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Everything posted by Inquisitionist

  1. That's interesting. Thinking back, there certainly were signs that Don was "shopping" for a new wife and mother. He tried to thrust that role on Faye in The Beautiful Girls, and she failed miserably. When he saw Meghan dealing so casually with the spilled milkshake, the contrast wasn't only (or maybe even primarily) with Betty, but with Faye.
  2. A popular sign at today's March for the Vote in Chicago was "THIS EPISODE OF BLACK MIRROR SUCKS". Touchè.
  3. From Rolling Stone: At some point, I'd think you put your health ahead of your fans. This was kinda nuts, IMO.
  4. I'm scratching my head to remember what Robert was trying to say that came out "ter-hats." Help?
  5. Romano has really turned into quite a good actor. I remember reading or seeing something in a behind-the-scenes piece on ERL's early days about him working with an acting coach and being very diligent about it. The man could have rested on his laurels after ELR (I'm sure money was no concern at that point) but he went on to co-create a very interesting series in Men of a Certain Age and has continued to stretch his acting roles. I'm impressed!
  6. Ah, yes, the old "Marry, fuck, talk, kill" game. ;-)
  7. Susan Sharon played by Molly Price? The yelling husband episode was in S2, then she showed up again in S4 when Carrie was engaged to Aiden. I think she commented on Carrie's wearing her engagement ring on a chain around her neck.
  8. I recently rewatched Tomorrowland, and I didn't get the sense that any of this was on Don's mind when he proposed to Megan. It seemed much more primal: he felt good around her, like "himself" but the "himself" that he always wanted to be. He wanted to hold onto that feeling, which he interpreted as "being in love." Now why did he feel that way? Megan was breezy, adoring, accepting, "easy" in a way that Fay and Betty were not. Don didn't have to "live up to" anything with Megan because he perceived that she was just fine with who he showed himself to be. And she didn't seem to require anything more of Don than that. I think Don essentially felt relieved.
  9. Whatever that was, it doesn't sound like sexual assault to me. And I'm getting a little tired of such explicit details being publicized anonymously.
  10. I'd always heard her referred to as "Rosemary," but it appears she was christened Rose Marie. She was presented at court along with her mother, Rose, and sister, Kathleen. I haven't figured out how to insert photos, but if you Google "Rosemary Kennedy presented at court" you can find some. :-)
  11. Not to sound too ghoulish, but when I heard a Tom Petty song on the car radio yesterday, I fleetingly wondered who we'd lose from the music world this year. Dolores O'Riordan wasn't anywhere close to my thoughts. This is a shock. :-(
  12. I watched the first 5 to 7 minutes, then had enough of both SJP's face and THC's face/'stache. I do like Talia Balsam and Dean Winters, but they're not enough to keep me going. I'm out.
  13. The most shocking thing to me in the Daily Beast interview is that there's a 2nd season of Divorce. Ugh.
  14. That's true, but if they had paired up Long with Dryer and Danson with Duffy, I think we'd have seen the Long-Dryer version of Cheers rather than the Danson-Duffy version. Thank goodness it was Long-Danson! BTW, the third pairing that auditioned was William Devane (whom I've never found appealing in anything) with Lisa Eichhorn, who works a lot in TV but has never made much of an impression on me. Interesting that both Dryer and Duffy guest-starred in the first season on Cheers (and Dryer returned a few times), but neither Devane nor Eichhorn ever did. And one more thing: according to IMDb, Dryer is 6'6" and Duffy is just 5' tall. How would they ever have kissed??? ;-)
  15. I think he was being honest and realistic. Ted became a great Sam Malone, but it did (IMO) take him a bit longer to find his footing with the character than Shelley did with Diane, and I honestly think other actors could have played Sam successfully in that first season. Not sure anyone else could have embodied Diane as Shelley did. YMMV, and obviously does. ;-)
  16. Not relevant to being attacked or degraded, but clothing does make a statement especially at awards shows. Much of what I saw tonight was tacky and over-sexualized. There's quite a distance between hijab and dressing tastefully with a touch of modesty. Me either. IMO, she went a long way toward creating the attitude that everyone's opinion is valid, no matter how nonsensical and ill-founded it may be. And she always seems to think she knows best for other people, like the time she gave every woman on her staff a mink coat as a holiday bonus. Fuck that, give me the money. Chastain repeatedly said it wrong, no? I heard her say "Shur-sha" instead of "Sur-sha."
  17. I've been a fan of Sam Rockwell's ever since his full-frontal in 1997's Lawn Dogs.
  18. S2 ended in 1964, so I assumed they'd pick shortly thereafter. Margaret was born in 1930. I just found it interesting and a little odd that while Margaret was four years younger than the Queen, the actress playing her is 8 years older than her counterpart (Olivia Colman is 43). Of course, Colin Firth is seven years older than Guy Pearce, who played his older brother in The King's Speech. I'm sure they'll make HBC look believable. She's a fabulous actress.
  19. Hmmm, that's going to take some age-defying make-up, IMO. Margaret is only 35-ish at the point where S3 should pick up, while HBC is 51.
  20. This sent me scurrying to youtube. Here's the Norton clip.
  21. I haven't seen this episode but Planned Parenthood has posted about it on Facebook. I'm surprised Jodie Foster would be this sloppy.
  22. Cornish was one of the few elements I disliked about the movie. She's 21 years younger than Woody Harrelson and looks it, if not more. The first time I saw them in a scene together, I thought she was his daughter. And that accent was jarring. I am generally not a fan of Harrelson, but he won me over in this role. There were many things about this movie that should not have worked (and maybe didn't, as double-elvis points out), but I thought the acting was top-notch and kept things believable.
  23. The information about TTwA has since been added, along with two photos. Sr. John Eudes' obit is now second on the page linked above. The one right above her, Sr. Stephana Garvey, is someone I actually knew -- she was the aunt of the 4 girls who grew up across the street from me. Two of them made it up to WI for Sr. Stephana's funeral this week.
  24. I liked Debra's short hair (which I remember from Heaton's guest appearances as Nancy's gynecologist on thirtysomething), and thought she dressed like a suburban mom of the late 1990s would tend to dress. Also, Heaton was pregnant during the latter part of the 1st season, as well as much of the 3rd season, so wardrobe wasn't a priority, I suspect. IMO, the sexy Debra of later seasons seemed less realistic.
  25. I think "the end of Season 6" is a big tip-off. I doubt the show runners had this storyline in mind when the series began. Robert's Divorce aired at the end of S4. In that flashback, we were given to believe that Marie was much less of a buttinsky before Joanne dumped Robert (which seemed to occur after Debra and Ray had moved into their house).
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