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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. Laurel investing in the building makes more sense than running the club, although where she would get that kind of money (blackmail!) after having student loans and being unemployed for months, is a stretch. At least then she wouldn't be on-site all the time as she would if she were running the club. But I wouldn't put anything past Super Laurel. I've been looking up various sites but I can't find anything that says that Thea was convicted of criminal charges. Oliver asked Laurel for help and she got her father to call in some favours and Thea ended up with community service and probation. That suggests a misdemeanor rather than a criminal charge. or even while he was The Hood. First Tommy ran the club, and then Thea did.
  2. Laurel already has a full time job prosecuting the criminals Oliver catches. When is she going to have time to run the club?
  3. I would have an easier time believing that Thea, who had few previous responsibilities (except maybe clubs at school) but a family background in administration, stepped up after a tragedy and took over the club, than Laurel, who has already demonstrated she's poor at administration, can run two jobs successfully.
  4. But didn't they already try to do that with shooting the arrow in Streets of Fire? We thought she would magically be able to use the bow but Oliver still had to talk her through it. it looks like they're still trying to give her unearned things, like the leather jacket .
  5. I think it does. 1. Laurel already has a full-time job in the DAs office. 2. Laurel isn't the best administrator. 3. Thea wasn't given any responsibility in s1. Moira and Robert tended to baby their children too much. 4. Thea did a good job of stepping in and running Verdant when Oliver took off. 5. Laurel is a drug and alcohol addict. 6. Thea dabbled in drugs and alcohol but stopped after the car accident. If I have to, I can accept Laurel buying into owning the foundry and Verdant because Oliver needs the cash to keep the building (Walter, where are you when we need you?), but not running it. Never running it. Oliver already told Laurel to keep away from Team Arrow in the finale and we know how that went. I doubt telling her to keep away from the lair will be any more successful. I think Starling City is in the U.S. Their money is all green.
  6. No, she's got a movie out on DVD now called The Scribbler which is about a young woman who has multiple personality disorder and some bizarre way they treat her. It seems to make her even more crazy.
  7. Since Berlanti wants to keep the lair in the foundry, they're going to have to get back/keep Verdant somehow. It doesn't make sense for Laurel to have money socked away since she was unemployed but I can see them writing her as having the savings to help Oliver keep Verdant. Coming from blackmail, most likely. I think having Laurel hang around the Arrow lair is more likely to cause a backlash than anything else, but maybe they haven't learned their lesson after all. She seemed a lot more efficient at it than Oliver had been, hiring staff, making sure there was enough liquor on the shelves, organizing various functions. It makes sense that she would have learned to run things from Moira, who sat on committees, and maybe from dinner conversation with Robert. There are some very competent 18 year olds. Other than her Year of Teenage Rebellion, there wasn't anything to suggest that Thea was an addict, and neither Robert nor Moira were, unlike Quentin and Laurel.
  8. Thea used to drink when she was 17, but so did a lot of us. It may be that she took drugs because her friends had them; the one time we saw her take Vertigo it was because she was angry at Moira. There were lots of stressful times in s2 but we never saw her take a drink or drugs to deal with them. That argues against her being a addict. I don't think she owned Verdant. She ran it when Oliver left for Lian Yu, but if she had owned it Isabel wouldn't have been able to take it away. Maybe that's part of wanting to be like her sister -- the leather jacket, the fighting crime with Oliver, the being a part of the foundry/Verdant. I wish they would realize that taking away what makes Sara and giving all her stuff to Laurel isn't going to make people like Laurel more.
  9. I think it was about needing to be passionate about the character when she's reading scripts and looking for diversity and a tie to really strong female characters. She did keep losing track of what she was saying on both questions. It didn't feel like ADD scattered, more like not really being there. Maybe she should eat something. She also said that she feels like there are multiple personalities in everyone because you're different in different situations (demonstrating that she doesn't really know what multiple personality disorder is). I'm beginning to think that whoever said her panels shouldn't be taped was right.
  10. Ouch, he looks like he's in a really bad mood.
  11. I can see that. Barry has his own powers and is developing his own team so he would want to do things his way and Oliver has never, ever been willing to take orders, or even advice, from someone else.
  12. There are three EPs, although they may add some on this season as people are getting stretched thin. Greg Berlanti is the big poobah. It's his production company that is making the show and probably the reason the show got made in the first place because he's got the TV track record. He's got a lot of other irons in the fire so he's not as hands-on as Andrew Kreisburg and Marc Guggenheim. I think Kreisburg is going over to The Flash to run that show while Guggenheim stays with Arrow but they're probably keeping in close touch since it's the same universe and the lots are across the street from each other.
  13. I think they can fit Roy into the cave, especially as muscle since Diggle has family responsibilities, but the EPs have to remember that Oliver/Diggle/Felicity are the Team Arrow that is the core of the show.
  14. I've been following your conversations. This explains a lot. In the fanart, he could have done anything, his imagination is the limit so it's kind of a projective test. He's put Laurel and Diggle right behind Oliver as the two next important cast members after Oliver, with Laurel as Oliver's right-hand person. It's not because Laurel is the Black Canary because Sara is there just behind Laurel. It's like he took the s2 art and replaced Felicity with Laurel. Malcolm and Thea are about the same size, rushing with Oliver, presumably fighting on the same side he is, which is doubtful that they do especially at the start of the season (more wish fulfillment?). Felicity is the smallest figure there is except for something that looks like it's Brandon Routh watching from the sidelines, and she's the slowest and the farthest away from Oliver. Roy doesn't appear at all. I've read what he said at spoilertv but looking at the poster, I'd say he not only doesn't like Olicity, he doesn't like Felicity herself except possibly in a very minor role. I don't think you're going to be able to convince him either of her role on the show or that Olicity can work.
  15. Greg Berlanti is turning himself into a Dick Wolf person. Enjoy it while it lasts, although it must be bizarre having Mysteries of Laura and Arrow competing against each other at 8 on Wednesdays.. This sounds like it's mostly going to be Seth Grahame-Smith running it, with Berlanti's production company.
  16. There is also the parallel of being on the outside, and then moving into the circle. Both Chuck and Felicity start out as outsiders, not quite living up to their potential, not quite fitting in to the group of matching Captain Awesome. Then over the course of the series, they learn to trust their strengths and to believe that they are indeed valuable to the team. Oliver/Sarah have the expertise, and Diggle/Casey the experience.
  17. She's wearing stupid shoes. (Not KC's fault, she's drawn that way.) I've spent hours beside the bed of a person in hospital and you want the most comfortable shoes that exist. Those shoes make my feet hurt just looking at that picture. I love Quentin too. He's alive; that's all I need to know from that drawing.
  18. JayKay, that episode was one of the very few times Oliver and Thea were fun to watch playing together. I could have Carter Bowen too. In the Felicity Versus fics, Felicity takes on the Chuck role so it's Felicity and Thea as best buds. Just wanted to warn you. Oliver is a stone cold Sarah. But the fic is still kind of fun.
  19. They sort of did ILUs, non-verbally, with the looks at each other. Personally speaking, is having Helena back worth the price of Jason? I was enjoying the time without him so much.But my greatest hate is for Shawn, who is not only a useless character, but who brings down every awesome female character they pair him with. I really the conversations Shawn has where everyone acts like he's one of the good guys. Today it was with TJ, who was worried that Shawn and his mother were in a relationship since they were on opposite sides. No, TJ, Shawn is a murderer who works for a criminal and your mother runs drugs for a criminal, that's on the same side of the law. Now if your mother worked for the DEA, like she does, then they would be on opposite sides.
  20. That would explain why Laurel is equivalent to Diggle, and Felicity is a teeny, tiny person, smaller than Malcolm or Thea, off in the far corner.
  21. On the Clock Tower thread, I posted a link to a fanfic which made Felicity=Chuck, Oliver=Sarah, Diggle=Casey, Tommy is her brother, Laurel=Captain Awesome and Thea=Morgan. The one thing I didn't like about it was that Oliver is so cold and just using Felicity but if that's what Sara was like at the beginning of Chuck, that explains it.
  22. Today is the day many internet sites are supporting net neutrality and offering links to petitions to sign. The legislation is in the US but will affect countries all over the world. The cable companies are asking for a two tier system and to charge extra. AO3;'s support. John Oliver explains.
  23. In the Olicity Humor video, it's really funny when Laurel says she's going with the team, and the guy from Scrubs replies "No chance, Lance." On the Team Arrow thread, wonderwall has been comparing Team Arrow to Chuck. Last fall, Girlwithsixsmiles took that idea and wrote a Felicity Versus series that puts Felicity into a Chuck-like world. She only did five of them, but I think they're worth reading. (Why I am reluctant to start reading WIPs -- too often when I get hooked, the writer stops before finishing.)
  24. It feels strange to say this but I think having Laurel not in the plot is actually an advantage because I can skip over her scenes. Skye is not only in every. damn. plot, half the times she's driving them. Can you imagine what Arrow would be like if who Laurel is was were the key to some great big thing on the show and they devoted several episodes to looking into her origins? That suggests an easy partial fix for Laurel -- have her talk about someone else's feelings for a change. The problems someone else is having in their life rather than hers. But then, it wouldn't be Laurel, would it?
  25. "It's going to take days (to decrypt this)." "Better get started then." Oliver doesn't pay Felicity enough to be that rude to her. Which leads to the question, does he pay her at all? Flashback Malcolm "For years we've been forcing the city's worst to do what is best; leverage them to help save this city." I'm really slow. I've just realized that The List is not a list of who is in on Malcolm's team, it's a list of identified bad guys that Malcolm and Robert and the others have been squeezing to 'donate' money to try to make things better in Starling City. I've always wondered, why didn't Rebecca call 911 instead of calling Malcolm again and again since he wasn't taking her calls? Laurel saying that you don't sleep with your sister unless you are blowing up the relationship is more self-awareness than I'm used to from her. And then she gives Oliver her picture to take with him on the boat, that's the Laurel I'm used to. When Felicity interrupts Oliver and Laurel at the bar, it shows why EBR is more of a favourite than Laurel – she works harder at making her character interesting. It's so Felicity to know what to '86' someone means, and to keep explaining it. Good of Felicity that she's trying to get Diggle back on the team but Oliver really does treat her like a little puppy. Oliver is sitting outside the casino in his normal clothes. If anything happens to Felicity, he's going to take five minutes to change clothes first? She could be dead by the time you get there. There is a beautiful bit of cinematography in the scene where Oliver is sitting in the dark on the floor of the lair, and Felicity comes in, turning on the lights one by one. It creates an image that Felicity lets the light into Oliver's darkness Diggle's apartment is in the sixth floor. Part of how he stays in shape? Laurel: Tommy I love you and I think that you still love me so that whatever problems you think we have, if we face them together... And then she goes to Oliver. Not a very impressive love, is it Laurel? Susanna Thompson has a number of expressions cross her face when Malcolm tells her the Markov device is ready. Katie Cassidy should take lessons. Another Ted Kord fundraiser, and Moira assumes that Robert is having another affair. Theirs really is a complicated (sick) marriage. Moira pushes Robert into stopping Malcolm's plan, which gets him killed. That's why Moira says in the present that she's the one responsible for Robert's death. Diggle: I guess you do know where I live. Oliver : I've always known where you live. (So basically he's saying he knew where to get Diggle but didn't want to. Between his treatment of Diggle unless he needs him, ditto treatment of Felicity, and getting between Laurel and Tommy, Oliver isn't really a nice guy at all) Oliver is careful to turn on the voice modulator before speaking to Walter. It's a nice bit of consistency that The Hood does growly voice when talking to strangers but uses the voice modulator when it's someone who knows Oliver Queen. Weren't her reasons 1) that their friends who had been dating for less time than they were moving in together and 2) there was no place to have sex without running into a parent? Granted, those are pretty lousy reasons for moving in together but they seem legit. Or did he mean that this was the next step of her plan to get them married and she wasn't being honest about that? I think it's true but it seems more aware than Oliver usually is.
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