ to give it to Michael just because he is an occasional Quartermaine. Unlike Ned, Michael won't even take the Quartermaine name.
  14. It was Carly's choice to lose her half of the hotel just as it was her decision to divorce Sonny. Sonny, Olivia and Nina all wanted to gift it to her. I think Drew was willing to as well. Nina even bought it as a no-strings attached present and Carly refused it. Willow is going to be mad at Nina no matter what, especially with Carly, Michael and Joss goading her on. Her thinking is binary: Carly/Michael = good; Nina = bad. It's very simplistic and immature but then she did belong to a cult so it's not surprising that this is how she chooses to think. If she hasn't changed with Nina being the only one to try to get her a donor and all her concern about how Willow is doing, she's not going to change while she's constantly being told how bad Nina is and how wonderful her Spencer family is, the family she's always wanted. Nina paid for not telling everyone about Sonny (even though she phoned Carly as soon as she found him only to have Carly bitch her out) because everyone got mad at her, and she had to do an endless apology tour. Many people still hate her for it. Michael even bribed a DA to put Nina on trial for a made-up crime. I wasn't watching during the Avery kidnapping but from what I've read, it was a psychotic break on Nina's part. She regrets it, she apologized for it, she made amends with the people that she hurt. It's another thing that sets Nina apart from Carly. Michael and Drew didn't even include Ned in the discussions of what they wanted to do with ELQ. They held meetings at Aurora so that Ned wouldn't be there. (The SEC really needs to go after Michael too.) This idea that Michael should be the CEO of ELQ because he's a Quartermain is so stupid. He's a Quartermain only when it benefits him, the rest of the time he's all Corinthos/Carly spawn. And if he really cared about ELQ, he would be doing whatever he could right now to fix the problem. Instead he's leaving it all to Ned to fix and plotting against Sonny.
  15. Didn't she go to Nixon Falls because Michael and Willow refused to let her see Wiley? Natural consequences meeting Mike and falling for him. Should Nina have thought so far ahead that Willow and Donna would suffer if Carly goes to jail? Maybe. That happens when someone pays for their crimes. But that's looking very far ahead. And Wylie and maybe Willow would get a relationship with Nina herself to compensate. Of course the only person to ever have to pay consequences is whoever the current pariah is. Carly can lie, cheat and break any laws she wants but the person who bears the weight is the person who tries to hold her to account.
  16. THESE are their sweeps stories???? 🤦‍♀️
  17. They went to Greenland and no one thought to bring gloves? Drew and Curtis are stupid enough but I thought better of Laura and Valentin. Dante to Joss: I know that you think Sonny did Carly and Michael wrong, maybe this is a way to right that. (Dante, you idiot, Sonny did nothing wrong to Carly and Michael. Stop sucking up to the twits.) Andre thinks that the Canadian military can get within striking distance? He doesn't know geography either. I assumed that was deliberate saying it as Joss because you have to understand the lines to say them properly. But maybe I'm giving her too much credit. (If you like Shakespeare, you have to see Upstart Crow.) You mean that Carly, arbiter of all, didn't know that there are security cameras at GH? I'm afraid that it's going to be handwaved as looking back over old footage as Carly and Drew get off with no consequences. And Michael and Willow and Brook Lynn yelling at Ned. These people are just awful but the show acts like they're in the right. This should have been good Find Out episode but the show refuses to play it honestly. It makes sense in that the person the position of having to keep confidences didn't keep them in order to make money. Carly would just have taken advantage of the situation, which is wrong but not as wrong IMO
  18. All the Carlys propping pretty much ruined the cliff hanger for me with the SEC showing up for Carly and Drew. How about also coming for the guy who was CEO of Aurora at the time, Michael?
  19. Tracy is great at always but the line reading for the episode goes to Kristina's "Suit yourself" as Joss turns down being in the picture with Sonny. Kristina has no fucks to give for Joss' feelings. Shut up Olivia. It's not your house and it's not like Tracy is there all the time. You can tolerate her for a few days. "You're a great brother, you're a great guy, you're going to be a great husband." Shut up Dante, that great brother is working to put your father in jail. Yes Ava, Nina reported Carly and Drew to the SEC because she wants to get some revenge for what Carly has done to her. It's not like you've never felt like that yourself. I want to wipe that smug smile off her face too. Joss reading "Let me not to the marriage of true minds" was ironic because ever since Willow got together with Michael, she hasn't had a mind at all. (Also, you couldn't come up with anything less overused?) Sam: Until death do you part. (Me: Die, die, die) Nina is lucky that she wasn't at the wedding, it was pure diabetes-making. Well considering that except for Chase and Sasha, everyone there was just family or SOs, a stranger would really have stood out. But shut up Sam with the Michael and Willow tongue bathing. As Adlerians say, if you want to know why a person does something, look at the result of it. All the Michael/Willow/Carly tongue bathing today, all the Spencer women cult, this is the real end of Willow.
  20. Does Liesl have any family other than Nina and James? We've seen Scott be worried but Maxie has been far more concerned with giving Willow the perfect wedding than having a care for Liesl. Most people can feel empathy to people (and animals) that they have never met in person. Willow not feeling any for Ace while spending years fawning over Wylie shows how much she's been absorbed into the Carly cult. Victor's plot is so unbelievably stupid, I can even begin the consider anything about it seriously. What if the virus kills all the people who run the trains and the facilities that the rest of the world needs to live?
  21. I was afraid that this was going to be a cliff-hanger for the end of the season and Rex would be off at sea. I'm very glad that it was wrapped up in this episode. I'm glad that Art is going to remain on the show fulltime but you'd think that his bosses would be pleased that he caught an international car smuggling ring rather than demote him for shutting down the port. I've been worried enough that I got myself a Farraday pouch. I wonder why it wasn't mentioned on the show.
  22. It is also the last thing she said about Liesl as a person and not body parts. To be fair, Willow also doesn't seen to care about Ace being kidnapped or Esme losing her baby. Willow's heart seems to be all for show these days. I find that very elaborate wedding gross. It's not about Willow being married to Michael at last as she keeps saying, it's about the spectacle and showing off. I'm surprised that they haven't brought in a reporter and photographer from The Invader to take pictures for the next edition. No. But the schadenfreude is sweeter. This is who really should be going to the SEC to investigate Aurora, not Nina but the people who lost large amounts of money when the stock crashed. But then the show couldn't blame Nina.
  23. That was horrible. An episode I wish I could unsee. So much Carlys propping. All the Carlys telling Willow that it's she's been a part of the family for a long time -- yes, she really fits into the cult. Carly's dress would have been nice on a Caribbean beach. Inappropriate for the mother-of-the-bride/matron of honour/giver away. I wish I looked as healthy as Willow does. Why does Ned need to help Olivia in the kitchen? The Quartermaines have staff and there can't be more than a dozen people at that very elaborate wedding. This is all so very stupid. This was awful. The Ice Princess/Demeter was just filler for the wedding of Carlys. Save James, Nina and her grandchildren, Liesl. maybe Bailey, and let the virus do it's work on the rest of PC.
  24. If Eden got a nom, TA should have got one too. But it's ridiculous that Eden is in the junior category while having far more acting experience than NAC who is in with the adults. Sonya Eddy will probably get best supporting as a posthumous thing but KT did far more work. GH got four of the five nominations for supporting actor. Why is CD there? His chief acting move is looking constipated. It says it all that CD got a nomination and KMcM and CW, who were the main characters in the story, did not.
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