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Everything posted by Opine

  1. I don't understand.....she is a heavy dancer and dances at a level that THOUSANDS of high school girls do. That and her "acting" sucks and is complicated by inappropriate facials due to an inability to close her mouth. Maddie Ziegler could dance rings around her when she was 10...…. How is this helping us like her? As Kitty said, don't try to do shit you can't do.
  2. Love Molly! I think she would be great as a GL. I hope she stays. I could see the rookies looking up to her.
  3. I agree that Gina's facials are a problem. I also agree that sometimes Hannah's sexy is too much. She tries too hard (like Gina) to put her own style in it and ends up limiting her own potential. Caroline is not as exciting to me as she is to others. But Kash saw something in her. Now Erin? Smoking hot look-don't see enough of her dancing to know her potential. Bridgette and Amber are amazing - love love love them! Wish they would offer Maddie a job with DCC staff to encourage her to retire. No point should kick that poorly.
  4. If I had to pretend to like someone, I'd rather leave a faker compliment on SM than kiss her ass in person. Plus it leaves evidence!
  5. But sadly, she won't get the chance. Miss Mess-up will take her place.
  6. Correct me if I am wrong (and y'all will :😁), but I thought that the original owner of the phone case was not identified, but that it was one of those "wouldn't it be funny if it was" things that spun into a fact. Multiple posters have said that the theft happened, but I don't think that those are the posters that brought Gina into it. It was just convenient timing and conjecture, right?
  7. C: what are we going to do when you retire? K: Give the job to VK! C: There are so many other deserving retired DCCs but your daughter doesn't want it and neither does mine, so that may work. Can she do it? K: Well, she is a beautiful storm and C if you agree it is a done deal! You have all the power (slight bow). C: While I am a Jones and do have all the power, let's make it look like she deserves it so that people will respect me more. Season 12 happens...... C: Okay, K, that didn't go well. My reputation is on the line here. You get another chance but make fetch happen! No need to deal with reality! For example if she falls out of a turn, say it's adorable. K: Gotcha boss lady! Also since you want this to look "real"let's build her resume! Let's have ROTY VOTY PBC multiple times Highest placed rookie First 2nd year point SG all years and heck we will even make up new honors! C: Oh Kelly, that's good! Now what about her reputation on SM? K: Can't money fix that? C: oh for sure! We pay people to follow her, pay people on FB and any other SM to talk nice about her. Let's pick some vocab for them to use-Dallas Darling, legend, superstar, etc. This will be easy! K: Okay -so I get to retire in 5? C: as long as the Dallas darling is ready!
  8. OT, but I agree! If I never see another Agreeable Gray house, I might die happy.
  9. Actually, the blond blob that you see when you see all of VK's locks next to all of Lexi's is part of my argument as to why it should have been a deserving vet....that's a whole lot of blond right there.
  10. The DCC who got in trouble in TC for looking down and is trained in ASL is Kristen.
  11. I didn't recognize her either. She looked so horrible with those ridiculous lashes that weighed down her eyes. She looks cute in this pic!
  12. Opine

    S14.E13: Game Day

    Just looked at the Min v Dall pics on the website. There are not one, not two, but three pics of Daphne that are startling! Daph, I am on my way!! We are going to eat pancakes at IHOP and then stop by Krispy Kreme for a dozen or so donuts. Bridgette, my beloved Bridgette, tone down the dance tights or spray tan the belly. You don't match. Heather, you should be point. You look awesome. The regular photog must be sick - only one pic of Rachel W!
  13. Yas!!!! My reaction, too! A facepalm and a groan and a laughing at herself pic would have gone a lot farther......
  14. I am so with you! Although I see the points brought up by one of the other (extremely well-written) posts, this is reality TV. The point is snark. Do I sometimes look in the mirror and think less of myself for loving it? Yes, yes I do. If it was all about the dance, I would watch. That's why I checked it out in the beginning. But I stayed for THOSE moments. Based on other comments here, most of us did. (Some posters have come just to get there agendas across, all hail VK!). Our friend Viv came on with an agenda. Her backstory and everything was designed for attention. She was gorgeous. She could have had it all. But she focused on her agenda of Viv-promotion and not on being a DCC. So she got attention, but as another poster pointed out, it just wasn't the kind she planned for. I am totally ok with the K&J clip. It made them real. I just can't pass judgement on them for doing the same thing we are all doing here. Yes, they are more public. But if you sign that waiver, that is the risk you run.
  15. Opine

    S14.E13: Game Day

    37 - Just my conjecture, maybe it's some softening and sensitivity to the girls who have life happening. I remember Simone crying about missing a wedding. Maybe K decided that she'd let the girls make some choices but they'd have to want it bad because they will miss a game to do it. Lily - I love her now. She won my heart with her real emotions. She'll be a fine dancer once she calms down. VK - I will never like the person she has revealed herself to be, but she worked hard and got the dance and look. To anyone who knows nothing about these ladies, just the look on the field - she's all that and a bag of chips. I really liked the episode. It was fun! I loved the squad reveal. I loved the real emotions. It reminded me of the old days.
  16. I put her in as VOTY because I think the other girls thought she got screwed with the whole Amy point thing. I could see them colluding to vote her in by a landslide to make a point.
  17. It would be awesome of Kat came back next year natural!!! Honestly, with her skin being so light and the blond hair, I get her mixed up with the pack of blondes in a lot of pics. Her look doesn't scream diversity to me.
  18. "Now Victoria, when you spew that ridiculous line, look serious. Then smile towards the end. It will make you look intelligent AND grown up! Then we'll cut to your mother....."
  19. BEST EPISODE EVER!!!!! We actually saw not one but two whole dances!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you CMT, you got it right this time. See, that was the way to take the heat off the Vickie situation - show us what we came for! Not defer and deflect with Kat and Meredith. I loved it! I also loved 1. My girl Kristin getting some love 2. @ByTor's girl Brennan getting some love 3. Vickie's no words 4. Tina showing up as her true self One thing I didn't understand though was not addressing the Julia F#gate. That was odd. You know the producers made them aware.
  20. She's always been like that - she's even said she needs smart dancers not dancers who need inhalers in the Oxnard heat or pull something because they didn't properly warm up. It's a lot like how a girl should do a 50 point check on her car before she drives to makeover day because it's her fault that a tail light is out. Ya know? Real compassionate and all..................
  21. Looks like a scene from a bad after-school movie. "Mean Girl Lurks" 🙂
  22. I feel it more stongly about Brenda but Meredith is getting closer! Also when the TCCs were in the chairs rewatching, did anyone else think that Kat's face read "oh, I am about to get PRAISED???" and then the hammer falls?
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