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Fool to cry

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Everything posted by Fool to cry

  1. I like Boba Fett more now that he's Maori Bob Hoskins. He could be a lot better if he was allowed to be funny but then fans would riot. He has to be cool and badass all the time OR ELSE. Fett fans are keeping him from being an actually interesting character and his show from being more entertaining by being hostile to comedy unless it's a droid or minor character. Great crime shows like Sopranos and Breaking Bad and an entertaining one like Peaky Blinders aren't just violence and darkness, they also can be hilarious.
  2. I've seen the making of docs. The screentests are crazy. DeNiro auditioning for Sonny and Coppola forced by the studio to test James Caan for Michael. Seeing Robert Evans shown to be completely wrong about not wanting Brando and Pacino and every other creative decision would be enjoyable.
  3. I am kinda interested in how the movie got made despite huge opposition from Italian American groups and organized crime. If I wanted to see a fictional take focused on Coppola it would be about the filming of Apocalypse Now. Also would like to see someone imitate young Pacino when he still had the high voice and not the deep smokers rasp of Scent of a Woman!
  4. I can't believe an adult person can't grasp that the Nazis considered anyone who wasn't a full blooded "Aryan" a different race and an inferior one at that, no matter if they had the same skin color.
  5. Wow, Matthew Goode's Robert Evans impression is incredible!
  6. UO: I like how the trio of Harry, Ron and Hermione are depicted in the Harry Potter movies. I know why fans don't especially when it comes to Ron but the needs of a movie are different to the needs of a book. BookRon is the perfect best friend for boys who identify with Harry and for girls who identify as Hermione he's the perfect boyfriend. In movies though with moments too scary for little kids you need some comic relief.
  7. I just remembered Hesseman being in CLUE! Johnny also saved the day when that sleazy photographer was going to sell nude pictures he took of Jennifer. They tried everything from having both Jennifer, then Herb(!) seduce him but nothing worked. Johnny comes up with "The Sting" where he and Bailey pretend to be high class agents from New York offering to give him a job working for the big time magazines like Playboy or Penthouse if he gave them the photos. At least that's what I think the plan was, I don't remember. The pretend soap opera bickering Johnny and Bailey do is great.
  8. Give My Regards to Broad Street(1984) is a terrible movie. Sir Paul McCartney is a great singer, songwriter and musician but screenwriting is not his forte. However "No More Lonely Nights" off the soundtrack is my favorite of his post Beatles songs.
  9. Ringo Starr in the 1995 Beatles Anthology doc told this story of after the Beatles first made it big, he was visiting his aunt(which he had done many times before). Someone accidentally walked into the living room table spilling a some of his tea from his cup into the dish it was on. Everyone suddenly jumped up going "He can't have that!" and cleaned it up, which would never have happened before. He immediately realized that things were different now.
  10. I recently watched an old episode of the Raymond Burr show IRONSIDE from 1967 featuring a young Harrison Ford and he's about the age Han is supposed to be in SOLO. Watching it it's clear even 23 year old Harrison Ford wouldn't have been a good young Han Solo! He was so gawky and awkward. Whenever you see Ford in interviews he isn't like Han at all. Han is brash and full of himself and kind of a loudmouth whereas Ford is soft-spoken. Kurt Russell was one of the candidates for Han and he could have played that brash Han easily. What Ford brings is this world weary, laconic edge for a Han that's been a criminal for 10 years that we meet in A New Hope and made him the perfect foil for young, naive, idealistic Luke. It's like how Jon Hamm couldn't get any roles in his 20s because he wasn't boyish looking enough. He already looked like a man when he was in high school! I think the actor(I'm never going to get his name or spell it right) was good as a young Han who hadn't become cynical yet.
  11. You still have 13 albums, 22 singles and 5 movies, all from just 9 years. I'm not saying Beatles fans are spoiled but....
  12. I finally caught season 1. I wish I hadn't seen the inferior American remake whose name I can't remember years ago. I only saw the first and final episodes so I got spoiled on who the killer was. Still the reveal in this one was hard to watch. Needless to say David Tennant was much better here with his real accent and not that fake American one. Olivia Colman was amazing. Jodie Whittaker was great as was the actor playing her husband and victim's father. Liked Rory Pond as the vicar. I was looking forward to watching the rest of the series but accidentally got spoiled on season 2's ending and my reaction was "Are you effing kidding me?!" I liked seeing Tennant and Colman together but no thanks. I'm fine with ending with the vigil.
  13. I liked Zack Snyder's Justice League. That being said, it doesn't bode well it had to be 4 hours to be coherent, nor that the best scenes(Cyborg's story, the Amazons battle with Steppenwolf, Flash rescuing Iris) were things that Snyder himself would have had to cut down for a two hour theatrical version.
  14. Nobody ever asked "Could Steve McQueen dance?" Well the answer is: Kinda?
  15. I think if it had come out after The Mandalorian it would have been a hit because that show got people used to the idea of smaller scale stories in the Star Wars universe. Before that live action Star Wars had to have big battles with the stakes being the fate of the galaxy.
  16. LOL Maybe it's because I liked the version I saw on "Head of the Class", where at the end Claude, played by Alex is not at the protest and then he appears as a ghost because he enlisted and just got killed in Vietnam. Berger, played by Eric looks for him yelling his name and doesn't see him, then drops to his knees and yells "CLAAAUUUDE!!!" I now realize how completely unworkable that is on film. Like how would his friends not know where he is for months?
  17. The shortlived Dana Carvey Show aired in 1995. Featured in it's cast future stars Steve Carrell and Stephen Colbert and head writer Rob Smigel(Triumph the Insult Comic Dog). ABC debuted the rather risque sketch show after family friendly Home Improvement which turned out not to be the best fit. Especially when the latter aired an episode where middle son Randy(Jonathan Taylor Thomas) had a cancer scare:
  18. The passing of Bob Saget and thinking about Full House reminded me there were so many kids orphaned by (offscreen) car crashes on shows when I was young that every time my parents went out at night I feared they were going to be killed by a drunk driver!
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