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Everything posted by Inquisitionist

  1. Ah, I thought the vice admiral looked familiar. Thanks! Nice.
  2. This may have been a subconscious part of his motivation, but to say it was the prime mover seems a bit oversimplified. I haven't checked out all the sources at wikipedia, and there may well be alternative interpretations, but they report:
  3. Well, the parents of the premature ejaculator did love her. ;-) But yeah, I could never figure out Aidan's attachment to her.
  4. I often watch the episode on my own first but don't tell my husband that when we watch it together a few days later. ;-)
  5. Have you tried hand-cuffing his hands behind his back? ;-) If I were introducing someone to the show, I think I'd start with The Party from S1. Though Yippee Kayak from S3 might reel someone in, too.
  6. While it was an odd coincidence that Emmit's car magically worked again, I can see why he wouldn't have wanted to take either of the other vehicles. The driver of each is dead, it looks pretty obvious that they killed each other, and with his car gone, there's no evidence that anyone else was there. (Except maybe his cell phone.... was it still on the ground?) Two sides, perhaps, but people with power can enforce their version of the "truth". Don't know the answer, but did anyone else have trouble with the audio on this series? I routinely had to turn the volume on my TV much higher to hear the dialog on Fargo than I do with other programs. Can't recall whether that happened with earlier seasons as well.
  7. Thank you! I was pretty sure it had to be a relative of his!
  8. The NY Times obituary for King Michael of Romania has a photograph from his 1948 marriage to Anne of Bourbon-Parma and notes: The man on the far right of the photograph looks almost like a present-day Philip. Any idea who it actually was?
  9. That happened to me yesterday.
  10. If that "character" is from Luke Null's audition for SNL, I have to wonder why he was hired. If it was written specifically for him this week, I have even more wondering... Meanwhile, Mikey Day and Alex Moffat are hitting it out of the park each week with their versatility.
  11. In any event, it was a very abrupt shift from the red tape "you can't see her" moment to Gloria bursting in at the exact time Nikki was in danger. Michael Stuhlbarg is a terrific actor who was known primarily for theatrical work until the Coens cast him as the lead in A Serious Man. Fred Melamed (Howard Zimmerman in ep. 3-3) showed up there, too. This is one of the things I strongly dislike about S3. I'm finally catching up on this season and am finding it a slog. My husband feels the same way, perhaps even more strongly than me. I enjoyed S1 very much and loved S2.
  12. In another thread(s), there has been some discussion of whether the actual Prince Philip was handsome as a young man. An Uncommon Woman, speaking of the mid- to late-1800s, asserts that "Among the generally unattractive European royal families, the Hesses were noted for their good looks." Philip is a descendant of the House of Hesse.
  13. Ironically, "Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark, the consort of Queen Elizabeth II, adopted the surname of Mountbatten from his mother's family in 1947, although he is a member of the House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg by patrilineal descent." Per the wikipedia entry on the name Mountbatten. Both it and Windsor came into existence during WWI, the family names having both previously been of German origin.
  14. Thanks! I was just thinking about this the other day when I stumbled on some TAGS reruns. One of them even featured Charlene Darling. Another had Thelma Lou repeatedly protesting (and rightfully so) that Barney couldn't possibly join the community chorus because "he can't sing a lick!" RIP, Jim Nabors. Gaw-aw-lee!
  15. Guess the SatC writers knew as much about baking as Carrie did.
  16. So glad to have found others who recommend the book! I'm a little over half with through. The historical parts, while fascinating, are slow going for me. I have to keep flipping back to the family trees in the front of the book to remember who is who!
  17. This is quite a change from Victoria and Albert's attitude (mostly Albert's, I think) regarding their first-born, Vicki, who was very well-educated when she married Frederick of Prussia at age 17 in early 1858. Albert hoped she would have some influence on Prussia/German policy, but in the end, she had very little effect.
  18. I'm currently reading a fascinating biography of Vicki, aka the Empress Frederick, who was the eldest child of Queen Victoria. At 17, in early 1858, Vicki married Frederick of Prussia, and in 1859 gave birth to their first child, Wilhelm, almost dying in the process (she went on to have 7 more children, one fewer than her mother). Vicki was very intelligent and serious and adored her father, Albert, who died in late 1861, when Vicki was only 23. The book tells her story in the context of European history at the time, particularly the people and forces that led to Prussia's military power and the eventual unification of Germany in 1871. Her husband served as emperor of Germany for only a few months, as by the time his father, Wilhelm I, died at age 90, Frederick was 56 and very ill with throat cancer. The crown passed to 29-year-old "Willy," whose political views differed strongly from those of his parents. If this period of history interests you, I highly recommend the book, An Uncommon Woman by Hannah Pakula.
  19. I thought the Wayne Manor/Batman sketch was about the best thing the show has done since Black Jeopardy with Doug. Chance's Steve Harvey impression in Family Feud was delightful, and I thought he did a very good job in the hockey sketch as well. My favorite bit in the cold open was Donald Jr. correcting Eric about the pronunciation of "Live" in "Live from New York," followed by Eric listing "Mom" among those their father has thrown under the bus. Very solid show; I laughed a lot.
  20. Looks like we will see Amy's mother for the first time. Do we know whether Amy's parents are together? I can't recall why we saw Mr. Santiago on his own lst season.
  21. The woman in Season 1 didn't have a history with the KGB -- they only learned of her after their agent (her husband or at least the father of her baby) had died. That and the fact that he was dead (unlike Philip) makes the two situations vastly different in my eyes.
  22. Finally got to watch this episode last night. I was a big P&R fan, but Ben's proposal to Leslie was long ago enough that Jake's proposal to Amy surprised me. I rewound that scene and will watch the episode again soon. Sheer perfection!
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