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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. I liked the second episode better than the first. The team wasn't wrong to think that it was an honour killing because there are approximately 12 -15 reported honour killings per year in the United Kingdom but they were wrong to refuse to move on from the theory. I wish that Rachita wasn't all "I can't take time to recover from my concussion because no one can do this but me." It's a trope I've always hated.
  2. Well Brook Lynn's big secret about Chase ended up being yet another nothingburger. This show can squash anything interesting like nobody's business. Sorry Leo, I think octopii are cooler. They can squeeze through tiny spaces, and they can predict which team is going to win the game. I'd rather Gregory fight with Tracy than with Alexis (and Tracy is more creative) but what a waste of Gregory Harrison. Cody: "I can bunk with Dante and Sam." Me: Where? There are three kids living there already. How many bedrooms does that condo have? Sam talking to Dante about Cody and Selina Wu was one of the better parts of the episode. The Lucy/Felicia/Jackson capers should have been better.
  3. As long as we're revisiting Ryan's Hope, how about Kate Mulgrew?
  4. Season 2, Episode 8 “The Good, The Bad, and the Pugly” This episode was about children: Harry's of course, Abigail trying to find a place to be with hers since Frank won't let JoJo see them, Daniel and the pug, Lucy wanting to help her ex with the new baby, and finally we see Jerri's family and the problems that her alcoholism caused. (Eleanor is a saint.) Most medical or legal shows if they even have a therapist it's to do some twisty diagnosis or come up with the clue to whodunit. I really like that Family Law uses Lucy as a therapist and a good one. Family issues are far more complex than most TV shows present and the simple answer is often not the right one. We also find the flaw in Abby's firefighter -- roommates. Cordelia, Abby's lawyer, is awesome. Directed by Sarah Wayne Calles who I remember as the doctor from Prison Break. The episode opened with someone texting her about last night. My guess that's the bed she found. Only two more episodes left this season.😣
  5. Will's immaturity was on full display (again) in this episode. He was even willing to get Miss Scott into trouble, wanting to go to the body "because he is alone." Yes, the dead body is alone. If the show wants me to feel sympathy for Will, they've got to make him a more sympathetic, as opposed to pathetic, character. The person I really felt sorry for was Paulie, who killed a friend when he was only trying to break up a fight and is now probably going to spend years in jail. And I felt sorry for Ernie, idolizing Will as he does.
  6. I thought that the best parts of the show were Eddie Maine in a song duel, and Lucy talking about hummingbird cake. JE gave Tracy's speech to Ned her all. She deserved better dialogue. RoHo is even more creepy today as Austin than he was as serial killer Franco. And FFS, just end the Mason thing. It's been going on for over a year and it makes no sense that Ava folding for these vague threats. Anna and Dante should have been good but it felt like a lot of filler.
  7. The thing that gets me is that Kristina didn't even approach Molly about it; she got the idea because she wanted to help Molly, Sam and Alexis told her that it wasn't a good idea and to think it over more, and later Kristina went to the hospital to support Molly and TJ. And then they jumped all over her for being insensitive and selfish. Molly only knew about it because she overheard Kristina talking to Alexis and Sam. I can't believe how badly this is being written.
  8. Maybe Chase offered to go since he knows Sasha and knows how vulnerable she is. Or maybe PCPD doesn't have uniform cops on duty at that time.
  9. Vegan, no violent movies, blaming Kristina. Given how Molly and TJ are reacting, they're less ready to be good parents than Esme and Spencer are. Run Kristina, run.
  10. I cognitively understand what Molly is going through -- she's always been the good child, the one who won awards and scooted to the top with a great relationship that she's had since she was a teenager while Kristina was the screw-up who couldn't find herself, kept getting into bad situations (e.g. Dawn of Day) and bad relationships and now suddenly Kristina is doing something she sees as a calling and is physically fine whereas Molly herself is not. Molly wants things to go back to how they were before where she was gold and Kristina was screwing up and so she blames Kristina. But all this should have been discussed with a therapist or at least Alexis or Sam rather than taking it out on Kristina There is no excuse for TJ. Chef's kiss.
  11. So many things can go wrong with a guardianship. A psychologist was telling me about a patient of hers who had dementia and was put under a state guardianship. The woman had no money to live on but owned some valuable paintings and someone helping her wanted to sell the paintings so she didn't have to scrimp on food etc. but the guardian refused because "it is a bad time to sell art." The friend and psychologist ended up taking it to court.
  12. TJ going off on Kristina is really over the top. All she said was that she's glad that Curtis survived surgery and that's good news. Why are they trying to make me hate TJ? Molly going off on Kristina was awful too. I thought that I was supposed to be sympathetic to Molly and TJ here, not want to smack them for being cruel. Lexi is well out of this story. Neurosurgeon said that there will be losses to Curtis because of the shooting. One thing I know will remain intact is his ego. They are really playing up Trina/Curtis now. Trina was the first person allowed in to see him, not Stella who raised him, not Marshall his father, not TJ who Curtis helped raised and who considers him a father figure, not Portia his wife but Trina, who only learned a week ago that he is her biological father. What happened to the strong Trina of before? The one who could stand up to anyone and did for her friends. Molly to TJ: "I know it must have been rough in there observing the surgery on Curtis." Why the hell was he allowed in at all? I'm also hating Gladys these days too. Sympathy for the actress, none for the character any more. On a positive note, I liked the scene with Alexis and Sonny talking about Kristina. It felt real for both the situation and the characters. Since the Good Writer is on strike, did NLG and MB contribute to the writing? I even liked the Anna/Sonny/Dante strategy session. Sonny is so much better far away from Carly. The Cody/Sasha scene was good too. I can buy them together in a few months. I can't remember the last time a storyline didn't end with a whimper. The SEC fraud story, Willow's imminent death, Joss and Dex sneaking around because Sonny will kill him, Marshall's schizophrenia ...
  13. Marshall: "Who would shoot my son?" Me: Me! I would! In a heartbeat. The device of a person on an operating table in a fantasy hearing real voices calling him back while his dead loved ones beg him to stay is so overused it's become a cheap trick now. Trina's reaction is just so OTT. Not TA's fault, the writing is terrible. The Invader wants to do an article on the design process of the Deceptor. Is the story finally moving on? Is there a reason I'm missing that Kristina asking Maxie about surrogacy is insensitive? Other than Georgie's parentage which Molly may have been too young to be aware of. Scapegoating, not attention-seeking, is the word for how the show treats Kristina. Why wasn't Sonny keeping an eye on his investment up to now? That's a lot of money to throw at a neophyte. And hide that gorgeous smile? </sarcasm>. The Michael/Willow/Wylie scenes today were so painully bad. The pills wouldn't have Gladys' name on them, only the doctor's and Sasha's. He told Gladys that they would not hurt Sasha so he gets my vote for the worse one. He should lose his license. On the other hand, if Gladys doesn't put a stop to it now when she sees how much Sasha is hurting, she can go into the dumpster too. I heard that as a definition of soap operas years ago but it's particularly egregious with GH.
  14. Season 2, Episode 7 Arrested Development I thought that this was a very good episode. Lots of wins for Our Team -- the client is growing up based on Abby telling him to start getting out there, the family is reconciling, Harry got his client back with a very shrewd chess move and Cecil passed his exam thanks to Winston. Cute Fireman looks like he'll be around more. Three nice moments: Harry telling Daniel that he's not going to give him a trophy for doing his job (carrying on the theme of the episode), Lucy psyching out the evaluator telling her that Abby they both know that Abby passes the bar for acceptable parenting, and Abby's mother realizing how her anger at Harry affected Abby. Since Nico refused to talk to Abby or play their word game until Frank was ready to let her have contact with the kids again, I wonder if Frank was forbidding Nico to talk to her and Nico was hiding it. Frank is really awful and there are times when one wants to like him. This last trick is really low. If I were Abby, I'd wait for the parenting evaluation and take it to a judge. The cases on this show often lead to discussions at my house but this one sparked a long conversationg, especially from the young adult with a social anxiety disorder. There would be a lot more good parents if it was easier to know where to draw the line. ETA: where I would draw the line is locking up the liquor when Sofia is around without addressing why she got drunk that night. She's 14, she needs to learn to be in situations where there is alcohol and not drink.
  15. The show really tried to make me believe that she was treated badly because she was a visible minority but all I saw was someone having difficulty fitting in at a new job. The woman who gave her the wrong name tag made an assumption but she seemed pleasant and apologetic afterwards. The group was somewhat hostile but it didn't seem unrealistic towards a new boss (I experienced the same thing at work once and the new boss was white and Protestant) and Rachita started giving orders before figuring out how the group functions. That's a mistake in a new boss regardless of ethnic origin. When they told her that X is the way they do it, she said 'well I'm going to continue doing it Y'. She didn't explain to her DCI why she wasn't following orders and was brusque to the DC who asked her what her languages were. No one is perfect and both sides made mistakes. But I have yet to be convinced that Rachita is being treated badly because of her ethnicity and not because she went in there inexperienced and with blinkers.
  16. I did not need to watch Willow getting all giggly and excited over having sex with Michael again. I loved Felicia's dress and wow KW looked good in it. Sonny should have had a scene with Sasha, he would have recognized the signs of mania. Nurse Willow should have too. This is the big Martin mystery that sent Lucy and Felicia to Pine Valley? (Hi, Jackson!) What a nothing burger.
  17. It was a stupid line. She's legally his wife so unless he gave his medical proxy to someone else, she has the right to make the decisions. The difference though is that this was an active shooting where innocent bystanders and the not-so-innocent like Curtis could get hurt or killed. Ned tripped and fell into the too-shallow pool, not affecting anyone else and there was nothing owner of the hotel (who doesn't know emergency medical care) could do about in the moment. Nina haters are gonna hate.
  18. My experience is with PHIPA (the Ontario version) but since it is a hospital administered program (Bobbie has access to the class list which she wouldn't if it was run by an outside agency), the information that Spencer is taking a parenting class should be under personal mental health information just as if he signed up for a grief group or anxiety group.
  19. Stella: "Curtis is the life of the party." Huh???? Marshall doesn't need to see his original diagnosis papers even though his current shrink does, he knows that it's racism. Shut up Carly Jr., it's not your business to tell Esme off and tell her that she needs to turn herself in to prove herself to you. Joss was such a bitch today, it takes my breath away. Of course Dex thinks she's marvellous. It's a violation of HIPAA for Bobbie to tell Joss that Spencer is in the parenting class. Oh great, now Dex is giving a medical opinion based on his battlefield experience. Shooting Curtis to get Trina all weepy and him back with Portia is a cheap writing trick. Nina: I have to stay, it's my hotel and I need stay to show everyone here that it's okay. (something I would not expect Carly to be aware of. Of course, then Nina leaves to go to the hospital) The writing for Finn/Liz is awful. Conversations no experienced doctor and nurse would have. And since Violet was at dinner with Finn and went home for a sleepover with her grandfather, there should be no babysitter for her. Continuity, people.
  20. That's a good point, How much of Spencer's current behaviour can be attributed to the terrible parenting of his early years? I haven't forgotten how he rigged Laura's election and Sonny was all 'no probs'. And Rocco since Dante and Sam are out. Is there a separate nanny for Wylie and Amelia? Because with two infants, a pre-schooler and 6 older children to one adult, I suspect that they are breaking Canadian day care limits.
  21. UK Police Armed Response Units It sounds like this was the unit she called when she stopped Tarik in his psychotic break. Good point. Did the tokenism work in her favour there?
  22. Given that she's pregnant and about to give birth to his child, I'm thinking that they want to show Will maturing and growing up. Divorcing her with two small children, one of them his, would just be too messy for the good vicar that Will likes to see himself as, not to mention the fantasy that he has built for himself that he is going to be a better father than his own was. Sometimes I think that he's more attached to Ernie than he is to Bonnie. And realistically, how would Bonnie support two young children? I also didn't like the murder story in this episode. I like it when the villains are deserving of their fate (the death penalty was suspended in the UK in 1965). I felt sorry for both Carl and Jimmy and the conclusion to the case was far from satisfying. Thank goodness for Geordie, Leonard, Cathy, Dickens and sometimes Mrs. C.
  23. That is something that I found problematic about the show. The show descriptions says that she realizes that she is a token hire but that didn't come across to me When the DC asked her what her languages are and she replied that she got a middling mark in Spanish, it occurred to me that one of the reasons she got the job was to be a cultural liaison with the Indian community but she didn't have a clue how to do it. I've been mistaken for a grocery store employee before and I'm not a visible minority. I've also lost jobs because I didn't speak enough languages and had to take extra cultural courses in others. The show hasn't yet convinced me that she is having those work problems because she is of Indian origin and not because she started a new job bossing people around and ignoring them when they told her that she had to run things by the boss first.
  24. Sonny and Carly have both moved on. I can think of few things I want to see less than an amnesiac (again) Sonny back with Carly. That's what Molly said to TJ, that Kristina is an attention hog and needs to make everything about herself and now she wants to make Molly's infertility about herself too. But the attention Kristina got was first custody battles and then over what a screw-up she was. It did her no favours, she would have been better off being ignored. (I was in the supermarket checkout line this morning and there was a magazine with Prince Louis on the cover making faces on a formal occasion and the article was about what a cut-up he is. And I thought, they are recreating the William/Harry dynamic with George and Louis. Poor kid.) I missed that. I knew that her eggs weren't viable and that currently she couldn't carry a baby but I thought that with treatment she would be able to. But that's not as dramatic i guess. I am so not looking forward to more of the surrogacy story.
  25. "My grandmother oversees all the classes." So we're pretending that Bobbie is still alive? A real switch from when Lila and Alan were dead but the actors still alive. This show has an unfortunate habit of building up the action and then cutting to a scene where it's so dead, all the momentum stops. Today it was the shooting and then cutting to Joss talking about her men to Trina. Curtis got shot in the back. Why is he lying on his back on the gurney? Way to contaminate the shooting location, Dante, Chase and SWAT team. Also, what intelligence op shooter would leave his gun? Glasgow come score 1/1/1. Show, don't tease me that Curtis is going to die. Liz to Finn: "If Curtis survives, it's because of your quick action." Oh come on, that's such fake dialogue from a nurse. Also Portia is such a helpless flower. The women doctors that I know, when their husbands got sick or injured, they were the primary gatekeeper. Molly is upset that Kristina can carry and child and she can't. Why can't Kristina donate an egg and Molly carry it? Endometriosis doesn't mean that you can't carry a baby even if your eggs aren't viable. Shut up TJ. Kristina doesn't have "Jan Brady middle child syndrome" except in the sense that her family dismisses her as a screw-up and failure. I don't think that you have to please every fan base but feedback is important in any job (unless you're a writer who never wants to publish or a painter who doesn't want to sell any paintings). Sometimes the opinions are fairly well spread around but sometimes when a lot of people hate or are bored by what you're doing, such as the Michael/Willow relationship, it's not a bad thing to listen. You've nailed my impressions of her.
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