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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. I agree with everyone calling this the worst week - I have never watched this show and seen so many unappetizing things in my life! Those sandwich cakes are the stuff of my nightmares - I hate eggs, mayo, and seafood. The only one I would have tried was Sandro's BBQ theme one. And the bread is not the star of those monstrosities - it's just the thing to make the layers for fillings. Please show, never again..... I didn't mind the pizza challenge since crust is an important part of the whole thing, but again, it is just one component, not the star. I always enjoy episodes that involve lamination in the dough. I feel like getting that right is such a skill and it's so soothing to watch them rolling and folding the dough multiple times ;-p
  2. It looked like they were in a not great neighborhood in LA, which can be dangerous. And their car might have been a target for theft because it was so old it wouldn't have an alarm system making it easier to steal. I literally cringed when Bear opened that glove box full of cash. I knew it was toast. These kids are from a small community where everyone knows everyone else, and they are relatively safe. They have been through so much hardship, but they are completely naive about big city life. I hope Cheese ate the chilaquiles - so delicious! I love that White Jesus led them to a homeless encampment. So very California.....I am glad they made it to the beach. Cheese's prayer was just as good as his one at Mabel's funeral. I was afraid Elora wouldn't go in the water, but I am glad Bear convinced her. I loved them hugging in the water and the back and forth with Daniel and without him. Gah. Crying now...... Favorite Line: "If I'm a cow, milk me gently" ;-p So happy this show has been renewed!
  3. I enjoyed the yodeling, but the detour was too much like the roadblock to me - all musical type challenges, so if you are tone deaf, or rhythmically challenged, the whole leg is a nightmare. I was sad to see T-Rex go. They were one of the only recognizable teams for me. There are just too many teams at this point for me to know them all, and it really feels like there are several that are similar. I like the military guys, the cheerleaders, Tall wife/short husband, and the twins and Jamaica Dad/daughter. I loathe motivational speaker with rainbow hair. Everyone else is just there. I think it's interesting that they were released at the start of the leg in groups rather than staggered start times based on last leg finish times. I love the self navigation. I hope it continues - it always adds some organic travel drama that is missing from the show now that they all travel on the same planes instead of booking their own flights. Is the Scramble concept just for the first leg, or will there be more legs that use that? Maybe if they fly somewhere and all get off the plane at the same time?
  4. I totally agree. I find her the least funny and the most annoying. She can go to the basement and join the cholera crew......
  5. Same!!!! I was a teen in the late 1980's, and I started wearing makeup when I was 13. I spent most of my teen years looking vaguely like Alexis Carrington from Dynasty ;-p I call Ulta my second home - can't leave without a new lipstick or gloss, eye liner or shadow. I love it. Even during the pandemic while I was furloughed and barely leaving my house, I at least filled in my eyebrows and put on mascara because I couldn't stand it. Mitch is crazy - Krysten doesn't go overboard with her makeup - it's tasteful and just makes her look pretty. Yeah, this would definitely be my deal breaker! Imagine if Mitch was married to Dallas Amber, or even Lindy with that stupid bright pink lipstick 24/7.......
  6. Pretty sure a zoom in on his uncleaned stove would give us a good idea of whatever it was......
  7. I loved that - it was so cool and sleek looking. And yay for no Tatooine! My favorite scene was the ISB round table. My Star Wars knowledge comes from the movies, these shows and a few seasons of Clone Wars, so I like seeing another side of the Empire. Anton Lesser is awesome as an Empire baddy. I loved the mention of building materials being sent to Scarif. Foreshadow! Speaking of, Luthen's comment about Cassian being willing to die for his cause was sad knowing how this ends......
  8. Mitch can get on his surfboard, start paddling and don't stop. What a turd. Krysten is a boss and he doesn't deserve her. Fuck him about the makeup. If any man told me how much makeup to wear, it would be over. You worry about your face, and I'll deal with mine. If you don't want to look at it made up, avert your eyes or leave.
  9. I think it's weird to see that many people showing up to visit someone in a hospital - in a post-Covid world, there is no hospital in the US that would allow that.
  10. That makes it even worse! So basically, your bosses are sexualizing your work partnership in front of your estranged spouse? That is disgusting. I think you are right. Or maybe just first pick with who the show was able to book? Or do they lure certain "stars" by dangling certain partners? I would love to have that curtain peeled back! For instance, did Sam request Cheryl because they are already friends?
  11. I'm pretty sure that's why they made Derek a permanent judge - a buffer between Len & Bruno! And I do think Derek got preferential picks of partners when he was competing. I will walk back my "Mark always gets ringers" comment a little. I do still think he gets paired with people that while they might not be "the ringer", he does mostly get paired with people that have the potential to win. Derek did too. Mostly.
  12. Wow, that show was looooong! There are too many people! My favorites were Wayne, Trevor, Sam, Shangela, and Gabby but I will never root for a Bachelorette. Never. I did laugh at her "say it louder for the people in the back". I can't tell if she's cocky or weird, or both. I also kind of liked Vinny and Joseph. Vinny looked like a different person, and Joseph had a nice natural grace that was unexpected in week 2 from someone as big as he was. Props for getting through it after the 12th hour partner switch. Brandon needs to step it up - Jordin is better than that score. He's not capitalizing on getting a great partner. I thought that dress/hair made her look old. Both Mama D'Amelio and Baby D'Amelio can leave. Mom has zero personality, and Charlie pissed me off making faces and hand gestures standing behind them when Alfonso was interviewing her mom. Yes she's great, but she should be. Start judging her for the professional that she is. I know I'm going to get hate for saying this, but this is why I don't like Mark. He always, always always gets the best dancers. Just once I would love to see him get someone older, or a Selma or Daniel. Speaking of, Selma and Daniel are blowing my mind. Shasha and Britt are doing a great job. I love the care they both give their partners. Fuck Alfonso for joking about Trevor and Emma while her husband is also on this show! I know they are separated, but that was so uncomfortable and tacky!
  13. Ha ha ha! Glad I wasn't the only one who thought that! My husband and I laughed when he made the crack about going high/low ;-p I love the idea of the scramble - no-one knows where they are until they hit the mat, but man, that was a lot of teams to keep track of, and I at the beginning when I don't know all of them, it's really confusing - scramble indeed! I also liked starting in a foreign country and self driving right off the bat! Good start!!!!
  14. What does "emotional apology" even mean? Say it like you mean it??? The man has said sorry 10 different ways already! Piss or get off the pot woman. And also, maybe realize, the more you demand an "emotional apology", the less likely you will receive one...... These two can get off my tv any time now.
  15. I just don't see this guy joining the rebellion - he is the ultimate rule follower. He is Dolores Umbridge. I don't know where he ultimately fits in the Empire, but it's definitely on the Empire side. Not reflective indeed! His superior told him to leave it alone, but you could see the simmering resentment there before he even left. He already had his mind made up and the disrespect was barely checked. I feel like it's going to be a minute before he has his comeuppance though, and I hope they just let him be the evil asshole he already is - I don't need a redemption plot for him like Reva.
  16. My mind immediately went to Blade Runner, but Expanse is also true! @tessaray, if you like sci-fi, you should check out Expanse! There were things I liked about Obi Wan (baby Leia, the final fight) but it just wasn't necessary, and some things didn't even make sense (how Obi got away after their first fight. What?!). I do love Ewan though, so I am really torn on that one. This show definitely feels a lot different than all of the other D+ Star Wars shows. Maybe because we know what happens to Cassian? Or maybe because it's written by Tony Gilroy and not from the Favreau/Filoni team? Either way, I like it!
  17. I loved the back and forth between young Cassian and current Cassian leaving on a ship, but current Cassian is leaving with eyes wide open and young Cassian was basically kidnapped. His face looked like he was thinking about just this when he was standing in the street. I would love to see him get his comeuppance - what a little shit! Also because it can't be said enough: fuck Timm. Bix was too good for him, and he knew it, but what an asshole.
  18. If you don't like them, why do you keep watching? I am loving all of these shows. Are they perfect? No. But I love this universe and these characters and I enjoy exploring them in more depth. I have loved Grogu and Mando, I loved baby Leia, and B2EMO is an awesome addition. I am only hoping my #1 favorite droid makes an appearance in this show - K2 where are you????? As far as this show, Cassian Andor is a great character from arguably the best star wars movie, so I am excited to see where they go with this. Plus, Diego Luna is pretty to look at ;-p I am a grown woman and I don't buy toys, but Disney already got my money for my baby yoda hat, t-shirt and bag and I am totally fine with it.
  19. Yes yes yes for all of these reasons! Just regular non-fame seeking people in a adorable tent making amazing food (barring a disaster). I love it because it's the antithesis of every slick, over dramatic American reality show. I can feel my blood pressure going down while I watch this :-)
  20. You are my kind of people! I have a great Red Velvet Cake Recipe that's so old I don't remember where it came from, and I use Paula Deen's cream cheese frosting recipe for it. I also use it on my favorite carrot cake. It makes so much frosting I always have left over and it does NOT go to waste, that is for sure! I like it on graham crackers ;-p I think just for taste, I think pink haired lady's signature with the bees was cutest. Most everyone made their signature bakes too big. Most were a full serving, not something to pick up and eat in a few bites!
  21. I second this. Sweet Jesus this was BORING! I don't want to know about these people's sex lives. AT ALL. I don't want to rehash the same shit for the 10th time - Dr. Pia is just an excuse to repackage the same arguments of each couple AGAIN. I FF through pretty much everything except Migindy. The rest, blech. How many episodes until D Day?
  22. If you can't learn in 3,000 years that it's not a good idea to immediately start insulting your host when captured and outnumbered, you probably shouldn't be the leader. It's not a good look. Again, she should be waaayyy past making these kind of missteps at this age.
  23. @Skooma, here's my list: 1. Harry 2. Asta - for better or worse, she's been his sidekick from the beginning, and I do like them together when she's not moping or doing stupid stuff with D'arcy. 3 Kids, but more like they were season 1. Since then Sahar has become obnoxious and rude to Max, and Max has become too dumb sometimes. Let Max be smarter and Sahar a little less like a mini adult, and I like their frenemy vibe with Harry. 4. Mayor and Sheriff and Liv. But I think it's time for them to know about Harry. 5. D'arcy and Judy Cooter Pooper Cooper. A little goes a long way. Neither need their own plots. 6. Snarky Nurse and Asta's Dad. Just to round out the town a little, and be people harry interacts with at work and his favorite place to eat. 7. Alien guy that Linda Hamilton shot then recruited and Terry O'Quinn. 8. Everyone else - special guests barely seen or eliminated, including Mayor's wife. I loathe her and the mayor is much more palatable when he's interacting with literally anybody except her. And as much as I like Linda Hamilton, her character is way too over the top crazy. I couldn't care less about Jay. I would love to see more aliens and less alien trackers, or maybe a love interest for Harry - I loved when Alex Borstein was on, even though Harry was just using her. It would be hilarious to see him navigating romance for real, much like his friendship with Asta.
  24. This!!!! Good lord, I really hope the writers/producers see comments like this somewhere - nobody wants all of these side plots, and nobody, and I mean nobody, cares about the mayor and his wife! Also, why is Rita from Reservation Dogs suddenly part of the inner circle of ladies? Was she there the entire time and I am just now noticing because I started watching Reservation Dogs, or did they just add her and pretend she was always there in their friend group? Also, do I even care? There are already too many people and side plots on this stupid show......
  25. This elf is over a thousand years old though - old enough to have learned some diplomacy and not be a blundering hot head! She is old even in elf terms which makes her behavior that much more annoying. I started out finding her ok but each episode makes me like her less. At this point, I don't know if it's the actress or the writing, but either way, it's disappointing that they've turned one of the coolest characters into a petulant, scowling, snarling brat. She's acting like she really is the age she looks.
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