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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. If there is only one kiss in the premier and we have to wait till the end of the season for the next one, it's going to be a good one. They owe the audience that after the Mansion fake-out. That's seven. Laurel being Oliver's partner, Oliver losing QC to Ray Palmer, Roy's new outfit, Lyla as head of ARGUS ....
  2. Oliver reverted to douche-Oliver when he thought he could have Laurel. Great way to screw over your best friend and someone who (unlike Laurel) was really happy to have you back. One of the show's biggest consistency beats, whenever Oliver gets around Laurel, he gets more douchey. The Merlyn Job is one of the best things this show has done. Exciting, funny and character development all rolled up in one neat caper. Oh Walter, don't go. You're one of the few sane people on this show.
  3. Is it only the digital comics that come out tomorrow, and the print edition in October? (Another stupid decision.) Is anyone here planning on getting the digital edition? (Passing along spoilers, please)
  4. Yeah, because my favourite form of entertainment is seeing how two characters in a comic book based on the chemistry and interactions of two real-life actors in their roles on a TV show get together. [eyeroll]
  5. Yeah. He was so proud when she shot him. In my mind, Rebecca cheated on Malcom and Tommy isn't really his son.
  6. Why I really really hate the 8 month time jump. I want to see how the Oliver-on-the-island gets to the Oliver-who-kisses-Felicity-so-easily. Although if she replies "a date-date?" when he asks her out to dinner, it doesn't seem like there has been that much going on. I know it's wrong of me, but the Laurel snarking is one of the most fun things about talking about this show.
  7. SA said in one of his panels that he was kind of broke before Arrow came along. Not quite true since he was a main character's love interest on Private Practice and they had to cut short his arc when he signed on for Arrow but I get what he's saying. I think that's more likely with the Flash than with Arrow. When Arrow was coming on, no one knew if it would work, it could have tanked like the old Birds of Prey. The Flash has Arrow's success behind it. As for Katie Cassidy, my theory is that they sent her the script on spec, as they probably sent it to a number of people. SA got hired first, followed by David Ramsey and Susanna Thompson. Then they got to casting for Laurel and hired KC in February but she dates it from the time she was first sent the script as of course they would hire her if she wanted the job since she's the only one with a Name and a CW star. Maybe it would have been announced earlier but the contract also got stalled by the lawyers; Jack Cassidy, David, Shaun, Shirley Jones ... you know she's got to have some of the best lawyers in Hollywood.
  8. Well played. I am always in awe of how well he does audience relations for someone who is relatively young.
  9. From February 15, 2012: "joins Amell and Susanna Thompson" makes it sound like she was cast after Stephen Amell. TVLine adds David Ramsey ign a day later says pretty much the same. It's possible that she was cast before everyone else, but why wait till Oliver, Moira and Diggle have been cast before announcing Laurel's casting. She was probably just offered the role without having to read with other cast members but it does seem like SA and ST were cast first.
  10. The plastic around them makes me think they are bassinets, the kind where you wheel the baby from nursery to mom's bedside. Laundry and supply carts don't have the plastic around the sides I can't help but think that Laurel beating up that guy in his hospital bed is supposed to show how kick-ass she, just like Sara immediately afterwards beating up a villain and Thea making her appearance. Sadly, it seems like they are still trying to make Laurel into a fighting superhero which is most likely doomed to fail yet again. Go with what she can do, people.
  11. No, SA got a super-long one because without him, there is no show. Everyone else got the standard 3 year contract, including CH and EBR when they were hired on as regulars for s2. I think SA was hired first. When the press release for KC as Laurel Dinah Lance came out, she talked about how she didn't know who SA was when she was hired but he's just like she imagined Oliver Queen to be. (????)
  12. She was the bigger star when they ok'd the pilot. I guess they thought she'd be good for the show and bring in lots of eyes. Irrespective of what she gets, SA deserves a whole lot more than 75k. But he's locked into a 5 year contract so unless CW/WB gets generous, he stays where he is, unless there is a clause that after a certain point or certain audience he gets more, but that's doubtful.
  13. It's up to the actor how much he decides he's going to work for as long as it's at least scale so there aren't union problems. Really doubtful he would do it but he's got two teenage sons who may watch the show so you never know. Elizabeth Taylor created the role of Helena Cassadine on General Hospital back in the day.
  14. Knowing them, they'll see it as validation for Laurel. But if they read closely, it's a poll for "the worst character", not the one you love to hate. Maybe they should have labelled it "the most useless character" because I still can't figure out how they're going to give her leading lady airtime and make her relevant enough.
  15. Dying her hair black seems like a statement MIT Felicity would make, like QC Felicity wearing super bright lipstick and later bright clothes. Better a Goth than the mess that is Garcia in Criminal Minds. She's like a playing dress-up nightmare gone wrong. I don't remember Chloe being a Goth in the early seasons. And ironically, Pauley Perrette is a natural blonde. Sara's pre-island bangs drive me crazy because there's no way they could have grown out by the time Oliver met her again on the Amazo. One of the things this show does well is crazy villains ... Malcolm Merlyn, mirakuru Slade, Seth Gable's Count.... I think it would be fun to have a crazed villain stalk the Arrow, and maybe meet him in his Oliver Queen identity and not be impressed at all.
  16. How can that be? She's not tweeting about how fit she is and how hard she's working out. [/sarcasm] She said she's done yoga from an early age so that may help.
  17. Agreed. And whereas Loki is flamboyant and like to call attention to himself (unless he's doing evil deeds), Hawkeye would rather hide in the shadows.
  18. The guy from Beauty and the Beast is Gabe, the stall-ship. It's pretty annoying the way he's being written. But wow, the difference between Laurel at 708 votes right now, and second place Gabe at 264.
  19. If he's on for 3 episodes, that would be 5, 6 and 7, and he's done before the crossover episodes. But I"m not convinced he is on for 3 because when I first read the Hollywood Reporter article, I mis-read season three episode for three episodes. ETA: or what dancingnancy posted while I was typing.
  20. You're right, it's possible that she enjoyed being "a boring IT girl" at QC. That would argue that something did happen at MIT to make her want a quieter life because the leap to go from daughter of a cocktail waitress to setting her sights on MIT and getting through it financially and academically on her own is huge and if you're the kind of person that does that type of risk, you most likely will want to shoot for the stars rather than prefer a boring job in a cubicle. To be honest, I think they hadn't thought of this backstory back in s1, and then they just threw in MIT in 2x02 to emphasize that being Oliver's EA isn't her thing. On the other hand, if they had planned all this, then I can understand why they would want to push it to s3 because it's not the sort of thing you throw in a Slade/LoA episode.
  21. If Felicity's mother is all about appearance and how to get a man, she could have deliberately gone the other way, been frumpy or goth, rebellious and maybe chubby just to be the opposite of what her mother wanted from her. He didn't have Felicity's resources. I wonder just how much he could have checked them out. He couldn't hire a PI because someone would have found out, and he must have had minimal internet experience. Thank you apinknightmare and SmallScreenDiva for the correction. It still doesn't feel right though. Anyone who graduated from MIT would think of themselves as "more than just some IT girl".
  22. I wonder why it's called an 'industrial' piercing. That does look like goth hair. Few Caucasian women have hair that black. It could be that the guy gets arrested and Felicity doesn't. Or it's possible that she was arrested too and had to change her name and identity, but if that were the case wouldn't she have been more cautious about doing illegal hacking if she had been arrested and had to change her identity once already? The line about if it weren't for Oliver she would have stayed a waitress in Las Vegas didn't ring true even then and less so now. If you're thinking big enough to get the money together for MIT and apply, you're not going to be stuck as a waitress. Much less take your degree there because schools like that teach you that as someone attending, you're something special. Nah, Isabelle hated her long before that. Pre-Russia, if Felicity is to be believed.
  23. One day after Marc Guggenheim's tweets about the dialogue in the s2.5 comics, I saw four fic based on them. This one I think is the best, Innuendo, in Drabbilocity 3 by ijustliketowatch. They're both so in character..
  24. It makes the most sense that Felicity digs up the info, Laurel gets the warrant, Oliver/Diggle/Roy stop the bad guys, Laurel prosecutes. (I hope the writers handle it well because, again, my resentment of Laurel.) I have no doubt they would write a trust fund in to explain it but it's a leap since her father is blue collar (PB confirmed at SDCC) and university lecturers don't get paid very much.
  25. Maybe he's not in the episode but he's one of those actors who reads and sees the scenes that he's not in too, to get a sense of where the show is going. But more likely he's minimal in this episode since it's the Felicity backstory one. I think they're going to have to be careful about how they write Laurel because by now she's an even more divisive character and they really blew it with the time spent (wasted) on the Lance Family Drama last season. If they have her owning part of Verdant because Oliver doesn't have enough money to buy it all, it will give her a reason to be in scenes in Verdant and the Arrow Cave more but I can't see anyone being happy about that other than her fans.
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