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Everything posted by Demian

  1. Please do correct me if I'm wrong, but in the original series, the first abductee was pulled out of 1946, right? At the very beginning of the nuclear age? Did the original series ever do anything with that, and do you think it means anything that the current revival pushed its first abductee's disappearance back to the 1920s?
  2. Heh. I think the best thing about the original version of this show was the opening credits in general. Creepy, yet melancholic at the same time, and all the while capturing the basic premise of the series. On a related note: I really miss opening credits.
  3. Yes. And they always have been. The pacing of this show is starting to annoy me -- maybe I've been spoiled by binge-watching other shows on other platforms, but this excessively slow drip of character and plot info is making me want to stop watching week-to-week, and just wait for the whole first season to hit Netflix.
  4. Bob's "My Other Ride Is Your Dad" jacket made me cackle. I kinda want one for myself.
  5. God, this Selma episode is rough. (As in: Putting me through it.) And the intro set to "Hate On Me" by Jill Scott was fantastic. Why isn't this show getting the attention it deserves? I know it got a couple of Emmy nominations this year, but no one's talking about it.
  6. From the episode description at the top of this thread, emphasis mine: And in this pilot, we've met only five or six of the total 4400. So, you know, we all might want to wait and see where all of this is going. That bit noted, the actor playing the doctor from the 1910s or 1920s is dreadful. I'm sure his mother's very proud of him right now, but his line readings suck. Edited because my formatting skills are seriously out-of-date.
  7. Demian

    S05.E01: Panic

    Hee! I wish Well, thanks, I guess. I live near a minor zoo, and they absolutely do not do that. This show is still fun, mainly because it's completely batshit.
  8. Demian

    S05.E01: Panic

    Still waiting for the justification of the giraffe. (Especially how gigantic that giraffe appeared.) Yes, I know they had a throwaway line about how the Los Angeles Zoo was also affected by the monster hack -- that also took down Boston, Austin, and all of the other cities I didn't pay attention to because this show is just going to ignore them once they've mentioned them. I just rolled my eyes at animal cages getting sprung once a Russian-directed hack takes place -- but...how are animal cages triggered open by a fricking software attack? Answer me THAT, 9-1-1! This show is so stupid, and I fucking love it anyway.
  9. Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ. This is Glee, but with dancers. Just shoot me in the fucking head. Edit: Nora Dunn deserves so much better than this.
  10. Brava to this one, mainly because of the callback to Paris Is Burning, but also because there was a Roy Rogers in my little podunk Pennsylvania town when I was growing up, and the sandwiches from Roy Rogers were delicious. And that's really why Elektra was still eating there. I mean, I'm pretty sure. After all, she does have a taste for those apple pies.....
  11. Demian

    Pose in the Media

    It's been a month (more or less), and has there been any fallout from this? It seems like it blew up online for a day, and then, you know, nothing. (And please don't tell me to Google it -- Google results don't pull in everything, and I'm really only mildly curious.)
  12. Well, the episode is called "Falling," and after he admitted losing $60,000 in one night, that he bought his drugs from a homeless person, and that he gave her his last $100 to bet in a slot machine, I sort of did see it coming -- though I thought they'd swerve somehow to avoid it. (Shallow note: Jeff Ward has arresting eyes, doesn't he?)
  13. It was the funniest fucking moment of this series by far so far. And I love that the blackjack dealer came up with the idea.
  14. Dude, seriously. I'm watching it now, and I'm, like, "When did Dickie Stabler turn into the Unabomber?"
  15. Kevin Keller is a lot lizard. No comment about it. I just wanted everyone to let that sink in. Kevin Keller is a lot lizard.
  16. Exactly! It was just like watching Chernobyl. (That was sarcasm, just in case you weren't able to figure it out.) (And that sarcasm comes from me, having lived through both crises. Apologies if I offended you.)
  17. I gotta agree with this, even though I kinda vociferously disagree with what I call "trigger culture." This series, even though it's only five episodes, is incredibly tough to take, though I believe its ultimate message is one of joy. Be prepared to die inside, a little bit, with nearly every episode, but also be open to that joy. Because that joy is beautiful.
  18. Yep, a bunch of interviews with her are starting to pop up.
  19. Second episode: Colin wearing that suit with that coat in New York City on what's supposed to be July 8th is irritating me far more than it should.
  20. This show was always bad. Fun Bad, yes, but also: Always Bad. And I say this as a person who had a character named after me.
  21. Still, the result of it was a guy dislocating his own shoulder on purpose, and as someone who's dislocated his shoulder on accident, I absolutely could not watch that scene -- in fact, I actually placed my hands over my eyes so I wouldn't have to watch that scene. Between that and the skin sleeve from the volcano episode, I'm now expecting the urge to vomit to hit me every single episode of this goddamned show. (But yes, I will still tune in every week.)
  22. I'm watching it now, and I want to scream and vomit at the same time.
  23. Heh. Vancouver was a grown-up town waaaaaay before Supernatural showed up, and it'll long continue to be a grown-up town waaaaaay after Supernatural (and Riverdale, and whatever the fuck else) leaves.
  24. Wasn't the Writers Guild already planning a strike this spring, or am I completely misremembering things because of Coronavirus Fatigue?
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