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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. If "there's plenty plenty of evidence but none that the police can make stick", maybe they need a good ADA rather than a marginal vigilante. Hands up everyone who called it that Brick murdered Malcolm's wife. No, wait, hands up everyone who didn't figure it out. That would be easier. How can Felicity not know that there is a camera on her computer? Even I check my programs for anything that snuck on. The stupid, it hurts. I guess it doesn't matter if you actually look for the person as long as you shout and cry 'vengeance!' and beat up/kill innocent people. But lol that with all his resources, he still needs Felicity and Team Arrow to give him the answer. But the promo has Diggle saying that things have changed and now the city has a whole bunch of people to protect it since Oliver left, and can he live with that. So that excuse is gone. He said that when he started beating up the guy in the mayor's office he was doing it out of vengeance. Then he realized he was doing it to protect Felicity. I hate how Diggle and Felicity have been distorted to make all these new characters work. And the whole season of the show is a hot mess because instead of writing real, well-developed characters, they pluck them from the comics and just assumed that people would love them for that reason. Personally, I want to keep Roy and get rid of everyone else. I just want Oliver to pack up Diggle (with Lyla and Sara) and Felicity and fly his plane to somewhere else to start all over again and leave all these comic book costume wannabees behind.
  2. Maybe Lyla doesn't have any bridesmaids. She seems like the kind of put-together person who wouldn't need conventions like that. Or maybe that's just sad that she doesn't have close friends she can ask. But then, it is her second wedding to John. I would be looking forward to this so much if only Ray weren't there.
  3. writersblock51, I think I like your husband. I wonder if they expected negative reaction to these episodes and did a preemptive social media push. Or maybe they genuinely want to thank KC for waiting so long to become the Black Canary. If it's the latter, that explains some of the sense of entitlement. KC has been better lately about saying nice things about her co-workers in interviews but it seems like she has to be told to do so.
  4. Laurel going evil and destroying Team Arrow from the inside would be completely unexpected and possibly awesome. Better than the spoilers that have come up for the rest of the season. But I think there's something magical about the name Dinah Laurel Lance, maybe a spell from a christening fairy, that means she will always get when she wants and be on the good side. Do you mean against Oliver? Or against Roy and Laurel wanting Malcolm to join? Ordinarily I'd have said Diggle and Felicity would side with Oliver. But FauxDiggle (heard on the promo) and Fauxlicity? All bets are off.
  5. That is so sad. But probably true. How can Diggle tell Oliver as he does in the promo that he needs to take a back seat when 1. they're still bumbling around in 311 and 2. they're so desperate to fight Brick they're willing to work with Malcolm Merlyn? If nothing else, these episodes prove that they're barely functioning without Oliver. And so is the show. Justice League kool-aid.
  6. Felicity was the one who talked Laurel into putting on the Canary suit when she'd decided to hang it up for good. Felicity is the one who worked up the tech so that Laurel could sound like Sara over the phone to Quentin and keep lying to him. I don't know who this character is that they are calling Felicity but the next step from Midnight City is being Laurel's BFF and taking her side against Oliver.
  7. Ben Sokolowski was one of the writers for 305, the Secret Origins of Felicity Smoak and Flash vs Arrow. Weird to have her so OOC in 311. Delphi, I'm looking. Haven't found the link yet, but it's one of the interview from the TCA event. Meanwhile, here's a quote from David Ramsey and another from Guggenheim
  8. I wonder if they just got lazy wrt Ray's non Atom persona. Barry was deliberately made the opposite of Oliver (happy, easy-going, science geek, learned to deal with his tragic past) but they've done that so Ray has to be different. I can just see the three EPs sitting there, going "now that we've got permission to use Ray Palmer, what are we going to do? We have to have him involved with Felicity though. That worked for Barry. Hey, let's make him like Oliver only not so much and with a suit." I think it was too soon after Barry to go for the same type and they wanted a physicality without superpowers. But they should have done something other than Oliver-lite. AK always talks about Felicity having a choice this season as if it's a gift to those of us who like Felicity. News for you Andy -- not when she's written OOC like this or turns into a bitch around Oliver. I actually wish he had been Laurel's love interest instead and just Felicity's quirky but understanding boss. They still could have done the banter but platonically and it would have been interesting to see his lack of boundaries and enthusiasm interact with Laurel's abrasive character. It might have done her some good, to have a relationship in her life. That might actually have been more interesting than Raylicity.
  9. It makes sense that they watch the east coast airing because then they drive to wherever their studio is and put the show on right after the west coast airing. Marc Guggenheim may not have heard of John Campea and his show but the CW has since he opened his show talking about just having gone to a CW even with an Arrow writer. (Didn't say which writer it was)
  10. Until this season, she had staff at Queen Manor. (Did belly shirts suddenly come into fashion again?)
  11. He said in his tweet that he deliberately tried to keep his bitterness out of the show, to make it more entertaining for the audience I presume. But he must have decided before or at least been thinking about it because the tweet that he was quitting came fairly soon afterwards.
  12. Another thing for me is that Malcolm would be more interesting if they gave Thea agency and the chance to manipulate him back. Malcolm manipulating everyone now that Moira is gone is just so booooring. As one reviewer said (I can't remember who), maybe she never learned to do her laundry either and now she's shrunk all her clothes.
  13. I think it helped up to now because it gave him a purpose on the show although I think the sparkle of their scenes was vastly overstated. But if Felicity dates Ray after Oliver returns, I think it will backlash on Ray the way it did on Sara last season. That's why none of this makes sense to me, if no one else, Berlanti should be smart enough to know that. I"m bitter that Ray still really only interacts with Felicity. They need to spread him out to other characters, both for his sake and hers.
  14. Sorry. I wasn't sure, it was one of the scene I went to the kitchen during, as opposed to the scenes I just plain switched the channel on. I wonder what Felicity thinks of all that because to me it just sounds like cookoo for cocoa puffs. Add Ray to the list of people who need serious therapy time.
  15. Ray pummeled the dude but didn't he end up having to move back? Even if he does know how to fight, it's like how Laurel knows vs how Sara knows.
  16. I have the feeling John Campea won't change his mind unless the show changes. Too much at stake to be seen giving in. I think Brick is on for only 3 episodes, which means 312 would be his last. Also, there was a preview picture I think. But oh, how I would love it if Brick did beat up Merlyn . Are episode descriptions and photographs considered spoilers?
  17. I wonder if Felicity tries to convince Ray to find someone else, someone who actually knows something about fighting, to wear the suit. If he's so determined to help save the city, shouldn't he be open to using an expert? Or is he going to be like Laurel and insist that he knows better than everyone else?
  18. Ray's mission isn't the same as Oliver's but it's close enough if you're worried the man you love is going to sacrifice himself and your life together to save someone/the city. Maybe Felicity calls her and figures out her mother is going in for tests. She flies down so she can be with her mother when she gets the results cuz it's nice to have someone there to hold your hand and hand you tissues. I can't remember hearing anything else going on in 3x18. 3x17 is the Dyla wedding and Suicide Squad episode. The Flahs 1x18 is Ray and Felicity visiting. ETA: I like the idea of Donna telling Felicity about her father. Sets it up for next season.
  19. One way to do it is move your jaw around. For a viewer, it looks like there's tongue involved. I feel Laurel is like a neutron star, small (in terms of screen time), incredibly dense (no pun intended until I actually saw what I had written) and with a very high gravitation pull that pulls the other characters off their normal orbits (i.e. characteristics and behaviour) towards her (escape velocity ranging from 100,000 km/s to 150,000 km/s). How else to explain Felicity's and Diggle's OOC actions in this episode?
  20. They have to keep Lyla alive IMO because of Sara. If Diggle were to become a single father, he'd have to withdraw from Team Arrow because it's too dangerous. MG has ruined my excitement about the Dyla wedding with Ray going as Felicity's +1 and the ham-handed bouquet catching. The pale blue nail polish looks awful with the dress (dark blue would have been better if they had to go all symbolism). It was in the upper 60s in Vancouver last weekend but it must have got cold again because the women are in puffy coats and boots. That makes as much sense as anything I've read. Except, as you say, then she can't get romantically involved with Ray after that because even if he puts her first, he could still get killed just like Oliver seemed to. Unless it's Fauxlicity because the real Felicity has never been a hypocrite. My bolding. Because that's what Felicity has always been to Oliver, the person encouraging him to be on the right path and be a better person. It makes no sense to throw all that in the garbage on the off-chance they get a pilot with Ray. I"m wondering if Felicity's character can survive this season the way Midnight City and the spoilers are going. She'll take a hit for sure for turning him down at the end of 3x12 and an even worse one if she starts dating Ray after that. She may not know Oliver's dying thought was of her but the audience do. I hope it's not Donna being in the hospital with a breast cancer scare. SA's mother had breast cancer twice, most recently in 2012. But it would explain why Felicity is the only one to have scenes with her. Darn. I was hoping that Felicity would get hurt and she and Oliver would make up. Or at least that Donna got to meet Quentin.
  21. Sara was a great fighter though, and had more empathy and caring for others than Laurel does. Isn't that what the Black Canary is supposed to be? Isn't 19 when Felicity graduated from MIT? If Malcolm were honest with Thea and didn't take away all her agency and manipulate her like crazy in a weird Stockholm Syndrome way, Roy wouldn't have needed to talk to him. Entirely different thing. Roy wasn't making choices for Thea, he was telling Malcolm to be honest with her and stop jerking her around. Maybe the EPs are thinking we'll just forget about all that, like we're taking the herbs Malcolm is giving Thea. The way Roy grew up, in the Glades and having to fight to stay alive compared to Laurel's cocooned existence makes him much older in terms of maturity and real life experience. Not to mention what it really means to be in the streets fighting. Laurel is still delusional about that. The problem is not just that Laurel is putting her own life at risk (because personally speaking by this point I would be hoping she gets if not killed but permanently sidelined but Roy is a better person than I am) but that she's putting Roy's and Diggle's lives at risk by being a liability in the field. They all go out fighting, Laurel gets hurt, Roy and Diggle have to stop what they are doing and protect her, putting themselves in further risk. Right now I feel that if Laurel weren't so selfish, so insistent like a 3 year old child stamping her foot that she can do it, everyone would be safer. Let's put it this way, after 3 months of reservist training, would you put someone in the cpmbat field to protect your back? Andrew Kreisburg said in an interview that Felicity along with Diggle are taking the leadership role in Oliver's absence.
  22. Guggenheim occasionally referred to Sara as the Black Canary in interviews. Yao Fei wore a green hood and shot arrows. Other than that, he was nothing like Oliver Queen's Green Arrow. Different purposes, different motivations, different almost everything. The question is, what defines a character as the Black Canary? Is it her prowess with martial arts, her burning desire to protect and defend people who can't defend themselves, a canary cry, her relationship with Sin, the on-again off-again relationship of equals with Oliver Queen? Or is it the name Dinah Laurel Lance? They made Sara the Black Canary of the comics in all but name which is why Laurel has to "become her sister" (per MG) if she's going to be the comics Black Canary. I thought Left Behind was a very good episode and that helped the ratings in Midnight City. I agree that many people tuned in to see what happens with Oliver (hence the promos for next episode showing him coming back) and curiosity about Laurel as BC as well as those viewers from the comic books who are thrilled that now the rightful BC has taken her place. The question of whether they like this version of Laurel and how it affects the show overall won't show up in the ratings for another few episodes.
  23. The thing about season 1 is that Oliver seemed fine with Laurel dating Tommy, even happy for them since he had to be shut off himself, until it was time for him to start to pursue her again in time for the finale. The scene in The Undertaking when Laurel goes to Oliver for advice about Tommy, he seemed genuinely concerned for his friends and their happiness together. The show has gone to lengths to show that Oliver wants/cares about Felicity (four ILUs at last count) and he's just going to stop all that cold turkey because she's emotional because she thought he had died? If Felicity tells Oliver to stop pursuing her romantically and he just drops the whole love/romance thing, then he's even more of an idiot than I thought he was. I'm looking forward to this not the slightest bit. That can't be what spoilers are for.
  24. I agree that they weren't meant to last but the fact that Oliver had slept with Laurel was part of their history and the problems from that, not a present day discord (cuz I'm picky like that). I'm still madly hoping that Ray and Felicity don't get together, no matter what AK says, but if they do, I want discord soon, not to have Felicity consider him a real choice over Oliver.
  25. Wells knows there are big things ahead for Felicity. That sounds more like they're with Ray than Oliver since Ray is the tech guy who owns the company. (Just a fear there.) Didn't Eureka have short seasons? It was hard for Jo but only for a few episodes.
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