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Everything posted by Demian

  1. When these scenes happen, I either shut my ears off and just stare at The Pretty, or completely ignore them and, like, play Wordle. Yeesh. Don't get me started on how many of my cousins retired at 45 with full pensions from their time in various police and fire departments.... This is a safe space. Indeed it is. I don't hate all kids, but I absolutely fucking detest all kids on TV shows. (Well, except for Stranger Things, I suppose, but 9-1-1 is definitely not Stranger Things.)
  2. No worries! I understand how individuals can get all riled up over something that seems pretty insignificant to outsiders, and how those individuals can occasionally turn on each other. I do think, though, that we're all here because we all share a very niche interest in musicals, and we should probably be kinder to each other than most people on the Internet would normally be. That said, I cannot wait until the next episode. I love what this show is doing, and I can't wait to see what's next.
  3. Sorry! Didn't know the Musical Police were gonna come down so hard on me on an Internet forum board for a show that very few people are watching.
  4. OMFG, how brilliant! Did Barbara Harris have similar costumes in the Broadway run, or did they change everything for the movie? God, they're going for deep cuts this season. I'm going off some interview I read after the first season ended, where someone mentioned that as soon as that song started up in rehearsal, Kristin Chenoweth lit up and said, "Sondheim!" The very beginning of it immediately reminded me of "Sunday," (just like the very beginning of the original theme song reminded me of the start of the National Theatre's version of Oklahoma!) so that's what I'm assuming it's referencing.
  5. That last number actually starts out much like "Sunday" from Sondheim's Sunday In The Park With George from the '80s, then jumps back to the '60s and '70s when it starts referencing Stephen Schwartz's Pippin and Godspell. So, yep! They told us where Season 2 was going at the end of Season 1. Honest question: What are Melissa's costumes over the last couple of episodes referencing? The hair bump, the hats, the drop-waist and vaguely circa 1970 dresses? Also: Patti LuPone reveals the shocking reason she's not in 'Schmigadoon!' "It's their loss," LuPone told Mashable. Poor Patti
  6. OMFG (and I never use that acronym, so...yeah -- this is that): Fake Carol's casserole dish looks exactly like the bullshit the Pioneer Woman sells at fucking Walmart. Chim and Maddie should've banned that whackjob from their home based on her casserole dish alone.
  7. Benetton ads were a whole weird thing on their own in the 1990s.
  8. The shots of Coach Ben on the bed reminded me of this, which was used in a Benetton ad in the '90s, which I'm sure was deliberate on their part, and I'm not sure if I should find that offensive or not.
  9. I like this -- it's like Janet Leigh in Psycho: She's set up initially to be the main character, but then her purpose in the story rather violently (and gruesomely) shifts towards something very, very different.
  10. I think if you build a funeral pyre directly beneath a tree that's carrying a heavy load of snow, the snow's just going to drop on its own. So, you know, maybe don't build your funeral pyres directly beneath heavily snow-laden trees in the future. Live and learn. As well you should be. Andy Cohen is awful. 😉
  11. I'm pretty sure Javi's really, actually dead, and for one practical, production-based reason: The kid playing Javi was around 13 when they filmed the first season, and he's now in his late teens and looks considerably different. If they brought Javi back, how would they explain him looking three years older when he's spent only two months in the wilderness? Though, you know, Luciano Leroux was on all of the season-two-premiere red carpets, so who knows? (And yes, the fact that Kevin Alves is 31 and playing a 17-year-old Travis is laughable, but Stockard Channing was 33 in Grease, so whatever.) It's gonna haunt me all week -- every "31 Easy Recipes for Slow Cooker Easter Pork Roasts" article I'll have to vet for my day job is gonna make me gag.
  12. Nothing! I'm actually watching 9 to 5 right now.
  13. Not engaging on this, because you're definitely (and justifiably) going to win (A Marine? You win. Automatically.) I still will, however, assert that people mean more than dogs.
  14. I'm guessing you had no relatives who died in WWI.
  15. A horse lacks the ability to be self-aware. I feel far more sorry for the humans who've been transformed into mushroom farms, and -- in this episode -- the humans who were targeted to become food. Call me crazy.
  16. What I wonder is, if this fungus-thing has evolved to infect humans, why are there any other mammals around? Shouldn't this fungus-thing also be taking out the rabbits, and the deer, and the cows, and the horses? It's why I always end up hating zombie stories -- the zombie-causing agent should affect far more species, and it never, ever does.
  17. You and me both. In the world of this series, billions of people have been turned into mushroom farms, but the minute a horse gets shot to death, everyone's all, "OMG! The poor horsie! I HATE HBO!"
  18. This was one of the best episodes featuring a sportsball star that I've ever seen (Michael Jordan doing Stuart Smalley is always the absolute best). And it's definitely the highlight of this season so far -- who knew this meathead football guy would be so damn good at sketch comedy? Holy crap! Why did they cut that? That's probably funnier than anything they actually aired tonight.
  19. On top of that, Benson's a brunette. I'd suggest Jaclyn Smith or Lynda Carter. I'm torn, actually -- the verbal tongue baths given to Benson by the dementia patient and the overall St. Olivia Of The SVU vibe make me hate it, but aside from Bradley Whitford being the most well-groomed and put-together late-stage early-onset Alzheimer's patient I've ever seen in my life, this episode was surprisingly good about dementia issues, which don't often appear on broadcast TV. And as far as Bradley Whitford getting an Emmy nomination out of all of this? Forget it -- the ship has long sailed on broadcast TV getting Emmy nominations for Very Special Episodes airing during sweeps months. SVU's never getting an Emmy nomination again. Ugh: Just remembered a better episode they did that involved dementia -- the Jane Powell episode from 2002.
  20. Quoting you because you were the first in the thread to point it out, but yes, this particular plot point was especially annoying to me because of this: The Lost Boys (I believe Texas Monthly began in Austin.) There's very long history of ignoring the marginalized missing in the United States.
  21. Just finished watching this episode, and the fact that the civilian takeover of Kansas City leads almost instantly to Kansas City's destruction has me wondering what this show is saying (or trying to say).
  22. What lip color are they using on Rafael Silva? Asking for a friend who might want to buy it so he can feel a little bit better about himself.
  23. Thanks for these -- I bet there'll be a bunch more in the next couple of days, but these are a great way to start. Oh, a P.S.: Did the kid get permission from the infected guy she found in the basement to kill him? Does that indicate that even some of the most severely infected still have some sort of ability to understand what's happening to them? 'Cause that's a lot more horrific than most typical zombie stories.
  24. This episode was kind of astonishing, and I agree with all of those above me that it should win all of the awards (though it won't). Definitely not something I was expecting from an adaptation of a video game -- especially a zombie video game. That said: Of course The Gays are going to be the ones to preserve art, and music, and fashion, and fine dining, and gracious living, even in the teeth of an apocalypse, while The Straights immediately abandon everything -- including a fundamental sense of humanity, as evinced by the mass grave of the uninfected -- in favor of basic survival. I feel like I should be offended by that, but the performances from Offerman and Bartlett sold me so completely on their story that I don't really care.
  25. Man, the rabid gameboys are going to freak the fuck out when they see all the gay.
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