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Everything posted by Opine

  1. Lawdy, I am so crazy about this post I may marry it!!
  2. Gonna have to disagree! SG is built up by TPTB to be all that. To be on it and then not? Oh no, that girl had every right to be upset. As others have said, she waited until everyone was up to move around anyway and then slipped out for a moment - just as she would have to take a quick bathroom break. And then she quietly slipped back in. Now, Kells, the eye-rolling, lip-pursing mean girl? THAT was what was unprofessional. Honestly Jalyn's looks don't appeal to me either. But she was an awesome dancer. And, she has the appeal of being naturally slim and unlikely to balloon out. But they ran her off.....
  3. Kells and TPTB knew that we heard the Jalyn/VK story. Either they read it themselves or Shelly or TK/VK told her. So she KNEW that unless we were given a better, believable story that we would all adjust our minds from it being a rumor to a fact. They had time to give it some crazy edit and didn't. So I am going with @Smplsimon and believing that it was a sign to the rest - be afraid, be very afraid. VK/TK rule, and don't you forget it. Also to whoever said VK was not her best friends child but her desired child....YES! And we can throw a few others in there too. Meredith, brocolli girl who goes to Univ of Tampa now, etc.
  4. Jalyn, You are a great dancer and have the support of many, many fans. This too shall pass. Finish the year, retire, and then go get a better dance job. You will always be introduced as a dancer that was successful on not one but two NFL teams. You will also have the many special friends and relationships you made as a DCC. Don't succumb to this BS after this year. Color your hair the way you want and go out and be successful and show them! And, btw, if you want to write a tell all book, you could make a killing. :)!
  5. Maybe because Kelly doesn't know her name. She called her Carolyn not Caroline. Oh, but she's still calling Jalyn Jay-Lynn even after being corrected last season. Out of touch much, Kells?
  6. I haven't liked someone as much as I like Bailey in a while, but I love Mariah too!
  7. "Bridget's like a different dancer this year" - Kelli F No, Kelli, you are just seeing what we've all known. You may want to visit at practice a little more. The girl is a STAR! #Bridgetforpoint
  8. Cracking up! "The era of “Charlie’s Angels” is long gone" as the DCC have Heather do the Farrah shot. "Shake your booty moves" - I don't mind sexy hips, but honestly I could live without the crotch thrust move. That's just too much.
  9. I like those Dolphin's skirt things. I think they balance the top better.
  10. For sure! I get nervous just reading the no spoiler episodes!!! I much prefer being in the spoiler zone.
  11. Yes, that's true. I had heard scuttlebutt here that maybe that melt down was much worse (and maybe longer) than we saw. So, I thought maybe K&J or even some of the cheerleaders were made uncomfortable by it......
  12. I still think it has to do with Malena going so crazy.......
  13. Where are you from? Our Chick Fil A doesn't pay that! But here in Georgia we have a very low cost of living overall. However, it is probably pretty close to Dallas'.
  14. Well if there is a zipper in the front, it is like what? 1/2 inch long???????
  15. Yes, GOOD JOB, Kristin! And, good job K&J for having this. That's a win, win to me!!!! Now Kat's hair - oh my! There's an episode on The Office where Phyllis takes Karen (Rashida Jones) to the hairdresser before a sales call. Karen comes out looking like a 1970s church lady. She can't understand it until they make the call and her hair looks exactly like the customer's wife's hair. That's what Kat's hair looks like here!!!!
  16. Part 1: Hahahaha, I like that! Part 2: I think she is on the team because she is a powerful cheerleader and a cutie! I think somewhere way up someone covered that she is 1/2 Hispanic, raised by a single mom, has an excellent degree from an excellent school and high medical ambitions for the future. I so much prefer that to the life goal is to be a DCC girls. I think it makes them perform better too because they know this is just a pause in their life, not the highlight of their life. I didn't check out whether she made the WOC list because I don't care. I want the best people for the job, not quotas.
  17. HAHA A flag on your ass, that's good. A flag up your ass like those shorts, that hurts!
  18. Madeline S - beautiful girl! BUT SHE DOESN'T SMILE! I was telling the people in my watch party that I thought she was gorgeous but too serious and that she should be an accountant. Then Kelli says she should be a lawyer! Great minds???? Haha. I hope that if she comes back she works on her power and her smile!!!
  19. It's not Maddie's weight or chipmunk cheeks that bother me, it's that hair. It is so scraggly and nasty. Nicole B, please do a hair intervention with Maddie and help her figure it out!!! Thanks
  20. Julia vs Lisa - I asked earlier when there was sooo much Lisa snarkiness going on here re why she wasn't liked. I never got an answer (other than RBF), so here is what I see: Julia - Girl should have been the most well spoken of all the girls, but when they did the apartment interview her voice shook and she was very uncomfortable. Every time the camera pans to her, SHE has an RBF. And even last night when they showed her dancing and she got praise, I didn't like the dance. Her head moved but her body just didn't move. Lisa - Called out for having an RBF but everytime the camera pans her she has a smile with her adorable little Little-Heatheresque teeth. Every time I have seen her dance she is one of the most powerful out there and giving it all. Yes, she is a shortie and that isn't a plus for Kelli and her long American thigh dreams. She seems very intelligent and very driven. That can certainly turn off some girls who get by only on their looks. So, while I have no idea why Julia gets cut, I would take Lisa over Julia at this point based on my knowledge, But I'd also take Julia over some that made it. Amanda - While I am on a roll, I was not a fan, but that girl can dance. Opinion officially changed!
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